For the Love of a Scrooge
Page 2
“Alright, he could have mentioned it was semi-formal and asked you to change but I don't get the impression that he's used to asking people to do anything. Rather, he gives orders and expects them to be carried out."
Sighing, Noel felt the anger drain away, leaving a hint of clarity in its wake. "You're right on all accounts. I got myself into this mess, so I guess I need to suck it up, bolster my Christmas Spirit and make the best of it."
Desperate Times call for a Desperate Date
Dick paced the length of the bar, counting every second it took his new date to get changed and ready to go. Every passing breath felt like it took forever until Dick was sure he was about to be stood up and end up even later than he already was.
Just when he was about to give up and coerce one of the other females in the place to be his date, it seemed like all eyes focused on the same spot. The stairs.
The sight of Noel took his breath away. The purple cocktail dress clung to her curves like a second skin and she’d put her chestnut hair up in a twist, exposing her long, slim neck.
His fingers itched to trace her beautiful, golden skin from ear to her shoulder, to tease a shiver of excitement out of her.
As she approached, he felt his lips quirk up into a small smirk. “You’re beautiful Noel. I apologize if I offended you earlier. What do you say we try to start over?" Noel smiled but still, she hesitated in taking his arm. "Be at ease Noel, I intend to honor your terms to the best of my ability.”
Dick saw something soften in the depth of Noel’s eyes and when she slipped her arm through his, laying her hand atop his own, a jolt shot through him. If not for the soft gasp she made, he’d have wondered if he alone had felt it happen.
“Come, let’s be on our way." Dick hardly recognized the nervousness in his own voice. He didn’t get scared, and he didn’t shy away from anything.
Letting out a shaky breath, he led Noel outside to the limo. The driver opened the door for them, and Dick helped Noel inside, before sliding in after her.
Outside, city lights passed by the darkened window. Inside, an uncomfortable silence stretched out between them. Unaccustomed to this sudden discomfort, Dick edged forward, opening the minibar.
"Would you like a water or something stronger perhaps?”
Noel's whispered decline struck home. Could she be as nervous as I’m feeling? Cracking open a bottle of water, he swallowed deeply.
"I realize this deal may seem a bit unorthodox. I'm sure this isn't how either of us expected to spend our evening, but I believe we can make the best of it.” The limo rolled to a stop. Dick slid out, extending his hand back inside to assist her.
Noel met his intense gaze that seemed somewhat worried. “Are you sure we can pull this off?” Her words were hardly more than a whisper. “I mean, I hardly think Mr. Cravatt meant for you to bring a stranger as your date. Not if you’re to make a good impression.”
Stepping into the elevator, Dick pressed the button for the penthouse before turning to her. “Then it’s a good thing you aren’t a complete stranger, Noel.” Dick couldn’t resist giving what he hoped was a soft and reassuring smile, his thoughts lead him further down the path desire. Gods what I wouldn’t do to press the button for the ground level and take her back down to the limo where I could claim her as mine alone.
“Besides, in that dress, no one’s going to be paying any attention to me.” The elevator doors slid open, revealing a ballroom decorated in the dazzling white of fresh snow, accented by crystal lights and light blue icicles hanging throughout, giving the room a magical feel.
“Oh my, this is breathtaking.”
Dick’s grunt brought Noel’s head back around to him. Dick wasn’t looking at all the decorations; rather, his eyes were focused on the guests, their judging eyes momentarily holding him in their snare. The unexpected squeeze from Noel drew his gaze back to her, his lips quirking up in return. “Damn but I’m a lucky man for having the most beautiful woman upon my arm tonight.
A short, balding man with a look of utter surprise on his face quickly gained his composure before making a beeline towards them. “Mr. King! We’re so glad you’re here. The first dance was just about to begin and as the founder of the company, we’d be honored if you started it off for us.”
He shook his head, taking a slight step back but before he could beat a hasty retreat, Noel placed her hand to his back, stopping him from taking another step.
