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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

Page 32

by Nicole Edwards

  Did Talon automatically assume I would take the position? Considering I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, and I was getting tired of sitting on my ass, I was definitely leaning in that direction. But I wouldn’t make a final decision until I had a chance to discuss it with Braelyn. She deserved to have a say in it. If she chose to leave the island, to start over somewhere else, I wouldn’t hesitate to leave all this behind and go with her. She was and always would be my top priority.

  My first official task came when Talon appeared with my sister at his side.

  “I’m going to start delivering the possessions for inspection,” he explained to me.

  I tried to pay attention to his words, although I was distracted by the way he was holding Braelyn’s hand. It took effort not to stare, and the only reason I managed was because Braelyn glared at me when I would.

  Looked as though they’d made up. Good or bad, I wondered.

  “Should you opt to take the job, this—”

  “I … uh…” I interrupted. “I’ll need to discuss with my sister first.”

  “Of course. In the meantime, this would be one of the duties I’ll pass on to you. The delivery of possessions upon the Owners’ arrival.”

  “In that case, I’d like to join you as you do that,” I told him, my gaze still darting to Braelyn. “Will you be tagging along?”

  “Unless you have a problem with that,” she said, her tone polite, but I detected the curt undertone.

  “No problem.” I figured if it was too much for her, she was smart enough to take her leave.

  “The first step is to inform Gideon as to the order of delivery,” Talon stated. “That way he’s able to ensure the Owners are aware of the schedule. I’ve done that already, so our first delivery is to Brad and Leah Townsend.”

  When Talon motioned for me to follow, I fell into step with him, moving through the main floor of the resort and over to the elevators.

  “Technically, Leah Townsend is the Owner, her husband her submissive,” Talon explained. “This is their first time to the island, although they’ve been active on the app for nearly two years.”

  We exited on the third floor, heading to the left. From what I’d gathered, there were four guest rooms on each floor and another ten or so rooms where the possessions and on-site trainers stayed. I made a mental note to get better acquainted with the resort and the different rooms. I was one who liked to have as much knowledge as possible.

  Talon rapped his knuckles on the door marked with a brass number three.

  I heard nothing beyond the door, and I wondered if that was because the guests were quiet or because there was significant sound-proofing. The latter, I realized when the door opened and a pretty copper-haired woman smiled. There was music coming from within, which told me that, yes, there was definitely sound-proofing.

  “Mrs. Townsend,” Talon greeted politely. “It’s a pleasure to have you here.”

  She held out her hand and Talon shook it.

  He motioned to me. “I’d like to introduce you to the resort’s new manager. He’s in the process of taking over.”

  I was?

  Braelyn looked over at me and I shrugged and shook my head. Definitely not official.

  “It’s a pleasure,” Mrs. Townsend said, offering her hand to me.

  I returned the gesture. “The pleasure’s mine, Mrs. Townsend.”

  “Please, call me Leah.” She looked at Talon, then Braelyn. “And your lovely friend, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  Braelyn offered a smile, but didn’t shake hands, nor did Mrs. Townsend offer.

  It was then I realized Talon was not sharing our names for a reason. Considering Ransom and Braelyn weren’t common names, it would be easy for someone to put two and two together if they’d happened to hear the news of our deaths. And since these people were only temporarily on the island, the less they knew, the better.

  Smart man.

  “Come in,” Leah said, stepping back out of the way.

  Immediately, I noticed that she was in fact the Dominant in the relationship. Had Talon not mentioned it, I would’ve figured it out myself. I couldn’t say exactly what clued me in—maybe her walk, her tone, the way she stood proudly when presented with a man as formidable as Talon in front of her.

  “We’re here to deliver male two-nine-four for your inspection.”


  I glanced over at Talon, curious as to where this male two-nine-four actually was.

  My silent question was answered when a soft knock sounded outside in the hall. It was then I noticed Talon had not allowed the door to close.

  Gideon was there, motioning for the male possession to step into the room.

  Talon led the way, Braelyn still close to his side. He released her briefly when he stopped at an electronic panel on the wall and keyed in some information.

  A big-screen television came on, a picture of the possession flashing on, along with some basic information alongside it.

  “Can you confirm this is the possession you’ve selected?” Talon asked.

  Rather than answer, Leah reached for a portable electronic tablet, reviewed it, and then tapped the screen.

  Talon had just stepped out of the way when there was another knock behind us. I turned back to see Jasper and Cody stepping into the room, bringing with them a padded foldout table and a large leather duffel bag.

  Now it was getting interesting.

  Talon introduced both of them as part of the staff here at the resort, referring to Jasper as Dr. Tate and Cody as Mr. Chastain.

  They joined us in the spacious living area, nodding at Leah rather than shaking her hand.

  “Would you like to do this in here, Mrs. Townsend?” Jasper asked Leah directly, his tone smooth as silk. “Or would you prefer we move out onto the balcony?”

  Leah considered it, glancing out the wall of glass before scanning the room. “I think in here will work nicely.”

  “Very well.” Jasper motioned for Cody, who then set up the table before stepping back.

