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Immoral Obsession

Page 21

by Theresa Papa

  “No, darling, that was all Richard. His obsession with you never made any sense to me. It just helped me to manipulate him. You should have seen his face when I told him there were two of you!”

  “Are you ready for a room next to Amanda in the loony bin, Mother? What do you mean two of me?”

  “Oh, I forgot, your uncle Charles wouldn’t let us tell you that you have an identical twin sister that lives with Grandma in Italy. I was never in any shape to be a mother to either of you after you were born. So Uncle Charles convinced Bradford to let one of you stay with him, and Fiorella in Chicago, and the other would go to Italy to live with their mother. I was fine with the idea of course, as long as I didn’t have to make bottles and change diapers. The whole pregnancy was enough sacrifice.”

  I plop back in the chair, shocked by my mother’s revelation. Just to try to digest it all is exhausting. I have a twin sister! Lucky bitch, she never had to deal with these two nut jobs we got as parents.

  Chapter 50

  Liz Pope

  Second chances, or in my case third. I push away my negative thoughts of being undeserving. My inner volcano, as I refer to it had returned when my soul mate was thrown over the side of a high-rise building. The steaming pit of sadness, anger, and frustration that lived inside my gut, coursed under my skin, had come to the surface once again. I fed on it until I met my daughter and felt that fate gave me a new purpose. The love I feel for her is as unconditional as Tony’s love for me. He taught me that what is important is the way I can positively impact the people I love with no thought of anything in return.

  I gently stroke my daughter’s hair as she sleeps soundly in my lap. She’s the most precious person in my life.

  “Hey Lizard we need to speak to you alone.” Nico bends over my seat on the plane we boarded to return to Chicago. I gently move Tess to a pillow and follow him to two empty seats in the back where Jaxson already sits.

  “We have great news for you, but it might be a little emotional to tell you in front of the kid so we will show you while she is occupied by us,” Jaxson says.

  Nico rolls his eyes at Jax. “Just trust us and go along with the next hour without questions. I promise you will be very satisfied with the result. Deal?

  “You’ve never steered me wrong, but curiosity might kill me.”

  Nico turns toward me and grabs both my hands looking me in the eyes. “We won’t let it.”


  My cousins and I get from the plane straight into a black limo. Nico’s driver pulls up at the hospital twenty minutes later.

  “Who’s in the hospital? Is Samantha okay?” I ask them.

  “Everyone will be just fine. Follow me.” Jaxson says.

  He leads us through hallways and waiting rooms avoiding all the hospital personnel. Then he stands in front of a door and waits for me to catch up. When he pushes it open, the sight knocks the wind out of me, causing my steps to falter. Nico grabs me from behind.

  “Oh, my God! You’re alive!”

  My mouth hangs open, and my eyes fill with tears. Words escape me as I look back and forth between my two cousins and the love of my life.

  Chapter 51

  Nico Pope

  “Daniel! Please tell me your brother’s prognosis,” Elizabeth shouts and runs up to Daniel Dragonetti when he walks into the room.

  “Liz, thank goodness you’re okay. Mom is worried sick about you and Anthony,” Daniel says.

  “Please, how is he?” Tears flood her cheeks, and she’s shaking like a leaf.

  “Well, he’s actually made progress in the last few hours. The swelling in his brain has gone down considerably, which will let us bring him out of the drug-induced coma soon. Thank God he has a brother who’s a brain surgeon, right?” he says as he points to himself with his thumbs. “Hey, how did you guys manage to sneak past the desk? We have a family only rule right now, but I can pull some str…” Liz interrupts him.

  “I’m his fiancé, he asked me to marry him the morning I was kidnapped, and I said yes.” Liz exhales forcefully to calm herself down.

  Daniel and I are wide-eyed staring back at Liz, and then we both look down at Tess.

  “Who is this pretty little girl?” Daniel asks.

  “I’m Tess; she’s my mommy.”

  Daniel shakes his head and then says, “I guess we’ll have no problem letting you all stay. But for a few minutes while I do my check on him, you will have to wait in the hallway or waiting room.”

  I grab Liz into a hug on our way out. “Hey Lizard, you really have been through a lot. Life really hasn’t dealt too many cards in your favor. But I’m so glad you are finally gonna get your happily ever after.”

  “We both are Nico, we both are.”

  The elevator doors open and reveal Mrs. Dragonetti. When they see each other, she and Liz run toward each other and hug. Mr. Dragonetti comes out of the waiting room to hug Liz also. As Jax and I walk up, we can see the whole waiting room is full of people. Tony’s brother Dominic is there with his sister Amelia, and the most important person to me. Samantha. I greet everyone and grab my girl to hold on tight. Boy, I missed her.

  “I’m so happy all of you are okay. And most of all you are back safely in my arms. After all, the wedding can’t go on without the groom,” she says, followed by a giggle.

  “There’s nothing in the world that can keep me from marrying you, beautiful.”

