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Pride : Deadly Sins Syndicate

Page 12

by K. L. Ramsey

  “Well, if you’re trying to tell me that you love me, you don’t have to worry about me not feeling the same way, Damion,” she said. “Because I do. I fell in love with you over our first dinner meeting, if I’m being completely honest.”

  “Thank fuck,” he growled. He practically pulled her onto his lap, ignoring the stern warning look that the stewardess shot him. “I do love you, Nix,” he whispered against her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Damion felt as if he was holding his whole world in his arms.

  “I love you too, Mr. Pride,” she whispered back.

  Nixon Lust was everything he never knew he wanted and everything he had wished for, all wrapped up in one sexy woman. She was his and he was the luckiest bastard in the whole world that she had wandered into his boardroom and turned his entire world topsy turvy, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  The End

  I hope you enjoyed Damion and Nixon’s story. Now, buckle up for your inside sneak peek at K.L. Ramsey’s second Deadly Sins Syndicate book! Envy is coming in June 2021!


  Finnegan Envy turned the corner and ran down the dark alley. Had his life really become this cliché? He was being chased by some big guy in a suit and he knew that if he caught up with him, Finn wouldn’t fair well. He wasn’t one who ran into a fight unless he knew that he could win, and this wasn’t a fight he’d be able to come out the victor in.

  Finn ducked into the back of an office building, saying a little prayer when he tugged on the door, that it would actually open. It was late and when he opened the door and slipped inside, he breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped that he’d be able to find his way to the front of the building and elude his unwanted tail. He didn’t bother with the stairs. If the guy following him found him in an abandoned stairwell, he’d leave him there for dead. No, Finn’s only shot was to get out through the front of the building, and using the elevators was the quickest way of doing that.

  He pushed the button to call the elevator and when it didn’t magically appear in seconds, he started punching the button over and over like an impatient child. “Come the fuck on,” he breathed. The elevator dinged and he looked over his shoulder, to make sure that no one was following him before stepping on. Finn wasn’t watching where he was walking and that’s when he ran right into Ella Laxton and her boss, Jett Greed. Shit.

  “Finn,” Ella said, sounding a little put-off. “Why the hell are you in such a hurry?” she asked.

  “Someone’s following me,” he breathed. “Shut the fucking doors,” he ordered. Jett looked him up and down as if he was crazy and Ella pushed the button to shut the doors.

  “You taking orders from Envy now, El?” Jett asked. Finn never really liked the guy. He was too self-assured, too cocky, and way too good-looking. Jett knew exactly how to turn on the charm and use his sexy smile, complete with dimples, to get his way. His little routine usually only worked on women, but Finn was turned on by his new so-called partner.

  “He was right,” Ella breathed. “There was a guy right behind him. You were too busy checking out Finn to notice the guy heading for the stairwell,” she said. “Was he wearing a dark suit and had long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail?” Ella asked.

  “Yep—that’s him,” Finn said. “He started tailing me after I left the restaurant where I was having dinner with Damion and Nix. When I realized that I was being followed, I ducked into this building. If he’s already in the stairwell, I might not have a chance to get out of the front of the building undetected, as I hoped.”

  “I think we can help with that,” Ella offered. “I live in this building. We can take the elevator up to the eighth floor and hide away at my place until the coast is clear.”

  “That would be great, Ella,” Finn said. “Thank you.”

  “Great,” Jett grumbled. “Now your bringing strangers up to our—I mean, your place.” Finn didn’t miss Jett’s slip-up, admitting that he and Ella were living together.

  “Rock know that you’re sleeping with your assistant?” Finn asked. He wasn’t sure if he was more amused or pissed that they were tighter. Honestly, he had nothing to be mad about—they were two consenting adults, and his being attracted to both of them had nothing to do with their living arrangement.

  Jett crowded him, practically pushing him up against the wall, and God, he smelled good. “That’s none of your fucking business,” he growled. Ella’s giggle echoed around them and they both turned to look at her. “What’s so funny?” Jett asked.

  “You two, having a pissing match. How about you both just whip out your dicks and we can get this over with,” she said. The elevator stopped and Finn panicked, checking to see which floor they were on.

  “It’s okay, Finn,” Jett whispered. “We’re just to El’s floor.” The doors opened and Jett stepped off of the elevator, pushing Ella behind his big body. Finn thought that it was kind of romantic the way he was protecting her—like they were really a couple and Jett wasn’t just using his assistant for a hook-up.

  “You coming?” Jett asked. He turned and held out his hand for Finn and he hesitated, not sure if he should take it or not. Finn never hid the fact that he was bisexual, but he also didn’t openly flaunt it. Holding hands with a man in public wasn’t something that he had ever done before but staying on the elevator and taking his chances with his stalker wasn’t something he was willing to chance.

  “Yeah,” Finn said, reaching out to take Jett’s hand.

  “I’m just three down,” Ella said. “Almost there, Finn,” she promised. Ella took his other hand into her own and Jett opened the door to her place. The three of them slipped into her place and Finn looked around.

  “Your apartment is great,” he said. “I appreciate this guys. You didn’t have to help me.”

