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Conquered by the Alien Dragon

Page 8

by Stella Cassy

  When her eyes opened, a little thrill shot through me when I saw her fear turn to relief. She was glad to see me. "How do you feel?"

  "Like hammered shit."

  I had no idea what hammered shit was, but I assumed it wasn't good. "You need to eat and drink, but should stay in that hydration fluid."

  She sat up, quickly realizing she was nude. My eyes landed on her wet breasts, the green fluid sliding down them. I wanted to lick it off of them but stopped myself from doing anything that could hinder her healing.

  When she spotted my gaze on her breasts, she reddened and slid back down into the fluid, but not before her nipples puckered.

  I held a bar out for her to take a bite. Surprise registered on her face. "You're feeding me?"

  "How else will you eat?" I asked her. I hadn't realized she was so dense. "Just take a bite."

  I'd taken care to grab a bar that was flavored of the fruits we'd eaten that morning.

  She took a tentative corner of the bar and bit it off, chewing slowly. "Oh, my gosh. Now that I've had a bite, I'm starving. It tastes amazing."

  I grinned and offered the bar again. She took a much bigger bite, returning my smile. "I have a lot to tell you," she said as she chewed.

  "Tell me later. Eat and rest now."

  "No, you don't understand. I'll eat and talk." She leaned forward, her nipples rising up out of the water again. I put a finger on her shoulder and pushed her back down before I was too tempted to put the little buds into my mouth.

  Doctor Oslow walked into the room with a grin on his face. "Good to see you awake, small one."

  Leticia gave him a genuine smile. I wondered what he did to get such sincere emotion from her. All I'd seen was anger or lust. The moment of relief at seeing my face flashed through my mind. Maybe I could change her mind about me after all.

  I stood abruptly, causing Leticia to jump. I had no reason to need to change a slave's mind. It was time to go. "When can she go to her own chamber?" I asked.

  "She'll need to be in one of our medi chambers for a few rotations for monitoring," Doctor Oslow replied, eyeing me. "Then she can return to her chamber near yours."

  "Fine. Leticia, I will check in on you later." I nodded at Oslow as I walked out of the room.

  "You can call me Leti," she whispered as I departed. I pretended not to hear her.

  Returning to the Coovians felt like torture, but I had to update Chiron on her progress. He waited at a table set up near the ship. Food was piled on it and he was surrounded by women of his species, all of them fawning over him. Many were shirtless but covered in jewels, necklaces and bracelets piled on their perky breasts and wrists.

  "How is your slave?" he asked when I sat at the chair obviously waiting for me.

  "She will heal, but it will take time. She's meant for more delicate duties, not digging in a dirt pit," I said with distaste.

  Chiron shifted and I heard his hooves hit the ground in irritation. "She's a slave, they're all made for hard work."

  "Perhaps I will adjourn until I'm sure she's completely on her feet. She is a valued slave among my crew." I stared at Chiron, perfectly aware that he wanted to continue intimidating me. But still, I knew I'd need water from him, so I didn't want to completely dismiss him. "Thank you for your hospitality, can we take this up again tomorrow?"

  Chiron nodded. "As you wish. We can discuss our business in the morning."

  "I thank you," I said, and backed away, turning to re-enter my ship as Chiron and his friends walked into the woods, leaving the table full of food sitting alone. I had a moment of wonder for my crew and headed straight for the deck, pushing a button on the dash and speaking into the microphone. This would leave a message on each of their comms that flashed with an orange light, indicating they should listen to the message when alone.

  "Please make your way back to the ship casually. It shouldn't look like a mass exodus. Crew one please do so soon, crew two in about three solars, crew three in about six solars. Thank you."

  I sat down to await their return. The empty ship made eerie noises. I wasn't used to being on the deck without several people milling about. Very soon, Lieutenant Chase was the first to arrive.

  "I trust you extracted yourself without too much trouble?" I asked.

  "Actually, I was already on my way back. There's something odd going on here."