“That sounds wonderful, we’d be honored to lead the opening dance.” Smiling, Noel met his unsettled gaze. “It seems your presence upon the dance floor has been formally requested. Shall we show your employees what it is to enjoy this festive night?”
An amazing feeling of joy and merriment wrapped him up, waking memories of times when life was much simpler, yet far less happy than he felt right now. The snarl to decline died upon his lips at the sight of the twinkle in Noel’s eyes, but it was her smile that undid him. Gods, the woman’s smile could charm the most stubborn of males into doing her bidding.
Swallowing down the unmistakable fear of making a fool out of himself, Dick led Noel out onto the dance floor. Music started playing, something slow and Christmassy. For a minute he thought that just maybe, he could pull this off. Keeping his eyes upon hers, he offered an elegant bow before drawing her into his arms. He started swaying to the music but when the tempo picked up, his fear returned, cementing his feet in place.
Noel nearly tripped over Dick’s unmoving feet. Frowning slightly, she tugged at his hand, encouraging him to move. Her gaze turned questioning when he remained still.
The confusion Dick glimpsed in her eyes had him clearing his throat. “I fear I must confess, Noel. I don’t know how to dance. It was not something I learned growing up.”
Noel smiled mischievously. “You mean that I might actually be more than just arm candy for you tonight?”
He uttered a little growl in response.
“Just follow my lead. If we do this right, it’ll look like you’re leading me.”
Dick’s grimace and a hint of fear softened Noel’s heart toward his plight. Rising up on tiptoe, she brushed her lips lightly along his cheek up toward his ear. Her whispered words caressed his warm skin. “I promise not to torture you, Dick. Unless you ask me to.”
A strangled growl escaped through clenched teeth and when he looked down at her, his eyes were full of desire for this waspish woman he now held. Her laugh turned into a small gasp even as his smile turned devilish. “Lead on, my sweet Noel.”
He gave in to her when she started guiding him, listening to her hushed instructions. They worked well together and, true to her word, it did indeed seem as if he was doing the leading. When the steps repeated themselves, Dick took the lead and was soon twirling her around the dance floor with natural ease.
Other couples had joined in after their first pass and soon the dance floor was full of couples, arm in arm, enjoying themselves. The song came to an end and they stood, bodies pressed close, eyes locked upon one another, their breathing ragged. Time seemed to stand still, capturing them in the moment.
The music of a new song swirled around them and still, they stood, pressed close together, lost to what was going on around them.
Until Mr. Cravatt came over and tapped Dick’s shoulder, breaking the spell he seemed to be in. “Mr. King, may I have the honor of dancing with your lovely companion?”
His power from Greed’s line welled up within Dick, stronger than anything he’d ever felt before, all for this woman tucked close within his arms. A growl resonated from deep within his chest, his eyes flaring as they remained possessively upon Noel.
“I’ve claimed all the dances upon Noel’s dance card this night. Be sure to pass that bit of news around.”
Mr. Cravatt gave a nod before scurrying off in a hasty retreat.
Noel’s laugh captured Dick’s attention.
“I probably should have asked your permission before claiming all your dances. I’ll try t
o understand if you wish to dance with another, but I don’t make any real promises, Noel.”
Her cheeky smile captivated him. “Your promise isn’t needed since I don’t wish to dance with any others.”
Leaning in, Dick’s lips brushed her cheek, whispering, “Thank you for the dance and for redeeming my worthless reputation in the eyes of my employees.” She managed a strangled laugh that turned into a moan when he nipped her earlobe. “As much as I enjoyed having you in my arms, would you mind if we stepped outside instead of dancing again?”
Noel’s “Let’s please.” sounded like a wanton plea to his ears. Warmth blossomed across her cheeks even as she tucked her arm through his. He caught her sneaking a look through her lashes and was amazed at how well the evening was turning out, until her smile became somewhat cheeky.
“I mean no offense Dick, but never in my wildest imaginings did I dream that you could be so charming.”
She laughed along with him, seemingly melting into him.
