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The Road Trip At The End Box Set [Books 1-3]

Page 16

by Wood, J N

  Thousands of zombies shuffled along in silence, the only noise they made were the sounds of them hitting the surrounding buildings. They completely filled the roads and alleyways in front of us. The horrifying scene before me reminded me of the news footage I’d seen of a tsunami enveloping a coastal city. It looked like debris being funnelled through the streets. They were all going in the same direction, like some kind of mass migration.

  ‘I’ve never seen this many together, are the groups always this big?’ I managed to ask, through my shocked state.

  ‘They vary in size. This could be the biggest we’ve seen actually. We’ve just been lucky that a swarm hasn’t been around us when the sun has set. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to get out of our little complex.’

  I tried to find the edges of the group, or swarm, but it seemed to go on forever. They were brushing up against the chain link fence as they shuffled along.

  ‘Is the fence strong enough?’ I asked.

  ‘I think it is while the swarms are this size, and they’re just walking along at this kind of speed. The concrete posts should hold it in place for now. If there was more of them and they actually tried to get in? Then, it wouldn’t last long. Don’t worry though, they can’t see us at this distance, they’ve got bad eyesight.’

  ‘Yeah we noticed that as well,’ I replied. ‘I was thinking their senses have maybe dulled or wasted away now they’re dead.’

  ‘Yes probably.’ She half turned to leave but stopped. ‘I never thought I would be having these kinds of conversations, did you?’ she asked.


  ‘Who do you think did it?’ she asked.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Who did this?’ She pointed out to the zombie filled streets. ‘Who created this virus to wipe us out?’

  ‘What? The zombie virus?’

  ‘No, I think that was a mistake, a kind of by product. I mean the initial virus. The Chinese, North Koreans, the Russians? Somebody did this.’

  ‘I honestly hadn’t thought about it like that. I just thought it was a virus,’ I said.

  ‘So everyone is carrying on with their lives just like normal, and then within two days, just two days, millions of people are dead. With no warning?’

  ‘I’m not saying you’re not right, just that I don’t know.’

  She shook her head. ‘Come on, let’s get back inside, I need to talk to my Uncle about where we’re going to search tonight.’

  Ali spun around, and walked straight into the younger looking guy I’d seen stood at Gilberto’s side.

  ‘Oh, sorry Theo,’ she said. ‘We’re just heading in, you staying out here?’

  Theo looked at me like I’d just taken a shit in his shoes. What the fuck had I done to offend these people?

  ‘Yes, Dad asked me to keep an eye on this swarm.’ Theo gave a little nod to the zombies. ‘Whoa, that’s a big one!’

  ‘That’s what she said.’ I couldn’t resist, it was handed to me on a plate.

  Theo looked confused. ‘Well she would, it is big.’

  ‘Yep, she said that as well,’ I replied.

  ‘What?’ Theo asked.

  I shook my head. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  At least Ali was smiling at my immature joke.

  ‘Oh, and Dad wants to talk to you Alison,’ Theo said.

  Ali told Theo she’d catch him later, and we made our way back inside.

  ‘Why does your family really fucking hate me?’ I asked. ‘Even that little lad earlier didn’t seem to be that keen on me.’

  ‘They don’t hate you. They’re just a bit wary of other people, and Seth was just upset.’

  ‘Any particular reason?’ I asked. ‘Not about Seth being upset, obviously.’

  ‘Some guys forced their way into the warehouse a few days ago. They cut a huge hole in the fence and got in here, they took a lot of the food. If they’d asked us we’d probably have given them some. We didn’t notice the hole in the fence straight away, and some of the dead got in. They killed my Aunt Renata. She was Gilberto’s wife, and Pete, Steve and Theo’s Mom. That’s why they’re unsure about outsiders. They kind of decided to stick to family after that.’

  ‘Shit, I’m really sorry,’ I said.

  ‘They’re all taking it really well. I think we’re all in shock and it will hit us later maybe, when it’s all calmed down.’

  ‘I’m not sure if it’s gonna calm down to be honest,’ I said. ‘Not for a long time anyway.’

  Ali let out a long sigh. ‘Yes, you’re probably right.’

