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The Winning of Barbara Worth

Page 18

by Harold Bell Wright



  The crowd that waited in front of the new hotel for the arrival of thestage, the evening James Greenfield came to Kingston, was unusuallylarge. The King's Basin Messenger had announced the coming of thepromoter and president of The King's Basin Land and Irrigation Companyand the pioneers had assembled to see the famous capitalist whose powerin the money world was making possible the reclamation of the desert.

  Mr. Greenfield's greeting in the lobby, under the perspiring efforts ofHorace P. Blanton, soon assumed the proportions of a public reception.With his Manager to introduce the prominent citizens, and Horace P.,who was never farther than a yard from the capitalist's elbow to assistin receiving them, the man from New York entered graciously into thespirit of the occasion. And when the man in the white vest, intoxicatedby the atmosphere of greatness, burst forth in a speech of welcome,setting forth the wonders of The King's Basin, the marvelous growth andfuture of Kingston, the greatness of Greenfield and--quiteincidentally--the greatness of Horace P, Blanton, all in behalf of thepeople, the Easterner replied with a few modest remarks, in which hehinted at even greater things to come, promising by subtle suggestionunlimited wealth for all who would invest their money and their livesin The King's Basin project.

  Then Mr. Greenfield slipped away with Willard Holmes to his room. Thefriendship between the engineer's own parents and his benefactor hadbeen lifelong and very close. It was a story, years ago forgotten bythe world, of how Grace Winton had chosen one of the two college chumsand why the other had never married. In the repeated business failuresof his old schoolmate and the consequent loss of his fortune thesuccessful financier had proven himself many times a friend in need,and through the long illness of the man who had been successful inwinning the woman they both loved, Greenfield, with his wealth, hadbeen steadfast in his thoughtful care. When baby Willard's mother diedsoon after the death of his father, she--knowing the heart of the manwhose love for her had kept him childless--committed to him her onlychild, and Greenfield, accepting the trust, had taken the boy into hislife and heart as his own son.

  After the loss of William Greenfield, his only brother, JamesGreenfield--whose power in the financial world was steadilyincreasing--had no one to intimately share his success but youngHolmes, and when Willard had finished his school and chosen hisprofession the older man used the influence of his own position to givethe young engineer every advantage.

  As the two men faced each other now after the longest separation theyhad ever known, the Company's president studied his chief engineer withinterest.

  "Well, Willard, my boy," he said at last; "how do you like it? Say, butyou are looking fine. You always were a handsome youngster butyou're--you're improving, young man. I'm blessed if you don't look likea work of art done in bronze." He laughed with the pleasure of his ownconceit and the other laughed with him.

  "Wait until this sun gets a shot at you, Uncle Jim."

  "Humph! I suppose you think it will make me into some sort of anhideous old idol. I don't propose to stay long enough to give it achance," he added grimly, and as he finished a shadow fell over hisface and the laughter died out of his voice.

  "What's the matter; don't you like the West, Uncle Jim?"

  "I hate it, and with good reason. Don't you get too interested outhere, Willard. We'll clean up a nice little pile out of this scheme andget back home where we belong. I miss you like the deuce, boy!"

  The engineer started to say something about the work, but Greenfieldheld up his hand. "Not a word about business to-night, Willard. We'lltake that up to-morrow. Tell me where I can get a shave and then we'llhave dinner and after that a quiet evening together."

  Holmes laughed. "We have a barber, all right, Uncle Jim. He landed withhis outfit this afternoon. There was no place for him, and thefreighter unloaded him on a vacant lot about a block west of the hotel.It's been a long time since most of us have seen a real barber and theboys couldn't wait. Trade came with such a rush that he set up hischair in the street and has been doing a land-office business eversince. They say he's all right, too, but it looks funny."

  Mr. Greenfield, his curiosity aroused and being really in need of ashave, sought out the shopless barber. He was easily found, for thecrowd that had gathered to witness the arrival of the great financier,James Greenfield, had already drifted to the scene of Kingston's otherchief attraction. Piled in a vacant lot was the necessary furniture fora well-equipped shop, but only the chair was in use. A goods-box nearbyheld the instruments of the craft while a bucket of water, a tin basin,and a supply of towels completed the arrangements. The delighted crowdfilled the air with good natured chaff and laughter as the customerscompared notes and attempted to express their emotion at findingthemselves properly groomed.

  Mr. Greenfield, highly amused at the novel sight, pushed his way wellinto the circle.

