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Sophia's Hero

Page 9

by Angela Franklin

  “Tanner, I’m good now. You can relax.” She whispered.

  “Soph.” He whispered as he relaxed on top of her.

  “I’m no expert, but I think we’re supposed to move.” Sophia laughed.

  “Feels too good. I don’t want it to end.” Tanner told her.

  “This isn’t a onetime thing, Tanner. If you don’t move, I may have to hurt you.” She smiled.

  Tanner pulled out slowly. They both quivered at the sensation. When he pushed in, she rose to meet him. They continued moving slowly for a while. She could feel her body building up again and she wanted him with her. She moved faster, making him speed up. Her body felt like a live wire.

  “Can’t hold back, Soph, are you sure?” He groaned as he moved.

  “Yes, Tanner, come with me.” She felt his body jerk, and it sent her over the edge. She screamed his name, and wrapped her legs around him, holding him to her.

  “Sophia.” She felt his body shake as he erupted inside of her, his breath hot against her ear. Her body quivered, and he gasped.

  He unlocked her legs, and moved them so he could roll them over. The move pushed him deeper, and she felt her body clamped down around him. “Jeez, Soph.” He moaned gripping her hips.

  “What?” She asked confused. She wiggled at the full feeling of him still inside her.

  “Soph.” He moaned and held her hips still.

  “What?” She asked again.

  “You are driving me crazy. I’m way too sensitive for you to do that right now.” He told her.

  “I’m sorry. Do you want me to get up?” She bit her lip.

  “No baby. I want you right where you are, but you have to relax and be still.” Tanner wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to lay on his chest. “Sleep, Soph. After that, I’m exhausted.” He kissed the top of her head.

  Sophia couldn’t believe what had just happened. Tanner was still inside of her. She could hear his heart beating steadily under her ear. She looked at her hand on his chest. She was wearing his mother’s ring. Her mind was spinning, but this felt right. Her body felt so relaxed. She sighed and closed her eyes.

  She woke up before Tanner. He was still inside her, and he was hard. Moving slowly, she rocked against him. Sophia knew she should stop, but it felt so good. She bit back the moan that wanted to escape. Tanner moaned and flexed his hips. She looked down, but he was still asleep. She moved a few more times, then felt his hands grip her hips as he pushed up. She looked down to see his dark eyes locked on where they were joined. He rolled so he was on top and took over. He wasn’t being gentle this morning. The feel of him pounding her had her body clamping around him as she came. She felt him still as he pushed as far as he could and came with her.

  “Good mornin’.” She giggled when she had caught her breath.

  “Best morning ever.” He smiled down at her.

  “Sorry I woke you up.” She really hadn’t meant to.

  “You can wake me up anytime for any reason.” He said then kissed her. His stomach growled and she giggled.

  “Let me get cleaned up, and I will make breakfast.” Sophia said.

  “I would rather stay in bed with you, but you need to eat too.” Tanner said.

  When he pulled out, they both moaned. He leaned over and kissed her one more time before he walked to his bathroom. She couldn’t believe she had done that. She shook her head, then moved to the edge of the bed. As she stood, her legs wobbled. Walking to the door, she felt how sore she was. She took a long hot shower, then dried her hair, and brushed her teeth. With the towel wrapped around her, she ran to her room to dress. She could smell bacon frying as she left her room.

  “I was going to make breakfast.” She told him as she walked in the kitchen. Tanner came to her and kissed her.

  “I was afraid it was all a dream.” He murmured and kissed her again.

  “You’re awake now.” She smiled and moved to the stove.

  “Yes, and you’re still mine.” He kissed her neck, and traced the ring with his finger.

  “Should we hide it?” She asked him softly.

  “Hide what?” Jackson asked coming into the kitchen.

  “No.” Tanner snarled and spun her around to face Jackson. He raised an eyebrow watching them. Tanner lifted her hand and kissed the ring.

  “Oh. That was fast.” Jackson whispered.

  “See, maybe we should hide it.” She said twisting the ring on her finger.

