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Page 5

by Michelle Areaux

  “Welcome to our home. This is my pack and our friends,” my dad said, as he began introducing the members of our pack and Asher and his family.

  The Vampires walked further into the room and found seats that had been set out for them.

  Vincent eyed everyone carefully before he began to speak, directing his words at Asher and his parents. “As you all are aware, we requested to come here today to meet with you all. We understand that you all left your clan in hopes of finding a new way to live as Vampires,” he stated.

  I felt Asher tense under my touch and I couldn’t help but feel a pain of fear, too.

  Continuing, Vincent offered a sympathetic smile. “While it is usually frowned upon to betray your clan, we understand your differences made it difficult to remain faithful to your clan. We are also aware that your changing into Vampires wasn’t on your own accord, which is also frowned upon. So, we will call this an even trade and no punishment shall be rendered to you,” Vincent said, a small smile forming across his stoic face.

  My heart began to flutter as I sighed a breath of relief. Asher’s hold on me eased and I could sense he was relieved as well. His parents began to thank Vincent for his kindness.

  “This is wonderful news, but I feel that isn’t your only reason for traveling such a distance to us,” my dad noted, a suspicious look in his eyes as he stood next to Asher’s parents.

  Nodding in agreement, Jameson began to speak up. “You are correct. We traveled from Rome not to just give you a simple response about your freedom, but to warn you,” he said, his face remaining stark and without emotion.

  “Warning. About what?” Asher asked, as he stood quickly, dropping my hand in the process.

  “Settle down young man,” Vincent warned.

  Elliott, Asher’s dad nodded for him to listen and Asher slowly sat back down, but with anger boiling deep inside of him.

  “We came here to warn you of a group of Witches who have broken free of their coven and have moved into Shady Oaks. These Witches have obtained certain powers and spells that make them a great enemy and threat to all otherworldly creatures. They want to take over your territory,” Vincent stated, as a grim expression washed over his pale features.

  “Are we in danger?” Maddox asked, stepping forward and showing the Vampires Council that he wasn’t afraid of them.

  “Yes, we believe you all are in very grave danger. Especially her,” Jameson stated, as he pointed at me.

  “What? Why me?” I asked, clearly confused and freaked out.

  “The girl possesses powers that make her remarkably strong and powerful,” Eloise said, finally speaking and approaching the group before her.

  “How do they, or anyone else know about me?” I asked, panic rising in my voice.

  Shaking his head, Vincent directed his attention to me. His black hair swaying at his sudden movement. “Elle, news of your powers traveled after you defeated the Huntress last winter. Most of us are intrigued by your gifts while others see you as a new threat. The Witches want to obtain your power and wipe out the Shifters and Vampires in this area. They want full control,” he said.

  “You are sure of this?” my dad questioned, as he looked at me with pain in his eyes. This was hurting him knowing that the very power he urged me to use and find, now could be what brings a new threat to my life.

  “We are positive. News traveled all the way to Rome of what Elle did with the Huntress. That is why we came here so soon. We wanted to send you the warning. This new coven is more powerful than any Witches we have seen yet. They are evil and want power and we believe they will stop at nothing to obtain the power they want. Killing us all if needed,” he said, his eerie words traveling straight to my heart.

  I felt like I had just been punched in the gut. My world was spinning out of control once again and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Just when I thought danger had alluded me, I had to be warned by the Vampires Council. I was so naïve to think their visit was only about Asher and his family. Of course, news of what I had done to the Huntress had traveled far. I had defeated the enemy of the otherworldly creatures. Both our allies and our enemies would learn of what I had done and the powers I had used. Now, I had a new conflict just waiting for me. Awesome.

  “What do we do now?” my mom asked, her voice shaking as tears sprang from her eyes.

  I looked around the room and noticed all eyes were on me. Once again, I was the center of attention and the spotlight was directed at me.

  “We feel that it is important that you keep Elle protected at all times. These Witches are tricky and smart. They will not just attack like the Hunters or the Huntress had. They will plan, deceive, and hunt. Just keep your guard up and be prepared at any moment for battle. If you need us, we are going to remain in the area for the next month to provide any services needed. After that you will be on your own,” Vincent said, as he spoke to the members of the pack.

  “Thank you so much for traveling here and providing us with the information. We will reach out and contact you if necessary,” my dad said, as he shook hands with the council once more and showed them to the door.

  Everyone began to get up and quietly talk; however, their voices remained muffled to me as I sat frozen in place by fear and anger.

  “Elle, talk to me. Are you alright?” Asher asked, as he began to shake me.

  I had been so lost in my own fears I hadn’t heard him calling my name or feel his arms grasping me.

  “What?” I asked, my mind frazzled from the events that had just transpired.

  Moving in front of me, Maddox now kneeled down on the floor taking my hands in his. Elle, please talk to us,” he pleaded. His wavy, sandy blonde hair fell over his eyes as he shook with worry.

  Finally registering that they were talking to me, I shook my head and finally found the strength to speak. “I am fine. I just don’t understand why this is happening to me. Witches? What could they possibly want with me?” I cried out, as the anger now boiled over the surface.

