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The Fire (Hurricane Book 4)

Page 15

by R. J. Prescott

  “Umm. Back to my friends. Now if you’ll move aside please, they’ll be waiting for me,” I replied, putting as much authority into my voice as I could.

  “What? They can’t spare you long enough for you to say hello to a fellow Irishman? Are ya too good for the likes of me or somethin’? Ya nose too stuck up in the air to even talk to me,” he cajoled. His tone was teasing, but there was an air of aggression about him that had my hackles rising.

  “We’ve not been introduced Mr Murphy, but I know who you are. I certainly wouldn’t walk past a friend without saying hello, but the fact is that we aren’t friends. We aren’t even acquaintances. And if you ever manhandle me like that again, I will have no reservations about kneeing you where it hurts and saying a Hail Mary for your sorry soul, while walking over your prostrate, pain-ridden body,” I replied, with attitude.

  “Fuck me, that’s some temper ya have there. That red hair ain’t a lie is it darlin’?” he replied, smirking. I was wise enough to be scared of him and smart enough not to show my fear. It would only make him feel more powerful. There was no way I could shift him physically, but if he didn’t move soon, I wasn’t above screaming. I was about to give him a last warning, when someone shoved him. Hard.

  Hearing Tommy’s voice, I could’ve wept. Both relieved and terrified that the situation was about to escalate, I threw myself at Tommy and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

  “You okay darlin’?” Tommy whispered in my ear, as Liam addressed his brother.

  “I’m good. Thanks for rescuing me,” I whispered back.

  “Always,” he replied, giving me a quick kiss to the temple.

  “It’s a free country ain’t it? If I want to drink here, I’ll drink here. Far as I can tell, there ain’t really much you can do about it,” Declan said, wearing the smug look of a man who knew he was right.

  “Yeah, and does da’ know you’re here?” Liam replied. Instantly, Declan dropped the smirk and his face became a mask of anger.

  “Don’t you dare call him da’, ya fuckin’ poofter. You stopped being a member of this family the minute you decided to start fuckin’ other queer boys and dishonouring the family name,” Declan spat. I’d never heard anyone so acerbic and full of hate. Every word from his lips dripped with disdain.

  “Yeah, yeah. Sticks and stones,” Liam replied. He sounded bored, but I could see the hurt in his eyes as his brother tore him apart.

  “Does she know what kind of company she’s keeping?” Declan asked, nodding his head towards me as he spoke.

  “She knows,” Liam answered.

  “And she’s proud of the company she keeps,” I added.

  “Fuckin’ other men ain’t just wrong, it’s a fuckin’ sin,” Declan argued.

  “Explain to me how you think it is that God will judge him for who he loves, and not you for who you hate? As far as I’m concerned, God gave us hearts so we could love. Filling yours with so much disdain is just a waste of His gift,” I replied.

  “Fuck, yeah!” Tommy shouted, giving Declan the finger and looking proud enough to burst.

  “You’re as bad as they are.” Declan said, his glare filled with animosity, like I’d betrayed him by not taking his side.

  “Look at my girl again, I fucking dare ya,” Tommy said to Declan. Any trace of humour in his voice was gone, and the expression on his face made me shiver. It was like Declan had literally flipped a switched inside Tommy. Gone was the cheeky entertainer, and in his place was a man barely in control of his violent impulses. If ever I needed any evidence that he’d spent most of his life training with world class fighters, I had it. And he didn’t even need to raise a hand.

  “You’re fucking kidding me! You two are together?” Declan said, looking back and forth between Tommy and I angrily.

  “If you don’t want to see your teeth spread out on the pub floor, I suggest you shut your mouth.” Con warned, his voice deceptively calm but nonetheless menacing. “Turn around, and fuck off back to the Holy Cross. I see you in here again, or talking shite about me or mine, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born,”

  “Safety in numbers, ay boy?” Declan retorted. “You’re too much of a chicken shit to lay a hand on me, and risk losing those sponsors of yours. It’s easy to be Johnny Big Bollocks when it’s four to one. I’d make the most of throwing your weight around if I were you, cause you ain’t gonna be able to hide behind your old man for much longer. In fact, why don’t I help you save face in front of your little fag friends, and let you get one hit in for free. I’m sure with the cash I’d get from the law suit I could show Tommy’s bitch a good time. Especially now I know the uptight little whore spreads like butter.”

