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Sophia's Hero

Page 7

by Angela Franklin

  “Sophia, stop.” Tanner said from her bedroom doorway. “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t. It’s fine. I knew this wouldn’t work. You don’t have to feel bad. We’re good.” Sophia gave him the best fake smile she could manage.

  Tanner kissed the fake smile off her lips. She tried to resist, but he wasn’t having it. He nipped her lower lip, then ran his tongue over it. She tried to pull away, but he grabbed her hips and pulled her against him. The move made her gasp and he took advantage of it. He stroked his tongue against hers, causing her to whimper. His hand tangled in her hair as he moved her head where he wanted. This wasn’t the gentle exploring kisses they had shared last night. His free hand drifted down to cup her butt. She had never felt like this before. He squeezed, and she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. With a growl, the hand in her hair drifted down and picked her up. She could feel the hard length of him against her, and she moaned.

  “Jeez, Soph, we have to stop.” Tanner grasped as he rocked against her.

  “Why?” She asked opening her eyes. She looked up confused. She was on her bed with him on the top of her. “How did we get here?”

  “Magic.” He smiled as he rocked again. Sophia moaned and dug her nails into his shoulders. “Have mercy, the sounds you make are driving me insane.”

  “Same goes.” She said rocking up to meet him. He growled, and nipped her lip.

  “We have to stop.” He said again, this time he used his hands to hold her hips still as he pushed up.

  “Why?” Sophia asked wrapping her legs around him.

  “Sophia.” He groaned. “If we don’t, I’m going to come in my jeans like a teenage boy.” She looked up at him with wide eyes. “What is it, Soph?” He asked softly.

  “N-nothing.” She stammered.

  “Have you ever…” He said watching her.

  “I’ve never even kissed someone before you. Of course I haven’t been with anyone.” She snapped. This was so embarrassing.

  “I know, but have you ever come?” He whispered.

  “No.” She closed her eyes.

  “Look at me, Soph.” He demanded. “Do you want to?” He asked when she opened her eyes.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for sex yet.” She whispered. She wanted him, but she had to do what was best for her.

  “I agree, but what if I could make you come without taking your clothes off?” He was watching her.

  “How?” She was confused. Maybe he didn’t want to see her.

  “One day, I will worship every inch of your gorgeous body.” He promised as if he could see the doubt. “For now, just relax and feel.” He kissed her.

  She wasn’t an expert, but she didn’t think even his kisses could do that. As she relaxed and enjoyed the kiss, he ran his hands down her thighs that were still around his waist. She let her legs relax and he started moving against her again. Within seconds she was moaning. He moved one hand up to cup her face, as the other moved under her to pull her tighter to him. Sophia arched, pressing her breasts against his chest, and he growled. That sound seemed to flip a switch for her. She pressed up against him. Her body felt like a wind-up toy. Tanner ended the kiss as he gasped for breath. His hips never stopped.

  “Come for me, Sophia.” He whispered, then nipped her ear.

  “Tanner.” She screamed as her body flew into a million pieces.

  Sophia wrapped herself around him. She felt like she was floating away and he was her only connection to earth. Her body trembled as her muscles slowly started to relax. Tanner kissed her lips and she smiled. He moved, and try as she might, she couldn’t get her muscles to hold onto him. Thankfully, he moved beside her, and pulled her against him. She sighed, perfectly content with her world at that moment.

  “Sophia.” Tanner whispered stroking her hair. She snuggled in close to his warmth. “Baby, we need to get back home.” He brushed a kiss to her forehead. “Jackson and your dad will be there soon.”

  “Crap, how long was I out?” Sophia asked jerking up.

  “About two hours. Relax.” He sat up rubbing her back.

  “I’m so sorry, Tanner.” Sophia told him standing up.

  “For what?” He asked walking out behind her.

  “For falling asleep, for not making you, um.” Sophia bit her lip. “I shouldn’t have asked you to do that.” She shook her head. “We were supposed to talk.”

  “Do you want to be with me, Soph?” Tanner asked her.

  “Yes, but…” She started.

  “That’s all I need to know.” Tanner smiled, then waited on the porch as she locked the door.

