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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

Page 42

by Nicole Edwards

  He stared at me for the longest time. I didn’t look away, daring him to deny me.

  I saw it, the moment it clicked for him. Despite what issues we had, Jasper didn’t want to disappoint me.

  “I’m just going to touch you,” Jasper said, his tone calm, his hands steady as he reached for my cock.

  I watched as his long fingers brushed along my shaft, his fingertip spreading the pre-cum over the swollen head.

  “How long’s it been like this?” he asked, his tone still professional.

  I was impressed.

  “Too long,” I said simply, meeting his eyes when he looked at me.

  He stroked me softly, his fingers light as he fisted them over me.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Not when you do that.”

  “This?” he asked, continuing to stroke lightly.

  I dropped my head back and closed my eyes. “Yes. That.”

  “I’d like to try something,” Jasper said.

  I nodded, keeping my eyes shut and enjoying his touch.

  It went on for a few minutes, his grip firming as he teased my cock. I’d go so far as to say he was admiring it.

  “Mr. Chastain,” Jasper said to Cody, “I think this might take some time. If you’d like, I can reschedule. Or you could wait.”

  “I don’t mind waiting,” Cody said easily, his voice raspier than usual.

  “In that case, would you mind assisting me for a moment? There’s a bottle of lubricant in that cabinet right there…”

  I opened my eyes, turned my head so I could watch Cody retrieve the lube and then pass it over to Jasper.

  “Would you mind?” Jasper said, holding out his hand.

  Cody pumped a generous amount into his hand.

  Jasper returned to his ministrations, this time his hand slick as it glided easily up and down my shaft. He was watching what he was doing, as though he truly was attempting to alleviate my pain.

  “It’s not going to work,” I eventually told him. “I won’t be able to get off like that.”

  It was a lie. I enjoyed a hand job just as much as the next guy, but I wanted him to get creative.

  “What you’re asking of me is unprofessional.”

  “I haven’t asked for anything,” I stated. “I trust your judgment, Doc. Whatever you deem necessary.”

  He swallowed hard, those bright eyes glittering with what could only be described as desire. He wanted something from me, he just didn’t seem to know how to go about getting it.

  “I’m going to need assistance,” Jasper told Cody.

  “Sure, Doc. Anything you need.”

  “Would you take off my coat?” Jasper asked.

  Cody assisted, pulling the white coat off his shoulders, removing it and setting it aside. Then Jasper asked for him to remove the rest of his clothing, which was an interesting twist. Or it would’ve been except Jasper didn’t bother looking at Cody. Not once.

  Not that I did, either. I was too intrigued by watching Jasper’s body being revealed. Slowly.

  “Now get the lubricant, Cody,” Jasper instructed, his eyes locked on my face. “I’m going to need you to…”

  I watched as Jasper seemed to get tongue-tied momentarily. His hand was still sliding up and down my shaft, the sensation making my balls tighten. If he wasn’t careful, he really would make me come with his hands, and I would be sadly disappointed.

  “I’ll need you to lubricate my anus and rectum, Mr. Chastain.”

  “Uh … okay. Yeah. I guess I could do that,” Cody said, clearly playing along.

  My gaze followed as Jasper came to stand at the end of the table between my spread thighs. He leaned forward, and though I couldn’t see what Cody was doing, it wasn’t long before it was evident the younger man was doing exactly as he was instructed, fingering Jasper’s ass.

  Jasper grunted.

  “Does that hurt, Doc?” Cody asked, sounding innocent. “Am I doing it right?”

  “No … no, it doesn’t hurt.” Jasper closed his eyes, moaned softly. “Fuck.”

  “You’ll want to get him good and lubed,” I told Cody. “Deep as you can go.”

  Jasper’s eyes opened, the light green darkening from arousal. He’d stopped stroking me, clearly focused on the way Cody was fingering his asshole.

  “What are you gonna do for me, Doc?” I asked, watching him.