  “Good! We only have a few weeks left till the big day. I have so much to discuss with you about the renovations at the house. It has to be perfect for the wedding.”

  “I’ll make sure it’s perfection for my bride.”

  Dominic walks up from behind Sam and pats me on the back.

  “Great job rescuing Elizabeth and Tess. Wow, she is a surprise!” he says.

  “Who is Tess?” Sam asks.

  “It’s a long story. I will fill you in later. But for now, Tess is Elizabeth’s biological daughter she gave birth to in her first year of college.”

  “Okie dokie, I can’t wait to hear that story.”

  Chapter 52

  Anthony Dragonetti

  My senses come alive with whispers in the room along with incessant beeping. I wiggle my toes and move the muscles slowly one by one traveling up my body carefully to test my ability. By the time I reach my head, there are soft hands on either side of my face, and an angel’s voice coaxing me to open my eyes. I say a little prayer that I’m still alive, that the person who speaks is too and not an actual angel greeting me in the great beyond.

  “Tony, please come back to us. Please open those beautiful eyes and look at me,” Liz says.

  My mouth is like I ate through a cotton field, so my voice is a raspy whisper when I try to speak.

  “My Liz.” Then I open my eyes to behold my wonderful girl and my whole family around me. She gives me a watery laugh and then bows down to kiss me.


  “Of course, son,” my mother says from the other side of the bed. She puts the straw in my mouth.

  Everyone is talking and laughing, but all I want to do is be alone with my Liz.

  “I really appreciate all of you being here for me. But can you guys give Liz and I some time alone?” I ask as loud as my raspy throat will allow.

  Everyone exits, and we are finally alone. I motion to Liz to crawl in bed with me. Once she’s snuggled into my side, all is right in my world.

  “Tony, how the hell did you survive the fall from the building?” Liz asks. “I was ready to jump off after you, and David grabbed me. It was the worst moment of my life.”

  She sniffles and then wipes her eyes. I rub her back with my casted wrist.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry that you had to witness that. The reason I’m alive is really just a fluke. When Charlie dropped me down on the roof from the copter, the cable that I was strapped to wouldn’t release from my harness. In the interest of time, Charlie just unhooked the cable from up in the he
licopter, and that left me still attached to the cable. They were getting away with you, and I acted immediately not giving a second thought to the cable that dragged behind me. When I fell from the force of the gunshot as it hit my bulletproof vest, the cable got caught up in a metal shell of an air conditioner. It prevented me from falling to the ground to my death. The problem was, once I ran out of slack, it propelled me into the brick wall with such force that I broke my wrist trying to break the impact. My head hit the building with such force that I was knocked unconscious immediately. Next thing I saw was your gorgeous face above my hospital bed.”

  She swirls her fingers under my T-shirt on my stomach, deliberately close to the string on my pajama pants. It feels good, real good, but it’s time that I ask for some details.

  “Baby, what happened while I was out cold?”

  “After you fell off the roof and took many years off my life, I believed you were dead! I threw up all over David in the helicopter and was practically catatonic the whole way to Rio.” I kiss her on top of her head. “He brought me to the airport, and we flew to another airport to change planes. Then when we were in the air, one of the flight attendants approached me. He had a plan to help me escape by using a gas that knocked everyone out. He gave me a gas mask and keys to my handcuffs. Then we escaped the plane and the kidnappers once we landed. Afterward, he took me to a beachfront home to hide out for a while.”

  “Who was this flight attendant?” I ask as I try to keep my jealousy at bay.

  “It was Jake, Shadow Walker in the game. But he had already given up on turning me over to Richard by the time he rescued me from David Dunstan. He wanted to be the hero, Tony.”

  “Okay, sounds like he failed as miserably as I did. How did you still end up in Richard’s possession?”

  “Another player, Black Crow, found us and killed Jake. Jake tried to save me but lost his life instead,” she says with a sniffle.

  “I’m sorry, baby; I know you feel guilty, but he was there of his own free will. You never asked for his help.”

  “I know, but I’m still sad about it. He tried to save me.” She wipes her face with her palms. “Black Crow took me to a yacht before he took me to Richard. My mother was there. She told me something very important that I need to share with you now. I most likely would have told you someday since we are going to be married though…”

  “What is it? You’re killing me.”

  “Okay, I’m getting there.” She sits up to switch positions so that she faces me now. Her emerald eyes are still wet. Air explodes through her puckered lips. “Remember when I told you to forget about me and move on with your life?” I nod with my lips pressed together. “The biggest reason I did that is because I was pregnant, and I had no memory of sex with anyone.”

  My eyebrows reach my hairline, and my mouth falls open. I try to sit up straighter and grimace from the pain.

  “I’m sorry Tony, I couldn’t tell anyone until I figured out how I got pregnant. I didn’t find out actually until after she was born, and I had to put her up for adoption. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. It was revealed that my father and Richard hypnotized me to have sex. When I found that out, I was sure that Richard must be the father, but it turns out that he did a paternity test and she’s not his, thank God.” She takes a breath from speaking so fast.

