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The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play Book 2)

Page 32

by B. B. Reid

Spinning me around, he pushed me against the door and trapped my hands above my head in a punishing grip. “I’m just trying to protect you, Lou.”

  “Did I ask you to protect me?”

  “Did you hear me ask for permission?”

  I glared at him, and he glared right back. “Let me go,” I said when he wouldn’t back down.

  “I can’t,” he told me. “That’s the whole point. I can’t let you go. I can’t lose you.”

  My mouth fell open as my anger turned to disbelief. “Don’t you know that I’ve been yours all this time?”

  “I know…but I don’t—”

  I cut him off before he could finish. “Don’t tell me that you don’t deserve me!” I held his face in my hands. “You’re not all that good, but you’re not all that bad. And we both know I’m no angel.”

  I could see his desperate need to believe me in his eyes before he cast them down. “I wish it were that simple.”

  “It can be…all you have to do is stop fighting,” I told him as my hands slid from his face down his neck and over his chest until finally reaching his waist where he knotted the towel. “Giving in felt so good…didn’t I feel good?”

  “Lou.” He groaned, leaning his forehead on the door behind me. “Lou, don’t. We can’t.”

  His protests fell on deaf ears.

  How else could I show him that our friendship wasn’t a dead end or even a path that went on and on? It was a passage, and my heart was the open door that led to promising fields of green as far as the eye could see and light so bright that sometimes it was blinding.

  Only Wren refused to step through because darkness was all he knew.

  “We weren’t building a friendship,” I told him as I untied the knot keeping his towel up. “We were falling. Falling so deep we can never climb back up.” I fell to my knees right along with the towel, and I didn’t balk or second-guess this time around when I took him in my mouth. His hand gripped my hair tightly as I held his gaze and tried to swallow as much of him as I could. He was squeaky clean and fresh after his shower, and I wanted to dirty him back up. To taste his cock after he worked so hard getting me to come all over it. When his cum mixed with mine. As if hearing my thoughts, he pulled me up to my feet and kissed me until my legs shook.

  I felt his hand at the hem of my dress pushing it up until it was bunched around my waist. My panties were ripped away, and I was snatched off my feet when he settled my legs in the crook of his arms. His cock locked in on me like a heat-seeking missile. Still, I couldn’t get him inside me fast enough. He slowly filled me, and his groan mixed with my gasp once he sank himself deeply.

  “Wren,” I whimpered, not sure I could withstand the ache. He and I felt impossible.

  “I told you.” He kissed me. “I warned you.” He nipped my jaw. “And now you want mercy?”

  I shook my head, knowing it was the last thing I wanted and stared into his eyes. Feeling my resolve harden, I touched his cheek and whispered words I knew would send him over the edge. “I love you. That means I don’t want any of you if it’s not all of you. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.”

  He froze, blinked, and when understanding dawned, he pulled away only to plunge inside me fast and hard with a groan loud enough to shake the walls. He finally let go, letting me see how desperately he needed me, how much he craved me, and how broken he’d be if I ever walked away.


  The rhythm he began as he drove me up the door was unforgiving. I grappled for something to hold onto, but there was only him. He wanted to give me slow and gentle, and I showed him it was the last thing I wanted. We’d shown enough patience, waited too long. His mouth muffled my cries even though there was no one around to hear.

  “Lou…I’m not going to last, baby. I need you to come on my dick. Come on my—”

  I cut his plea off when my pussy began to pulse before strangling his cock and stealing his breath. I hadn’t realized he’d fallen over too until he was already spilling inside my unprotected pussy.

  “Fuck!” he barked so savagely I flinched.

  He started to pull out of me when I gripped his hair in one hand and his ass in the other. “I want it,” I whispered desperately in his ear.

  After only a moment’s hesitation, he pushed deeper inside me, making me moan. I didn’t let him go until he’d given me every last drop. When I finally released my grip on his hair, I yelped when he spanked my ass hard before setting me on my feet.

