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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

Page 51

by Nicole Edwards

  Stepping back from Talon, I allowed Ransom to lead me out of the resort, beyond the newly updated pool area, then between Talon’s house and the pool house, down the path that led to the beach.

  “It’s over,” I acknowledged when it seemed he didn’t know what to say.

  “Sounds like it.”

  I looked over at him. “You don’t believe them?”

  “Oh, I do. Ian and Isaac would’ve confirmed every detail before they let Trent come here.”

  “They’re your friends, huh? The ones you did the favor for?”


  “Looks like they were returning it.” At least that was how it seemed to me.

  Ransom had never told me exactly what he’d done to help Ian and Isaac, but I’d pieced enough together to know it had something to do with the death of a prominent businessman and his son. I never had asked him for details, knowing it was better not to know. It wasn’t that I thought my brother to be a violent person, but I knew he would protect those he cared about at all costs.

  My brother stopped walking, turning to face me. He took both my hands in his.

  “You had no say in coming here, Brae. I basically forced it on you.” He looked up at the house. “You’ve adapted well, I know, but that doesn’t mean this is the right place for you. For us. Chicago’s always been our home.”

  Yes. It had. And at one point, I couldn’t imagine myself living anywhere else.

  “You’ve got more options now,” he continued, clearly misreading my silence. “And I’m happy to help you pursue them. Hell, I’ll even go talk to your old boss, tell him I’m the reason you were fired.”

  I stared back at him, squeezing his hands. “What about Jasper?”

  “What about him?”

  I felt my heart sink. “I thought…”

  “What? That I love him?” He nodded. “I do, yes. And if he wants to come with me, then fine. Otherwise…”

  I couldn’t believe he was saying that. I’d seen him and Jasper these past few weeks. They weren’t merely indulging in one another. They were … I’d go so far as to say they were a couple now. At least that was how it was perceived from the outside looking in. And I had seen Jasper’s face when Trent had relayed the news, mentioned a coming home party. I’d seen his heart in his eyes, along with the fear.

  “I do love him,” Ransom clarified, more firmly this time. “I always have, always will. But…” He sighed. “I want what’s best for you, Brae. I owe you that.”

  Leave it to Ransom to put me above all else. Even his own happiness.

  “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “But I do,” he bit out. “You’re the most important person in my life, Brae. I vowed to take care of you.”

  “No.” I shook his arms. “Don’t you see that yet? You’ve taken care of me my entire life. You’ve paid your dues. You owe me nothing.”

  His gaze bounced over my face as though he was looking for a nuance that would tell him something different than my words.

  “I don’t want to go back, Ransom.” I took a deep breath, let it out. “Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.”

  Something shifted in my brother’s expression. “So your plan is to what? Work for Talon? Let him divide his time between you and his possessions? How is that fair to you, Brae? You deserve a man who’s going to give you one hundred percent of himself. Not one who’ll get you your own play toy to keep you company.”

  I frowned, releasing his hands with a rough jerk of my arms. “Is that what you think he’s doing?”

  “I don’t think, I know. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” He huffed, motioned to the house. “I see him with them all the time. Down by the pool, in the resort. He’s not discreet about it.”

  “And he shouldn’t be,” I argued.

  “If he feels anything for you, yes, he should.” Ransom shook his head, thrust his hand in his hair. “No. Actually, he shouldn’t be discreet. He shouldn’t be indulging at all. He’s made it clear he doesn’t give two shits about them. They’re at his beck and call for his amusement.”

  I huffed a mirthless laugh. “You don’t know him at all.”

  “I know he uses them for their orifices. He fucks them because he enjoys it. The control.”

  “You don’t see it,” I accused, feeling my face heat with my own anger.

  “See what?” He actually growled. “You think he loves them, Brae? If so, you’re delusional. You can pretty it up all you want, but that doesn’t change anything. He won’t give them up for you.”

  “He won’t give them up, period,” I snapped. “You might think he doesn’t give a shit, but you’re wrong.” And I knew that for fact. I seriously doubted Talon would even admit it, but I’d seen him with them. He cared enough to punish them when they’d done wrong. He cared enough to give them the safety and security they deserved. And he cared enough not to violate their trust in him. If that wasn’t love, I didn’t know what was.

  “You don’t deserve that, Brae. You deserve—”

  “Him!” I shouted. “I deserve him, Ransom. All of him. Not just the side he thinks I should see. I don’t want to be protected and sheltered. You of all people should know that. And I don’t want a man who thinks he has to change for me.”

  That shut him up, and for a brief moment, I felt guilty for yelling. But it was fleeting because of the truth in my statement. I wanted Talon. The man he was. I wanted all of him. And yes, I wanted his possessions, too.

  Ransom swallowed hard, staring at me.

  “I’m not going back,” I decided. “I know you’ve got a life there. Friends, a job. What I have … it’s here. Everything I’ve ever wanted is here.”

  “You mean that.”

  There was no accusation in his words so much as understanding.