  "Next!" shouted the man with the brush and razors in a voice that washeard a block away.

  Some joker shouted: "Your turn, Mr. Greenfield," and "Greenfield!Greenfield!" chimed the crowd.

  Amid yells of delight the president of The King's Basin Land andIrrigation Company took his place in the chair.

  As the barber worked he talked. Never before in all his professionalcareer had he been so prominently in the public eye. "Yes sir, gents,I'm here to tell you that that there man, Jefferson Worth, is aprince--a prince. Let me tell you what he done for me. You see thingswas gone all to the bad. Looked like every way I turned I went upagainst it proper, and first thing I knowed my furniture was piled outon the sidewalk and Mr. Sheriff he was a-sellin' it. Well, sir, Mr.Worth he happened to come along just as they begun to ask for bids andI'm darned if he didn't take the whole works just as if he had donenothin' but buy barber shops all his life. I was layin' low in thecrowd, watchin', you see; and there was somethin' about him--the way hestopped and bid the stuff in, or somethin', I dunno what--that struckme, so I edged alongside and says, says I: 'Are you a barber?' Whew!the minute he looked at me I seen my mistake, but he never batted aeye. 'Not yet,' he says. 'This is a pretty good outfit, ain't it?' 'Youbet it is,' says I. 'It was mine a few minutes ago.' An' then I tellshim how I was up against it an' asks what he was goin' to do with thestuff. 'I'm goin' to ship it to Kingston in The King's Basin country,'says he. 'We need a good barber down there and I figured that if I gotthe shop ready I could find the man to run it. How would you like totackle the job? I'll send you and your outfit to Kingston and sell youyour shop on good time, too, for just what it cost me.' An' here Iam--Next!"

  Mr. Greenfield slipped from the chair and silently tendered thetalkative barber a five dollar bill. As the barber was counting out thechange the eastern financier heard behind him murmurs of heartyapproval and admiration of Jefferson Worth. The barber's story had madea deep impression and certainly no one in the crowd was more deeplyimpressed than was the president of The King's Basin Land andIrrigation Company.

  At dinner that evening the boy with the weekly edition of the Messengercame into the dining room. Mr. Burk, taking his copy, glanced once atthe first page, folded it carefully and laid the sheet before hisemployer with the headlines of a leading article uppermost.

  Mr. Greenfield read: "The Citizens Bank of Kingston--Jefferson Worthowns the building opposite the opera house and has organized a bank."

  Mr. Greenfield did not need to read further.

  "Who did you say was building the opera house block?" he asked theManager.

  "It is owned by a syndicate. The local man in charge sits at that tablein the corner"--he nodded toward a clean, solid-looking young fellow,who was enjoying his dinner and chatting with Abe Lee.

  In the lobby, a few minutes later, Greenfield whispered to Holmes:"Introduce me to that young man, Willard."

  His order was easily obeyed and soon, in a corner, the president andhis new acquaintance were chatting pleasantly over cigars furnished bythe New Yorker.

  "That building of yours seems to be a very cred
itable piece of work,"offered Greenfield. "The investment ought to pay big later on. Butisn't it rather heavy for the present size of the town?"

  The other smiled pleasantly. "True; but you see we are not building itfor a town of this size, Mr. Greenfield. We expect Kingston to growrapidly and we realize the importance of being on the ground first."

  "That's right, too," returned Greenfield. "With the capital to do itthat is undoubtedly the right plan. I understand you represent a Coastsyndicate."

  Again the young man smiled. "That is the general understanding, Mr.Greenfield, and until to-night I have not been at liberty to contradictit. I can tell you now, however, that the syndicate which is putting upthat building is Mr. Jefferson Worth."

  Greenfield was too well-schooled to give vent to the slightestexpression of surprise. His tone was courtesy itself as he replied:"Indeed? Mr. Worth seems to be doing a great deal for Kingston."

  Then the talk shifted easily into other channels until the presidentfound opportunity to leave his companion. Rejoining his Manager andHolmes, Greenfield requested Burk's presence in his room and, oncethere, threw aside the mask of politeness, making it clearly evident,in words chosen for forcefulness rather than politeness, that he didnot approve of the situation that had developed under the thoughtfulManager's eye.

  "And now," he finished, "send the proprietor of this hotel up here."

  The uncomfortable Burk obeyed. When the landlord arrived with ananxious face, Greenfield was his courteous, affable self again.