  “Don’t…do that…again.” He glared down at me as we fought to catch our breath.

  “I don’t think it’s entirely up to me,” I sassed.

  He shot me an indignant look then picked me up, carried me to the shower, and after he’d cleaned us up, he took us to bed.

  I was lying on my side half asleep with Wren curved around me when I felt him lift my left hand and slip something on my pointer finger. I cracked my eyes open, but when I saw a ring with a sterling silver setting and oval-shaped green gem, they flew open as I blinked. I watched the green slowly turn to amber as I wondered what his gift meant. Wren wasn’t exactly the jewelry-bestowing type. “A mood ring?”

  “You can always tell what I’m thinking when you look in my eyes. Now we’re on an even playing field.”

  Heat bloomed in my belly, and we both watched as the ring turned a startling violet.

  “Do you know what the colors mean?”


  I peeked over my shoulder. “So what does purple mean?”

  He shot me a lazy grin as he slowly ran his hand up and down my naked hip. “It means you’re crazy about me.”

  “I am.”

  “Good.” He leaned down and starting kissing my shoulder. “Because I lost all reason the night I met you, Lou.”

  “Hm.” I pretended to ponder. “Drunk Wren might say you even love me.”

  I felt him still behind me, and I watched the ring turn black as my stomach filled with dread. Did I push him too far too soon? Would he retreat as he’d always done?

  Before I could take it back, give him an out, he said, “He’s not the only one, Lou.”

  “Then tell me,” I urged. “Say the words.”

  “I can’t.” I started to move away when he locked his arm around my waist. “I’ll tell you when I get back.”

  “Back?” I frowned. “Where are you going?”

  I was turning to face him when he lifted my leg, and after testing my readiness, he slowly slid inside me from behind. My breath caught. Nothing else before that mattered.

  “Again?” I gasped.

  He was already moving inside me, long strokes that reached deep and stole my breath until I could think of nothing else. “Again.”

  The sun wasn’t shining through the windows when I awoke much later. The room was pitch black and silent, and after looking over my shoulder, I realized I was in bed alone. I ran my hand over the sheets on his side, and when I felt the warmth he left behind, I sighed.

  Until I remembered his promise just before he took me.

  Heart racing, I shot up from the bed and looked around, but the bedroom and the bathroom were both empty. I hurriedly checked the rest of the guesthouse as well, but Wren was nowhere to be found.

  In a fit of desperation, I flew out into the cold night. I only had the T-shirt he’d slipped over my head just before I passed out to cover me. I ran down the paved path leading around the side of the main house to the driveway out front.

  Once there, I stopped short when I spotted him dressed in dark jeans, shirt, and that brown leather jacket I loved so much. And he was headed toward a green Crown Vic.


  He spun around and cursed when he saw me standing there shivering in the cold. His long, angry strides had him reaching me in no time. “What are you doing out here?”

  I slammed my hands against his chest and pushed him. “You were just going to leave?”

  “I told you I was.”

  “Yeah, right before you fucked me
senseless so that I wouldn’t ask questions!” I shot back.

  He shook his head and was already turning away. “Go back to bed, Lou.”

  How could I when I knew he was charging from the safety of the castle to slay my dragon alone? I ran around him. “Tell me why you’re leaving.”

  “You know why.”

  “I don’t!” I shouted without regard for the people sleeping inside. “Fox doesn’t matter anymore, so why are you going back?”

  Tired of my tantrum, his hand suddenly gripped my neck, pulling me until his mouth pressed against my cheek, and I could feel every one of his words as he spoke. “You want to live long enough to have those babies you promised me?”

  Slowly, I nodded.

  “Then I need to find Fox before he finds you.”

  My arm shot out, and I pointed to where his Impala waited. “To the Batmobile!”

  He let me go and took a step back. “Very funny.”

  “But it’s not funny,” I whined. “You’re not Superman, and you’re not Batman. You’re mine. You belong with me where it’s safe.”