  “No, it’s not. Tanner, you can have anyone you want. I don’t want you to settle for me. I know you have more experience, and it’s not fair to make you wait till I’m ready.” Sophia said once they were in the car and heading back to Tanner’s.

  “Jeez, Soph. Your mom really did a number on you. I only want you. I will wait as long as you need. I’m not leaving. The only way I ever will is if you make me.” Tanner put his hand on her thigh. The rest of the drive was in silence. When they got there. Tanner met her at the front of the car. “You seem to think I am settling, but you’re wrong. You are perfect for me. You are the soft to my hard, the light to my dark. Can you look me in the eye and say you don’t want me?”

  “I do.” She said. Tanner smiled, then kissed her.

  “Brother.” Jackson yelled getting out of his truck.

  “It was just a kiss.” Tanner told him rolling his eyes.

  “Yeah, but dad is right behind me.” Jackson said walking past them. Sophia’s eyes widened.

  “Relax, everything is fine.” Tanner promised, then led her in the house.

  Sophia took her clothes to her room, then went to the bathroom. That was amazing, but she needed to clean up before she talked to her dad. She hoped he wouldn’t have a problem with her dating Tanner. Tanner wasn’t going to let her pretend they weren’t together. Chad was going to be so annoying. When she walked into the living room, Tanner handed her a glass of tea, and they sat on the couch.

  “Relax.” He said rubbing her tense shoulders.

  “I’m trying.” She told him.

  “Sophia, it’s just your dad. Everything is fine.” Tanner told her.

  “You’re right, I’m just nervous.” She knew her dad loved her, but what if her mom had convinced him she was right. Tanner took the tea from her hand, then pulled her chin up to look at him.

  “Relax.” He whispered, then kissed her. She melted into him.

  “Tanner, dad’s here.” Jackson said.

  “Hi daddy.” Sophia said looking up at him. He smiled at her.

  “Soph, relax.” Tanner whispered then pulled her up. “Jackson let’s go see how bad the garage is.” He said walking away. She looked up and panicked, but he winked at her. “Good to see you, Tom.”

  “You too, Tanner.” Her dad said.

  “There’s beer in the fridge.” Jackson said as the door closed behind them.

  “What can I get you? I haven’t baked anything lately, but I can make you a sandwich.” Sophia said looking down at her feet.

  “I’m so sorry, baby girl. I didn’t know she was that bad. There is no excuse for what you have been through.” Her dad pulled her into his arms.

  “It’s okay dad. I’m used to how she treats me.” Sophia said hugging him tight.

  “It’s not alright. No one deserves to be treated like that. You are such a beautiful, special young lady. She should cherish you.” Her dad kissed the top of her head. “I should have been paying more attention.”

  “She hid it when you were around. I never blamed you for what she said.” Sophia wiped the tears from her face. “Let’s sit down.” She gestured toward the couch.

  “Jackson gave me your number. I programmed it in my phone. She tried to call you yesterday, when it told her the number had been disconnected she was livid. Did that stop Steven?” Tom asked her.

  “So far, only y’all, Chad, and the
hospital have the number. I told the guys I’m going home Monday after work.” She told him.

  “Maybe you should stay longer.” Her dad said.

  “No. I can’t let him control my life. He doesn’t even like me. I have no idea why he won’t go away.” Sophia shook her head.

  “He’s not right in the head. Never settle for a man that hurts you.” He said seriously.

  “I won’t.” She promised.

  “Looks like you already found someone.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “He likes me for me.” She whispered.

  “That’s good, but what about you? Do you like him?” Her dad had to ask uncomfortable questions.

  “Very much. He seems to think I’m perfect.” She couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

  “That’s because you are.” Tom smiled at her. “Love you, baby girl.”

  “Love you too, daddy.” She hugged him again.

  “I should go before your mom notices I’m gone.” He kissed her forehead, then left her on the couch.

  Chapter 8

  “Mr. Maddix, may I have a word?” Tanner said, he felt like his whole body was shaking.

  “Of course, but if you call me that again, I will direct you to my father.” Tom smiled.

