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Hot in the Kitchen

Page 9

by Burke, Olivia

  “Nice to see you again, sir.”

  Seth was surprised that Mr. Brown’s handshake was still so firm, but was otherwise taken aback at his frail health. The man he once knew had been tall and strong, but now he leaned on his wife for support as she helped him into a dining room chair. His heart cracked a little for Natalie as he realized she’d witnessed his deterioration over the course of the last several months.

  He urged them all to sit down and served up his makeshift picnic, sharing the details of all the ingredients like the servers did at the restaurant. Natalie’s parents oohed and ahhed, exclaiming over every bite. He’d even thought to bring a bottle of wine that paired well with everything, which her parents most appreciated.

  “Seth, this might be the best meal I’ve ever eaten, and I’m not just saying that,” Mr. Brown said. “You have a gift.”

  Pride filled Seth’s chest. “Thank you, sir.”

  “So Seth, how long have you been at LUSH?” Mrs. Brown asked.

  “Almost three years,” he answered between bites. “I worked at a couple other places before that, and moved my way up.”

  “That’s great,” she said. “Do you plan on staying a while?”

  “Oh, uh, actually,” Seth said, glancing at Natalie, “I’m waiting to hear back about a head chef position I interviewed for a couple weeks ago.”

  He didn’t miss the way she froze before looking up at him. She offered a weak laugh.

  “I didn’t realize you were looking for a new job.”

  He realized she might think he’d searched for other jobs to get away from her and quickly added, “I applied before you came to work at LUSH.”

  Mr. and Mrs. Brown exchanged a look he didn’t understand, though he was sure it had to do with him and their daughter.

  “Where is it?” Mr. Brown asked.

  “Next town over,” he responded after swallowing a hunk of bread. “It’s kind of like an upscale pub. I’d get to create and execute the menu, all that stuff like Tom does.”

  “How wonderful,” Mrs. Brown chimed in. “That’s so ambitious of you, Seth.”

  “We’ll see,” Seth said, holding up a hand. “I’m not sure I’m qualified enough to get it.”

  “You’re certainly talented enough,” Mrs. Brown responded. “This food is fantastic.”

  He gave her a grateful smile, recognizing a way out of the conversation when it was offered. “Thank you, Mrs. Brown. Have you tried some of this…?”

  He pointed out a few things to them, distracting them from the topic of his future employment. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Natalie. His heart thumped uncomfortably at the way her shoulders slumped and her perfect mouth pressed into a thin line. When she caught him looking, she sat up a little straighter, offering him a tight smile.

  Uh oh. He knew that look. That look said, we’ll talk later. He withheld a grimace; he wasn’t surprised that she wanted to talk about it, but he’d really been hoping to not have to worry about it. It was bad enough he was here, enjoying the afternoon with her family, when he should be thinking about what came next for him. If he got the job, if he didn’t get the job … did Natalie even fit into any of that?

  Natalie helped her mother clean the house on Monday. She needed the mindless work as she could hardly concentrate, too busy thinking about Seth. She still couldn’t believe he’d come over for his makeshift picnic, taking the time out of his busy schedule to do that for her family. Seth had always been sweet, but his effort to spend time with her parents put her over the moon.

  Which terrified her.

  Seth Clark wasn’t just sneaking back into Natalie’s heart; he was outright owning it at this point. It scared her, how easy it was to slip back into openly loving him. She never meant for it to happen again, but she’d be lying to herself if she said those emotions hadn’t come rushing back the first instant she’d seen him. But since then, her stupid heart couldn’t think of anything else–which then led to all the reasons they hadn’t worked.

  Breaking up with him and leaving had been one of the hardest things she’d ever done in her life. And the fact he’d had a job interview at another restaurant, and not told her about it, made her think he was ready to follow his own path. That most likely meant leaving her, and it scared her all over again.

  Later that evening, her phone buzzed with a text from Seth. Her face broke into a smile as soon as his name came up.

  Wanna come over?