  “Don’t you even think about taking it off.” Tanner snapped. “We have nothing to hide. I love you, and we are getting married.” He said turning her to look at him.

  “I thought you told dad you would wait.” Jackson said crossing his arms over his chest.

  “You’re right, Tanner. You said do what feels natural. WE feel natural, this” she held up her hand, “feels natural.”

  “Did he push you into this?” Jackson asked her.

  “No. I want this. We shouldn’t wait to make others happy.” She told Jackson. Tanner tightened his arm around her.

  “Then congratulations.” Jackson smiled.

  “Thank you.” Tanner said without releasing her.

  “When will the food be ready?” Jackson asked.

  “Crap.” Sophia gasped and spun toward the stove.

  “I thought you were staying over at Sophia’s.” Tanner narrowed his eyes at Jackson.

  “I did, but it’s morning, and I’m hungry.” Jackson shrugged.

  “Could have went to the diner.” Sophia mumbled, and Tanner laughed.

  “Do you want me to go?” Jackson asked her softly.

  “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Sophia couldn’t believe she had said it.

  “Things are changing, and that’s good, I just didn’t think about it. You always make breakfast, so I came here.” Jackson said pulling her into a hug.

  “I don’t ever want you to feel like you aren’t welcome where I am.” Sophia squeezed him tight.

  “I know. When I find someone to love the way Tanner loves you, I will be the same way.” Jackson said pulling back.

  “I go back home tomorrow, and things will go back to normal.” Sophia smiled. Tanner growled and she turned to him. “Don’t start, that is what we agreed to.” Sophia plated up the food and they sat down to eat.

  “That was before last night.” Tanner said taking his seat.

  “Last night doesn’t change me going home.” Sophia stared at him.

  “You’re engaged, you should be here with him.” Jackson nodded.

  “Jackson, unless you want to start eating somewhere else, I suggest you shut up.” Sophia snapped at him.

  “Fine.” Tanner said bringing her attention back to him. “I will stay with you.”

  “Tanner…” Sophia started.

  “No, Sophia. Remember our talk last night?” Tanner raised a brow at her.

  “But I’m not fighting us.” She said confused.

  “About the feelings.” Tanner reminded her.

  “What’s up? Is something wrong?” Jackson said on full alert.

  “Steven.” She whispered.

  “Did something happen?” Jackson looked between them.

  “No, but this isn’t over.” Tanner said looking over at him.

  “Soph, you have to listen to him. He saved my life more times than I can count.” Jackson pleaded with her.

  “Jackson…” She started.

  “No, Sophia. You have three options: one, you stay here, two Tanner stays with you.” Jackson paused.

  “What’s number three?” She asked.

  “I camp outside your house.” Jackson told her.

  “Guys, this isn’t necessary.” Sophia told them.

  “Jackson gave you three options. In option three, I will be there too. You need to choose one.” Tanner said pushing his empty plate away.

  “What about…” She tried.

  “No compromise, Sophia.” Jackson told her.

  “Fine. Number two.” She sighed. Th
ey were being overbearing. “But I want to go home tonight. I don’t want to drive that far to work.”

  “Okay. Jackson, will you do the dishes?” Tanner asked him.

  “Keep her safe.” Jackson told him.

  “I always will.” Tanner promised. “Where are you going?” He asked when she stood up.

  “To get my things.” She told him.

  “Leave all the clothes. It will be less to move later.” He told her.

  She turned and stomped to her room. He was getting on her nerves with his orders. She wouldn’t always bow down. She shut the door behind her, and grabbed her shower bag. She sat on the bed and tried to calm down. She was ready to kick them both in the shins and run. She heard the door open, and looked up to see Tanner walk in and shut the door.

  “Talk to me, Soph.” Tanner said.

  “If I do, I might yell.” She snapped.

  “Okay, I’d rather you do that, than give me the silent treatment.” Tanner nodded walking toward her.