  “Join us,” Leah called out.

  A moment later, a man stepped out of the bedroom, head down, hands clasped behind his back. He was naked as the day he was born, and I immediately looked at my sister to see her reaction.

  If she was bothered by the sight, she didn’t show it, nor did she give him much attention, keeping her eyes on Mrs. Townsend.

  The man—presumably Mr. Townsend—eased down to his knees on the floor beside the sofa, eyes still cast downward, a submissive through and through.

  “Two-nine-four has been advised to converse with you should you instigate it. Otherwise, he has been trained for silence here at the resort,” Talon told her, snapping his fingers, signaling the man to step forward.

  “Would you prefer I lead?” Talon offered. “Or would you like to handle the inspection yourself?”

  Leah tilted her head, studying the man wearing a white robe that covered most of his body to his shins. She smiled. “I’ll do the honors.”

  “Very well. We’ll start by going through his measurements,” Talon said. “Remove the robe.”

  The possession gracefully discarded it, laying it neatly over a nearby chair.

  Jasper and Cody each donned a pair of latex gloves before stepping forward with a variety of tools used to measure height, weight, and so forth.

  It was all very formal, meant to show the Owner that the item they were seeking to acquire was in fact what was promised to them. I watched with detached interest as they very thoroughly proved he was the possession Leah had clearly selected, right down to measuring his penis—both soft and hard.

  While Cody did most of the work, Jasper logged every measurement, which appeared on the television alongside the other measurements, flashing green as they matched almost perfectly.

  “Please.” Talon motioned toward Leah when Jasper and Cody completed the process.

  Leah stepped forward with a smile. “On the table. On you
r stomach.”

  Cody held out a pair of gloves, which Leah declined.

  Male two-nine-four did not hesitate, sliding onto the table, again as graceful as one could be.

  Talon then retreated back a few steps, taking Braelyn’s hand and pulling her close to him. I remained where I was, standing near Jasper and Cody while Leah began a very thorough inspection of her own, both front and back. I didn’t think there was a single inch of him she didn’t get up close and personal with.

  “He’s very well-kept,” she noted, casting a sideways glance at Talon. “Stand,” she ordered the possession.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he answered. “Once you sign receipt of delivery, I’ll leave him in your care for the duration of your stay. Should you choose not to acquire him, you simply need to let me or one of my staff know, and we’ll take him off your hands.”

  Talon then turned to the electronic panel on the wall, tapped a few buttons.

  A hidden panel near what looked to be a minibar opened, and a light came on highlighting several glass shelves.

  “There’s a variety of equipment available should you choose.”

  Leah turned toward the display of sex toys and stimulants. “Very nice.” She then retrieved her electronic tablet, signed on the screen.

  Talon then motioned for Jasper and Cody to retrieve the padded table and to exit, then urged Braelyn to go with them. Before I could follow, he stopped me.

  “It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Mrs. Townsend. If there’s anything you need, please let either of us know. You can simply dial seven from the phone. I’d like to reiterate that you read the information provided to you, if you haven’t done so.”

  “I’m a lawyer,” she said with a glint in her eyes. “I’ve read every word.” Her gaze shot to the top of the wall. “I’m aware everything’s recorded.”

  Sure enough, there was a camera. And another on the opposite wall.

  Interesting. That was something I wasn’t aware of, but it was good to know.

  “Enjoy your stay. You’ll find a list of events throughout the week. Attendance is, of course, optional.”

  “We’ll be there,” she said. “I think it’s an important aspect, to see how he interacts throughout.”

  Polite goodbyes were then made before I followed Talon out into the hall, where Jasper, Cody, and Braelyn were talking softly.

  “That was tame,” Talon told me. “As you’ve witnessed plenty of scenes, some of the Owners are very creative.”

  I wouldn’t lie. I was curious as to just how creative they could get.

  Turned out, I didn’t have to wonder long. The next delivery was to a man who went strictly by Mr. A. I figured Talon knew everything there was to know about him, but it appeared it was highly confidential. Probably saw a lot of that since high-profile people had certain … desires, too.

  We went through the same steps to get inside the room. Mr. A opted to have the delivery on the balcony overlooking the pools below. Jasper and Cody set up. Male three-two-three was brought in, measured.

  “Mr. A’s been here before,” Talon said softly as the five of us stepped back, allowing the Owner to perform his own inspection.

  When he started with a test of the possession’s jaw capacity, shoving his cock right into the man’s mouth, Talon turned to Braelyn, whispered something in her ear.

  I expected her to then leave, but she shook her head and remained at Talon’s side, never saying a word.

  And Talon was correct to say Leah’s inspection had been tame. Mr. A used his fingers, his tongue, and his cock to measure and gauge before finally signing off on delivery.

  “He’s one who’ll be fucking that possession everywhere you turn,” Talon warned once we’d exited the room.

  “Are there more like that?” Braelyn asked.

  “I’m not sure I’ve met anyone as aggressive as Mr. A. But he knows what he wants, and he’s got discriminating taste. This is his third time here and he’s never left with a possession. He’s also interacted, via the app, with roughly fifty over the years, but rarely do those interactions last long.”