  “I do. And the same goes for you, Ransom. Jasper’s here. Deny it all you want, but I’ve never seen you happier. You love him. He loves you. Why would you be willing to risk that for anyone? I want you to be happy, too. And walking away from him … that won’t bring you happiness.”

  He surprised me, reaching out and jerking me toward him, his arms wrapping tightly around me. I hugged him back, holding firm.

  “I love you, Brae. The only thing I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy.”

  “I know.” I patted his back. “And I am. I promise.”

  “Yeah.” He sighed. “I get that now.”

  I managed to extricate myself from his arms, squeezing his hands once more. “Now I’m going to tell the man I love that I’m not leaving. Might I suggest you do the same.”

  He smiled, and it actually reached his eyes.



  I wanted to follow Braelyn and her brother, but I refrained. Refusing to eavesdrop on the conversation between them. Not because they were due that respect but because I wasn’t sure I could handle the decision they came to.

  I had even considered disappearing for a little while, fearing the worst. God knows there were enough rooms on this estate, I could’ve hidden out until I was ready to be found. And if Braelyn made the decision to go back to Chicago, I wasn’t sure I would ever venture out again.

  Another first for me. I certainly wasn’t a man prone to drama.

  But I didn’t do that, either. Didn’t follow, didn’t hide. Instead, I took a walk.

  Now I was waiting, standing on the veranda, overlooking the swimming pools the same as I had been the first day I brought Braelyn to the island. It was hard to believe that was less than two months ago. Felt like longer, but not nearly long enough.

  Funny how I owned seven possessions—eight including Jones—and though they would walk through fire for me, I’d never really had something of my own. Everything I’d ever acquired had been purchased in one manner or another. This island, the possessions, my life in general. And now the only thing I wanted couldn’t be bought.


  As I glanced around, I realized I would give it all up for her. I would walk aw
ay from everything if she promised to stay with me forever. We could live in a one-bedroom apartment, drive a compact car with a hundred thousand miles on it. The fact of the matter was, none of this would ever mean anything again without her.

  Footsteps sounded but I refused to turn around. I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. I’d even sent Corvin to join the others. I could tell he’d been concerned but he had followed my command, as he’d been taught to do. Zion, Tiegan, Memphis … I would deal with them later. Right now, I wanted to wallow in silence.

  It wasn’t until I felt her hands slide up my back that I stood tall, taking a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst.

  “Hi,” she whispered, leaning into me, her arms sliding around my waist, her forehead pressing against my back.

  I placed my hand over hers, trying to hide the tremor that had overcome me ever since Trent informed us they were free to leave.


  I turned to face her, once again holding my breath.

  She was so fucking beautiful. Not only on the outside but on the inside, too. And it was that beauty I’d fallen for. Her generous heart, her keen mind, her sweet smile, those iridescent amber eyes. I loved absolutely everything about this woman.

  “I have a question to ask you,” she said softly.


  Here it comes.

  “Wait,” I bit out, something telling me I could not let her do this. I could not let her leave. Not without playing all my cards first.

  Braelyn’s forehead wrinkled, her confusion glittering in her eyes.

  “Is something wrong?”

  I shook my head, stepped back from her.

  While she watched me warily, I lowered myself to one knee, slipping my hand into my pocket to retrieve the contents I’d stashed there a week ago, when it had originally been delivered.

  Without hesitation, I pulled it out, held it between my thumb and forefinger.

  Braelyn’s eyes widened.

  “Marry me,” I rasped, surprised the words sounded at all. My throat was tight, emotion lodged firmly in there, blocking air from getting to my lungs.


  “Marry me,” I repeated, feeling my chest swell with fear.


  I held up my hand, revealing the titanium ring I’d had designed specifically for her. I’d considered going overboard with the diamond, but had stopped myself at the last minute, thinking hard about what Braelyn would like. She wasn’t the type to think bigger was better.

  Her gaze shifted to the ring I held up, the tremor in my hand now evident, but I didn’t care. Couldn’t.

  The amber gemstones sparkled around the clear diamond in the center. “They reminded me of your eyes,” I whispered. “That’s why I got them.”

  “Oh, Talon…” She clutched her hands to her chest.

  My heart lurched. That didn’t sound promising.

  Why wasn’t she moving closer?

  “Marry me,” I whispered, this time the words trembling as much as my hand.

  Braelyn stepped forward, her soft, cool hands cupping my face. I could see tears glistening in her eyes, and my stomach twisted.

  “I will marry you,” she said, her words spoken soft and clear. “Today, tomorrow, whenever. But you don’t have to propose for me to stay.” She eased down to her knees, holding my gaze, her hands still on my face. “I’m staying because I love you. Because I don’t see a life without you in it.”

  It took a second for her words to register.

  She smiled, clearly amused by my lack of composure.

  “Marry me,” I said again, this time with more emotion. “Be my wife. Let me spend the rest of my life making you happy.”

  I didn’t think it was possible, but the wattage on her smile dialed up a few notches, and I felt the warmth fill my entire being.

  “Absolutely, positively yes.”



