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Immoral Obsession

Page 19

by Theresa Papa

  Crow just shakes his head and exits the warehouse. Richard turns his attention back to me, cocking his head to the side. His eyes flash when he raises his voice for impact, asking, “Come on now, Bethie, isn’t there any love for me in there somewhere?”

  I scream louder around the gag and swear at him. My wrists become raw from my struggles, but I can’t stop because I’m so angry.

  He just continues to pace smugly in front of me.

  “Your father was always so much luckier than I was. Yes, your father was the best at what we do. He mastered the art of hypnosis much more fluently than I ever could. All he needed to do after a while with every subject was to use one word, and they fell under his spell. You know my little Amanda loved him.” He stops in front of me. “After a while, she went willingly with him, you know. She obsessed over him until the day you killed him and took him away from her. But obsession is a side effect of her illness, too. You and Amanda were always close friends, but you never knew of her mental illness. The Dissociative Identity Disorder was diagnosed early on, and I assumed she made use of her alternate identities to cope with sexual things she didn’t understand as a child. Up until your father died, she was cooperative and willing to please. The doctor gave her chlorpromazine, and most of the time, she acts perfectly normal while on her medications.”

  I look up at him having ceased my struggles, my eyebrows raised. I’m shocked about Amanda, but unfortunately, I’m not surprised. The part about the hypnosis makes sense to explain why I remember losing time and never could recall the rape encounters during my teenage years like I did when I was a child. Dr. Baxter only had amnesia as an explanation. Even he underestimated the evil.

  Richard reaches down and gently removes the gag. My mouth is as dry as cracked desert terrain, but I manage to hoarsely get my words out.

  “You will touch my daughter over my dead body, you sick, perverted bastard.”

  He pulls up a chair and sits, his legs crossed so his ankle rests on his knee. He uses his hand to smooth the fabric of his expensive slacks. Calm and collected, he smirks at me before his confirmation.

  “In a way, you are correct. I am sick, after all, where do you think Amanda got this illness? We have both been able to learn how to control the symptoms to an extent. But the obsessions eat at us so vividly that we cannot help but act on them from time to time.”

  “Let me see my daughter!” My body is heavy now, my shoulders slump slightly, and my stare meets the floor. “I don’t even know her name, and you’ve had her all this time.”

  “I named her Contessa Elizabeth, she is called Tess. She’s quite lovely; Tess looks exactly like you when you were little, about to approach the same age as you were when we met. But in her case, she already trusts and loves me,” he proclaims proudly. Richard’s eyes are dark and shining, paired with a specific twist of his mouth that makes him look demon-like when I look up again.

  I gather all my strength and straighten my spine in the cold metal chair.

  “When can I see her?”

  “When I deem you worthy of that privilege. You have work to do on your attitude and behavior. Until I’m pleased with your demeanor, Tess is perfectly happy and content where she is.” He rises and his outstretched hand cups my jawline. My lip curls in disgust as I pull my head away.

  “You see, my dear, that little behavior is what is unacceptable. When I can see that you accept your fate here and are a good little Bethie like I remember you were, then you can see her.”

  I’m a chameleon…

  Chapter 43

  Nico Pope

  “You are insane!” I sputter across the aisle of the plane to my brother Jaxson.

  “It’s badass, and it’s the fastest and most stealth way to enter the compound without being noticed,” he argues.

  “The only time we ever went hang gliding, we were still kids. Also, the instructor rode tandem with us. Why would we go in that way?”

  “Don’t be a dumbshit! We’ll have lessons first with Koch. He’s my contact in Rio. Koch has been gliding for twenty-three goddamn years. I’ve already checked into everything and made arrangements, so don’t piss me off and be a pussy. He’ll even rent us equipment when we’re confident enough to fly ourselves.”

  “Well, brother, you usually know what you’re doing, so I’ll trust you. But my fiancée will have your head on a stick if anything happens to me.”

  Charlie walks up the aisle and sits across from us on the Dragonetti’s private plane.