  We headed back to the canteen, and Ali told me to get a coffee whilst she spoke to her Uncle. I was waiting for the kettle to boil when Steve strode over to me.

  I lifted my chin and raised my eyebrows. ‘Alright mate?’ I said.

  ‘I’m good Chris, how are you?’ he asked flatly.

  ‘Good thanks.’ I picked up an empty mug and waved it towards him. ‘Coffee?’ I asked.

  ‘No,’ he replied, shaking his head. ‘Where are you from? London?’

  I sighed and didn’t even try to hide my frustration. ‘Nope, I’m not from London. I’m from Middlesbrough.’

  ‘Oh, okay. How did you and your friend survive the virus?’

  I dropped a spoonful of instant coffee into the mug. ‘Dunno. Maybe it’s because we’re English, and the virus only kills Americans.’

  ‘What? Seriously, do you think that’s true?’ Steve had suddenly become very animated.

  I honestly thought he was carrying on with my stupid joke, so I just replied, ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Dad! Dad, you need to hear what Chris has just said!’

  I looked up from my coffee to see his face.

  Oh shit, this fucking idiot wasn’t joking.

  ‘No, Steve, I mean Ramrod, I was only…’ But it was too late. He was already running towards Gilberto.

  For fuck’s sake, they’re gonna hate me even more now.

  I walked over to where Gilberto had been talking to Ali, now interrupted by a very excited Steve. He was just finishing off telling them what I’d just said.

  ‘I’m sorry but—,’ I started to say but Gilberto interrupted me.

  ‘Steve, that is not true, Chris was just making a joke,’ he said very calmly, and then looked to me. ‘Isn’t that right Chris?’

  ‘Yeah sorry Steve, it was just a joke, just having a laugh.’

  ‘Well, how is that funny?’ Steve petulantly asked me.

  Before I could open my mouth to apologise again, he stomped off towards the kids.

  What the fuck was wrong with this guy?

  Well, this was awkward. I looked to Ali for some help but she just smiled and kept her eyes down.

  ‘Sorry, but come on, that was obviously a joke,’ I said to Gilberto.

  ‘Steve is very gullible.’ Gilberto said. ‘Please don’t try to trick him.’

  I raised my hands. ‘It was literally just a joke, there was no harm meant, honestly.’

  ‘He’s half your age and all this has hit him quite hard,’ Gilberto said.

  ‘Half my age? How old do you think I am?’ I asked, genuinely offended.

  Without looking up from the map she was scrutinising, Ali said, ‘Don’t let the fat gut and the premature balding fool you, he’s only nineteen.’

  ‘Fuck off!’ I blurted out, immediately apologising and cupping my hand over my mouth. Steve and the three kids had all heard and were now looking at me.

  Gilberto gave me a very stern look. ‘We do not talk like that in front of the children Chris.’

  ‘No, of course not, I’m really sorry.’ I noticed that Ali had a huge grin on her face, whilst still staring intently at the map on the table.

  I’d have guessed Steve was forty at the very least. I supposed my beard had started turning white since all this started. Maybe it had also aged Steve by two decades.

  ‘Get your coffee and take a seat.’ Ali kicked out a chair next to her. ‘My uncle and I are just trying to f
igure out where we should look for our missing family members. It might help you when you’re looking for your friend.’

  After grabbing my coffee I awkwardly took the offered seat, trying to avoid looking in Gilberto’s direction. I could almost feel his eyes boring into me.

  Fucking hell. I was thirty six years old, but I felt like a small child.

  I sat in silence and sipped my drink, while they discussed where Sandra and Pete could be hiding, and what route Dale and Sophia would probably have taken to get to them. Apparently, Sandra’s husband and daughter had been at Sophia’s dance class in Salt Lake City when it all started. The last time Sandra had been in contact with Dale, he’d told her they were driving south to meet up with them in this warehouse.

  While they were discussing search routes, I was studying the map in an effort to remember where everything was in relation to the warehouse. I felt quite confident I could find my own way back here without carrying our huge road map around. My phone and watch were charging in the kitchen so I left to check on them.

