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Light Unbroken (Ardor of Light Trilogy) Book 1

Page 13

by K. Lew

  Chapter 12: Tough Choice

  Water was everywhere as he splashed around. He struggled to keep his head above the water. The splashes of water were getting into his eyes when he saw a raven-haired girl sitting on the high ground. As his vision cleared, he recognized it was his sister. He yelled. “Deary, help me.” She stood up and walked to the water edge. She had blood running down her face. She spoke. “I waited for you, Brother Bear. But you never came. You never came for me.” She turned and walked away. Clouds of darkness engulfed her as the darkness swept towards him. The water disappeared and he found himself in a white room. He was lying on the white bed. Then he saw his father sitting next to him on a white stool. His father was wearing a white cloak. He cried sorrowfully, tearstained. “Father, I failed you. I failed mother. I failed Phoebe. I lost her...” His father spoke. “Son, you failed no one. Failures exist when you allow it to dictate your life. Never beat yourself down. You are strong and I know you will prevail.” He stared at his father. He was dripping wet. His wet clothing stuck to him like vines on a wall. His father spoke up again. “I love you, son. I know the heavy burden you carry, but I know you are strong. You will overcome, my son.” Patton closed his eyes and found himself again in the river. He was lying in the forest with the sounds of chirping and hooting around him. A woman walked towards him. The woman was in a white dress. Before he could see her face, a huge wave engulfed her. He shielded his face at the incoming wave.

  Patton woke up to the old man licking his face. He flinched back and pushed the old man away. “Come on, Mary.”

  The man spoke. “Hop Hip. Mary said let’s go.”

  Patton looked around. He was still deep in the heart of red tree. A light glow of green illuminated the room. Benjamin was nowhere to be seen. Patton yelled. “Where are you?” But he got no answer. After a closer inspection of the hat, the old man was wearing; Patton saw what initially looked like a disarray of mess was actually multilayered and meticulous. The little twigs were precisely intertwined together making a complex pattern. The different assortments of leaves were added with some sort of adhesion for color and brightness.

  Patton heard a soft thump behind him. He turned around and saw Benjamin. “How do you do that?” Benjamin spoke. “Well Mary and I are heading out. I don’t want to overstay my visit and irritate Young Redwood. You’re welcome to join.”

  Patton asked. “Where are you headed?” Benjamin replied. “Home.” Patton spoke. “Where is home for you?” Benjamin spoke. “In northern part of the forest.” Patton nodded. “No. I made a promise to my sister. I mean to keep it.” Benjamin nodded and spoke. “I would expect nothing less. Listen to me well. Young Redwood said that an army of knights has captured your sister. Come with me and Mary and we can teach you the ways to become stronger.”

  Patton spoke. “So what are you implying? That I wasn’t strong enough to save my sister.”

  Benjamin spoke. “I’m offering you a chance to become stronger. You lost her once and it can happen again. I offering you a chance so that never happens again.”

  Patton shook his head and spoke. “Thanks, but no thanks. My sister needs me now.”

  Benjamin spoke. “A pity. You have the potential to be one of best.”

  Patton stared back at Benjamin in confusion. One of the best what?

  Benjamin turned his back and spoke. “A pity. Okay, watch and follow me. Once we’re out, we will go our separate way. Mary, I guess it just you and me on the road again.” The old man got onto his feet and followed Benjamin. Benjamin planted his small palm out on the tree wall. The monkey’s palm was glowing in fluorescent, green light.

  Then a strong wind blew around Patton, gathering strength. Then an invisible force from beneath his feet propelled him upwards. The strong wind blew into his ears so that all he could hear was the raging wind. He continued going up until he flew through a pitch-black tunnel. Finally he saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The winds died down around him. The invisible force disappeared and he was free falling down to the ground. As he was falling, he saw a branch wrap around Benjamin’s waist. Then another branch whipped through the air and wrapped around his waist. The branch gently placed him on the forest floor, then the branch whipped back and out of sight.

  Benjamin and Mary were already gone. He looked back at Young Redwood. The red tree stood there beside many other red trees, but it looked different among the other red trees. The boy saluted to the red tree and spoke. “Thank you.” A growing laughter filled the Patton’s ear. “Look what we got here boys, a real crazy.” Patton turned around quickly. A blond man with blue eyes walked out between two red trees. The blond man with blue eyes was carrying a long, gray mace with a small, gray morning star on top. Then he heard more movement from behind the blond man with blue eyes, revealed two men following him. One man was short, while the other was taller.

  Patton spoke. “I don’t want trouble.”

  The blond man with blue eyes spoke to the two men. “He says he doesn’t want trouble.” The blond man with blue eyes turned back and spoke. “Well trouble found you, boy.”

  The short man spoke smiling with a toothless grin. “Boss, he sure looks like a girl with his long hair.”

  The blond man with blue eyes looked at the boy with a dangerous glint in his eyes. The blond man with blue eyes stepped forward. Instinctively, Patton pulled his maple bow from around his back and strung an arrow up. The blond man with blue eyes stopped and stared at his maple bow. After a few tense moments, the blond man with blue eyes spoke to the two men. “Let’s get going. This brat has a stringer.” The two men spoke. “Okay, Boss.” As they walked away, Patton had a revelation. Patton yelled. “Wait!” The blond man with blue eyes stopped.

