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Ancient One: Paranormal Romance (Protectors of the Veil Book 1)

Page 9

by Ruby Wilder

  It was strange to see the little cottage on the horizon next to the ancient standing stones.

  I didn't think I would ever get used to it.

  Fiona and I walked in through the little front door holding hands - just to see their reaction - but were disappointed as only Vig was there, and he just waved as if there was nothing odd about it.

  He lounged on the pale cream leather sofa, all seven feet of him, watching TV. He had no top on and a pair of grey jogging bottoms.

  He was magnificent.

  I turned to look at Fiona, who just grinned back at me.

  'He is gorgeous, Maeve,' she said telepathically.

  'I think he is gay, Fiona.'

  'Ask him.'

  Fiona was right. I somehow had to bond with all the Protectors. It was my job to make that happen. And looking at Vig's enormous bulk lying there, it wouldn't be such a sacrifice to make.

  'Go and make a cuppa, Fiona,' I said, winking.

  'Want one, Vig?' She asked.

  'Yes please, six sugars.' Vig said, with a grin,

  'Six?' Fiona whistled and made her way to the kitchen.

  Vig wasn't like the other guys, Adam and Levi terrified me, Drago intimidated me and Conri, well, I was frightened I was going to break him, he was so sensitive.

  Vig seemed... normal - if you can call a seven-foot giant normal.

  Everything about him was huge, scaled up from a normal man and in proportion.

  My mind wandered to his cock...

  Stop it, Maeve. Now wasn't the time.

  'Hey, Vig, fancy a chat?' I ventured.

  He began to sit up.

  'No, stay comfy, I'll squish next to you.'

  I sat on the sofa sideways where his stomach was and faced him.

  He was a handsome man. His pale blonde hair was thick and long, he only had the faintest sign of a stubble. But it was his eyes that drew me in, they were the bluest I'd ever seen, and oh, so innocent.

  'I need to ask you a really important question, Vig.'

  Why was I talking to him like he was a child? He was, like, two thousand years old!

  He stared at me and said, 'Okay.'

  I should just blurt this out. No beating around the bush. Just straight out. Go on, Maeve, you can do it.

  'Do you or women?'

  I was going to say boys or girls, but it sounded wrong.

  His blue eyes widened and a grin came to his face. But he didn't seem embarrassed like I thought he would.

  'Why do you ask?'

  'Because the awful voice from the stones told me two of you didn't like girls. I knew one was Fiona and...'

  He stopped me.

  'And you believe an unknown, evil voice from behind the veil?' he asked.

  He had a point.

  'More than that, it's clearly lying, isn't it? You and Fiona are obviously bonded. The first of us to commit to each other. So she must like girls. Or at least she must like you,' he said simply.

  He was right, of course. I was shocked at his forwardness, I thought him crippled with shyness.

  'I... it's...' I stumbled with my words.

  'I like both men and women, it's very normal in my culture. We don't label it as you do,' he said.

  It felt rude to have asked him the question. I was such an idiot.

  'Vig, I'm sorry, I never meant to offend you.'

  He smiled at me and sat up.

  'Here let me show you what I like,' he said standing up.

  He scooped me up in his enormous arms and carried me to the bedroom.

  I hadn't slept in the cottage yet and noticed a lot of bedroom door, each with one of our names on it. He took me to mine.

  I rested my head on his shoulder, he smelled like clean washing and shower gel. I noticed his hair was still wet at the back.

  That explained it. I preferred a little bit of a musky, manly smell, but maybe that would come after we’d had sex.

  The bed inside was huge, it would easily fit six, maybe seven people. Of course, it would. He threw me on it and I squealed. It didn't hurt, I just didn't expect it.

  He smiled at me. An honest, warm smile. No fear, malice, threat or agenda. I smiled back. I was going to enjoy this.

  Then a thought struck me. What if his cock was massive? What if it ripped me apart?

  Oh, well, I was going to find out soon. I must've glanced down at his grey jogging bottoms because he smiled and said, 'Don't worry, I haven't broken anyone yet.'