  “I’m going to ease your pain.”

  “And how do you plan to do that?” I wanted to hear him say it.

  “I’m going to fuck myself on your cock until you come.”

  My cock jerked in his hand. “You think that’ll work?”

  “I’m damn sure gonna try,” he gritted out before barking for Cody to stop.

  Jasper wasted no time at that point. He climbed up on the table with me, straddling my thighs as he moved forward.

  “Would you like a condom, Mr. Bishop?”

  I shook my head. Not necessary. We all had been tested, our results shared openly to all those employed by Owned, Incorporated.

  “Mr. Chastain, I think it’s best if you wait outside,” Jasper stated. “I’ve got it from here.”

  I could see Cody’s disappointment, but I wouldn’t lie and say I was disappointed that Jasper sent him on his way. It was about fucking time he owned up to what this was between us and what he truly wanted out of it.

  The door closed with a click.

  And then Jasper was doing as he promised, easing down on me, my cock sliding in inch by slick inch.

  I remained still, staring up at him while he fucked himself on my cock, taking me in deep, lifting himself up, then down again. The muscles in his abdomen flexed, his pecs bunching as he did all the work. It was hot as hell to see him, to watch as he took his pleasure in an attempt to give me mine.

  I didn’t rush, didn’t instruct, giving Jasper free rein. He knew what he was doing, working me right to the edge then backing off. Again and again, he brought me damn close to orgasm only to pause at the last second.

  Jasper’s grunts grew louder, his moans mingling with mine until we reached the point of no return. I held my breath as the pleasure overwhelmed me, my balls drawing up tight to my body. And when I exhaled on a low groan, I came deep inside him. And then he was coming, too, his hands never gripping his cock. I found it erotic as hell to watch him, to know that he’d found his release without stimulating his dick.

  It wasn’t the most creative scene I’d ever engaged in, but I had to admit, it was a damn fine introduction.



  Saturday night’s party started in the ballroom of the resort. It was a grand affair, not entirely unlike the first night, with the exception there was no dinner being served.

  Not indoors, at least.

  As had become custom, I’d had a choice of three different outfits, all expensive gowns, all a bit skimpier than I was used to. There was red, there was white, and there was black. The moment I saw them, I knew that my selection would be telling, what I assumed was Talon’s point in giving me options.

  Question now was which one did I go with?

  Now, everyone knew black was more slimming, but that didn’t necessarily make it my first choice. When I saw it, I figured that would be the one, but then I stepped back and tried to think about what Talon was really saying with these selections. And based on the bikinis I’d had to choose from this week, I knew Talon was the one picking out my options.

  So I had given some thought to what each one might mean. Not that I knew Talon well enough to decipher his thoughts, but I was getting to know him, picking up on certain nuances. In Talon’s eyes, I imagined white would reflect sweetness, perhaps virginal. While black would be simple and sexy. Red being mischievous and fun.

  While I really liked the white one because of the beaded neckline, I knew that one was out. Virginal was not my goal for tonight.

  I wasn’t sure I was mischievous and fun, although I truly wanted to be. It was a side of me that Talon h
ad brought out, a side I happened to really like.

  Yep. That was the one I’d opted for. Red.

  Now as I made my way into the ballroom, my arm twined in Taurus’s, who requested to walk me to the party, I felt as though all eyes were on me. I could practically see myself stumbling in these heels, so I focused on each step until I’d made it across the room. It was there Talon greeted me, gently taking my hand and pulling me closer until I was nearly pressed up against his big, warm body.

  “You look … edible,” he said softly.

  “I was going for mischievous and fun,” I said with a grin.

  “I definitely hope to explore that mischief later.” He leaned in. “For hours.”

  His lips brushed mine and I fought the sigh that threatened. I was getting used to this man. To the point, I was having a difficult time remembering what my life had been like before him.