  "Mr. Wheeler," he said, "there is a little business proposition I wishto lay before you while I am here and I thought it better to mention itthis evening so that you can have time to think it over and give meyour answer before I leave. I can see, of course, that this hotel,building and all, represents quite an investment and that, for a time,the returns will not be large. I don't know, of course, how muchcapital you have to swing it, but I can see that without good,substantial backing the enterprise might not hold up, which would bevery bad for the reputation of the town in which, as you know, ourCompany is so heavily interested. Now if we could bring about somealliance between you and the Company it would be a good thing allaround, do you see?"

  "Yes sir, I see. This is a big undertaking for Kingston as conditionsare now, but later it is bound to be a good paying investment and werealize the importance of getting in on the ground floor. But I am notat liberty to consider or make any proposition whatever until I haveconsulted the owner--"

  "The owner?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "I was told that you were the proprietor. Your name is on the hotelstationery."

  "I have only a very small interest. My associate would not permit hisname to be used at all. I may tell you, however, confidentially, thatMr. Worth owns the building and practically all the hotel equipment.You can easily place your proposition before him. Whatever he does I ambound to accept."

  James Greenfield chewed his cigar in savage silence. Clearly it wastime that he visited his town.

  "Do you know where Mr. Worth is this evening??' he asked as mildly ashe could speak.

  "In his office, I think."

  "Would you be good enough to send him a message that I would like tosee him on a matter of importance? I will wait in my room."

  "Certainly, sir."

  When the landlord was gone the president of The King's Basin Land andIrrigation Company walked the floor, carefully reviewing his dealingswith Jefferson Worth from the beginning. So this was what the bankerhad "up his sleeve" when he declined to join the Company!

  He was interrupted by the boy with Mr. Worth's answer. Mr. Worth wouldbe in his office at the store until ten o'clock.

  The eastern capitalist made his way to the little room in the storewhere Jefferson Worth sat at his battered old desk. "How do you do?"

  "Sit down," came the colorless greeting as the western man with onehand closed the door and with the other motioned toward the chair atthe end of the desk. Then seating himself again in his own chair hewaited behind his mask.

  "Well, Mr. Worth, I see you decided to come into the Basin after all."

  "I concluded to make a few small investments," came the exact reply.

  Greenfield laughed shortly. "Yes--this store, the electric power plantand system, the bank building and bank, the opera house block, thehotel, the telephone system--" The Company president's tone and mannerwere intended to imply that he understood clearly the other's attitudeand that he recognized a fellow-craftsman. "Come now, Worth; let's getdown to good business. It's poor policy for you and me to go againsteach other. You know what there is in it for all of us if we hangtogether and you know as well as I that we can't afford, and that wedon't want, to fight each other. What sort of a deal will it take toget you into the Company? I tell you squarely, we are going to make italmighty hot for any independent operator who tries to start in here."

  "I must decline to consider any proposition at all from the Company,Mr. Greenfield."

  In the silence that followed Greenfield sought in vain to look back ofthat gray mask. He felt for the first time in his business careerpowerless to make the next move in the game and somewhere back in hisactive brain a warning signal flashed: "Go slow!"

  "Very well, Mr. Worth," he said at last, rising to go. "When you areready to consider the matter let me know. In the meantime"--he shruggedhis shoulders and smiled--"good night."

  Outside the store Greenfield paused irresolutely as one hesitates whosemind is too preoccupied to direct his steps. Then his eye caught thegleam of light from the printing office across the street next to theCompany building.

  A moment later he greeted the young man who edited and published theMessenger. "You seem to be pretty well fixed here," offered Greenfieldafter the usual greetings. "Seems to me your prospects are mighty goodfor a young man. Your profits ought to be big if you can hold on andgrow with the development of the country."

  "Yes sir, I feel that our chances are good. Kingston is growing rapidlyand we are in on the ground floor."

  Greenfield looked at him sharply as he uttered the now familiarexpression. "You have all the capital you need?"

  "We are doing very well so far."

  "I have been looking your paper over with some care," the presidentwent on, "and I believe you have the right idea. A newspaper is apowerful factor in a great enterprise like this and of course I amanxious that everything that makes for the advancement of our projectshould succeed. I would be sorry to see you crippled in any way forlack of funds. If you are open to consider the matter I should be gladto take a good big interest with you and to undertake to back youhandsomely."

  "I don't think my partner, who really furnished all the capital, wouldsell, sir."

  "Ah! Then you are not alone?"

  "No sir. Mr. Jefferson Worth practically owns the plant."