  Jett pushed Finn up against the back of the door and he wasn’t sure if he was going to kiss or hit him. Finn had known Jett most of his life since they were just kids, and he was always a little bit of a loose cannon. Jett always scared Finn just enough that he tried to steer clear from the guy.

  “Our pleasure,” Jett said, but the way he enunciated the word “pleasure” made Finn smile. It sounded like Jett was not only offering him pleasure but promising to take it from him in spades.

  “Jett,” Ella whispered. “You promised that we’d do this together,” she said. Ella pouted just a little and Finn was sure that it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Do what together?” Finn questioned.

  “This,” Jett whispered. His lips were so close to Finns that he could feel Jett’s warm breath on his and God, he wanted to taste him. It was almost as if Jett could read his mind and when he pressed his lips against Finn’s, he couldn’t help but moan and wrap his arms around Jett’s waist, pulling him closer into his body.

  “So fucking hot,” Ella whispered. “I’m next,” she promised, running her hands up Finn’s body to cup his growing erection. Suddenly, Finn had forgotten all about the man who had been following him, the pending danger he was in—and he didn’t give a fuck.


  Ella had a secret—she was in love with two different men. Two men that she hadn’t known very long—one her boss and the other was practically her best friend’s brother-in-law.

  When Nixon married Damion Pride, joining the Lust and Pride families, Ella was introduced to Finn. She thought he was charming, smart, funny, and hot as sin—and so did her wedding date. She had taken Jett with her to the wedding reception that Nix and Damion had when they got back from their honeymoon, and when she saw that same look in Jett’s eyes when he looked at Finn, she thought for sure that she was destined to be alone for the rest of her life.

  Jett wasn’t just her boss; he was also her lover. He had all but moved into her apartment, while they were sneaking around, trying to keep their relationship from his father, Rock Greed. It didn’t help that Rock was completely opposed to his son dating the hired help, and that was exactly who she was—Jett’s employ
ee. But, they had always had an open, honest relationship and when she confronted Jett later that night, he admitted to being attracted to Finn. She admitted the same and that was when they hatched their plan. At first, she thought it was the most ridiculous plan she’d ever heard, but then, the more she thought about it, the more it just made sense.

  That was the night that they came up with their idea to lure Finnigan Envy to her apartment and have their way with him. It was a decent plan until he jumped onto that elevator with the look of complete terror in his blue eyes that nearly did her in. She hated seeing Finn so upset over their little rouse and Ella was about to blow their cover when things got heated and Jett pushed Finn up against the elevator wall. God, that was so fucking hot, she forgot all about spilling her guts to Finn.

  The way he responded to Jett made her wet and all she wanted to do was watch as Finn let Jett dominate him. She could tell by the way Finn backed down when Jett challenged him that he’d submit to Jett, just as she had. The thought of the two of them working together to get Finn off made her feel about ready to burst into flames. She couldn’t wait for them to get to her apartment to see how far Finn would let Jett push him.

  She watched as Jett trapped Finn’s big body between her front door and himself, kissing him as if he was the air he needed to breathe. Ella wanted her turn. She wanted to finally taste Finnegan Envy and waiting just one second more was sheer agony.

  “My turn,” she announced. She wedged herself between the two of them, her back to Jett, and pressed her body against Finn. He fit her perfectly—they both did, and all she could think about was being sandwiched between the two of them while they both took her. Jett had been training her ass since they hatched their dubious plan and she was finally ready for them both to take her at once. Ella wrapped her arms around Finn’s neck and pulled him down to meet her lips. She took her time kissing him and God, he felt right. She had only ever kissed one other man who felt this right for her—Jett.

  “You were right,” she breathed. She turned to face Jett, “He was worth the wait.”

  “You guys were planning this?” Finn asked. She looked up at Jett, worried that she might have blown their cover, and he sighed.

  “Yes,” Jett admitted. “We’ve both wanted you for a while now, Finn.”

  “Wait,” Finn almost shouted, “did you plan everything about tonight? That man who was following me—was he working for you, Jett?”

  “Shit,” Ella whispered. She hated that everything that they planned was unraveling so quickly. They would have eventually told Finn about their plan to get him into her apartment, but they wanted to at least wait until they were all naked and well sated. It would have given them a platform to stand behind. Sure, what they did was shitty but at least they had all found each other. But now, Finn was too pissed off to see that what she and Jett did was for the best. It was the little nudge Finn needed to end up with them—where he belonged. Now, he’d never see that truth through his anger and that thought made her feel empty.

  Ella turned back to face Finn, the pain and hurt in his eyes was almost too much. “We just wanted to show you how good the three of us could be together, Finn,” she whispered. She reached for him and he grabbed her wrists in his hand.

  “No,” he growled. “Don’t touch me again, Ella. In fact, I want nothing to do with either of you. Jesus, you used manipulation and scare tactics to lure me into your home. You two are no better than stalkers—predators, and I’m your prey.”

  Jett Framed his hand on either side of the door, effectively trapping Finn with Ella still snuggled between them. She could feel both of their hearts racing and she knew that her heart was doing the same. They were about to lose everything that they had wanted for so long.