  I giggled and looked up at him, patting the bed beside me.

  'Can I show you something? Do you trust me?' he asked.

  I nodded. I did trust him. I didn't see anything in his eyes not to trust.

  'Be right back,' he said and left the room.

  Oka-ay, very odd. But I accepted it and took my boots and jeans off. I waited on the bed in just my pants and vest top wondering if he would be very long.

  It was about five to ten minutes before he came back. I was just starting to think he'd forgotten about me when the door opened.

  I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing there were not one, but two shirtless giants. One was Vig, the other was a red-headed giant with a bushy orange beard.

  'This is my friend, Grov. Well actually it isn't, it's Fiona. But she looks like my friend Grove,' Vig said.

  I was speechless. This is what he wanted to show me. A threesome with two bloke giants? Well, one bloke giant and a lady shifter who looked like a bloke giant.

  It was crazy, but I laughed and shook my head.

  'Okay, let's do it,' I said.

  Vig smiled at me and turned to Grov. They started kissing and rubbing each other's massive arms and shoulders. Both men were huge and muscular. I was surprised at how turned on it made me feel. Their strong hard bodies bumped into one another, they didn't have to be gentle or slow.

  It was raw and powerful and I couldn't tear my eyes away.

  Their kissing was becoming more intense now, each had their hand down the other's pants, massaging, rubbing. I was right, they were both huge.

  I had to put my hand down my pants and copy their moves. I was wet and hot, it was too much to bear.

  'Come here,' I demanded, breathlessly.

  They obeyed and the two giants walked towards the bed.

  I was going to enjoy this. A lot.



  The girls entered the cottage, and I knew straight away that they had bonded. Their magic had powered up a notch or two - I could feel it.

  And anyway, even if I wasn't of the Fae kind I'd be able to tell. They were glowing and happy, holding one another’s hands.

  It was cute.

  I lay on the sofa not wanting to move because I had been touching myself in the shower and was horny.

  I'd heard them coming minutes ago, so stopped. I wished I'd finished though, then I wouldn't have to hide this raging boner. I probably had time too.

  Fiona was making tea. Great! I loved a nice sweet cuppa!

  Maeve was muttering on about something, something she wanted to ask.

  I wasn't really listening - too busy thinking about wishing I'd kept going minutes earlier - so I just stared at her.

  She was tall for her kind but tiny to me. She looked so pale and fragile, looked like she needed protecting - even though I knew she didn't.

  Because she’d bonded with Fiona, she might even be more powerful than me right now. I stared into her green eyes and noticed they had yellow lines in them. They contrasted her dark red hair.


  I should concentrate, she was asking me something. It looked serious, so I stopped daydreaming.

  'Okay,' I said.

  Did I like men or women? What a question!

  She'd been listening to the Fae behind the veil. They were notorious liars.

  But she did have something, I wasn't gay, but I was bi. It wasn't as different in my kind as it was here.

  Amongst the giants everyone is bi. You like the person, not the gender. It made t
hings less... complicated.

  Out of all the Protectors, I think our bonding would be the least complicated. But that's probably a lot to do with my culture.

  I wouldn't be jealous, or spiteful, or rough or brutal. I had no particular needs or desires that I required her to fulfil, and I certainly didn't want to drain her of her blood.

  Yes, our bonding would be a simple, straight forward, mutual pleasure.


  I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom, I would show her what I liked.

  As I carried her, I noticed Fiona leaving the kitchen with my tea and an idea came into my head.

  Would they both go for it? It would be fun. Why not? I would ask.

  As I threw her on the bed, I realised how turned on she was, her face and neck were red, and she seemed flustered. I could smell her excitement - I was going to enjoy this.

  I asked her if she would wait a minute, because I wanted to show her something, she said she would. I left the room to find Fiona, she still had my cup of tea in her hand.

  'Hey, Fiona, wanna help me out and have some fun too?' I asked.

  She looked warily at me.