  Patton asked. “Are you slavers? ”

  The blond man with blue eyes turned around and faced him. He gave Patton a sinister smile, which made him shudder. The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “Even if we were, why the hell would I tell you?”

  Patton spoke. “If you value your lives, you will tell me the truth.” The blond man with blue eyes turned back around. “I’m calling your bluff. Go ahead. Release your bow, boy. I don’t think you have it in you.”

  Patton yelled. “Shut up! Where is my sister? Tell me the truth or I swear I will kill you all.” The blond man with blue eyes turned around, dropping his mace to the forest ground. The blond man with blue eyes looked up at the trees and spoke. “Let me see...Ah yes...I remember she was a pretty thing with black hair and small eyes. Before or after I had my way with her?” An angry beast within him broke free and Patton let the string go. The arrow flew through the air and struck the blond man with blue eyes in the leg, right below his knee. The blond man with blue eyes fell to the forest ground, grabbing his injured knee.

  The blond man with blue eyes cried. “You little brat! I will kill you!” The two men reached for their knives strapped to their belts. Patton spoke. “Don’t even think about it.” Patton already had another arrow strung up.

  The blond man with blue eyes snarled. “Nooo! He’s mine.” He turned and spoke to him. “I’m going to kill you slowly, boy. And I will enjoy every moment of it.”

  Patton spoke. “Come and get me.” The blond man with blue eyes spat at the forest ground and spoke. “Cheeky brat.” Patton decided to change approach, pleaded. “Just tell me. Please.”

  The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “Only if you give me your word you will set us free if I tell you.”

  Patton spoke softly. “Yes. You have my word.” The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “One of my men and your sister were captured by Strongblood. Last I saw them, they were taking your sister to the Strongblood castle about northeast from here.”

  Patton pulled some three ropes out of his backpack and threw at them. He spoke. “Good. Now you two tie each other’s hands. I will tie your hands.” Patton stared at the blond man with blue eyes.

  The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “Wait! What? I thought you would set us free?”
/>   Patton spoke coldly. “I will. After you three lead me to my sister, I will set you free. I am no dunce. Your words mean nothing to me.”

  The two men looked at the blond man with blue eyes, waiting for his orders. The blond man with blue eyes glared at him with hatred and blinked down at his mace.

  Patton spoke. “Don’t even think about it. One sudden move and you’re dead.” The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “I’m not sure you can kill all three of us before one of us slit your throat.”

  Patton spoke. “Try me. I’ve killed before.” He tightened his grip on the arrow and the string.

  The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “Is that right? We are talking about humans here, not animals. You know you never forget your first kill. I remember my first kill. She was a pretty, little thing. She was also sweet if you know what I mean. So if you did manage to kill me, does that mean you will never forget about me?”

  Patton yelled. “Stop playing with me!” The two men laughed. The blond man feigned surprise and spoke. “Am I? But I’m having fun and you are entertaining my men too. I’ve been killing people longer than you been alive. I can help you if you accept my offer on joining my group. I will teach you how to survive in this big, scary world and you will be rich in a few years.”

  Patton spoke. “Let me sleep on it.” If I accept I will probably be dead by then, watching my back, waiting for the knife in my back. No, the first chance I get, I’m dumping the lot of them.

  Patton smiled at the thought of getting rid of them. The blond man with blue eyes smiled back. The blond man with blue eyes rose to get up until finally with the help of his two men, he stood up weakly. As the tall man reached to grab the arrow sticking out from the blond man with blue eyes’ knee, the blond man with blue eyes slapped the man’s hand. The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “No. I will pull it out myself. One of you get the fire going. I will need to have my wound cleaned with a hot metal right afterwards.”

  As tall man set up a fire, the short man laid out his knives on a brown cloth on the forest ground. Patton watched curiously. Is it really necessary for a small wound like that? I have some green ointment for cuts and scrapes but I rather let him suffer.

  The blond man with blue eyes grabbed the arrow with both hands. Then he took a deep breath before he pulled hard. He grunted uncomfortably until finally the arrow was pulled out. Slowly blood seeped out the wound. He yelled. “Where is the hot knife?”

  The short man, who had the knife burning in the fire, slowly took the burning hot knife away from the flame. The tall man ripped a cloth off his shirt and stuffed it into the blond man with blue eyes’ mouth. The short man placed the flat of the burning hot knife onto the wound. Instantly, the wound began to sizzle and Patton could smell the flesh cook. The blond man with blue eyes closed his eyes momentarily, before opening his eyes. The short man took the cooling knife off the wound. The blond man with blue eyes spat the cloth out of his mouth. The blond man with blue eyes paused, before speaking. “Let’s go.” The tall man looked at his boss with concern. The short man spoke. “Are you sure you’re okay, Boss?”