  “You can’t take over my life. If you think you can control me, you can take your ring back. I have never needed a man to tell me what to do.” She snarled, ready to throw the ring at his head.

  “The only thing I want to control, is your safety. If he wasn’t causing trouble, I would let you do what you wanted. If the situation was reversed, would you want me to be in danger if you could stop it?” Tanner asked. She hated it when he was right. She shook her head. “I only want to keep you safe.”

  Tanner walked over, and kissed her. She tried to stay mad, but after he licked her lips, she gave in. It only took a minute for the kiss to turn hot. She moaned tasting the coffee and bacon from breakfast. His hand slid under the hem of her shirt, and she leaned back pulling him with her. She should push him away, but the feel of his hand on her skin made her want more. Tanner growled, and she moved her legs to give him room to lay. At the knock on the door, they pulled back gasping.

  “You make me forget everything.” Tanner whispered leaning his forehead against hers.

  “Ditto.” She murmured and smiled up at him. He leaned down to kiss her again, but someone knocked on the door again.

  “What?” Tanner snapped, making her laugh.

  “I… Jeez, you could have warned me.” Jackson turned his back so he couldn’t see them.

  “We did.” Tanner said pushing up away from her.

  “Did not.” Jackson snapped.

  “Was the door open?” Tanner asked as he helped her sit up.

  “No, but I knocked.” Jackson defended.

  “Did we say come in?” Sophia asked him.

  “No.” Jackson huffed.

  “You can turn around now.” Sophia told Jackson.

  “Are you sure? There are some things I shouldn’t see.” Jackson shook his head like he was trying to erase the image.

  “Yes, you can turn around.” Sophia laughed.

  “I was going to let y’all know I was going over to dad’s again. That should give y’all some time alone.” Jackson told them.

  “Thank you, but we are about to head to her place.” Tanner told him.

  “Tanner, can you give me a minute with Jackson?” Sophia asked him.

  “Sure, I’ll be in the living room.” Tanner gave her a quick kiss, then left them alone.

  “Is something wrong?” Jackson asked once they were alone.

  “No. I wanted to make sure we were good. I know this has to be strange for you. I’m still struggling to adjust. I know things are changing fast, but I don’t want you to feel like you are being left out.” Sophia never wanted him to feel alienated from them.

  “You’re right that things are changing fast, but that’s okay. I’m glad you have someone who loves you like he does. You and Tanner deserve nothing but the best. We all have to adjust, it just takes time.” Jackson smiled at her.

  “I just got you back, I don’t want you to feel like I am pushing you out of my life.” Sophia had missed him, and she was worried he would think she didn’t want to hang out with him.

  “We’re good, Soph. I will call you every day. The next time you’re off, maybe we can cook out. I understand that y’all need time to adjust together. Don’t worry, just make sure you are happy, and that you stay safe.” Jackson said pulling her in for a hug.

  “I will. Thanks.” Sophia hugged him tight.

  “Now get out of here. I have earned a day watching TV. Maybe it will erase the picture in my head.” Jackson faked a shiver and pushed her out of the room.

  “Ready?” Tanner asked as he stood up.

  “Yeah.” Sophia nodded walking out of the room.

  “Finally, I will have the place all to myself.” Jackson sighed stretching out on the couch.

  “Enjoy your space.” Tanner laughed as he opened the door.

  “Call me if there is any sign of trouble.” Jackson said all signs of his playful side gone.

  “I will.” Tanner promised and shut the door behind them.

  As they walked to his truck, she noticed he had a duffle bag in his hand. He held her car door open as she got in, then shut the door behind her. He went to his truck, and followed her as she drove home. She was surprised to find she was lonely being without him. The car seemed too quiet, so she called Chad.

  “What’s up, Soph.?” He answered on the first ring.

  “You were right.” She told him.

  “Of course I am, but what about this time?” He asked.

  “Tanner.” She answered.

  “I knew he was into you.” Chad told her. She could hear the smirk in his voice.

  “It’s more than that.” She said glad for the upper hand.