Until he drew her beneath one of standing heaters outside. The winter night enfolded them within its chilly embrace and he felt her shiver. Taking off his jacket, he slipped it over her shoulders. “I know it’s a bit cool but between the heater and my jacket, I’m hoping you’ll be warm enough so we can stay out here to talk for a few minutes.”
She huddled within his jacket, her whole body drawn as tight as a bowstring and her shaking was worsening. Instead of moving closer to the heater though, she was trying to ease away from it, “Thank you, Dick, that, yes, that would be nice.”
The quiver in Noel’s voice had Dick tipping his head to study her. “What is it, Noel? Have I done something to offend you?”
Dick didn’t miss how Noel glanced nervously up at the heater, then back to him. When she spoke her voice was soft and most definitely unsettled and his concern that he was the cause grew.
“No, you didn’t do anything to offend me, Dick. I,” Closing her eyes, she drew in a breath, letting it out slowly to steady herself. “I lost my family one Christmas Eve to an electrical fire. So, things like heaters and tree lights make me very nervous. I stick to old fashioned, handmade ornaments and the popcorn and cranberry garland for my tree.”
Silently, Dick moved them away from the heater, stopping just within the doorway. Cupping her cheek, he brushed his thumb over her soft skin. “My dearest Noel, I’m so very sorry you had to endure such a tragic loss.”
Swallowing hard, she turned her face into his gentle touch.
Following her gaze, Dick saw the green sprig of leaves. Looking back, he was struck by the depth of sadness he saw upon her upturned face. “I find myself wanting to replace your sadness with something more pleasurable Noel.”
His lips brushed over hers. The kiss was light at first, as if he was waiting for her pull away. Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Her tongue slid along his lips, encouraging him to open to her.
Dick slid one hand to her neck, holding her there while sliding his other beneath his jacket and around to her lower back. The feel of her tongue teasing and exploring was decadent and he found he was quickly getting addicted to the taste of her. She carried the faintest hint of cherry Riesling. Sweet with the briefest of tartness bursting over his tongue.
The music coming from the ballroom had stopped and when Noel pulled back, he saw the desire in her eyes. When she licked her lips, he almost leaned in to kiss her again. Her hand lightly pressed to his chest kept him from doing so.
Pulling back, she licked her lips and whispered, “ You taste of honey and cloves and as much as I’d love to devour you right here and now, I do believe we’ve once more made spectacles of ourselves.”
Noel’s laughter chased away Dick’s frown of embarrassment.
“All eyes have been upon us from the moment we arrived. So, it’s no surprise that what I’m sure is a rare display of affection by you has them all a bit shell shocked.”
Dick chuckled at her astuteness. “You’d be right, Noel. I prefer to spend my time working with my investments rather than,” He shook his head, uncomfortable with the compassion he saw in her eyes. “That is, I’ve always been more at ease with numbers rather than people and their feelings.”
When she lifted her hand to cup his cheek and smiled up at him he found himself wanting more. Her smile in return held the promise of more.
“Dick, I’d like to show you that people can bring a kind of comfort that numbers will never be able to give you.” Glancing back up at the mistletoe, she smiled. “After all, numbers will never desire you to kiss them as you stand beneath the mistletoe.”
Desire for what Noel offered shook him to his core and he could feel the magic of their kind weaving between them. He’d seen how it had been with his parents and hated how it had fooled them both but with Noel, he finally understood something about his parents he hadn’t as a boy. Love brings a wealth of happiness that money can never buy. Capturing her lips in a fierce kiss, he poured every bit of his desire into it, leaving no doubt of his claim on her.
When Dick pulled back, Noel drew in a ragged breath. “Gods, tell me you don’t have to give a speech or anything?”
Chuckling, Dick shook his head no.
Satisfied they didn’t need to stay, she smiled mischievously. “Then I’ll remind you, Dick, that I’ll be a memory of the past once the clock strikes ten. Until then, I’d like nothing more than to live in the moment, with you, in a very intimate way.”
The woman was so damned forward… something he hadn't expected to be turned on by. Capturing her hand, he pressed a kiss to her palm. “I’d like nothing more than to live in the here and now with you, Noel.”