  “Didn’t you hear what they said? They want your powers,” Asher said, venom lacing his voice. “You shouldn’t have been forced to tap into your powers. You could have been hurt when you turned into fire and now…” his words trailed off as he couldn’t find the courage to say the rest.

  “Hey, don’t you dare tell her what to do,” Maddox snapped, as he swiftly turned his attention toward Asher. “You don’t know anything about Elle and her powers. We didn’t force her to do anything. She shifted into the Huntress on her own. If we didn’t train her to understand that power, she wouldn’t have been able to shift again and save all of us from the Huntress and her army,” Maddox spit out. The hatred spewed from his words and I almost cringed as he lashed out.

  “Maddox, it’s fine. He is just worried about me,” I said, trying to calm his growing frustration with Asher.

  Shaking his head, Maddox wasn’t accepting my pleas. “Stop defending him, Elle. Asher clearly isn’t like us. He just wants to change you into the walking dead like himself. You have to remain true to the Shifters. We will save you from these crazy Witches. I promise,” Maddox stated, truth ringing from his words. I knew more than anything that Maddox would do whatever it took to protect me. And, I also knew Asher would do the same. I quickly glanced around the room and was thankful everyone had left the house, save for a few members who stayed to talk amongst one another. No one had heard what Maddox had said.

  “Both of you stop arguing. That is all you two do anymore. Yes, Maddox. No one forced me to do anything. I made a choice to learn more about my powers and continue training. And, Asher, I am not putting myself in danger when I learn about my powers. They are engrained in me, something I am unable to control. I have to learn how to use them or else I could be hurt or even killed. Both of you love and care for me and I, in return, love and care for you both. But, I need you two to get along or at least fake it around me. My life is at risk again and I have no idea when to be ready for a fight. To make everything ev
en more chaotic, I have a birthday party I must attend tomorrow. So, for now, just leave me alone and let me cry out my anger and frustration alone. I will see everyone tomorrow,” I said, as I stomped out of the room and up to my bedroom where I slammed my bedroom door and shut out the rest of the world.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning, I woke with sore eyes. I had cried myself to sleep the night before after learning a group of rogue Witches was after me—more importantly, my powers. It was hard to feel excited about my birthday party when the looming possibility of another war is settled at the forefront of my mind.

  As I adjusted my eyes to the bright sunlight streaming in through my bedroom window, I stretched my arms far above my head. My body ached and I was still tired, feeling the effects of both the blow I had endured after learning about the Witches from the Vampires Council and the nightmare I faced that night.

  After crying until my eyes were dried out, I had fallen into a deep slumber only to quickly learn I was being haunted by an unknown force. Images of blood and gore seeped into my mind as a high-pitched laughter rang through my ears. I was running through the woods; my sacred woods where I was supposed to feel safe and free. Instead, I was afraid and held captive by someone or something. As I struggled to find my way out of the beloved woods and away from the cries and blood, I was stopped, unable to move beyond the insides of the woods. I could feel my heart racing and my pulse beating as my frantic need to escape trumped my senses.

  When I woke with a gasp, the moonlight was still bright in the black sky and it was still too early in the morning to be awake. This was the Witching hours when all others were fast asleep and only the wicked were awake. That was me. I was now part of that group.

  Now, the sunlight removed the darkness, but the fear still permeated through the seemingly safe day. Throwing the covers off my body, I sighed as I sat up and prepared to take on the day the best I can.

  Hearing a beep from my phone, I glanced down at my cell phone sitting on my bedside stand.

  Maddox: Have any nightmares?

  Me: Yes, always

  Maddox: Sorry. Wish I could help. Was it about some blood-sucking monster trying to kill you?

  Me: Stop or I won’t let you come to my party tonight

  I stopped and waited for him to text back. I hated when Maddox said anything negative about Asher and he knew it. I just had to sit and wait for his apology.

  Only moments later, Maddox replied, and a smile formed on my scowling face.

  Maddox: Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, but you know it is hard for me to resist making a comment about him. I am trying though, Elle. I really am.

  It was so hard to be upset with Maddox. Even though he was wrong in making comments about Asher, I knew in my heart he was truly sorry. Maybe not for the comment, but for hurting me nonetheless.

  Me: I know you are, still makes me mad though. But, you are forgiven for now.

  Maddox: Thanks. Anyway, tell me about your dream.

  Me: I was trapped in the woods and couldn’t escape. There was laughter and blood everywhere. It was really scary.

  Maddox: That sounds really harsh. I’m sorry. I wonder why you are having these crazy dreams all of a sudden?

  Me: I’m not sure but I hope I find out why soon and they go away.

  Maddox: Me too. Gotta get to practice, but I will see you later for your party. Meet at my house.

  Me: Ok.

  I put my phone down and padded out of my room and down the hallway to my bathroom. After showering and dressing in a pair of comfortable black yoga pants and a soft gray t-shirt, I felt a little better. When I entered my room, I saw my phone had a message.

  Asher: Hey, are you awake yet?

  Me: Yes, been awake for a while.

  Asher: More bad dreams?

  Me: Yes.

  I proceeded to tell Asher about my horrific dreams from last night. When I was finished, I waited for his response.