  “Yes sir.” Tanner took a deep breath, thank God Jackson had left, or he would be laughing. “I know it seems soon, but I love your daughter.” Tanner told him.

  “I can see that.” Tom told him.

  “I would like your blessing to marry her.” Tanner was looking in his eyes and watched them narrow.

  “Tanner, I don’t think you have been home long enough.” Tom told him.

  “Sir, with all due respect, I know she is it for me. I’m not planning to ask soon, but I wanted you to know what my intentions are.” Tanner’s voice was steady, but his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

  “Don’t push her.” Tom warned him.

  “I only push her when I know she is fighting what she feels.” He wasn’t going to lie and promise he wouldn’t.

  “She can be stubborn.” Tom shook his head.

  “Yes, she can.” Tanner smiled.

  “Alright, you have my blessing, but if you hurt her, I can make sure no one finds your body.” Tom promised.

  “I would expect nothing less, sir.” Tanner smiled.

  “Welcome to the family son.” Tom hugged him.

  “Can we keep this between us for now?” Tanner asked.

  “I think that would be best.” Tom said then got in his truck and left.

  That had gone better than he thought. He knew Sophia wasn’t ready, but he wanted to have all his ducks in a row when the time came. Having Tom’s blessing was a relief. He still needed to talk to Jackson, but that would be the easy part. He walked in the kitchen and found her mixing something and humming.

  “What are you making?” Tanner slid his arms around her, and kissed her neck. He felt her body shiver and he smiled.

  “I didn’t have anything to offer daddy, so I’m making cookies. I might make a cake too.” She sighed and leaned back against him.

  “I could order pizza for dinner.” He told her.

  “We had pizza the other day.” She reminded him. The column of her throat teased him.

  “But it got cold before we ate, so it doesn’t count.” He gave into the temptation and nipped the tendon between her neck and shoulder.

  “Tanner.” She whispered squeezing his hand on her stomach.

  “Who’s cooking dinner?” Jackson said coming in the kitchen.

  “The pizza place. Sophia is making dessert.” Tanner told him.

  “Sounds good. I’ll go get it.” Jackson said, then disappeared.

  “Are you about done?” Tanner asked her.

  “Yeah, I just have to put them in the pan.” Sophia told him.

  “Good.” He whispered and kissed her neck.

  “Tanner, I need space.” She said breathlessly.

  “Sorry.” He whispered. He had already moved to fast.

  “Stop pouting. I meant I can’t finish the cookies with you attached.” She laughed.

  “Can I watch?” He asked.

  “From a distance, yes.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  Tanner moved back, but was still close enough to watch her. She seemed to glow as she baked. Her smile was bright. She was relaxed, and happy as she hummed and put cookies in the pan. He had watched a similar scene growing up. Back then, it was her and his mom. Sophia had always belonged here. When she shut the oven door, he went to her.

  “Tanner.” She giggled.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.” He picked her up and sat her on the counter.

  His mouth was on hers before she could speak. He couldn’t wait anymore, he had to kiss her. He used one hand to tilt her head how he wanted, and the other rubbed up and down her thigh. Letting her up for air, he trailed kisses down her neck. That dark brown mass of hair drew his hands. Her pale skin was soft under his lips. She tugged on the hair at the nape of her neck. He leaned up and looked at her. Her green eyes were shining.

  “Love you.” He whispered without thought, then kissed her. She was frozen for a minute, then she kissed him back.

  “Really, again.” Jackson said walking in. “I’m going to start knocking. I don’t need to see this.”

  “I’m sorry.” Sophia whispered and tried to push Tanner away. Tanner looked down at her face, and saw she was about to cry. He lowered her to the floor, then let her go.

  “Please excuse me.” She said after she pulled the cookies out, then she took off down the hall.

  “What happened?” Jackson asked confused.

  “I think we are both at fault this time.” Tanner sighed.

  “What did I do?” Jackson asked.

  “She is so self-conscious that what you said bothered her. She is afraid you will be mad we are together.” Tanner answered him.

  “Well, damn. What did you do?” Jackson looked at him.

  “I told her I love her.” He said rubbing the back of his neck.