  Natalie hesitated, not sure what that meant. If it was code for booty call, she didn’t think she was ready for that. Not with him. But a few seconds later, her phone buzzed again.

  Tommy and Aubrey are here, too.

  She suppressed a smile; it was as if he’d known what she thought about his vague text. Her fingers flew across the screen.

  Be there soon.

  She stopped in her parents’ bedroom to let them know she was headed out. Her mother sat in the chair close to her dad’s bedside, holding his hand while reading with her tablet in her other one. Classical music played from a little speaker, just loud enough not to be distracting. Her father sat up against his fluffed pillow, eyes closed and a little smile on his face. Natalie paused for a second to drink the peaceful moment in, emotions swirling within her at the sight. She chose to be happy for them, rather than sad, knowing it was what her dad wanted.

  She whispered to her mom, just in case he was asleep. “I’m going out for a little while. Don’t wait up.”

  Her mom looked up. “Where are you off to, honey?”

  “Uh, I’m headed to Seth’s. We’re gonna hang out with Aubrey and Tom.”

  Her dad’s eyes opened slightly. “You don’t need to explain anything to us.”

  He chuckled, but it choked him up. A coughing fit came over him, and her mom handed him a tissue. He patted his mouth as he caught his breath, wheezing a little. Natalie walked over to him,

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Of course I am.” Her dad squeezed her hand.

  “I don’t have to leave–”

  “Go, Natty, have some fun. Love you.”

  She squeezed back. “Love you.”

  Natalie walked the few blocks to Seth’s house, enjoying the warm summer evening on her skin. When she stepped onto the front porch, she could hear shouting inside. What on earth? She knocked, wondering if they could even hear her.

  “Come in!”

  Natalie entered, laughing at the sight in the open living room. Aubrey and Seth enthusiastically battled each other in a video game, shouting and cursing at each other. Tom, evidently used to the behavior, ignored them as he scribbled on a notepad. He spared her a welcoming smile before refocusing on his list. When Natalie glanced at the paper, it looked like bullet points for a recipe.

  Seth’s character collapsed to the ground and the game announced she’d won. Aubrey crowed her victory as she drained the last of her beer bottle.

  “The champion must now go home and finish laundry,” she said, shooting Natalie an apologetic look. “But we should hang soon. Let’s go get manicures or something.”

  “I’m in,” Tom said, making them all laugh.

  Aubrey bid her goodbyes, long hair swinging behind her as she left. Natalie didn’t miss the long look Tom gave at her exit, and she realized with a start that he was wild about the Aussie bartender. I wonder if Aubrey knows?

  Natalie perched on the opposite end of the couch. Seth offered a video game controller, but she shook her head.

  “No, thanks,” she said with a laugh. “Still not for me.”

  “In that case, I’m done for the night,” Seth told Tom. “Natalie didn’t come over to watch me play video games.”

  He spared a wink to Natalie. “She’s had enough of that to last a lifetime.”

  “Fine by me, I’m tired of beating you anyway.” Tom hopped up from the chair, waving the notepad at them. “I’m gonna see what I can do about this recipe. You guys have fun.”

  “What are you making?” Nata
lie asked.

  An excited gleam came to Tom’s eye before he headed into the kitchen, obviously on a mission. “Cherry vanilla fortune cookies.”

  Seth chuckled at the crestfallen look on Natalie’s face. “Still hate cherries, huh?”

  “Such a waste of fruit,” she said, albeit wistfully. “I didn’t know Chef Tom could bake, too.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Seth said, nodding. “You have to try his brownies next time he makes them. They’re unbelievable.”

  Natalie shot him an impressed look. “Sign me up. That’s awesome he can make desserts, too. I’m an okay baker, but I’ve never been a good cook.”

  “Oh, I remember,” he said, smiling. “You could burn water.”

  She laughed, throwing a couch pillow at his head. He caught in, scooting in close to her. The amusement faded as the moment turned into something else, something more. His eyes fell to her lips and Natalie’s cheeks flushed as she hoped for and against him kissing her.