  Steve was in there, standing over a steaming pan. He tried to hide it, but I definitely saw him make an annoyed face when he noticed me approaching.

  ‘Hey,’ I said. ‘Sorry about my shit joke, didn’t mean to—.’

  ‘Forget about it,’ he interrupted me snappily.

  Jesus Christ. Steve is definitely in a sulk.

  ‘What are you cooking?’ I asked, leaning forward to look in the large pan.

  Steve continued to stir it with a large wooden spoon. ‘Soup.’

  ‘What kind of soup?’

  ‘Chicken,’ he mumbled.

  He hadn’t lifted his eyes from the pan since I started talking to him.

  Fucking hell. I can’t be arsed with this shit.

  I collected my phone and watch. ‘Okay, see ya later Steve,’ I said, putting the emphasis on the Steve.

  Just as I turned to walk away, a door crashed open and Theo barged into the canteen.

  ‘Aunt Sandra and Pete are back!’ he shouted. ‘I think they’ve got Uncle Dale with them!’

  Everybody stopped what they were doing. Gilberto and Ali were now up on their feet.

  ‘What about Sophia, is she with them?’ Gilberto hurriedly asked.

  ‘I couldn’t see them properly. They’re coming in at the eastern side, so it’s hard to tell from the lookout,’ Theo replied.

  Everyone started walking towards the staircase that led down to the warehouse. Gilberto placed his hands on the children’s shoulders.

  ‘We’ll wait here,’ he said. ‘You go and bring them up to us.’

  Sandra’s two kids groaned their disappointment. The other little boy was hanging back slightly, looking a bit lost. Gilberto noticed the boy and pulled him to his side.

  They might be arseholes to me, but they’re a nice family really.

  I decided to wait with Gilberto. I was happy for them, but I didn’t know these people, and it would be weird if some strange bloke was amongst the welcoming party.

  ‘What about the swarm?’ I heard Ali ask as they started out of the door.

  ‘All gone,’ Theo replied.

  Steve had left the soup bubbling away, so I took over the stirring duties while he was gone.

  Maybe I should give Steve a break. He probably has some kind of learning difficulties.

  About ten minutes later, I heard the heavy door at the bottom of the stairs open. The sound of footsteps soon followed, and I could hear Ali’s and another female’s voice’s, presumably Sandra’s.

  Ali appeared first. She paused slightly and glanced over to me, giving me the briefest of nods. She quickly marched over to Gilberto and the kids. I assumed it was Sandra who followed. She ran to the children and scooped them up in her arms. I felt really sorry for the other child, as he was probably an orphan now. He was clinging onto Gilberto’s leg, staring at the happy reunion. Ali had a very grave look on her face as she spoke to Gilberto. I couldn’t hear what was being discussed over the excited noises the children were making.

  Theo entered the room next, followed by a man I hadn’t seen before. This must have been Pete. He looked like a younger and better looking Steve, so probably his older brother then.

  The next person to walk in looked remarkably similar to Jack. I continued to stir the soup whilst staring at the Jack lookalike.

  He really did look like him, it could almost be Jack. My thoughts seemed to be in slow motion. He was looking right at me, and walking towards me. All of a sudden everything came back to real time in a rush.

  Fuck me. That is him.

  I stopped stirring the soup and met him halfway.

  ‘Alright Jackie boy, where the fuck have you been?’ I was laughing, and my voice had reached an embarrassingly high pitch.

  We hugged for much longer than we’d ever done before. The sense of relief that washed over me was almost overwhelming. We released each other and stepped back.

  He looked and smelt terrible.

  ‘You look as bad as I feel,’ I said.

  ‘Yeah because I’ve been out looking for you!’ Jack replied, looking around at the canteen. ‘And what have you been doing, pissing about in here?’

  ‘What the fuck? I’ve been out looking for you.’

  Jack laughed. ‘Yes I know, the woman in black told me.’ He pointed over to Ali, who was still talking to Gilberto, her brow creased. They still looked very serious. Luckily Gilberto looked like he hadn’t heard mine and Jack’s swearing.

  Fucking hell, it really does feel like I’m a child again.

  I looked back to Jack. ‘Where have you been, what happened?’ I asked.