  “That’s great, isn’t it?” Jackson looked confused again.

  “Yes, but she’s never had a boyfriend before.” Tanner told him.

  “Sure, she has, what about…” Tanner looked at Jackson with an eyebrow raised. “Huh.”

  “Her first kiss was when Steven assaulted her.” Tanner told him.

  “Are you serious?” Jackson was furious.

  “That’s what she told me last night.” Tanner told him.

  “But you kissed her.” Jackson told him.

  “Yes. She didn’t tell me until after I kissed her last night that is was her first kiss.” Tanner sighed.

  “I have to ask again. Is this only about lust?” Jackson was trying to protect her, but it was pissing Tanner off.

  “I ask your dad for his blessing to marry her. Does that sound like lust to you?” Tanner snapped. Hearing a gasp, he looked up at Jackson, but he was staring out at the kitchen door way. He knew she had to be there. “Sophia.” He said as he turned. As soon as she saw him, she bolted out the front door.

  “Go get her. Keep her safe, and Tanner, you have my blessing too.” Jackson told him. “I’m going to stay at her place tonight.”

  “Sophia.” Tanner yelled going out the front door. He looked over and found her on the fallen log again. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Please don’t cry.” He whispered.

  “I’m so confused.” She confessed.

  “What are you confused about?” Tanner’s heart was breaking. He wanted to hold her, but he was afraid that would make things worse.

  “You, me, us.” She whispered.

  “So, everything.” He laughed.

  “Yeah, pretty much. Tanner, everything is moving so fast.” Sophia looked up at him.

  “Does it feel wrong to you?” If she said yes, he would back off.

  “No.” She admitted.

  “Sophia, we were meant to be together. I will wait as long as
you need, but when you’re ready, we will get married.” Tanner promised her.

  “What if you change your mind? There are lots of pretty girls in town.” Sophia looked down, but he pulled her chin up to look at him.

  “What if the world stops turning, or the sun refuses to shine? You are everything I could ever want. If you aren’t sure, I can give you time, but I love you, Sophia.” He leaned in and kissed her lips, then pulled back quickly. “I can give you space, but I need you inside. I don’t want you out here alone.”

  “What if I don’t want space?’ Sophia whispered.

  “I will give you whatever you need, Sophia, always.” Tanner promised.

  “Let’s go eat.” She said. He reached for her hand, and felt the way her hand was trembling.

  “Okay, let’s eat.” He smiled down at her. They sat the table and ate in silence. He could tell she was thinking, and he was trying to give her time. He hadn’t wanted her to find out that way, but his intuition said that was what was meant to happen. He prayed it was right. He couldn’t lose her.

  “Where is Jackson?” Sophia asked when she finished eating.

  “He said he was staying at your place tonight.” Tanner smiled at her.

  “Oh. I ran him out of his home.” She whispered looking down.

  “No. He wanted us to have some time to work this out.” Tanner appreciated Jackson trying to give them some space.

  “Tanner, this isn’t going to work. I won’t let this cause problems for you or Jackson.” Sophia shook her head.

  “This isn’t causing problems. You mean too much to me. I can’t let you just walk away from what we have.” Tanner walked over to her chair and took her hand. “Let’s go sit on the couch. I don’t like the distance between us.” When she tried to sit away from him, he turned her to face him and sat in front of her.

  “Please let me go home.” Sophia whispered.

  “Sophia, is there any chance you could ever love me?” Tanner said tilting her chin up so he could see her green eyes.

  “No.” She whispered. His heart broke, he reached for the phone to call Jackson, but she stopped him. “There can’t be a chance when I already love you too.”

  Unable to hold back, he pulled her into his lap and kissed her with everything he had. He had never heard sweeter words. This precious woman loved him. He didn’t deserve her, but he couldn’t let her go. The feel of her soft skin under his hand was amazing. He was afraid the rough callouses on his hands would hurt her delicate skin, but when he rubbed her petal soft cheek she leaned into his touch. He wanted to feel her hands on him, and wondered why she hadn’t touched him, then he remembered how little experience she had. He ended the kiss and pulled back to look at her. She sighed and looked up at him.


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