  The blond man with blue eyes spoke. “Of course I am. I am the boss so let me do the thinking.” The blond man with blue eyes got the rope off the forest ground and tied the rope around the tall man’s hands. Then he got the second rope and tied the rope around short man’s hands. Then the blond man with blue eyes turned around to him and stretched his hands forward.

  Patton spoke. “First hand me your mace.” The blond man with blue eyes bent over to grab his mace. As the blond man with blue eyes reached for the mace, the short man threw the knife at him. The knife didn’t spin in the air, instead flying straight and fast towards the boy. The boy dived to his left. As he fell to the forest ground, he fell onto his backpack. The knife sailed above him harmlessly. As Patton looked back, he saw the blond man with blue eyes running towards him, waving his mace wildly around. He looked down to see that his maple bow fell a few feet away. The blond man with blue eyes was now in front of him and threw his mace over his head. Patton reached for an arrow from his backpack. When the blond man with blue eyes swung his mace back down, the boy thrust the arrow forward. A moment later, the blond man with blue eyes dropped to the forest ground. The two men looked fearfully at the boy before backing slowly. Then they turned tail and ran as fast their feet could take them. Patton was in shock. He never killed a man before. He didn’t feel sick, but numbness spread throughout his body. Everything seemed to be moving slowly.

  Patton felt a steady hand on his shoulder. He did not turn. He was still in shock over killing someone. “You did good.” It was Benjamin’s voice. He did not answer. “You did the right thing.” Benjamin walked around him and faced him. “We watched you in the shadows. Mary, could you make us some tea, preferably red tea with touch of honey. Thank you, Mary.” Mary tiptoed towards the dying fire. Patton watched as Mary bent down, covering the dying fire from his view. Moments later, Mary got back up and the fire was burning brightly. Then Mary disappeared into the trees.

  Benjamin spoke. “Come sit by the fire. You will feel much better.” Patton followed Benjamin over to the fire. Benjamin motioned for him to sit near the fire. Benjamin spoke. “I know you are not in the mood to talk, so we will wait for Mary to come back.” Patton stared into the fire intensely. After many minutes of silence, Mary returned from his foraging. Mary was carrying three branches in one hand while his other hand was balled up into a fist. Mary walked to the fire and stuck the two long branches between the burning fire. The two long branches were shaped like a Y. Mary rummaged through his hat of leaves and branches until he pulled a small metal pot out carefully. The pot was filled with clear water. The pot had a top handle that Mary hooked through the last branch. Then Mary laid the branch on top of both of the Y-shaped branches. Mary then dumped some crushed leaves into the wooden pot. Mary suddenly plopped next to Benjamin. As the water boiled, Mary handed Benjamin pipes of increasing length attached to each other that he dug up from his hat. Benjamin spoke. “Thank you, Mary. How about a little music to uplift the mood.” Then Benjamin blew into the pipes. The music was upbeat like the jungle animals hooting and chirping. The music seemed to help a little.

  Benjamin stopped playing and spoke. “Mary, the tea should be ready. Can you be so kind and pour us some red tea?” Mary rummaged through his hat and produced three wooden cups. Then Mary grabbed the branch and grabbed the warm handle and pour into the three cups. Benjamin took two of the cups and handed one to Patton. Patton nodded in thanks and blew into the steaming cup. He took a sip and the warmth spread to his entire body. The red tea was sweet and tasted like cinnamon. He felt much better.

  Benjamin asked. “Was that was your first time killing a person?” Patton spoke. “Yes. I feel bad even though I keep telling myself that he deserved it and because he attacked me first.” Benjamin nodded understandably and spoke. “The first time I saw you, I knew you have the potential to do great things.”

  Patton spoke. “What do you mean? I’m a failure. I couldn’t even do a simple thing as protect my sister. I almost couldn’t even bring myself to kill that man. A man who took my sister away from me and I didn’t want to kill him. I’m an incompetent coward.”

  Benjamin spoke. “No, you are not. Life works in mysterious ways. Maybe it was Fate for us to meet. Not taking pleasure in killing someone means you value life above all. That is great virtue to have. You’re not like him.”

  Patton asked. “What about my sister?”

  Benjamin spoke. “How will you rescue your sister in the hands of a huge army? You will only get yourself caught, or worse dead. That is why my offer from earlier still stands.”

  Patton saw reason in Benjamin’s words. Patton asked. “What exactly will you be teaching me?”

  Benjamin spoke. “I can not tell you here. You can only trust my word and my word is solid. You will learn and rediscover yourself and only then will you be able to save your sister.”

n asked. “How long will I be staying at your home?”

  Benjamin spoke. “It will take a few days to my home. Then depending how fast you pick it up, not longer than a month.”

  Patton spoke slowly. “I want too. But I need to make sure my sister is safe.”

  Benjamin spoke. “Then it is decided. We will rescue her. Mary, did you hear that? We are going to have company after all.” Mary stood up and gave him a tight bear hug, picking him up off the ground. Before they left, Patton turned and looked back at the lifeless body. Patton asked. “What about him? Shouldn’t we bury him or something?”

  Benjamin spoke simply. “Let Mother Nature have his body.”



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