  He sat beside me in his chair. "I agree. I believe they intend to double-cross us, at the least. Possibly something more dire."

  He nodded. "Let's warn everyone, but we'll need to take turns out there with them or they'll grow suspicious of us."

  "I'd take off now if it wasn't for the dire need for water," I mused.

  "Can we not go on to another planet? Why was this planet chosen, anyway?"

  Shrugging, I didn't get a chance to reply. I wished I knew. The crew began to trickle in, so we gave up the conversation and began explaining the situation to everyone. Soon we had a schedule arranged so that there would be a crew on board at all times, ready to get us off the ground if things turned sour.

  When everyone was settled, I went to check on Leti.



  Illion walked into my room and looked around. "They're treating my investment well," he said. I was fairly sure his tone of voice was joking, but it was the first time I'd heard a joke from him, so I couldn't be sure.

  "Your investment?" I asked. "You stole me, remember?"

  He barked out a loud laugh, pulling a grin to my face. "It took hours, though, so I consider that an investment."

  He sat on my bed, where I rested with my legs crossed. I felt fine after food and that bath, but the doctor had insisted I needed days of rest. After the time I had in those pits, I didn't argue one bit with him, even though I felt recovered. No way I'd willingly go back to digging and hauling dirt around.

  Illion leaned forward and touched my hair. "Did you get clean enough? Do you want me to take you for another bathing?"

  "Actually, I did," I said. I'd been pleasantly surprised to wake up and find all the dirt washed off of my body. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember him bathing me, but Doctor Oslow said Illion had been gentle and kind with me. "Thank you for cleaning me up," I whispered, looking at his lips.

  The memory of his struggle not to look at my breasts as I laid in the hydration fluid trickled through my mind. He'd really wanted to see them, but even though I was his slave, he had at least tried to treat me with a modicum of respect. I appreciated that.

  My nipples puckered under the thin gown Doctor Oslow had given me. It was similar to a hospital gown on Earth. I'd asked him why I couldn't have another jumpsuit, but he'd just wagged his finger at me. "You might need another exam. Can't have you passing out again."

  He seemed to be under the impression that humans were much weaker than we were. I guess we were pretty fragile compared to dragons.

  "Are you unwell?" Illion asked, watching me squirm. I was too embarrassed to admit that I was incredibly turned on and wanted a repeat of what we'd done in his bedroom.

  His nose twitched a second later, and he grinned. "Ah," he said. "I see." He leaned forward, his lips crashing into mine. I opened my mouth willingly, and he pulled me into his lap. My gown disappeared in an instant, ripped away by an eager Illion.

  His uniform jumpsuit was too much material between us, so my fingers began to remove it immediately. As my hands worked the material off of his shoulders, his tongue invaded my mouth. The split in his tongue was so foreign. I couldn't help but wonder how I hadn't noticed it the last time he kissed me.

  His hands rubbed up and down my back, causing goosebumps to erupt along my flesh. I wasn't in the mood for slow and sensual, though, so I slid off his lap and pushed him backward onto my bed.

  I wanted more of what he gave me last time, more intense orgasms. I yanked his uniform the rest of the way off and saw the cock I'd been dreaming about. Even though I was eager to have him inside me, I leaned over him, taking it into my mouth slowly
. Suddenly I was obsessed with the desire to give him a blow job he'd never forget. If he sold me and moved on to someone else in his bed, he'd always remember the day that Leti sucked his cock.

  The bumps and ridges were new to me, so I explored them slowly with my tongue. Apparently, he liked it because he laid his head back and sighed. His wings were extended on either side of him, I assumed to give him more comfort lying back on the narrow bed. He'd nearly knocked over the pole holding medications I might need. I'd already explored them and had no idea what they were.

  His head needed some special attention, so I sucked hard on it, then took him as far into my mouth as I could, relaxing my gag reflex and taking him farther than I really thought I could've. His fingers clenched in my hair as I moved back and forth. "Enough," he whispered.