  Tom cursed as something fell to the kitchen floor, effectively ruining the moment. Natalie jumped at the noise, while Seth wore a thoughtful look. He held up a finger for her to wait, and went into the kitchen. The boys murmured to each other, and a moment later, Seth returned, wearing a wide grin and carrying a small canvas cooler.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her off the couch. “I have an idea.”

  “For what?”

  “Well, I want to be alone with you, but I guess we both know that’s a bad idea.”

  “Probably, yes.”

  “So I think this will still take your mind off things for a bit.”

  He led her out of the house, slamming the front door behind them. He didn’t let go of her hand as they walked.

  Natalie forced herself to ignore the way her skin tingled at his touch. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see,” was all he said.

  She followed his lead as he led them out the door. She recognized the familiar path instantly, pulling on his arm. “Are we going to LUSH?”

  He only smiled, which made her all the more curious to know what he was thinking. Minutes later, Seth was unlocking the back door and ushering her inside, locking them both in after. As though he’d done it a million times, he flipped on the kitchen lights, leaving the rest of the restaurant in the dark. He only left the kitchen long enough to turn on the overhead music, leaving it on the quiet jazz music that played during normal operating hours.

  Natalie stood there awkwardly, completely out of place behind the metal tables. “Should we be here?”

  Seth chuckled as he got out a few pans and fired up his station. “Why not?”

  “You won’t get in trouble or anything?”

  “If anyone really came by to ask, I’m just working on a new recipe. Besides,” he added, tossing her a look over his shoulder, “Chef Tommy said it was fine.”

  Natalie laughed, relaxing. Seth moved around the kitchen with ease, unpacking the cooler and grabbing a handful of ingredients from the fridge around the corner. Once his station was assembled, he crooked a finger at her.

  “Time to learn how to make a croque madame.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Isn’t that just a fancy word for ham and cheese sandwich?”

  Seth gave her a mock-offended look. “It’s only the best ham and cheese sandwich you’ll ever eat. Besides, it’s better when you make it late at night.”

  Natalie laughed. “Okay, okay. Teach me your ways, sous chef.”

  Seth handed her a slab of parmesan and a grater. “Grate this for me, but watch your fingers, missy.”

  Natalie carefully grated while he pulled brioche and carved ham from the cooler he’d brought, along with gruyere cheese and butter from the hallway fridge. She watched him put the sandwiches together. His brows furrowed together as he concentrated, and Natalie giggled.

  He glanced up. “What?”

  “You’re just so focused, even on a sandwich,” she said, copying his serious expression.

  “Can’t be helped,” he said with a chuckle. “I take my sandwiches very seriously.”

  “Along with everything else, it seems.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  Natalie shrugged. “The servers said you’re a pretty serious guy most days, especially in the kitchen.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” he said, carefully cutting another slice of cheese. “It’s mostly just when I’m in the kitchen. Any other time of day and I’m a pretty laid-back guy.”

  He offered it to her, and she leaned in so he could pop it in her mouth. Her lips grazed the tips of his fingers and she smiled as she pulled back.

  “You don’t hang out with them a lot?”

  “Not really. I’m either busy learning from or helping Tommy or I’m at the gym.” He shot her a smile. “Gotta do something to counteract sampling everything I cook.”

  “That’s really paid off, by the way,” Natalie said without thinking.

  Seth’s grin grew wider, especially at the blush that rose on her cheeks. “Thanks.”

  He buttered each side of brioche before placing them on the grill. He began the rich béchamel sauce as well, mixing the flour and butter as if second nature. While they melted, he cracked two eggs to fry beside them.

  “The fried egg is what makes it a croque madame,” Seth explained. He flipped the eggs and Natalie shot him an impressed look.

  “I almost always break the yolk when I try that.”

  Seth grinned. “I’ve only practiced it about a million times. I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I couldn’t cook a proper egg, fried, boiled, or otherwise.”

