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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

Page 35

by Nicole Edwards

  I took her hand again, headed toward the stairs leading up to the main level. “I was going to see if you’d be interested in helping out. Temporarily, of course. Unless you find it’s something you enjoy. It’ll give you some insight into the company, what goes on and so forth.”

  “I’d love to,” she said, her tone chipper.


  “It’s just … well, I really need something to do and … and like you said, it’ll give me some insight. I’d be happy to do it.” She glanced up. “I’ll just need a little training on what duties I need to cover.”

  “We’ll hash it out in the morning.”

  As we strolled toward the house, Braelyn’s gaze continued to stray down to the pool, where the Owner and possession remained. The Owner’s fingers had now been replaced by his cock as he bent the possession over and took him with authority.

  “Back to our earlier conversation,” I said when we stepped up onto the veranda.

  Braelyn stopped, turned to face me. “About me being a submissive?”

  “Yes.” I stepped in close, brushed my knuckles along her soft cheek. “I think you’ve got a submissive side, one I’d very much be interested in dominating.”

  I heard the hitch in her breath, could see the desire in her eyes. I found that intriguing.

  “What makes you think I’m … that I’m submissive?”

  “There’s a glitter in your eyes when I issue a command versus a request.”

  “How do you know?” A teasing smile curved her lips. “You haven’t issued a request yet.”

  I grinned. “And I won’t. That’s what makes me the Dominant and you the submissive.”

  “I thought you didn’t like labels.”

  “I don’t, but you seem to relate to them.” I stepped back when Taurus appeared, taking both drinks and passing one to Braelyn. “Back to the man you dated. How’d you meet him?”

  “Through a website.” Braelyn started walking farther away from where the Owner and possession were, so I fell into step.

  “A fetish website, I presume?”


  I knew of many out there, didn’t approve of most of them. But that didn’t mean people couldn’t find what they were looking for on them.

  “He presented himself as a Dominant, did he?”


  “And you as a submissive?”

  Braelyn nodded, glancing up at me. “I was going through a phase.”

  I ignored that comment because it was a lie. “Then what? You got together, went to bed? Meshed well?”

  “Actually, no. Not right away, anyway.” She turned her attention to the pool house ahead of us, began moving in that direction. “We dated for a couple of months.”

  “Ah. Dated. As in dinner, dancing? Movies?”

  “Mostly dinner. Jake said we needed to get to know each other.”

  “In order to determine if you were sexually compatible? Is that something you can determine through conversation?”

  Braelyn didn’t look my way, but I heard her breathing change. I could tell she was shocked by my questions though I wasn’t sure why that was. They were logical asks, were they not? Someone claimed they were a Dominant, proudly spouted this on a website for all to see. I could only assume they were referring to sexual domination. Otherwise, it would’ve been obvious without the need for a profile cloaked in fancy poetry and pornographic pictures.

  “No, it can’t be determined through conversation,” she finally said.

  “How long was it before he seduced you?”

  “He didn’t,” she said, the answer coming easily now.

  “You seduced him?” That made me chuckle. “A little forward for a submissive, no?”

  Braelyn took a drink, kept walking. “I didn’t want to do it. But he wasn’t making a move.”

  “And that, dirty girl, was your first mistake. By making the suggestion when he didn’t, you robbed the poor man of his control.”

  She stopped suddenly, pivoting to face me. There was a look of sheer horror in her eyes when she blurted, “Are you saying I broke him?”

  Thankfully I hadn’t been taking a drink, otherwise I would’ve made an unnecessary mess.

  I managed to contain my laugh but not my smile. “You did not break him. He never had the control in the first place.”

  “What makes you such an expert on the subject?” she asked, a haughty tone to her voice. “How’d you learn?”

  “I didn’t. It’s a part of my chemical makeup. And I’m not an expert. But I do know a bit about Domination and submission.”

  “Because you own … people. Why do you own them?”

  “Because I want to.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Actually, it is. It’s my desire to control every aspect of their lives. And I’ve surrounded myself with those whose desire it is to relinquish that control.”

  “Just like that? Did they have a say in the matter? Back before you perfected your website?”

  Because I’d answered this many times in my life, I knew exactly what she was getting at. “The only choice they had to make was to give consent for me to choose for them. And that was the last decision I allowed them to make.”

  Braelyn’s expression sobered and she exhaled. “I hate that you make so much sense when none of this makes sense at all.”

  Taking her hand, I continued toward the pool house.

  “What are your thoughts now that you’ve witnessed some of it?”

  When she looked up at me, frowning, I could tell I’d surprised her with the abrupt shift in topic.

  “I … uh … I’m trying to wrap my head around it all. I’ll get there. Someday.” Braelyn glanced back toward the house. “I know the party’s still going, but I think I’m going to turn in for the night.”

  “I’ll walk you to your room.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “I disagree.”

  I could practically feel her tension. If I had to guess, Braelyn expected me to make a move, perhaps talk myself into her bedroom. Or demand entry, as she seemed to believe was the way a Dominant handled things.

  Did I want to? Absolutely. Would I? No.