  If I hadn't been so desperate for my own orgasm, I would've ignored him and kept on until he came in my mouth, but no way was I letting him have his release without a few of my own.

  I climbed back up onto the bed, straddling him. His dick stood up at the perfect angle like it knew what I wanted. I slid onto it with ease, still wet from my mouth, and my pussy soaked.

  There was no problem with him fitting, I was too ready for him. I'd been ready for him since the moment he'd dismissed me in his room.

  He'd hurt me then, but his actions since had been very different. He seemed to care about what happened to me, even if I was just a lowly slave.

  I moved my legs so I squatted over him, giving me the deepest angle to take him. As I lifted and dropped myself onto his cock, my orgasm began to build quickly. He didn't even really have to do much, the shape and size of his dick did a lot for him. Unfortunately, not quite enough. I reached the brink of my orgasm but couldn't quite drop over it.

  "I need more," I panted as I changed positions and moved differently.

  He opened his eyes and gave me a look loaded with emotions I couldn't read. "I can give you more." His voice was a growl.

  Sitting up with me still impaled on his dick, he swung his legs around and stood. With a squeak, I wrapped my legs around him. He hadn't had any trouble standing without dislodging himself.

  He turned me around and sat my ass on the edge of the bed, leaning over me until I laid flat. Pulling my legs up and over his arms, he smiled at me, and it was a little bit evil. "Are you ready?" he asked in a low voice.

  "Oh, yes. Please." I moaned as he began to move, thrusting into me with violent abandon. My moans turned to a scream until he clapped his hand over my mouth.

  "Shhh," he said. "Don't want to be interrupted by the doctor."

  I replied by clamping my teeth down on his hand and biting him.

  Apparently, he liked my teeth closing over him because his already firm, strong thrusts became even harder.

  That was okay with me. My scream turned into a guttural sound, something I'd never made before. My orgasm broke over me, riding me harder than Illion did. The noises I made were nothing I'd ever have done if I had any choice. They weren't ladylike or sexy at all. They were primal, the result of pure passion.

  When he finished and completed his own orgasm, he slowed. I released his hand and wiped the drool that had escaped off of my chin.

  "Sorry," I whispered with a sheepish smile. "That was intense."

  He grabbed my gown and used it to wipe me off when he pulled out. My juices and his come leaked out, but he took care of it.

  I wasn't sure I'd ever had anyone do that for me before, much less someone that was supposed to be my master.

  "Why are you sorry?" he asked as he threw the gown in the corner before walking over to a cabinet to get another one.

  I watched his ass and tail as he walked away. How was a tail so damn sexy?

  "I made some crazy noises."

  He turned and looked at me with one hand in the cabinet. The expression on his face was surprised. "Crazy?"

  "Yeah, sort of grunts?" Ugh, why was he making me explain it?

  He returned with the gown, opening it so I could slide my arms in. "Leti." He used the nickname I'd given him permission to use. I liked it coming from his mouth. "Those noises were the sexiest thing I've ever heard. I can't wait to cause them to come from your gorgeous mouth again." He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, then grabbed his uniform. I sat back on my bed as he slipped it on, wondering if he was going to dismiss what happened to us as he had before.

  The moment he had his uniform back on, the door opened. Doctor Oslow stuck his head in. "Everything okay?" he asked. His nostrils flared, and a grin spread across his face. "I'll just check in later." He shut the door with a firm click.

  Oh, for fuck's sake. Of all the embarrassing things. He'd smelled our sex.

  Illion noticed as well. He became formal, probably embarrassed. "I'll leave you to rest, then," he said and practically ran from the room.

  I sighed, sitting back on the medi bed. I’d warn him about the uprising the next time I saw him. Hopefully, it would be soon. I was torn about what to tell him. On the one hand, it was the Pax. They were the worst, absolute worst. On the other hand, though I felt a certain amount of affection toward Illion, he was still my captor. If I helped the Pax, maybe they really would set me free.

  And maybe pigs would fly. I’d tell him as soon as I saw him again.