  “But it’s not safe, Lou. He’ll find us here eventually, and the longer we stay, the more we put the rest of them in danger.”

  “So let’s just go now.” I pressed myself against him and let his warmth surround me. “Somewhere out there is a beach with our name on it.” I peeked up at him. “Maybe even a nude one?”

  Leaning down, he kissed me slowly. He even copped a feel when his hands trailed up the shirt I was wearing and began kneading my butt. But then he ended the kiss with a groan. “As tempting as that sounds…I can’t.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m getting sick of hearing you say that.”

  He smiled and kissed me again. “I promised Ever I’d bring his mother home in exchange for keeping you safe.”

  I blinked in surprise. “His mother?”

  He shook his head. “No time to explain.”

  I huffed. “So you just expect me to wait here patiently in the dark for you to return?”

  “I’ll be gone a day. Two days tops.” He then rested his forehead against mine. “And when I get back, we are going to have a long conversation before anything else happens between us.”

  “How long?”

  He grimaced and pulled me closer. “Very.”

  “It can’t be that bad,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted him to kiss me, but he didn’t. His eyes seemed gray now, reflecting the bleakness he felt as he stared down at me.

  “Yeah, Lou, it is.”

  “You think I won’t want you anymore?” I stepped back and pulled the ring he’d given me from my pointer finger.


  Holding his gaze, I slid it onto my ring finger. Light entered his eyes turning them blue again. “There’s nothing else I could ever want.”


  I grinned at his speechlessness.

  “Say the words, Wren.” He swallowed hard, and when he looked to me for help, I leaped into his arms, wrapped my legs around his waist, and stole the kiss I wanted. “Tell me you love me because I know you do.”

  Trembling hard enough to rock a mountain, he squeezed me tight, buried his face in my chest, and then he said the fucking words.

  I TOSSED ONE LAST TIME before ripping off the thick blanket and fleeing from the overbearing warmth underneath. I checked the time and swore. My skin was nearly soaked in sweat, dampening the thin T-shirt I wore. I didn’t allow myself to acknowledge what else had dampened in the hour since I’d fallen asleep.

  The heat flowing through the air ducts wasn’t even the culprit for my misery.

  It was the couple locked away in the next room.

  The sound was faint, but it was loud enough to keep me awake given the nature. And just when I thought maybe she was in trouble and needed my help, she’d beg for more, making it clear what she needed and it sure as shit wasn’t me.

  Two days had come and gone, and Wren still hadn’t returned, but his parting words echoed in my mind. It was the only thing offering me comfort when so much was unknown. Was he okay? Would we be when he got back and finally told me whatever he thought would make me walk away from him? I’d offered him assurances, but lying in the dark, left alone with my mind, so many of my insecurities ran wild.

  Tonight, at Four’s insistence, I was sleeping alone in her room while she slept around the corner in Ever’s bed. I had a feeling I was a decoy. Thankfully, his room was further away from the master suite or else their parents would be getting quite an earful.

  With my hand over my ears, I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen.

  If I couldn’t sleep, I’d eat.

  My eyes were barely open as I sleepily searched for the light switch. When my fingers finally connected with the switch, I flipped it up, causing light to flood the room. It took a few seconds for my vision to adjust, and when it did, I suddenly wished I was blind.

  Standing in the middle of the kitchen, naked as the day he was born, was Jamie. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights as he held a sandwich bursting with what looked like turkey, cheese—maybe provolone or Asiago—lettuce, and tomato.

  “Jesus! Jamie! Why are you naked?”

  “Why are you looking?” he retorted, his tone flat.

  My eyes quickly averted but not before I caught the playful crook of his lips. “I didn’t see anything,” I quickly defended. It wasn’t entirely untrue. I hadn’t seen any of the important parts but what I did see had my eyes burning for another peek.