  “We have the location of the compound and have acquired all the details we need via drone. You two will land on the beach nearby and have to hike up to the compound. It seems to be the side that is unused and unguarded. It’s the best way in because he only keeps two guards at the front. It doesn’t seem that Harrington is at all worried about intruders being that it’s such dense jungle all around,” Charlie explains.

  Since the compound is the last place the tracker in Elizabeth’s bracelet was detected, we can only hope against hope that she’s still there. After landing in Brazil, we meet with Koch, and he teaches us on the gliders right away. The scenery can take your breath away from the viewpoint of the glider. I wish Samantha were here to experience the beauty of Rio with me. I’ll have to bring her here someday.

  After the second day of tandem trips, we fly ourselves. Another day and it’s now second nature for both of us. The rescue mission is tomorrow.

  We are on the penthouse veranda of the hotel, and on the table is a steak dinner. Rio de Janeiro is at our feet with a colorful sunset. A stunning view of the iconic statue of Christ overlooks our delicious meal. There are no words to describe the beauty of this country.

  “Now that we have planned every detail and double-checked everything. Let’s change our topic of conversation and eat dinner peacefully,” I announce.

  “Maybe you can give me some relationship advice since you and Samantha are the perfect couple in a fucking everlasting relationship,” Jaxson says.

  “Brother of mine, don’t tell me Amanda has finally talked you into settling down?”

  “You of all people know there’s no way I’m gonna fucking settle down like you are. No, this is bullshit stuff that I don’t wanna deal with. What’s going on is that since I rescued Jennifer from Club Beta and let her come live and work with me, Amanda is sort of jealous. It’s starting to piss me off!”

  “You and Amanda have had an understanding about your open relationship. You both have always seen other people, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah but I’ve never moved someone into my home with me like I have with Jen. Even though I’ve worked very hard to keep the relationship between Jen and me platonic and work related, it’s so motherfucking difficult for me. She is always around because she still needs to hide. She should have taken off by now. I allowed her to move in to keep her safe, but that smokin’ body wrecks me. Shit man! She’s attracted to me, too, and it’s just a matter of time before we both give in and fuck each other into oblivion. But if I become a dumbshit and we do, it could make things awkward with her in residence. So to speak.”

  “Well as far as Jennifer is concerned, to save my ass since she is Samantha’s best friend, don’t be a dumbshit. If you hurt her, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “I know, bro. It also wouldn’t go over at all with bitchy Amanda. She has a bug up her ass every time she comes over and sees that Jen is still there. Amanda is not a patient person, either. When stuff doesn’t go exactly her way, she makes it, so it does, no matter who the poor dick is that gets caught in the crossfire.”

  “Has Amanda ever mentioned her father lately? Does she know about the game and what we are doing?”

  “Son of a bitch! That’s another thing, when I told Amanda about the game before I left, she flipped out. Let’s just say all the glassware in her bar ended up in fucking pieces on the floor. I calmed that slut down though before I left, nothing a few restraints and a hot sexy fuck session can’t
fix,” he smirks and winks at me.

  “Hopefully, the bitch won’t go over to my house and take it out on Jennifer while I’m gone. She has always had a goddamn temper, but I’ve never seen her unravel quite this dramatically in all the years I’ve known her,” Jaxson conveys.

  “You and she have quite a lot of history together.”

  “Yes, yes, we really fucking do,” he admits. Jax looks out at the landscape while he exhales forcefully.

  Chapter 44

  Bethie Pope

  After our little talk in the warehouse, Richard carries me into the house firefighter style with my bare ass outward. It is a very humiliating experience, to say the least. The rooms where he leaves me become my new prison. If I have to describe them though, they are actually lovely. There is a sitting room with a television, a bedroom with a four-poster bed and crisp white linens, and an en-suite bath with a sunken Jacuzzi tub.