  “Whose baby is she and where is she now? How did Richard do a paternity test?”

  “I’m still not sure who her father is, he might have been under hypnosis, too and have no recollection. It turns out that my mother helped Richard to get her instead of the adoptive parents. She’s been with Richard since she was born.” Her voice slows down and lowers in volume. “But now she’s here with us.”

  Chapter 53

  Liz Pope

  We are both silent for a few minutes as we look into each other’s eyes. Tony looks so beat up from his fall. I can tell from his grimace he’s in a lot of pain. I grab his hand in mine and say what I need to say.

  “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my whole life, but if you can’t wrap your head around the fact that I have a daughter… I … I will understand.” I try to control the shaking in my voice. Once again, I burden him with my crazy, complicated, mixed-up life. I don’t blame him if he bolts. It’s just that I never want to live without him again.

  Tony’s mouth hangs open again. Then he smiles, lips together, and tilts his head to the side.

  “Liz, there is nothing in this world that you could tell me that would make me call off our engagement. If that’s what you’re wondering,” he replies. “Your daughter is a part of you, and I will love her and cherish her as I do you. When do I get to meet her?”

  “I can’t wait for you to meet her! She’s so smart and beautiful. I’ll get her.”

  When I venture out into the waiting room, Lucia and Tess have their heads together over a huge puzzle while Vincent happily observes. Tess laughs as she fits her puzzle piece into the picture, and Lucia smiles adoringly down at her. Tony’s mom was telling the truth when she promised to always treat me as her daughter. She really meant it when she proclaimed that my children would be her grandchildren even if her son weren’t the father. My heart feels as if it will explode. I’m so filled up with love and the wonderful feeling of belonging in a true family.

  The End



  Book #3


  Jaxson Pope is the handsome, successful lawyer who likes gorgeous women and expensive cars. He couldn’t care less what his family or other people think of him. When a woman asks if he ever gets emotionally involved, he puts her off instantly. “ I’m a player, sweetheart. I flirt, smile, conquer, and on to the next one. The more down and dirty the lady will get the better; there is no salvation for me ever.” He exudes dominance just below the surface making him sexually irresistible.

  That’s how Jennifer Chambers perceives Jaxson. He plays the part of a Dom to rescue her in the club, and her life is never the same. Jax is confusing, to say the least when he lovingly takes care of her but keeps things platonic afterward. Jen knows there’s another woman in his life named Amanda who has a hold over him. Just how strong is that bond and why is Jaxson willing to sacrifice it by taking care of Jennifer?

  Amanda Harrington has known Jaxson since she was five years old. He saved her once. But it only brought the wrath of his uncle down on him. Having Jaxson with her all the time made her feel less scared and alone. He always comforted her when she needed it, a small token he thought to make up for not being able to save her. Amanda’s love for Jax is obsessive, but after all, he is her lifeline to keeping her sanity.

  Read Reckless Obsession the third book in the Pope Family Trilogy. A preview follows the Acknowledgements. Watch for the new series on the Dragonetti Family on my website :


  The research on this book was somewhat difficult to study. Specifically, it’s frightening and sobering to read about all the actual victims in real life. Although, I still wanted a Happily Ever After for my fictional characters, many people are struggling with this issue in reality. We will continue to keep all of them in our prayers.

  If you or someone you know is in need, please seek help for the innocent victims.

  Need help? United States:

  The National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-Child or 1-800-422-4453

  National Human Trafficking Resource Center

  1 (888) 373-7888

  SMS: 233733 (Text "HELP" or "INFO")

  Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week

  Languages: English, Spanish and 200 more languages

  Thank you so much for reading Immoral Obsession, book #2 in The Pope Family Trilogy. I admit that this book became a little darker than I originally pl
anned, but I felt I shouldn’t shrink at the thought of portraying some characters as closely to their evil real-life criminal counterparts as possible.

  Hopefully, you have already read A Brush With Obsession book #1 in The Pope Family Trilogy before this book. If you liked these works, please consider the third story in the Trilogy, Reckless Obsession that is about Jennifer, Jaxson, and Amanda. There are also cameos of Nico, Samantha, Elizabeth, and Tony.

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  Hopefully, you were entertained and maybe the romance in my books added a little spice to your love life. If you enjoyed them, please consider leaving a review or recommending to a friend. Thank you again for your support!

  About the Author

  Theresa is a self-published author of fiction. Originally, from a suburb just outside of Chicago, she now resides in Arizona living out her dream of creating a life she never needs a vacation from. She and her husband of thirty-two years have two daughters who are the most important part of their world. Theresa's big Italian family extends throughout the country with a rich and flavorful history. Much of that history spurs ideas for the stories she creates.

  ‘Art Imitates Life’

  ‘Art imitates life’ is true about certain details in the story. It might be interesting for you to know some of the elements that are based on real life history.


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