  “Do you think he’ll find what he’s looking for?”

  “Eventually,” Talon told her. “But probably not this go-round.” He turned to me. “Thoughts so far?”

  “Is there room for adjustment in the process?” I had some ideas, most of them pertaining to time management that I was interested in running by him if he was open to it.

  Talon stopped walking, his eyebrows lifting as he stared at me.

  I thought for a second he was offended by my question, but then a slow smile formed.

  “I’m open to any and all suggestions. If it doesn’t work for you, change it. But I expect you to review your changes with me before you implement them.”

  “Very hands-on, are you?”

  Another smile. “You have no idea.” He looked back at Braelyn. “One more, then we’ll break for lunch.”

  If this was what one would consider a first day on a new job, I couldn’t help but wonder how much more interesting things would get.



  The first day of the Owners’ retreat was eye-opening.

  I spent most of the day with Talon, watching as one person after another took possession of another person, using a variety of interesting techniques to make their decision on how to proceed. I would admit, I had a much better grasp on what this fetish-fueled resort was all about, but I still didn’t quite understand it. Not at a core level, although it was beginning to make sense why someone would want to indulge. After all, it was a very sexual experience.

  It just seemed to me there was an easier means of getting satisfied sexually that did not involve all the time and effort that went into owning that person.

  But whatever.

  Now, as I stood in the bathroom, staring at my reflection, I wondered if it would change me, being around all these people, indulging the way they did, taking what they wanted, or giving it—as was the case for the possessions—in an effort to find that missing piece.

  I did know that it had affected me on a physiological level. I was horny in a way I’d never been before. To the point, I wanted to jump Talon but managed to refrain because I still felt as though we weren’t quite on even footing after last night. He was making an effort, but he was holding something back. And I was letting him.

  I considered myself a cautious woman. I had to be, thanks to my upbringing. The sort of men I’d been around growing up … well, let’s just say, they gave new meaning to the term monster, and that had impacted me, making me think before I leaped. Fortunately, Ransom had saved me from that hell. But because of those monsters, I’d never been the sort who gave much thought to finding a man who I could give myself to completely. A man I could lose my inhibitions with. Not on a level that would require me to trust him with my life.

  I wasn’t a virgin, and I hadn’t made a pact to hold on to my V-card in the search of love and romance. I’d dated several men up to this point, been serious with one or two. I even had a desire for unconventional kinky sex. Not that anyone had been able to sate that urge—although Talon was certainly tapping into it—but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

  But never had a man made my blood hum in my veins, my body warm from merely thinking about him. Until Talon. The more I thought about him, the more I wanted to pursue him, to pretend there hadn’t been that bump in the road. Let bygones be bygones and, you know, push the boundaries, so to speak.

  And now I was about to insert myself into the chaos once again, joining Talon for what he referred to as the Welcome Dinner.

  I had no idea what to expect, but Talon assured me he would be with me throughout the evening. There was a part of me that was terrified of the idea of spending so much time with him. I still had no idea what to think about this whole Owner/possession thing. Yet I wanted to see what it involved, learn how Talon had come to run a company dedicated to such a thing.

bsp; But there was also a selfish part of me who wanted to enjoy the time I had with Talon, getting to know him, watching him in his natural element. I was mesmerized by him, completely intrigued. And surprisingly, I wasn’t put off by the fact he was clearly sexually intimate with the possessions he claimed as his own. Or that he had no qualms punishing them in the most sexual of ways, which I’d always found to be complex and confusing.

  Despite all that, I wanted to understand him. And I wanted to explore whatever this was between us.

  What that said about me, I wasn’t sure, but I was determined to find out.

  An hour later, I was standing in front of a floor-length mirror, admiring the shimmering gold gown that had found its way into my room similar to the way the other clothes had. The moment I saw it, I’d felt a strange giddy sensation in the pit of my stomach.

  The dress was absolutely stunning.

  While I didn’t usually dress up to this degree, I couldn’t deny I enjoyed it. I’d never considered myself much above pretty, more so on the plain side. But a dress like this one … it was difficult not to feel beautiful, sexy even, when wearing it. Then again, that could’ve been thanks to the four-inch gold sandals that had been provided. The color of the ensemble set off my skin tone and made my eyes sparkle. I couldn’t help wondering if Talon had picked it out or if he’d left that to Tiegan. Either way, they had good taste.

  “Time to do this,” I told my reflection, smiling and giving my lips a quick once-over to ensure the nude gloss wasn’t feathering.

  No more excuses.

  As I was making my way to the bedroom door, there was a knock. The sound had my stomach pitching again, my insides fluttering like butterflies.

  I didn’t dawdle, hurrying over to open it, smiling brightly when I saw that Talon was the one on the other side.

  His gaze instantly skimmed my entire body, leaving a warmth in its wake. When he met my eyes again, I could see the heat that shimmered in his molten gray irises. He was wearing a sinful black suit with a crisp white shirt and a shimmering gold tie that matched my dress. Coincidence? For whatever reason, I doubted it.


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