  We were still on rocky ground, and until I felt as though she trusted me again, I knew I had to keep things casual. I was sincere in my apology for my outburst last night, and it still angered me that I’d reacted so poorly with her. She deserved so much better than that. And she deserved to come to terms with this new world I’d thrust her in.

  This woman had captivated me in ways I never expected. She was evoking strange emotions, ones I’d never experienced before, and I wanted to pursue them, to see where this might lead. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t opposed to the possibilities of something … different. Something more. I had everything I wanted except for that one person who would own my heart.

  And while there were never guarantees of success to any venture, I suspected Braelyn Bishop was the one and only person I could actually fall in love with.

  And there was a better than good chance that was already happening.



  I couldn’t sleep.

  Not only was my mind restless, so was my body, a layer of chaos coating everything, making me feel out of sorts. Normally I would’ve thought it was stress induced, but that wasn’t the case now. No, this was due to my overactive libido. I was … horny.

  Sure, I could remedy the situation with the trusty vibrator Tiegan had gifted me with, but I didn’t want it. I wasn’t interested in temporary relief. I needed something that would scorch me to my soul, and there was only one person who could offer me the satisfaction I sought.

  I groaned.

  When I had excused myself for the evening, I hadn’t exactly been tired, but I never expected sleep to be quite this elusive. I’d been tossing and turning for the past three hours and … nothing.

  My thoughts continued to drift to Talon, to the way h
e had sweetly kissed me good-night when he walked me to my room. Part of me had hoped (expected) him to make a move, to talk himself past the threshold and into my bed. No doubt about it, I would’ve let him in, would’ve accepted whatever he was willing to offer. I was completely and irrevocably infatuated with him. My body craved his touch.

  Unfortunately, Talon had been the perfect gentleman, kissing me chastely before walking away. My first reaction had been hurt. Ever since our argument at dinner and the subsequent apology, he’d been keeping me close but at a distance. As though he wasn’t sure he wanted me anymore.

  Was he back at the party? Was he indulging in one of his own possessions? Were there others watching him do so?

  I had no idea what Talon was into, but if he was anything like my brother, not much was off-limits.

  And that was another thing I continued to fret about. My brother.

  I knew he was considering this job offer from Talon. Probably leaning more toward taking it than not. And yes, he’d promised he wouldn’t do anything until we talked, but I knew him. This was a potential future for him. A good one if I had to guess.

  What if Talon and I didn’t … I don’t know … work out? What if we went our separate ways? Could I seriously live on this island with him, knowing I’d never have him? It seemed like a lifetime of punishment, one I wasn’t eager to indulge.

  Which meant I would be forced to leave. Now that Ransom seemed to be finding some happiness, who was I to disrupt that? I had seen him with Jasper earlier. I was pretty sure something was going on with those two.

  What if I didn’t fit in here? Not just from a relationship standpoint. What if I couldn’t work for Talon? It would require I be immersed in this world that confused me still. I’d always heard the extremes of BDSM weren’t for the faint of heart, but I’d never understood what that truly meant. With every new thing I was introduced to, I was being schooled on the fact that I was still naive.

  If I couldn’t find something to do with my time, a way to stay busy and earn my keep, I couldn’t stay here. It wouldn’t feel right. And going back to Chicago was no longer an option.

  I exhaled my frustration.

  With a sigh, I got out of bed. I padded to the door leading out to the veranda.

  Stepping outside, I scanned the swimming pools, the surrounding areas. I didn’t see anyone.

  Did that mean the party was over? Or maybe it was simply contained to the resort.

  My gaze swung down to the kidney-shaped swimming pool. The water glittered a dark, inviting blue. I could slip down there for a little while. That pool was more secluded, discreetly masked by the surrounding flora, tucked beneath the large waterfall that spilled over the rock forming a grotto on the backside.

  At the very least, perhaps some laps around the pool would tire me out, make it possible to go to sleep.

  Because I didn’t have a swimsuit—the one I’d used yesterday had disappeared, probably to be washed—I would have to go without, but it was dark outside, and I seriously doubted anyone was going to be strolling about, looking to see if there was a naked woman in the pool. Not to mention, around here, it was par for the course for people to traipse around naked.

  Wearing only the short silk robe, I slipped out onto the slate-tiled patio. Although I doubted anyone would hear me, I was still silent as I trekked down the steps to the pools, glancing in all directions to ensure no one was out. There were a few lights on inside the house as well as the resort, but for the most part, it was dark.

  Talon’s estate was secluded on a private island, and out here in the middle of the night, it felt as isolated as it was. As though I was in a different world, nothing else to intrude. Nothing around except for open sky and twinkling stars, the endless ocean surrounding this exquisite oasis. If this had been a vacation, I could see myself getting used to it.

  After one more glance around to ensure no one was outside, I slid the robe off my shoulders, letting it drop to the decorative concrete before padding to the pool and stepping in. The water was silky and warm as it embraced me, moving up my calves, my thighs, my hips. Every step down submerged me into heaven.

  I wasn’t one who was familiar with being naked. The only time I was usually involved a shower, but I would dress quickly after. So this was an interesting concept, one I found made me feel free. I liked the way the water moved over my naked skin.