  The first thing that met Mr. Greenfield's eye as he stepped through thedoorway on his return to the hotel was the broad back of Horace P.Blanton, who--carried away as usual by the importance of theoccasion--was "orating" to a group of strangers. It should be saidthat, save when the Kingston citizens were in a certain mood, Horace"orated" usually to strangers. In this case so convincing was hislogic, so eloquent his flights of rhetoric, so irresistible hisappeals, that Greenfield saw the fat neck of him, where it showedbetween the fat shoulder and the picture-general hat, grow red with thefierceness of his eloquence.

  "There is no question in the world, gentlemen, that by long odds themost able financier in the West to-day is my friend, Mr. JeffersonWorth. His startling genius as a captain of industry is equaled only byhis splendid public spirit and his magnificent generosity to everyonewho needs a helping hand. Look what he has accomplished for Kingston,while only a few of us who were on the inside knew what he wasdoing--our opera house, our bank, our newspaper, our telephone lines,our ice plant, and our power plant--which to-morrow night for the firsttime will illuminate the heavens. Think of it! electric lights in themidst of a desert that, since God made it,
has known only the light ofthe stars. I maintain, gentlemen, that it is the duty of every soul inThe King's Basin to be present at the celebration of the splendidaccomplishment and in honor to my friend, Worth. Not only has thiswizard given us in Kingston the blessings of modern civilization, butthere is scarcely a rancher for miles around whom he has not aidedmaterially by furnishing him with needed supplies from the bigdepartment store, or by advancing him necessary capital. I am proud,gentlemen--proud, to call such a public benefactor my friend. Kingstonis proud of her most distinguished citizen; the whole King's Basincountry is proud of him. I--Oh, excuse me a minute, gentlemen; as I seemy friend, Mr. Greenfield, the president of The King's Basin Land andIrrigation Company, has just arrived."

  Greenfield made an effort to escape. He had heard quite enough. But itwas useless. The white-vested bulk of the orator barred the way; thekingly countenance of Horace P. Blanton compelled recognition. "My dearGreenfield, how are you?" The voice was the anxious voice ofunmistakable disinterested affection. "You have arrived at a mostauspicious moment. I have promised our people that you would addressthem at the public meeting to-morrow evening in the opera house."

  "It is impossible, Mr.--Ah! Mr. Blanton; I never make public speeches."

  Before Greenfield had finished his curt reply the perspiring one hadhim by the arm in friendly familiarity, and with the president's lastword the answer came in a low, confidential tone of completeunderstanding. "Of course you understand that I have arranged thislittle affair simply to encourage every one to do his part to boomKingston. It is to our interest, you know, to keep things going."

  Until a late hour the president of The King's Basin Land and IrrigationCompany, with his General Manager and chief engineer, in the Manager'sprivate office, discussed Jefferson Worth's operations and his growinginfluence in The King's Basin country. James Greenfield had evidentlyforgotten his determination to spend the evening with Willard Holmes.

  It was notable that the president and his Manager did most of thetalking. The engineer was, for the most part, a silent listener. Whenappealed to directly he answered briefly, giving such information as hehad at his command, and several times his answers caused Greenfield tolook at him with questioning sharpness.

  Once the older man remarked: "I believe you wrote me, Burk, thatWorth's daughter had arrived and that they are to make their home inKingston. Is she likely to prove a factor in the matter of her father'spopularity and influence? Sometimes a woman, you know--"

  Burk's cigar shifted to the corner of his mouth and his head was cockedto one side. "Ask Holmes," he muttered with a grin.

  "I think you'd better leave Miss Worth out of this, Uncle Jim," saidHolmes so sharply that Barbara's name was not mentioned again. Whichdoes not mean at all that Greenfield had dismissed the matter from hismind.

  "You have that South Central District survey ready?" he asked.

  "I believe the boys have it in shape," answered Burk. The engineer laida map before them, explained the boundaries of the proposed district,the line of the proposed canal, and on another sheet pointed out thecharacter of the land with the elevations that made irrigation of thelarger part of the tract impossible.

  "You can vouch for the correctness of these figures, Willard?" askedGreenfield at last.

  "Certainly, sir. Black is one of the best men we have."

  "And it is your opinion that it would be a heavy loss to the Company tobuild this canal and attempt to develop this section?"

  "I am sure that it would, sir. The district is practically worthless."

  "All right, boys; that will be all for this evening. We will start onthat inspection tour day after to-morrow instead of in the morning as Ihad planned. I have a little business with our friend Worth to-morrowmorning."


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