  The next few rotations were filled with more veiled threats and more time for me to brood.

  I was finally able to present our business proposition to the Coovians. "We want to trade for water," I said flatly. "Name your price and we will see how far away we are from that price."

  Chiron leaned back and stroked his flank thoughtfully. "Water? That is a surprise."

  What did he think I was there for, greenery? "Indeed. And we are willing to pay a fair price to set up a regular transference."

  "Hmmm. Let us retire to the evening's entertainment while I debate this proposition and what we would require in return." Chiron grinned, indicating he took the matter at hand lightly. I didn't have a good feeling about the coming negotiations.

  The evening's entertainment was some sort of dance recital. I was less than impressed. Seeing half-horse beings attempt to dance is comical, but laughter would've been a completely inappropriate response.

  "Allow me to provide you a more personal entertainment for the rest of your evening," Chiron said when the show was over.

  "I thank you, but I have all the entertainment I need on my ship." I smiled at the woman Chiron was attempting to push toward me. "I'm sure you're lovely, and I appreciate the offer very much, but I'll see you in the morning. Perhaps then you'll have an answer to begin the negotiations."

  He smiled at me, but it was more a baring of teeth than a true smile. My dragon snarled at him. I grunted, the desire to rip his throat out strong. Sometimes my inner self was vehement and had to be squashed.

  After I returned to the ship that night, I stood outside the medibay for far too long. If anyone checked the cameras or walked by, they'd think I'd lost my faculties, standing and staring at a door. But Leti was through that door, in a small room, all alone.

  A slave. A slave was through that door, in a small room, all alone. A room to herself was a luxury for a slave.

  What had gotten into me? I'd jumped into a slave pit to save one female that could've been dealt with by the Coovian guards. I'd stayed by her side until she'd woken up, and since the moment I'd met her, I'd been horribly distracted.

  Something was wrong with this scenario.

  I forced my feet to move and take me to my chambers where sleep was long in coming and all I could think about was the face of the woman that had distracted me and set my entire world on its side.

  What was I supposed to do next?

  The next morning, my feet carried me to the medibay again, but I entered this time. "How is she?" I asked Doctor Oslow.

  "She's recovering. If you don't plan to sell her, I'd like to begin training her. She's got quite a sharp mind and was a doctor on
her planet."

  Nodding thoughtfully, I left. Perhaps she would be valuable as a member of my household. She was worth the risk of me jumping into the slave pit, right?

  Maybe she was. Maybe I would come home with a human mate like my Uncle. And Carissa wasn't so bad. She'd turned into a strong leader, and Tarion certainly trusted her. Perhaps I'd be the next in line.

  I left Doctor Oslow to care for our patient, returning to the table still set up outside our ship. Chiron had set out another feast, but I was prepared this time. I hadn't eaten breakfast.

  He was alone, for the first time.

  "Before we eat, let us discuss this proposition." He steepled his hands under his chin and pursed his lips before speaking. "We would gladly arrange transport of all the water you can handle, a delivery every solar on a large freighter, supplied by you, of course, for the next rotation."

  "In exchange for?"

  "We want your fleet," he said smugly.

  "Our fleet?" He couldn't mean the entire fleet. That was the backbone of the Hielsrane military and by extension, the entire society of Thirren.


  "Ah, the whole thing?" He was a lunatic.

  "The whole thing." His expression was set and stubborn.

  "Well, I can take it back to our leadership, but I can tell you it will be shot down. This is the first planet we've approached, and there are many more water-filled planets within a reasonable distance from Thirren. We can approach one of them. I'd say their request would be a bit more reasonable."

  "It is what we want. Now, before you go report our demands," he coughed. "I mean, our requests, back to your leadership, let us eat."

  Since I'd skipped breakfast, I was pretty hungry. I dug into the offerings of fruits. He'd actually included some meat for me, which the Coovians didn't normally consume. "Thank you for your hospitality, whatever the outcome of our negotiations."


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