Stepping back out into the ballroom, Dick tipped his head to his bewildered employees. “The night is young. So please, dance, be merry and enjoy yourselves.”
The elevator doors slid silently open and together, they stepped inside. Dick jabbed the button to close the doors, need for Noel and to be away from prying eyes eating away at the little patience he had. When the doors finally closed, they turned, greedily reaching for one another. His lips sought hers, needing to consume even as she took what she wanted and demanded he give her more.
The elevator doors opened, and they pulled apart, their breathing coming out as gasps. Noel’s stiletto heels echoed loudly with a rapid click, click, click when they crossed the lobby. The limo sat idling, it’s door open and the driver waiting for them. Sliding in, the driver closed the door then settled behind the wheel “Where to, Mr. King?”
Dick smiled as a thought came to him. “Drive us around the city Marcus. Somewhere with lots of decorations to look at.” Marcus nodded, raising the partition.
Noel was already working on Dick’s jacket and shirt before the partition was fully up, her mouth hungrily nipping at all the tanned skin she exposed with each button she set free.
His hands skimmed along her thigh, sliding her cocktail dress up with them, earning a throaty moan from her in return.
She shoved the jacket and shirt off his shoulders, grinning when he growled at suddenly being restrained. “What is it, Dick? Have your numbers and figures never held you captive before?”
Smiling up at him wickedly, she began kissing his chest, flicking his nipple with her tongue. A frustrated groan escaped him, encouraging her to keep going.
Pushing him back until he was leaning against the door, she returned her focus to his nipple while nimbly working free the button of his slacks. Feathering light kisses across his chest, she sought out his other nipple, her fingers drawing down his zipper in turn. A nip of the sensitive bud had him hissing and when she stroked the hard length of him beneath his briefs, he cursed, his hips bucking up to press against her palm.
“You play a dangerous game, Noel. Free me and I’ll show you just how dangerous.” Dick laced his words with his power of greed, needing her to let him free so that he could feast upon her as she was him.
Giving his cock one more stroke, she shifted s
o she could undo the cufflinks that held his sleeves firmly clasped.
The moment he was able to pull his arms free he straightened tugging her close. She gasped but he saw the excitement in her eyes. Sliding his hands into her hair he undid the twist she had it in and let the chestnut locks fall loosely down her back.
Grabbing a fistful of the silky tresses, he wrapped it around his hand, tugging her head back to expose her slim neck to his greedy lips. Shifting, he reversed their positions, his body covering hers as he pushed her down onto the seat.
Anticipation filled Noel, but it was the feel of his nips and kisses moving down her neck and over the upper curve of her breast, the silky bristles of his trimmed goatee that had her squirming beneath him. “Gods Dick, I need your lips all over me!”
A muffled curse was his reply. “Strip! Now, Noel!” With heated eyes, he watched her slide down the zipper of her cocktail dress. He was toeing off his shoes and pulling off his slacks and briefs, his heated eyes never looking away while she shimmied out of her dress.
They came together hungrily, hands skimming over every inch of flesh as they explored and teased. Unable to take anymore, Dick planted his fists onto the seat on each side of her, his body pressing intimately against hers.
Noel shook with the need to feel him inside her. He was so hard, and she was already dripping wet. Reaching up, she locked her hands around his neck, yanking him down onto her. Their lips fused in a kiss that was so deep, she was sure he’d laid claim to her soul.
Gripping Noel’s hips, Dick slid the length of his hard shaft along her velvety smooth folds before settling the head of his cock at her entrance and still he didn’t sink into her. “You’re beautiful Noel. Tell me you want this. Want me.”
Frustration at his refusal to thrust into her waiting depths drew a needy growl from her. Tugging his hair, she pulled him back down until he was a breath away. “I want this and need you. Inside of me. NOW!”
Noel’s demand was the last straw, blowing away any and all remaining resistance to claiming her. Thrusting hard, he impaled her, his cock sinking all the way into her warm, wet sex. He stayed seated there, enjoying the look of pure pleasure on her face.