  When Ransom left with Braelyn, I managed to slip away, heading back to the clinic, my thoughts a jumbled mess.

  What had started out as a fairly routine day—a good one considering how I’d woken Ransom up this morning—was turning into my worst fear.

  I’d always known there was a chance Ransom would leave Sapphire Island. After all, I was well aware of the reason he was here. He’d given me the details I had wanted, shared with me the horror story of his childhood, the nightmare life he and Braelyn had lived. Ransom had explained how they’d spent most of their lives running, which was how they’d ended up here. This was a safe haven for him and Braelyn, a place for them to lie low for a little while. Once the issue with his family was resolved, he would have no reason to be here. He could return to the life he’d had, back to his friends, his job.

  Although I thought we were building something together, there’d always been that niggling insecurity just below the surface. As though this was a waiting game. Just the other day, I’d overheard Ransom following up with someone, leaving voicemails to get an update on how things were in Chicago. He never mentioned it to me, had even shrugged it off the one time I’d bothered to ask.

  So I had left it alone, waiting.

  Looked as though the wait was over.

  I had to wonder if he would’ve even told me if I hadn’t happened upon them when I had.

  “My decision’s final,” I heard Ransom say from somewhere in the hallway. “I need to find Talon to let him know.”

  I stepped back, hiding behind one of the metal shelves in the clinic, hoping he didn’t see me.

  He was going to find Talon but not me? Ransom felt it was more important to let his boss know his plans?

  I hated that my chest ached with that knowledge. My heart actually hurt and the doctor in me said I should have that checked out, but I shrugged it off. I wasn’t having a damn heart attack. No, my heart was breaking all over again, but it was only metaphorical. An affliction only healed by time.

  When I heard the exterior door open and close, I ventured out of my hiding spot, doing my best to compose myself. I had to get on with my day. There were things to do, possessions to check, medications to dispense. This was my life, this was where—

  “You were hiding.”

  I spun around to find Ransom standing in the doorway, shoulder propped on the jamb.

  “What? No.” I shook my head, tried to mask my expression. “I’m busy. Did you need something?”

  “As a matter of fact…” He stood tall, strolled toward me.

  I sidestepped him, keeping to the outer wall. “I don’t have time right now, Ransom. Like I said, I’m— Oomph.”

  “Make time,” Ransom growled, slamming me into the wall.

  My eyes widened, my surprise evident.

  His hand curled over my neck, pinning me in place. So forceful, so commanding.

  God, I was going to miss him.

  “You can’t hide from me any more, Jasper. You should know that by now. I won’t let you.”

  “Not hid—” His hand tightened, effectively cutting of my words.

  “I’ll punish you for that lie later. Right now, I have something to say.”

  Please no. Please don’t tell me you’re leaving. Not here. Not yet.

  “You’ve got a lunch break coming,” he said softly, eyes narrowed on mine. “I expect you to go home, pack your clothes.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not leaving, Ransom. This is my—”

  “And move them to my place. You live there now. With me.”

  Wait. What?

  My heart thumped hard in my chest. Was he saying…?

  “As a matter of fact,” Ransom continued, “you’re going to do one better.”

  I frowned. Better than move in with him? What was he talking about?

  “You’re going to marry me.”



  It was a damn good thing he had his hand banded around my throat. Otherwise I would’ve been on the floor.

  Two hours
later, Ransom and I made it official—although I wasn’t sure how official it really was. Not that I cared whether or not a piece of paper legally bound us together, because it wasn’t the paper that mattered.

  It was the heart.


  Two months later…


  “Seriously?” I grumbled when I strolled through the house, still not finding Talon anywhere.

  He’d left a message for me to come find him when I finished my phone call. It was one of many hopeful Owners who were attempting to bribe me into letting them come to the resort. Evidently, next month was the anniversary of the day they acquired their possession, and he was hopeful he’d have a chance to celebrate at the place where it all began.

  I’d promised I would do everything in my power to help him out, but as of this moment, we were booked solid until August.

  Turned out, my idea of opening the resort to new and old alike had made a significant impact on the resort. And since tomorrow was the official grand opening of the Sapphire, the exclusive Owned, Incorporated BDSM resort, we’d all been shuffling to get everything in order.

  Because Talon had been working me to the bone, I hardly had time to take a breath. Did I mention, Talon wanted a huge wedding, and he insisted that his assistant make all the arrangements? Yeah. And did I mention how much time it took to plan a wedding of this magnitude? The only positive was that he had agreed to have the wedding in June, which allowed for roughly four months to plan. Still not nearly enough time, but I was managing.

  Only I wasn’t, because here I was, searching the estate to find him.

  Just as I made a U-turn, figuring he was possibly down on the main floor, which he’d been renovating for additional offices, I saw Rolphe standing near the door leading out to the veranda.

  “Do you know where Talon is?” I asked.

  “I do, Mistress,” he said in a very deep, very sexy voice that I’d come to enjoy immensely.

  “Could you please show me?”

  He nodded once, then opened the door, gesturing for me to step outside onto the veranda.


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