  The next time his presence is felt in the room with me is just after I have a mini-meltdown. I’m about to take a bath, and the water runs in the tub. My weary eyes stare back at me in the mirror. I have to go back to being the person I had once been— the person who is prepared to do anything for my revenge. Strong in my resolve to get through it all and zero to lose. Here and now I no longer have my Tony, there’s no life out there for me except my little girl. I’m a chameleon once again, ready to reinvent myself into whatever will accomplish my goals. Richard wants cooperative and agreeable? That’s what I will give him if it’s going to get my little girl back safe.

  I breathe in the steam and exhale deeply as I turn from the mirror. Slowly, I submerge my naked body into the tub and dunk my head all the way under. The view from under the water is one candle that flickers through the darkness. After I reemerge, my head rests on the bath pillow, my eyes closed. I enjoy the hot water easing all my aches and pains.

  When Richard enters the bathroom, I make no move to acknowledge him. My eyes remain closed and head back. He rounds the tub and sits on the ledge behind me, not saying a word. The first bit of contact is both of his hands on my shoulders to massage the fragrant bath oil into my skin.

  “The color and smoothness of your skin still astonishes me, Beth. I could massage and touch you all day.” He sighs, and his fingers encase my throat. Instinctively I open my eyes but still just stare at the ceiling. “Don’t think you’re going to ignore me today, Beth!” His grasp tightens, but I still just stare at the ceiling. “Are you ready to be my little cooperative girl again?” He waits for a beat, then his face is above mine upside down. “Well, answer me!”

  I blink once and nod slightly. Not moving a finger otherwise.

  “That’s my girl!” he exclaims as his fingers slide down my shoulders and cup my breasts. A small gasp escapes, but I rein it in quickly and turn off my mind from his unwanted touch. When he realizes I’m not going to fight him, he stands and removes his shirt so as not to wet it while he violates me further with his hands.

  My mind thankfully wanders to when I was happy at the lake house with Tony’s family celebrating my birthday. The tears that slide down my temples are disguised in my wet hair.

  When it’s all over, I’ve still never moved or made eye contact with Richard. Now as he stands over me and buttons up his shirt, I can tell he’s proud of himself for breaking me so soon. But only I know there’s no satisfaction in breaking one who’s already been broken.

  “Tomorrow you may see Tess.” Then he exits the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

  A small smile of satisfaction comes over my face knowing in some way I have manipulated Richard, as well.

  Chapter 45

  Nico Pope

  The morning is overcast with a misty fog over the bay. Lucky for us the fog hides our descent onto the beach behind Harrington’s compound. We then hide the glider as best we can in the greenery adjacent to the beach. The climb up the mountain looked worse from above than it really is, although we take a second to catch our breath once we reach the top.

  “Told ya bro, piece of cake,” Jaxson crows.

  “The hard part is still ahead. We have a half-day walk from here to the compound’s walls, and then we wait for darkness before going in. Then we still have to find Elizabeth.”

  “Don’t be such a pussy. Channel your inner James Bond,” Jax teases and pats me on the back.

  I laugh at Jaxson’s joke, but I’m still concerned about Liz. Also, I’m worried about the fact Harrington may have children captive in the compound who we can’t leave behind. We paid off a helicopter pilot to get as many people out as we need to at a moment’s notice. It would be so much better if we had Brazilian police on our side, but Charlie says there are indications that Richard pays them off. They leave him to do what he does in his remote compound, and he, in turn, doubles their salaries.

  “Hey, dickhead! Are you ready to tackle the jungle?” Jaxson asks as he unsheathes a huge machete from his holster.

  I crack up at the sight of him. Jax holds up the huge blade and gives a whispered Tarzan yell. I tease him in return.

  “If I must channel Bond, you’re channeling George of the Jungle!”

  He puffs out his chest, holds the machete in his right hand, and gives a thumbs up in his left with a big grin on his face.

  “Just you wait, bro. When it gets gnarly in there, you’ll be happy you’re with George of the fucking Jungle and his machete. I’ll go first of course,” Jaxson exclaims before he leads us in the direction of Richard Harrington’s lair.