  “What do you mean?” Chad asked confused.

  “I’m going to marry him.” Sophia blurted out.

  “I figured you would eventually.” Chad told her.

  “You don’t understand. I am wearing his mother’s ring.” Sophia said slowly.

  “He doesn’t waste any time. Are you sure about this?” Chad’s concern was clear in his voice.

  “Yes. I’m happy.” She said honestly.

  “Good. Is the other problem gone?” Chad asked.

  “I haven’t heard from him, but Tanner doesn’t think he will give up.” Sophia sighed.

  “You need to be careful just in case. Are you staying at Tanner’s still?” Chad was just as protective as Jackson and Tanner.

  “No. I’m going home, but Tanner is going to stay with me.” She rushed on so Chad didn’t want to kill her.

  “If you need me, you can call me anytime.” Chad reminded her.

  “Thanks.” Sophia said, then hung up.

  For the first time she could remember, the site of her house didn’t make her feel happy. It looked small, and there were lots of houses close to it. Tanner pulled in beside her and walked to the house. After she unlocked the door, she looked around the house. It didn’t feel as welcoming as it used to. Nothing was out of place, but it didn’t feel like home.

  “Everything okay, Soph?” Tanner asked wrapping his arms around her.

  “Yeah.” She shook her head trying to shake off the feeling.

  “What is it? Is something missing?” Tanner asked looking around the room.

  “No. Everything is fine, it just doesn’t feel like it used to.” Sophia told him.

  “What do you mean?” Tanner asked tipping her face up to look at him.

  “I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel like home to me.” She shrugged.

  “Do you want to go back to my place?” He asked squeezing her tighter.

  “No, it will be fine.” She pulled away and went to the kitchen to get herself a glass of wine.

  When she came back to the living room, Tanner was stretched out on the couch and had the TV on. She kicked off her shoes and put her glass on the coffee table, then crawled over him. She laid with her head on his chest, and her hand on his ribs. Tanner ran his fingers through her hair and she sighed. His couch was bigger and more comfortable than hers, but she w
as happy just to be with him.

  An hour later, she got up to put her glass in the sink. When she came back, she leaned over and kissed Tanner. She had meant it to be a quick kiss, but Tanner wasn’t having that. He fisted a hand in her hair and kept her where he wanted her, then used his other hand to pull her down on him. She moaned at the feel of his body against hers. When she couldn’t breathe anymore, she broke the kiss. Her little couch seemed even smaller now.

  “Want to go to the bed where there’s more room?” She asked rubbing against him.

  Within seconds, he picked her up, and then laid her on her soft bed. She giggled up at him, and he looked down at her like she hung the moon. Her heart skipped a beat at the look. His mouth was back on her in seconds. They spent the day learning each other. To her, it was the perfect day. That night, she fell asleep with his arms wrapped around her.

  Chapter 10

  She woke up with mixed feelings the nest morning. She was ready to get to work, but she would miss Tanner. She had gotten used to spending all day with him. He wanted to take her to work, but she wouldn’t let him. After promising to call when she got there, and when she got off, he let her go. Her day was the same as always, rush, rush, rush. Around three o’clock a delivery guy came in with flowers and handed them to her. She immediately looked for a card, but there wasn’t one. She texted to thank Tanner, figuring it had to be from him.

  Sophia: Thanks, the flowers are beautiful.

  Tanner: What flowers?

  Sophia: The ones you sent me today.

  Tanner: You wouldn’t want flowers from a shop. If I did it, I would have brought you wild flowers that I had picked.

  Sophia: You’re right.

  Tanner: Was there a card?

  Sophia: No.

  Tanner: Are you sure they were for you?

  Sophia: The guy that delivered them said they were.

  Tanner: Is there anything off about them?

  Sophia: No, it’s just a dozen red roses.

  Tanner: You hate roses, they make you sneeze.

  Sophia: I know, but I figured you forgot.

  Tanner: I never forget anything about you.

  Sophia: Okay.

  Tanner: Love you, miss you.


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