  “You must always get stuck with those for eggs benedict at brunch.” Natalie laughed.

  “I do, actually. I don’t mind, though.” The sandwiches were done within another minute and he reached over to turn the stovetop off. He took her grated cheese and sprinkled it on top, letting it melt before placing the eggs as the final layer.

  “So … what happens if you get that head chef job?” Natalie asked, hating the timidness in her question.

  Seth didn’t respond right away, his back to her as he stayed at the grill. “I’m not sure. I guess I have to start over again.”

  “That doesn’t scare you?”

  He turned to look at her, shrugging. “It’s not ideal, but it’s one way to do it. Tommy’s gonna be here for a few more years, at least, which is great, but what does that mean for me? I’m not sure.”

  “Not everything has to be decided right away,” Natalie said.

  The corners of his mouth ticked up. “That’s funny, coming from you.”

  “How times have changed,” she murmured.

  His broad chest heaved as he sighed. “To be honest, I’m not even sure I want the job, but it seemed like the next logical step. I thought it was what I had to do next.”

  “And now?”

  Seth didn’t take his eyes off the grill as he flipped the sandwiches. “And now I really don’t know.”

  Natalie hummed under her breath. It wasn’t her place to tell him what to do, but on the inside, she wished she could tell him not to leave. I just got here, she wanted to say. We could finally be together for real. But she couldn’t bring herself to say the words, knowing it’d scare him off. Or worse, her hypocrisy could anger him and disrupt any hint of whatever this was between them again.

  While he worked, Natalie pulled two plates from the nearby shelf, along with a couple of forks and knives. She swiped paper towels from another station, and had it all waiting when Seth was ready. He turned around, giving her a nod of appreciation as he loaded the plates with their late-night snack.

  She cut through her sandwich, the runny egg yolk dripping perfectly across the bread. Her eyes closed as she savored the first few bites, every component a perfect flavor.

  “Well?” Seth asked with an expectant look.

  “You’re right,” Natalie admitted. “This is the best ham and cheese sandwich I’ve ever eaten.”
r />   Seth glowed with pride, the grin on his face making Natalie’s knees weak.

  “That’s why I do it,” he said.

  “Because you get to feed pretty girls?” she teased.

  “Because I get to make people happy through food,” he said, laughing. He cut into his own sandwich and took a bite, clearly pleased at the result. “Yeah, that’s tasty.”

  “Delicious,” she corrected.

  “So, what do you think?” Seth asked.

  “About tonight, or us?”

  “I don’t know.” He thought it over. “Tonight’s nearly over. What happens tomorrow?”

  “I don’t know, Seth, honest. I never expected to be standing here with you.”

  “Me either,” he admitted. “I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “I’m not looking for anything serious,” Natalie said, trying to keep her hands to herself. She pushed away her half-eaten plate, already full. “I can’t–I need to get back to my original plan and finish vet school.”

  “And I need to stay focused so I can be a head chef,” he replied, polishing off the last bite on his own plate.

  Her good mood dimmed a bit. She stacked her plate on top of his empty one as a smile tugged at her lips. “One day if not tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah. Maybe own my own place someday.”

  God help her, Seth’s ambition went straight to Natalie’s lady parts. She’d never seen him this way, but he seemed so certain, so confident, that it made him a hundred times hotter than ever before. She leaned closer in to him, like a moth drawn to a flame. He closed the gap, green eyes on her lips.

  “We shouldn’t,” she whispered.

  “Probably not,” he agreed.

  This was all sorts of bad news. Seth had always been like a drug, dragging Natalie back under his spell. No one had ever touched her the way he did. Four years without Seth … no one had compared before or after him.

  “Seth,” she whispered.

  His thumb grazed her arm as he closed the distance between them. When his lips met hers, it was even better than Natalie remembered. He was warm and strong, his touch familiar and yet new, sending tingles throughout her entire body. She placed a hand on his cheek, his beard scratchy beneath her palm. When the kiss deepened, she wrapped her arms around his neck.


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