  Declan finished his tirade, closed his eyes, and opened his arms to Con, his smug grin doing little to cover his yellow teeth. Before I could even register what’d happened, Declan had dropped, unconscious, to the floor. Simultaneously, the guys all turned to look at Tommy, who just shrugged.

  “Ain’t like he wasn’t warned,” he said, looking completely unrepentant.

  “You hit him? But if he reports you, you’ll lose your job,” I replied, looking around frantically for witnesses. Luckily, we were tucked into a corner, and the boys had their backs to the crowd, shielding us from view. With the noise as loud as it was, it didn’t look like anyone had heard anything suspicious either. There wasn’t a single part of me that didn’t think Declan had brought this situation on himself, but that didn’t stop me from worrying about the consequences for Tommy. He loved being a firefighter, but if he was reported for assault, his career would be over.

  “There will never be a day I don’t fight for what I believe in ’cause I’m afraid of what I might lose. The minute he talked shite about you, he sealed his own fate, love,” Tommy said, and Lord help me if I didn’t swoon a little. What woman wouldn’t, when her guy risked everything to defend her honour?

  “I didn’t see anything,” Kieran said. “Did you?”

  “Nope. The guy does stink of booze. Maybe he passed out,” Con suggested. I smiled, knowing what they were all doing.

  “Now you say that, I was catching up with my brother earlier and he did seem a bit unsteady on his feet,” Liam added.

  “I didn’t really see anything either,” I added, truthfully. “But then, I’ve been with my boyfriend all night, so I was kind of preoccupied.” I slipped my hand into Tommy’s and squeezed as a show of support. Uncaring of the guys around us, or the unconscious drunk on the floor, he smiled at me with so much affection, it took my breath away. Leaning forward, he kissed me gently on the lips.

  “Thank you,” he whispered. “These boys are family. They’ll always have my back. But it means a lot to know that you do as well.”

  “Thomas Riordon. I am yours. I will always have your back,” I replied. And I meant it.

  “You love birds are so sweet. Maybe now we can hold hands and skip to prom together? That is, after we move this fat article of course,” Kieran said, sarcastically.

  “Do you mind? We’re kind of having a moment here,” Tommy replied, irritably.

  “Well, don’t let me stop you, cupcake. I’m sure no one will call the police if we leave him lying here,” Kieran replied, nudging an unconscious Declan with his boot.

  “Fine. If you’re going to be a drama queen about it. Get the other side then,” Tommy replied, grabbing one of Declan’s arms.

  “I’ll do it,” Liam offered.

  “Fuck that,” Kier said. “We’ll dump him on the steps of the Holy Cross, and unless you want to start another fight, you need to stay well clear of that place.”

  “He’s my family. My problem,” Liam argued.

  “We’re your family and he’s an arsehole. That makes him everyone’s problem,” Tommy said. “Do me a favour though, and make sure the girls get home safe. We’ll take care of this piece of shit and see you back at the gym tomorrow.”

  “No problem. Are you sure you don’t need me? Fucker weighs a ton,” Liam replied.
  “We’re good. Not like I don’t need the weight training anyway,” Con said, as he helped hoist Declan from the floor.

  “Worst date ever?” Tommy asked.

  “Not even close,” I replied, making him grin. I pressed a soft kiss against his lips, which made him smile even wider. More often than not it was Tommy who initiated our kisses or held my hand, so he loved it when I did the same.

  “Can I call you later?” he asked, and I nodded in reply.

  “For fuck’s sake. Tell me I wasn’t this much of a sappy tart when I met Irish,” Kier grumbled as they walked towards the door.

  “Oh no. You were incredibly cool and sophisticated,” Tommy replied, sarcastically. “Didn’t make a total twat of ya self at all.”