  Jamie was slender, not packing as much muscle as Wren or even Ever, but what he did possess, he’d perfected. Every. Inch. I was curious about the tattoos covering his body and why he had so many. I mean, there were only so many things important enough to permanently scar your skin.

  I would have already had one or two myself if Wren had let me. Whenever I brought it up, he simply said he hadn’t found an artist that he could trust enough to touch me with a needle. What he didn’t say was that this famed artist also had to be female. One day, I’d call him out on it.

  “Then maybe you should take a second look.”

  I’d teased Wren enough times to recognize a come-on, and knowing Jamie, he wouldn’t bother asking questions if I bit the bait.

  “All I’m looking for is a drink, thank you.”

  My gaze was still firmly fixed on the manicured lawn visible through the open windows so I could only listen as Jamie strolled on bare feet to the refrigerator. I heard a cabinet open and close, some pots bang around, and then the flicker of gas igniting on the stove.

  Taking a deep breath, I took a peek.

  Jamie had his back to me as he oversaw whatever he was concocting, so I took the time to admire the tanned skin marked with tattoos and fresh scratches stretching a red path down to his tight ass. I knew very well what those marks meant since I’d given Wren a few myself.

  Right now, there was a girl feeling very satisfied, and because it was Jamie responsible for that feeling, I imagined she was feeling guilty, too.

  “Why are you awake?” I asked to distract me from my musings.

  “The same reason you are.” I could hear the amusement in his tone and was thankful he couldn’t see me blush.

  “Should they be that loud considering their parents sleep a few doors down?”

  “I don’t know what Rosalyn’s deal is, but my uncle has always been a heavy sleeper.”

  “Still…it’s a huge gamble. I guess I can see why they risk it, though. They sounded like they were having fun.”

  “Yeah…I can’t wait for it to blow up in their faces.”

  I paused at that. There was no malice in his tone, which only confused me more, so I went with the only explanation to pop into my head. “You want Four?”

  He snorted. “That ship sailed a long time ago. She might as well be Adara.”

  “Who’s Adara?”

  “My sister.”

  The sheer pride and adoration in such a s
imple answer painted a picture—albeit murky—of the affection he held for Four.

  “If she’s like a sister to you, why do you want to see her unhappy?”

  He snorted. “I don’t. I just need the asshole she’s wrapped around out of my way.”

  I panicked when, without warning, he reached for the cabinet next to him and produced a glass. I quickly resumed my watch of the quiet lawn. I heard the pouring of liquid, and a second later, through my peripheral, a glass of milk appeared in front of me.

  “You seriously didn’t bring pants down with you?” I griped.

  “It’s two in the morning,” he argued. “I wasn’t exactly expecting company.”

  “Right.” Feeling like a skittish kitten, I lifted the glass and felt the heat. “Warm milk?” I was careful to keep my gaze on the milk and nothing else.

  “It’ll help you sleep.”

  “I’m impressed,” I said with my eyebrows high.

  “That I can warm milk?”

  I pictured him frowning but was too chicken to confirm. “That you cared.” I took a sip of the milk and let out an appreciative hum when I realized he’d added sugar.

  “You think I’m a jerk?”

  “Is that a serious question?” I shot back before taking another sip.


  I started, not expecting his answer. Forcing down the milk, I looked into his eyes. “If it bothers you, why do you act this way?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like the world wronged you.”

  He shrugged and ran his hand through his already unkempt hair. I loved how the light made his hair look more red than brown.

  “Maybe it has.”

  “That would imply that it owed you something in the first place.”

  “So you’re not angry?” he countered.

  “About what?”

  “You’ve been here for few days, and no one has come beating down the door looking for you.” I heard the hidden question in his statement.

  “Maybe I just hide really well.”

  “Or maybe they never bothered to look.”

  I pushed air through my lips but said nothing. The Hendersons would be busy preparing for their new life in Austin. Of course, my social worker would be looking for me, but that was her job, and with a caseload her size, a seventeen-year-old who was mere months from aging out of the system would be the least of her priorities.


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