  The jungle is intense, but we make it and reach the wall right before dusk. Now it’s time to settle in and wait for complete darkness.

  Chapter 46

  Beth Pope

  When I awaken the next morning, I have a newfound conviction. I’m more determined than ever to defeat Richard and rescue my sweet child. When I jump out of bed and open the drapes, there is a mist in the trees outside the window. The sun tries to peek through, and I’m certain that as usual, it will win its exposure later in the day.

  I begin to make a list in my mind while I brush my teeth. How many ways can I come up with to kill Richard? Poison, stabbing, shooting? Where can I get the things necessary to carry out each one? I can get poison from the plants in the jungle. But that would take too long. I could try to seduce a guard and steal his gun. But there are only two at the front gate. The rest of the people here in the compound are children really. They are all conditioned by hypnosis or drugged to comply. Come to think of it, he doesn’t seem too worried about intruders.

  I spit into the sink and assess my reflection. My hands are placed flat on the marble vanity as I lean in. So, I have stabbing left. I know Richard will get close enough soon when he plans to rape me on film. If I can find a weapon and hide it on my person before he strips me, so maybe I’ll have a chance.

  I open the drawers in the bathroom and look for anything that I can use as a weapon. I slam the drawer shut when I ascertain he has anticipated my intentions. There’s not even a razor to shave my legs. In its place is a cream hair remover. But I don’t give up. After the bathroom, I search the bedroom and sitting room and come up with nothing. There are multiple bottles of perfume, a brush, comb, and hand mirror on the dressing table. I pick up the mirror, my haggard reflection staring back. The memory of when I crept through the halls in Jake’s house with a hand mirror as my defense spurns an idea. A small tear escapes, but I’ll not allow myself to falter. With all my strength, I slam the mirror against the fireplace mantel. I’m going to ignore the thoughts of seven years of bad luck. My life has been one long succession of bad luck. Just as I intended to happen, the head of the mirror is almost totally separated from the handle. I bend it a few times, and it releases to provide a makeshift-stabbing device. The handle tapers off to the end perfectly. I take a deep gratifying sigh. It is the only way to save my daughter from a similar fate.

  When I dress, I put on a pair of jeans and fasten the weapon to my shin with a skinny belt I find
in the closet. There’s a knock on the door, so I quickly hide my weapon and answer it. The visitor is Eva, she smiles and says, “Ms. Pope, they are in the solarium. Please follow me to see Tess.”

  “Thank you, Eva, tell me, who is there exactly?”

  “Why it is your mother, Richard, and Tess.”

  “All right. Lead the way please.”

  The solarium is bright and warm with a Koi pond and waterfall that connects to a creek that leads outside. My spirits are lifted when I take in all the blooming flowers. Trees reach up into the glass ceiling. The sound of the water is lovely, but the next sound is the most joyful one I’ve ever heard. It speaks to my heart and soul and catches me off guard. It is the unrestrained laughter of my child. To hear it for the first time is like the angels’ dialogue from heaven. When we exit the solarium into the yard, she is there feeding the ducks. I stop in my tracks, my hand covers my gasp, and my eyes tear up as I take in the sight of her. She’s angelic and sweet with long brown hair half tied up in a butterfly clip. When she looks my way, her eyes are the same as in my own reflection. Only there’s no sadness or emptiness there. She smiles with perfectly white little baby teeth surrounded by plump pink lips and rosy cheeks.

  “Come meet your daughter, Elizabeth,” Mother says.

  I’m still dumbstruck but walk over to her. She holds out her hand to me.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Contessa, but you can call me Tess for short. Everybody does.”

  I shake her petite little hand and smile back. My eyes never leave hers.

  “My name is Elizabeth. It’s wonderful to finally meet you.”

  “Ne nee says you’re my mom.”

  “Ne nee?”

  “Yes, Elizabeth, Tess calls me Ne nee. It’s short for Irene. I couldn’t have her call me grandmother. I’m too young!” my mother exclaims.


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