  “You’re both a pair of fucking Casanovas,” Con said. “Now can we get a move on so I can get back to my wife please?” I lost track of their conversation after that.

  Almost an hour and a half later, Tommy called me as promised and told me he was jealous of the guys. Because they all got to go home to the one they loved. And as I lay in bed alone, I knew exactly how he felt.

  “Remind me why we’re here again exactly?” I asked the girls.

  “Because we’ve both been moaning about wanting to do more exercise,” Em said.

  “And I’d mentioned to Em before that I haven’t been able to lose the six pounds around my belly since having Jack,” Marie added.

  “This way we get to tone up and have a bit of fun at the same time,” Em said.

  “But when you suggested a dance class, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” I replied, eying the pole in front of me with equal parts terror and distaste.

  “What are you worried about Ev? It’ll be fun!” Marie said, laughing.

  “Well. I’m most concerned about falling off and making an absolute tit of myself. But I’d add to my list of anxieties the fact that I don’t have a single rhythmic bone in my body, I lack any kind of coordination and I’m not entirely sure this pole has been properly sanitised,” I blurted out. Em and Marie looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

  “Take a look around lovely,” Em said, gently. “Just about every woman here probably feels exactly the same way. I know I do. If they were any good, then they wouldn’t be at a beginners’ class now, would they? The way I see it, it’s an opportunity to have a little bit of fun, and make arses of ourselves somewhere we won’t be judged.”

  “She’s right.” Marie added. “I have scars all over my body and a muffin top around my waist that jiggles when I dance. If I can do this, so can you. And just think how much Tommy will appreciate your new moves,” she winked.

  “Are you joking? He could probably teach them to me,” I replied, smiling at the thought of Tommy pole dancing.

  “She’s not wrong you know. I’d actually bet good money that Tommy would nail this class,” Em said.

  “The boy does have some serious moves,” Marie agreed, nodding.

  “Right then ladies,” the instructor said, clapping his hands together to call us to order. “It’s lovely to see so many of you here, and welcome to your first class. Pole dancing has been sexualised for many years, but it’s actually a great way to keep fit. It combines strength training, dance and even a little bit of yoga. We don’t want you to feel out of your depth, so week by week I’m going to introduce you to various beginner moves that we’ll practice through the lesson and the aim by the end of the course is to put them together in a mini routine. Now the first move I’m going to teach you is called The Fireman, so grab hold of your poles ladies, and let’s do this!”

  The three of us girls looked at each other and smiled. Of course the first move was The Fireman. As he talked us through it, I found myself loosening up and enjoying myself. The hour flew by. An hour where we shared a laugh with the other ladies, and used muscles we’d never used before. At the end of it, slightly sore as I was, I couldn’t help but relish in how much my life had changed since meeting Tommy Riordon. And there wasn’t a thing in the world, that would’ve made me want to change it back.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Say what now?” I said, steadying the bag I’d been punching so I could hear better.

  “I said, did Evelyn enjoy her pole dancing lesson last night?” Liam replied.

  “Kier! Con!” I yelled across the gym.

  “What do you want fuck nuts?” Kier replied, catching the medicine ball Con threw at him from where he was lying on the canvas floor.

  “Come over here. You need to hear this,” I said. They grumbled and moaned but wandered over to join us.

  “Now what is it that’s got ya knickers in such a twist?” Kieran asked me.

  “Liam here seems to be under the impression that Evie, Em and Marie went to a pole dancing class last night,” I explained, watching for any sign they knew, leaving me as the only one who’d been kept in the dark.

  “Fuuuuck,” Con muttered through clenched teeth. “You sure?”

  “Well I don’t know for definite that they went, but I know they were planning on it. Em called me a couple of nights ago and asked if me or Albie fancied it. Not my thing to be honest with you. Albie probably would’ve tried it for a laugh but he had rugby practice,” Liam said.

  “How come they asked you guys and not me?” I said.

  “Probably because we like yoga,” Liam replied.

  “I like yoga!” I protested.

  “You like watching women who like yoga. There’s a difference,” Kier answered.