  Talon took my hand, holding it near his chest as we strolled through the enormous ballroom. Unlike the first night when it was casual and elegant, tonight’s theme was darker, more sinful. The lights were dim, strobes dancing across the room. The deep, throbbing bass gave an air of sensuality that suited the way the others were dancing. Leah and Brad were in their own little world on the other side of the room with their possession. At the moment, Leah had her husband kneeling before her, watching as the possession ran his hands over her body.

  In the center, Laura was dancing alone, her possession kneeling nearby, his eyes on her. Her body swayed and shifted, her hands running over her curves as she watched him intently. I couldn’t deny I admired Laura’s spirit. The woman knew what she wanted, and she didn’t hesitate going after it.

  To my surprise, Zion was also on that dance floor. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Micah’s bare chest, their bodies sliding sinfully together.

  “This seems a bit subdued,” I told Talon as he led the way to a table in the far corner.

  “And what would you have them doing if this were your party?”

  “Well, for one, I would have more Owners here,” I told him, accepting the chair he pulled out for me.


  “Yes. I think I’d go for double this size.” I’d actually given it some thought these past few days. “You said these are infrequent.”

  “They are.”

  “And how often do you get new possessions at the island?”

  “Minimum of one delivery per month.”

  “How many at a time?”

  “It fluctuates. No fewer than three, sometimes up to five. Depends on the pipeline.”

  “Gideon said there are thirty plus in residence right now.”


  “And I assume it’s your objective to move them through. I’m sure it’s rather expensive to take care of them while they’re here.”

  Talon held my gaze.

  “What percentage of Owners usually leave with a possession when they visit?” I asked.

  “Fifty percent. On a good day.”

  “If you increased the number of potential Owners, plus mixed in some previous clients who would be showing off their own possession, I think you’d increase the amount leaving. Plus, if you allowed guests to come and go more frequently, you’d potentially be able to reduce the number staying here for any length of time.”

  Talon grinned. “And I thought you were a programmer.”

  “I’ve got a few other skills,” I admitted.

  “I think Zion would be most interested in chatting with you.”

  As he was the CFO of Owned, Inc., I figured Zion and I would get along relatively well. I knew all about budgets, mostly because I’d been on a strict one all my life.

  “I do think you need to find a way to get more females in here,” I told him. “They should make up at least fifty percent.”

  “Easier said than done.”

  “Maybe.” I’d thought about this, too. “I don’t know what the process is for potential possessions to apply, but if you could find a way to soften it so women feel more comfortable, perhaps you’ll get more applicants that way.”

  “And what makes you think we don’t?”

  I shrugged, smiled. “I’ve met you, Talon. Plus, I’ve met Zion and Tiegan. You’ve got very dominating personalities. And yes, I understand those who want to be owned are submissive, but that doesn’t mean they trust anyone who promises to do right by them.”

  “For someone who hasn’t been brought into the fold, you seem to have a lot of input.”

  “I’m sure there’s a lot more to it than I’ve considered, but I have given it some thought. I can see the big picture.” I motioned to those around us. “If you’re looking to entertain, we should set a standard. No, it’s not a club, but you’ve set the mood. More like-minded individuals, more interaction, you’ll likely see more people wanting to visit. Owners and possessions.”

  Talon glanced around, his gaze finally settling on me once more. “What mood do you think we should be setting here?”

  When he looked at me like that, it set fire to my blood, made me want to be daring and bold. “Sinful, sexy. No holds barred. Even I can tell Laura is in her element here. She wants to let loose. This is a vacation for her. And Drago … he looks like he’s bored, when earlier he was fucking a possession by the pool. Tonight should be about their final decisions, and they should be celebrating. Those who haven’t made a selection … perhaps they should be given the opportunity to sample from a bigger pool. Provided the possessions are interested, of course.”

  Talon continued to stare at me.