  'What does this entail?' she asked, passing me my tea.

  'Have you ever shifted into a giant before?'

  There was no point messing about, I might as well just ask her.

  She shook her head.

  'Do you feel like trying?'

  She stared at me and transformed into myself right in front of my eyes.

  'Whoa, cool!' I said, impressed.

  We walked around each other, it was a little unnerving seeing myself like this.

  'Can you transform from a picture?' I asked.

  She nodded and said, 'Where's this going, Vig?'

  'I want to show Maeve that it's okay to explore different things. She asked if I was gay, I wanted to show her that I like both sexes.'

  'Are you talking about a threesome, with me as a male giant, Vig? Are you going to have sex with me as a man?' Fiona asked.

  I nodded. She was right, that was exactly what I was asking.

  A wicked grin spread across her face.

  'Well, that's not an offer I get every day!' she laughed.

  'Well, will you?'

  'You know what, Vig. I think I just might. Why not?'

  'Follow me to my room, I'll show you who I want you to transform into.'

  When I woke up, it was dark. I'd fallen asleep with a man giant and a lady Druid, but I'd awoken to two ladies, a Druid and a shifter.

  I was stirring again, I think this time Fiona should stay as Fiona.

  I leaned forward and began licking Maeve's nipple, she moaned in her sleep. I put my hand between Fiona's legs - there was a penis there last time I touched - and she responded by rubbing herself against me.

  Then I felt it - something was trying to break through the veil.

  Fiona and Maeve must have felt it too because they both shot upright in bed.



  I sat bolt upright in bed and felt Fiona next to me do the same, Vig was staring at us.

  'Something's near,' he said.

  We jumped up and pulled on some clothes.

  I could feel it.

  What was it? It didn't feel like the call of the veil I normally felt.

  'It feels different,' I said.

  Fiona nodded.

  Vig held his finger up and closed his eyes, he strained to listen.

  'It's the escaped vampire, I can hear him. I can't normally hear vampires - they are too quiet. My abilities have increased,' he said, grinning at us.

  'Test your magic,' Fiona asked.

  I pulled a ball of blue up into my hands quicker than normal.

  'Faster,' I said, nodding.

  'Where's this dirty vamp?' Fiona asked Vig.

  'Outside. I think he can see the cottage!'

  'What?' I questioned, 'How is that possible?'

  The three of us burst out of the bedroom door. Drago, Adam and Levi were in the living room. Thank goodness Conri wasn't.

  Levi smirked as we all came out.

  'Nice, ' Drago said, approving.

  A broody look from Adam told me not everyone was happy about our little party of three.

  'Can't you hear it, Adam?' I asked, pissed off at him.

  'Hear what?' he asked.

  'The vampire you and Conri let escape last night,' Vig said.

  Levi whistled, eyes wide in mock surprise.

  Adam hissed, but I wasn't sure at whom.

  'Come on, let's capture him,' I said to Vig and Fiona.

  The three of us went to the door and I glanced back, Drago was following, but not Levi or Adam - they were still glaring at each other.

  Once outside we spilt up and walked around the cottage, I heard Vig shout, 'On the roof!'

  Now that we had bonded, I could feel Fiona and Vig. I knew their next moves. Fiona was going to transform into a bird and get on the roof, Vig was going to climb up - he saw a path using the windowsill then the front door canopy.

  I didn't have a plan, shit. They were waiting for me to show them my move.

  Okay, I would wait down here until they chased the vampire down then I'd send him back to the underworld.

  As soon as I thought it, Fiona and Vig reacted and jumped into action.

  Fiona was flying low above the vampire, pecking at him and flapping her wings in his face. He was fast, but she was keeping up. This irritated him enough to not see Vig coming over the roof.

  He reached one long arm and grabbed the vampire by the right leg. The vampire hissed, but it was too late, Vig held on tightly and whipped him up into the air by his foot. A second later and Vig had thrown him at my feet.