  Without hesitation, I dipped beneath the water, wetting my hair and slicking it back from my face. No doubt the long strands would be a tangled mess when I was done, but I didn’t care. Maybe I could spend the rest of my life in here, floating in the warm, silky water. I would never have to worry about clothes or showers or hair dryers. Or combs for that matter.

  Because of the shape of the pool, it wasn’t meant for swimming laps, but I did so anyway, working my way around using the outer edge as a guide, into the grotto hidden behind the waterfall, back out again. Around and around, I moved with purpose, but not too fast. I was hoping to tire myself out, but I wanted to take advantage of the solitude, the peace that I found out here.

  On one of my returns by the stairs, I heard a sound. I stopped, glancing out into the darkness.

  It was then I saw him.


  He was sitting in one of the poolside chairs, his full attention on me. In the dim light cast by the pool, I could make out his bare chest, the strong column of his throat, broad shoulders. He had one ankle resting on the opposite knee, a glass resting on the other knee.

  “I hope I didn’t wake you,” I said softly, moving to the side of the pool, as much to get close enough to hear him as it was to shield my nakedness.

  “Haven’t been to sleep yet.”

  I glanced around, half expecting to see one of his possessions lingering nearby.

  “We’re alone,” he said, as though reading my mind.

  “Would you like to join me?” I hadn’t meant to speak the words aloud, the request more daring than I usually was, but I found Talon brought out the bolder side of me.

  Without a verbal response, Talon set his glass on the ground, then unfolded his long, lean body from the chair. It was then I got a good look at him without the fancy outer coverings he usually wore. Beneath those finely tailored shirts I’d seen him in, the man was concealing a well-muscled chest. My gaze snagged briefly on the key adorning his neck, which he simply shifted so that it hung down his back.

  Once again ogling… He was thick but not bulky, his broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist, his abdomen contoured, his six-pack and that sexy V quite prominent. His arms were long and corded, his muscles bunching when he reached for the button on his jeans.

  I found myself holding my breath, realizing I was leering but unable to look away. He didn’t seem to mind, his eyes briefly meeting mine in the soft light bouncing off the water before he unbuttoned and unzipped, sliding the denim down his thighs.

  Oh, Lord.

  Although I’d been intimate with him, I’d yet to have the opportunity to truly admire him. Without any distractions, anyway. And this … this was a treat.

  His cock was so thick, so long, and he was unabashedly erect. I thought about turning away shyly but forced myself to remain where I was. I refused to be the cowering schoolgirl who couldn’t handle the sight of a beautiful naked man. And he was beautiful. All that copper skin covering toned muscle and sinew. I wanted to touch and taste, to explore in a way I’d never wanted to before.

  I was so transfixed by his beauty, it didn’t register that he was moving toward me, stepping into the pool, working his way closer.


  “Hmm?” I lifted my eyes to meet his again.

  Talon dipped down into the water so he was closer to me, his hand coming up to my cheek, the water cooling my overheated skin. But the sensation was lost to a swarm of heat that engulfed me when he pulled me closer, his mouth meeting mine in the darkness. My nipples pebbled into near-painful points, my skin prickling with awareness. Being touched
by him was unlike anything I’d ever known, and I wanted more.

  I’d never felt such an intrinsic pull to someone as I did Talon. It was as though we were magnetized and I was drawn to him.

  Words weren’t spoken as his mouth melded with mine. I gave myself over to it, freely taking what he was offering, giving as much in return. My hands roamed over sleek, smooth skin. He was so warm, so hard. And in the darkness, it was a feast for my sense of touch, heightened by the lack of light.

  Talon was the one to break the kiss, pulling back and cupping my face. He stared down into my eyes, but he didn’t speak. I knew he could see the lust burning in my eyes. He could probably feel it because it made my skin sizzle, an electric current firing just beneath. Every nerve ending was alive, eager for him to explore.

  Rather than lean in for another kiss, Talon dropped his hands. But he didn’t move away.

  I giggled when he lifted me up out of the water, one strong arm behind my back, the other sliding beneath my knees. The shift was fluid, his strength impressive.

  “Where are we going?” I asked breathlessly, staring up into his face as I curled my arm around his neck and held on.

  “Somewhere private,” he said, the rich baritone sliding like silk over my senses.

  My thoughts instantly shifted to our encounter in the shower. Specifically when he’d asked if I liked to be watched. At the time I’d agreed because it’d been erotic. Even now, I was curious as to whether or not I’d get a thrill from it. But privacy would work, too. Anything would work right now.

  Talon didn’t leave the water, rather moving into the grotto, the waterfall shielding us from anyone who might be outside. Not that I cared. Not at that moment. The only thing I could focus on was his nearness, his bare skin against mine, the desire pulsing inside me, the ache I wanted him to assuage.

  Never had I felt so sexy before. Talon had a way of bringing out my inner goddess, and I found I liked her. I liked how free I felt around him, as though my risqué thoughts were normal. A sexual awakening, if you would.

  Inside the small cave, there were lights tucked into the stone, brightening the space, glittering in his dark eyes and allowing me to see the hard lines of his beautiful face.


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