  “Like you would’ve passed up an opportunity to see your Mrs sliding up and down a pole in tiny bits of lycra,” I argued.

  “How do you know they were wearing skimpy shit?” Con asked, clearly as concerned as I was about what we’d been missing out on.

  “You need skin contact between the thighs to get good leverage on the pole,” I explained. All three of the guys stared at me. “What? I was intimate with a stripper once and she let me try out her equipment.”

  “Of course she did,” Con replied, with a long suffering sigh.

  “Why are you using the word ‘intimate’? Why not just say it like it is and tell us you fucked a stripper?” Kier asked.

  “Because it debases the act of us sharing our bodies with one another. It was a personal moment in my past and I’d prefer not to mention it again,” I said.

  “Fuck me,” Con replied.

  “Serious Tom. I have no words. Literally, what the fuck? It’s like you’ve grown a vagina overnight,” Kier said.

  “Ignore ’em Tommy. If this is Ev’s influence, I approve. Kier, stop being a dick and leave him alone,” Liam replied, acting like the responsible parent between us as usual.

  “Can we get back to the part where the girls are training on stripper poles please,” Con replied. “Did Ev tell you where she was going?”

  “She just said they were going to an exercise class together. There was zero mention of poles. Shit, they’d definitely be wearing some sort of workout gear wouldn’t they? I mean, there’s no way they’d do the class in their underwear, is there? Because I don’t think I can handle that visual,” I said.

  “Don’t be feckin’ stupid. Can you see the girls poncing about in their knickers?” Kieran scoffed.

  “Stupid ay? Google pole dancing classes and see what you get,” I replied. Kier pulled out his phone and did as I suggested.

  “Fuuuuuck,” he said, seeing I was right.

  “You messaging Em, Con?” I asked.

  “Nope. My girl wants to learn how to swing around a pole, the only thing I’m gonna do is keep my trap shut and thank my fuckin’ lucky stars,” he replied, with a rare grin.

  “What you doin’ on your phone then?” Liam asked.

  “I just ordered a pole for my place. I’ll fit it in the home gym when it arrives next week,” he said.

  “Lucky bastard,” I replied, more than a little jealous. My place was tiny. There was no way in hell I could do the same thing,
but I’d kill to see Evie dancing around one. Just the thought of it, that combination of sexy and innocent, was enough to make my dick twitch.

  Con and Em had only been in their new house a month. It was pretty big, but not over-the-top, and probably far more modest than they could actually afford. As soon as the title fight pay cheques had come in, Con wanted to move, but his wife was ridiculously frugal. Although if you ask me it was less about the money for Em, and more about the fact that she hated change. Issues in her past meant that she craved security, and the feeling of home. Con had put his heart and soul into fixing up their last house, and that meant something to Em. The idea of moving somewhere new, where she might not feel the same way as she did in their first house, was enough to make her miserable.

  Con was nowhere near as sentimental. To him, it was bricks and mortar. Wherever Em and his boy were, was home. He finally convinced her, by showing her the nursery in the new house. Using the little rhino as emotional leverage had worked, and to Con’s relief she loved the new place just as much as the old one. Course, it weren’t like that had left the family either. They’d sold it to Kier and Marie for a song, and until I got my own apartment, most of my time had been spent hanging out there or at Con’s place. Albie and Liam’s flat was nice, but just as tiny as mine. Although with Albie’s teaching salary, and with the way Liam’s construction business was taking off, I didn’t think it would be long before they’d be on the move either.

  “Somehow I don’t think Ev would appreciate that kind of gift,” Liam said.

  “I’ve another gift in mind for her, but I’m gonna need some help with it. Any of you free tomorrow?” I replied.

  “I’m in,” Liam offered.

  “It’s a short day tomorrow. We need to train in the morning but we can be at your place by lunch,” Con replied, looking at Kier who nodded in agreement. I smiled, knowing that Evie was going to get a kick out of what I had planned for her.

  “Does someone want to tell me what you lot are doing, sitting around like a bunch of old ladies, and for the love of God, who let that feckin dog piss all over my feckin floor?” Danny barked, making us jump.


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