  The vampire was dazed, but it didn't matter, I had my blue lightning cracking and spitting in my heads ready, and he was sent back to the underworld in less than five seconds.

  It had been easy because we all knew what the other was doing. Gran had been right, we worked as one. It made things so much easy.

  'Wow, Fiona, you are fast now!' Vig said, clearly impressed.

  'And you are strong! Do you think you could've thrown a vampire before?' she laughed.

  Vig shrugged, but his face shone with the exhilaration of the win.

  'At least we tidied up and that vampire can't murder anymore innocent humans,' I said. 'Come on, let's go indoors.'

  We walked inside and Levi was clapping.

  'You make fun, but they did good job, ' Drago said, impressed.

  'No, on the contrary, I'm not making fun at all. They did what the wolf and the bat couldn't do,' Levi said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

  Hissing came from the other side of the room.

  'Oh, will you all just get over yourselves? I am so bored with you all now. You are like children. We won. The vampire is gone. The veil is quiet. Let's enjoy it - it isn't going to last.'

  'She right,' Drago added.

  Adam and Levi looked at each other.

  'Truce?' Levi offered.

  Adam nodded. Was there a slight smile on his face?

  The atmosphere relaxed after that, someone put music on and bottles of beer appeared on the table.

  'A toast,' Levi shouted, grinning.

  'To the three bonded Protectors - good job,' he said, raising his beer.

  Drago and Adam raised theirs saying, 'Good job.'

  'And,' Levi continued, 'can I just add, whoever put this music on, has shit taste. Miley Cyrus? Come on!'

  'I like her. She has strong voice,' Drago said, laughing.

  It was nice to see everyone getting along for a change, having fun hanging out together. This was the way it should be all the time. If only Conri was here...

  I was distracted by a feeling - something was trying to push through the portal. Something big.

  'The veil,' I shouted, but Vig and Fiona were already heading out of the door, they felt it when I did.

  I went after them, followed by the others. The veil
pulsed with its blue glow, but there was a huge bulge of red in the middle. Yes, something was definitely trying to push through. The veil screeched and moaned - I wasn't sure if the unearthly noise was the magic keeping the thing in, or the thing screeching to get out. But it was ear-splitting.

  'Why is it so loud?' Adam asked.

  'I don't know,' I shouted back.

  Then it popped, and the smell of sulphur almost made me gag.

  The most hideous creature I have ever seen began crawling out. It had the torso of a woman but the legs of a spider. I almost wanted to run, as it slowly crawled towards me.

  I heard Vig in my head say, 'Don't panic, it's just Arachne, she's not dangerous. Get your magic ready.'

  I did as he said and summoned the energy, it crackled in my hands, waiting.

  Vig and Fiona used the same tactic as they did with the Vampire.

  Why not? It worked.

  Fiona transformed into a large bug - ingenious - which distracted the creature, then Vig grabbed it and bashed it onto the ground stunning it.

  I threw my magic over it and it was gone, cast down to the underworld.

  I put a little extra energy over the whole veil, I wasn't sure if that helped, or if it did anything at all. But it made me feel better.

  I felt a combined sigh of relief from Fiona and Vig, and I let out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding.

  Levi burst out laughing. 'What the fuck was that?'

  'Smell bad,' Drago added.

  'Smells bad? Did you see it?' Levi asked, shuddering, 'That gave me the creeps! Look at my goosebumps!' he said, pulling up the arm of his jumper for us to look at.

  'Ugh, and you touched it,' he said, laughing and pushing Vig.

  He did a shiver and stamped his feet, saying, 'Yak!'

  Vig roared with laughter and chased Levi into the house, trying to wipe his hands on him. Levi laughed and ran, shouting,' Ugh, no!'

  Back inside we resumed our beer drinking and listened to Drago's collection of Miley's greatest hits.

  'Very slick, guys. Very slick,' Drago said, nodding his approval.

  'Yeah, nice job,' said Adam.

  'What did I miss?' It was Conri.

  'Conri,' I exclaimed, 'Where have you been?'


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