  ‘Well I—,’ Jack started, but I interrupted him.

  ‘Wait one second,’ I said, then turned around. I’d left the soup unattended, but Steve was already back at his post, stirring furiously and looking at the rest of his family.

  I followed his gaze to look at Ali and Gilberto talking. Sandra had now joined them, along with two children hanging from her. They seemed to be having some kind of heated debate.

  ‘Come on. Let’s go out on the fire escape,’ I suggested.

  Ali looked up as we passed. I pointed in the general direction of the fire escape and mouthed the words, ‘Going outside to talk.’

  She nodded. Jack followed me and we made our way outside.

  We looked out onto the industrial estate. I could see the freeway and the town beyond. It was very strange to see it empty, without thousands of zombies flowing through the streets.

  ‘Are you going to tell me about your new girlfriend?’ Jack said, with a mischievous smirk on his face.

  ‘Ha fucking ha Jacqueline,’ I replied. ‘Are you gonna tell me what happened after you left the gun shop? I couldn’t get out, the door wouldn’t budge.’

  ‘You would have run straight into zombies, so it’s probably best you couldn’t get out.’

  ‘I dunno. The night I spent in the basement wasn’t very pleasant. Anyway, how did you get away from them?’

  ‘I think I must have opened the door straight into a zombie, because it was slammed shut behind me. I looked over my shoulder when I heard it bang, and all I could see were zombies. Honestly Chris, it was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen, out in the open and being that close to so many.’

  He lifted his hand and held his forefinger and his thumb about one centimetre apart. ‘I was this close to shitting myself. I just ran, I didn’t want to leave you in there, but if I’d done anything else I would be dead…or one of them.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it, no need to feel guilty,’ I said. ‘Although if I get the same opportunity, I’ll be long gone. I’ll be in Canada doing…I dunno, whatever Canadians do.’

  Jack grinned back at me. ‘Anyway, I don’t think they actually noticed me straight away.’

  His face returned to a more pained look as he remembered yesterday’s events.

  ‘I think their reactions have gone the same way their senses have. It didn’t take them to
o long to see me though, they were soon chasing after me. I was sure they were going to catch me but then I heard gunshots. I’m guessing that was you?’ he asked.

  ‘Yep, that was me. Was that good or bad for you? It was pretty fucking shite for me.’

  ‘Yeah it was good, thanks mate.’ He clapped me on the shoulder. ‘I think it must have distracted them slightly, because it gave me just enough time to get a bit of distance from the fast ones, they seemed to drop off a bit. I turned a corner and managed to hide from them.’

  ‘How did you hide from them? I mean, where did you hide?’

  ‘I dived into a bin.’

  I laughed. ‘A bin?’

  ‘Yes Chris, I hid in a big stinking, rotting and disgusting bin. For quite a long time as well. It obviously hadn’t been emptied for the last five days so it was horrible.’

  I laughed some more. ‘No wonder you fucking stink.’

  ‘Yep, thanks very much. When it got dark, I crawled out of the shit filled bin and went back to the gun shop, but there was no sign of you. I even looked in the basement, but there were just some dead zombies at the bottom of the stairs and a weird little zombie stood in the corner.’

  ‘Oh twatty bollocks!’ I cried out.

  ‘What?’ Jack asked, defensively.

  ‘That’s when I was under the fucking floorboards in the basement. For fuck’s sake.’

  ‘Well how was I to know that?’

  ‘No, I’m not blaming you, it’s just really fucking annoying, could have saved all this worry.’

  ‘Awww, were you worried about me?’ Jack playfully, and quite annoyingly, elbowed me.

  ‘No, not about you twat face. I was worried about how I was going to find Beth.’

  ‘Actually yes, on a very serious note, I was thinking about that as well.’ He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. ‘This is the address that Beth is staying at. Just in case anything happens to me, I’d like you to carry on and help Beth get up north.’

  He handed the piece of paper to me. I went to put it in my pocket.

  ‘You’ve got to memorise it though, you might lose the note,’ he said.

  ‘Yes alright, I’ll memorise it, you don’t have to go all dad-like on me.’


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