  Asher: Be there in five minutes.

  I didn’t bother to tell him that wasn’t necessary. I wanted desperately to see Asher and I knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer anyway.

  In less than five minutes Asher was at my front door. He greeted my parents and I heard them exchange words of protection and mumbles of Witches. I probably should have eavesdropped and listened more carefully to what they were saying, but I just didn’t have the energy or want to hear any more bad news. It really takes a lot out of you when you are forever being targeted by evil monsters.

  I heard Asher walking up the stairs and I waited for him to enter my bedroom. I could feel his presence even before he walked through the door. The spark I felt in my heart pumped life back into my dull and tired body. Asher was my everything, and nothing could replace the amazing way he made me feel. It was like I wasn’t living before I met him.

  When he walked into the room, my heart began to race. Jumping into his arms, I hugged him tightly, not realizing until that moment how badly I needed him near me.

  “Elle, you are shaking,” Asher said, as he held me tightly against him.

  My body was trembling from the worry I had felt all night and into the morning. Being near Asher brought a calmness and safety into me and calmed my worry.

  “I have been so nervous and scared. I guess I just needed you here,” I admitted, as I loosened my grip around his neck.

  Slowly releasing me to the ground, Asher carefully inspected me. “Are you sure you are fine?”

  “Asher, I wasn’t really in those woods. Physically I am fine. Mentally… well, that is still up in the air right now,” I said, as I attempted to joke to lighten the mood. Only, I failed.

  “Elle, don’t ever joke about your safety. I worry about you every second we are apart,” Asher stated, firmness ringing in his voice. From the way his eyes darkened, I knew he was agitated that I hadn’t called him earlier to tell him about my dream.

  “I’m sorry. I know this is very serious, I just need to make light of it sometimes, you know,” I said, as I tried to muster a smile.

  Placing a kiss on my lips, Asher sighed. “Your safety means the world to me. I couldn’t live in a world where you don’t exist. I need you to understand that I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. We have been through fights and turmoil before, we will handle this,” Asher said as he took hold of my hands and forced me to look into his eyes.

  Looking at him, I saw the love and affection he felt for me. I could sense the pain in his eyes as he realized we were facing yet another deadly challenge and even though he wouldn’t admit it just yet, this challenge seemed more intense than the ones before. The Hunters and the Huntress were human, but these Witches possessed powers we weren’t yet accustomed to handling. We didn’t know what they could do to us and that thought alone terrified us. They held supernatural abilities that might surpass those that we hold. I shuddered at the thought.

  “Asher, I promise that I will do whatever it takes to remain safe and to live this life with you forever. Regardless if that means training with Maddox and tapping into my powers. Like you said, we fought battles and won before, and we will be triumphant again. This will just take more thought and power to get through,” I said as I leaned in and kissed Asher again.

  Sighing, I knew this conversation could go on forever. My safety was everything to Asher and his was mine. But, today I just had to get through my birthday party and then our focus could be on Witches and powers and all of the otherworldly things I detested.

  “So, what now?” Asher asked.

  “We get ready for my party as teenagers and then life as Shifters and Vampires will resume.”


  After spending the rest of the morning and afternoon snuggling with Asher while we watched movies, it was finally time to get ready for my party. I dressed in a pair of dark, denim jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. Even though it was spring in Shady Oaks, it was still cool at night making a bonfire perfect. As much as I dreaded the coming days, I was almost getting ex
cited about the idea of my party. Asher was dressed perfectly in a pair of denim jeans and a gray t-shirt. For someone who really didn’t need to worry about temperatures, he tried to dress the best he could to match the weather, so he didn’t stand out too much.

  “You look great,” Asher said, as he watched me grab my cell phone and stuff it in my back pocket. “Just calm down and enjoy this evening,” he finished.

  There was so much underlying meaning within his words and neither of us wanted to talk about it. Who knew when our lives would go back to normal? Just knowing I had another enemy caused my heart to fall deep into the pits of my stomach.

  “I’m putting on my brave face and I promise to have fun tonight. Just be patient with me,” I said, as I smiled and reached for his hand.

  We walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the living room where my parents were working. My dad was busy on the computer and my mom was diligently writing notes on her calendar.

  Hearing us approach, they both looked up from what they were doing.

  “Are you heading out for your party?” My mom asked.

  “Who all is attending this party?” My dad asked, as he, too, looked over at my mom.

  I knew they were both worried about me venturing out this evening, especially after the meeting with the Vampires Council. But, they had already agreed to let me go so I was going.

  “I already told you both that this is just a small party. Melanie and Laura invited only people we knew. Plus, Asher and Maddox will, of course, be there and we both know they won’t let anything happen to me,” I stated, sounding more confident than I really was.

  “That is fine. I want you on high-alert, Asher,” my dad said to Asher.

  “Of course. I won’t take my eyes off of Elle,” Asher stated.

  Nodding, my dad seemed pleased with Asher’s assurance. “There is always danger for Shifters and Vampires, and we can’t take the news from the Vampires Council lightly. I will have members of the pack on duty this evening watching the party,” he finished with a firm tone.


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