  “Just give the three of us a chance,” she begged. Finn stared them down, trapped against the door, daring either of them to touch him again. She knew that he’d make good on every threat she saw promised in his blue eyes. He was a powerful man, even in his submission, and she and Jett would do best to remember that fact.

  “You know what,” Jett breathed, “forget it.” He wrapped his arms around Ella’s waist and pulled her back from Finn. “He’s already made up his mind, Baby,” he whispered into her ear. “Haven’t you Finn?” Ella wanted to tell Jett that he was wrong. She wanted to run back over to where Finn still had his back pressed up against her front door and demand that he change his mind, but Jett was right. He had already made his decision. He was going to walk away from them and everything that they were offering him, and all Ella would be able to do was watch him go.


  Jett wasn’t sure how the hell his plan when south so quickly but watching Finn Envy walk away from him was as painful as he thought it would be. It hurt like hell and the worst part of it was having to hold Ella as she sobbed in his arms. He had promised her that their plan would work and he let her down.

  When they came up with the idea of luring Finn Envy to Ella’s apartment, he didn’t see any part of his plan failing. How could it? Jett hired one of his guys to follow Finn from his dinner meeting with Damion Pride and his new bride, Nixon Lust. They were having dinner just around the corner from Ella’s apartment and his guy was very convincing that he was stalking Finn. The poor guy jumped into that elevator with the fear of God in his gorgeous blue eyes. He almost made Jett feel guilty for coming up with the whole idea to have his guy corral Finn into that alley and then into the back of Ella’s building. Finn had no idea that Jett and Ella would be waiting for him on the elevator, but it was all part of their plan. The guy was in constant contact with Jett, letting him know Finn’s every move, and when he finally got onto the elevator, Jett felt as though he and Ella were going to get everything that they had dreamed of together.

  Falling for Ella wasn’t part of Jett’s plan. His father had hired Ella to be his assistant and she quickly became so much more than that to him. At first, she insisted that they couldn’t be anything more than just friends. She worked for him, and who knew, maybe she was right. Crossing the line from working together to lovers wasn’t a good idea. It would have been a nightmare for human resources if his relationship with Ella had failed, and his father would have had his ass. But, it worked. Dinner meeting dates led to late-night meetings at his place and eventually, he was practically living at her apartment with her. It was easier that way. His father lived in the same building as he did and running into Rock with Ella wasn’t a good idea. His dad would have insisted that they end things immediately. Actually, his father would have fired Ella and she was the only reason why Jett had started to take any interest in his father’s business. Until Ella came to work for Greed Enterprises, Jett didn’t want to have any part in his father’s Syndicate. Hiring her was a smart move on his father’s part, and his dear old dad knew it.

  They were happy together, really they were, but Ella would never be enough for him. Sure, that made him sound like a complete douche, but it was the truth, and he promised to always give Ella the truth. He admitted to her from the start that he was bisexual. It wasn’t something that he hid from anyone. Falling for Ella was easy, but he felt like something, or in this case, someone, was missing. Jett came clean and told Ella how he was feeling and she was the one who suggested that they add a third to the mix. She was fine with the two of them finding a man to be a part of their relationship. Jett felt like the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the planet when she came up with the idea that the man should be Finn Envy.

  He and Finn had known each other most of their lives. Their fathers were both powerful men in the Deadly Sins Syndicate and they were naturally thrown together when the Syndicate had big functions. They were both being groomed to take over for their fathers someday and that was something that drew them together. He liked Finn—hell, he more than liked Finn Envy, and when he came out as bi, Jett was ready to jump in his fucking car, drive over to Finn’s place and make him his. But, that wasn’t who he was back then. He was just a kid—a shy kid, scared of his own da
mn shadow.

  Jett eventually learned to force himself out of his shell and found his true calling. He was a dominant; someone who liked control. He happened to crave that control both in and out of the bedroom and Ella seemed to love being submissive for him, although he had a feeling that she was more of a switch. If given the shot, his girl would probably dominate with the best of them. That was where Finn was supposed to come in. He might be a powerful man out in the business world but Jett could tell that Finn was a natural submissive. Finn would give both him and Ella his submission and it would have been beautiful. But, Finn walked away from him—from them both and Jett had a feeling there would be no convincing him to come back and give them a second chance.

  Ella sat across his lap; her eyes still damp from crying over Finn. Jett wanted to tell her that Finn wasn’t worth her tears, but he’d be lying. Finn was worth every ounce of their sadness and so much more. He ran his big hand down her soft cheek, collecting the tears that had fallen.

  “Don’t cry, Baby,” he crooned.

  “What will we do now?” she sobbed. “We both wanted him and without Finn, I’m afraid that I’ll never be enough for you, Jett.” That was the crux of their problem—could they be enough for each other without a third. He could promise her that she would be or that they’d find another man to join them, but she’d know that he was lying. Ella was the smartest woman that he had ever known.

  “Now, we come up with another plan,” he offered. “We tried and we failed, so we pick ourselves up and try again, Honey. I have a feeling that Finn is worth it.”


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