  “If you don’t want to increase the frequency, maybe you cut off Owner inquiries for a certain period before each retreat. That way the possessions who aren’t engaged in interactions can interact. Plus, the newest ones could be available, too. Maybe at an extra cost or something. This might attract more Owners wanting to come visit more often. Also, you could add some entertainment. And your employees … they should be here. More of them. Maybe not all, but more than your upper level. It could be a reward. They can bring their plus-one … or however many extras they have. I can’t imagine those who work for you are prudes.”

  Talon leaned back in his chair, motioned me over.

  I got to my feet, keeping my shoulders back, showing him I wasn’t a prude, either.

  He took my hands in each of his, tugged me forward. When I realized he wanted me to straddle his thighs, I lifted my skirt to accommodate.

  “And you, dirty girl?” Talon’s arm curled around my back, pulling me intimately into him. “Taking all your suggestions into account, what would you be doing at this party?”

  I could feel the hard ridge of his erection pressing against my pussy, my body throbbing from the contact.

  Feeling bolder than I ever had in my life, I leaned in, smiled against his mouth. “You, Talon. I’d be doing you.”



  “Right here? Right now?” I asked, holding Braelyn against me.


  Pulling back, I stared into her beautiful eyes. They were glittering in the strobes, her face flushed. She was enjoying this, perhaps as much as I was.

  Truth be told, I hadn’t expected this from her. Certainly not tonight, and maybe not ever. My first impressions of Braelyn had been that of a woman who appreciated privacy. She wasn’t opposed to interludes that edged on the kinkier side, but I’d suspected she hadn’t wanted an audience. From what I’d learned about her this week, I’d judged her incorrectly.

  I’d been taking her privately out of respect for her. But based on the way she was talking, I wanted to push her boundaries, see just how daring she really was. Braelyn could definitely talk a good game, but I wanted to see if she’d put her money where her mouth was.

  “No holds barred?” I asked, using her words.

  Her golden gaze held mine. “Yes.”

  I motioned Taurus over. When I pointed, he stepped up behind Braelyn, his legs parting to straddle my knees.

Braelyn peered over her shoulder then looked back at me.

  “You can’t tempt the beast and not expect him to pounce,” I told her, holding my hands up so Taurus would place his in mine. I positioned his hands on her shoulders. “Touch her.”

  Braelyn sighed when Taurus’s palms slid over her shoulders. He pulled her hair behind her, the long, glossy strands cascading down her back before letting his hands drift down to her chest. He didn’t move quickly, his big, strong hands gliding over her soft, silky skin. All the while, her eyes remained locked with mine, the amber glittering gold, her desire evident.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” I taunted, sliding my hands along her thighs, inching the short red dress up her legs.


  “Unless you’re telling me to stop or you’re answering one of my questions, don’t speak.”

  Heat flashed brightly in her eyes.

  Yeah, my dirty girl liked this.

  “Slide the straps off her shoulders,” I instructed Taurus, surprised by how much I enjoyed seeing his hands on her.

  The thin straps eased down her upper arms, the swells of her breasts and those sweet apricot nipples appearing as the triangular fabric folded down.

  Braelyn leaned back into Taurus as his hands ventured lower, curving around the outside of her breasts before cupping her gently.

  She moaned, her eyes closing.

  In that moment, we could’ve been the only ones in the room, although we weren’t. There were plenty of others around, a few who were taking an interest in what we were doing. I didn’t bother to inform Braelyn, going on the assumption she’d been aware of her surroundings when she began taunting me.

  Leaning in, I lapped one of her nipples. Taurus knew what to do as though we’d rehearsed this, his hands curling beneath the generous swells, lifting her breasts in offering. While I teased her nipples, he held her firmly, plumping her lovely breasts, tweaking the nipple I wasn’t teasing with my lips.

  Braelyn’s body began to roll, her hips shifting, her back arching as she let the sensations wash over her. She was beautiful like that, succumbing to the pleasure.

  Gripping her hips, I pulled her in tightly against me, grinding my erection between her spread thighs.


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