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Salvation's Kiss (Tales Of Mython Book 1)

Page 17

by Kathryn Jayne

  “Because her life was in danger. If she’s really a Phoenix, she’s not just Elder blood, she’s part Perennial and trust me when I say if you have two parts, one doesn’t like it when it’s locked away. My mother said her necklace had layers of seals. Each new septennial, a preternatural’s power increases. She was almost seven when she was given the necklace, then when she hit puberty she discovered she could remove an unwanted transition with a kiss. My mother thought this septennial would see the seal’s power fail.”

  “Wait! So that’s why she kissed all those people?” Will asked incredulously. Suddenly, her actions made more sense. The manner in which she would single someone out of a crowd, how no one ever spoke about what she did, and the way her friends, instead of stopping her, made ridiculous bets.

  “We used to call it Salvation’s Kiss, because before becoming a Ciele she said her name was Ashley Salvation,” Jack answered.

  “Salvation?” Conrad echoed. “As in one of the seven Perennial families believed to have been involved in the creation of the barrier?”

  “What have I done?” Will despaired, clutching his side. He was grateful for the support of the wall at his back. Conrad’s punches had hurt like hell, but there was no doubt in his mind he had been pulling them, holding back.

  “Sold your friend to into a nightmare where she’ll be drained and passed between blacklisted Elites to swell their ranks with sovereigns, that’s what,” Conrad snarled.

  “So what do we do about it?” Will asked, consciously moving his energy towards the worst pains, despite knowing he deserved to feel every agonising throb.

  “We rescue her, hopefully before someone realises exactly what they have.” Jack snatched his notebook from the table, bringing his attention to Will for the first time. There was no question about it, not one person could stand being in the same room as him. Not that he blamed them. He didn’t like himself at this moment, either.

  “But where have the abductees been taken?”

  “My father was working on a theory that it was being done by one of the Taphouses. The earlier abductees had all visited the same chain, but it only allowed them to get a warrant to search the property and check their records. Everything came back clean. They couldn’t apply any further pressure since all the victims also all went to our academy, and had other connections, but it was after this the MO changed and became more random. Since nobody has ever been recovered, there’s no evidence of their fate, and no clues as to where they were held.”

  “So they could still be alive,” Will muttered softly.

  “Don’t be naïve. If we’re going to act, we need to do so now, and discreetly. Chances are the Taphouse is already under surveillance by someone in my father’s team”—his eyes met Will’s, causing him to shrink back—“which is the only reason your friend here is still breathing. He’s a familiar face there, we need him.”

  Chapter 12

  Devon straightened his tie, smoothing out the wrinkles from his black, form-fitting suit. Even after only two years as Vincent Master’s head of acquisitions, he still appreciated the feel and look of this rich material, and if he was being honest with himself, he knew how amazing he looked. The clothes had been tailor-made and, whilst he wore the casual trimmings of a student while in the academy, here he was required to dress to his position.

  The Taphouse, like many things in society, was divided by class. The commoners would dine, drink, and partake in their vices in the tavern-like area below. Whereas those of standing would reserve one of the many suites. Not all within the grand luxury of the Elite world were subject to all the benefits of this status. Tonight, there were but a few whom his sire, Vincent Masters, had approved for their special Black Card Menu.

  This Elite menu was nothing more than a business card with the name of the establishment beautifully penned in golden ink upon the high quality card. Except its surface held a secret. When exposed to a low dosage of ultraviolet light, it would reveal the categories along with the abbreviation of the opiates in use with their Tabus. Within one minute of exposure the writing would fade, leaving no evidence of its existence except in the mind of its recipient. Such methods were but one way they ensured their illegal dealings remained unseen.

  Entering the suite belonging to his sire and clan leader, Vincent Masters, Devon placed the card before him. His heart was aflutter with excitement, knowing his most recent addition to the Black Card Menu would be certain to please. Bending slightly, he placed his mouth to Vincent’s ear, whispering softly the identity of the woman brought in tonight, FAB-EB98V. His sire’s approval embraced him and, with a smile, Devon took his seat, sinking down into the luxurious armchair. Vincent owned this establishment and many of the local franchises, and had only a few years ago pulled Devon through the ranks into his most trusted circle, leaving him in charge of Tabu acquisitions. This recent morsel, however, had been his crowning glory.

  Vincent raised the card to the small lamp, its specialised light illuminating the menu, critically studying the list of available Tabus.

  “This appears to be a good selection. Any difficulties?”

  “The new recruit was a little loud, but a good jolt from the collar soon brought her into line. I doubt she’ll repeat that mistake again. It worked a treat, just as you predicted.” Devon smiled. The most frustrating thing about breaking a new Tabu was the noise they made, the screams and cries for help. This new collar would ensure a peaceful transition, maybe even a speedier one. Although they had been warned not to use it during any Tabu’s opiate-induced delirium.

  “That would be the near pure one? I think tonight, myself and my esteemed guests will partake of your latest acquisition. If these predictions are correct, we’ll discuss a plan to extend”—his eyes cast to the almost faded ink on the card to confirm the sex—“her longevity.”

  Devon never normally partook in the merchandise, but it was Vincent’s insistence that tonight they all sampled the treat before them. The syphons were served upon a golden platter, their outer membranes allowed a few moment to become crisp. With a nod, they each took one, waiting for their sire’s permission before placing the creature into their mouth.

  Devon felt his eyes widen as a uniform silence followed the initial popping sound created by the breaking of the syphon’s shell. The rich fluids pooled in his mouth, creating a cacophony of sensations. Teasing the fluid with his tongue, he closed his eyes, lost to the rapture of its unique bouquet. He could taste the power, the raw and primal energy, and it was more than he had ever imagined could be possible. As the first moan of delight escaped him, he couldn’t even bring himself to feel self-conscious, unaware that others around him mirrored his euphoric elation. For one long minute the world around him ceased to exist, and his existence was but himself and the overwhelming sensations that engulfed him in their rapture.

  “Pray tell, where did you find an unprotected Elder?” Vincent questioned, sucking the remnants from between his teeth as Devon’s eyes opened. Looking around, he saw the sated expressions of his fellow clan members before his gaze turned to his sire, surprise marring his features as he beheld something unfamiliar in his gaze.

  “She’s a local, would you believe?”

  “How is it conceivable that not one of our clan scented her? With blood this potent, she should have been brought into our fold long before now.” There it was again, that look, hunger, desire, and still there was something else, an unanswered question.

  “That’s just it, she’s veiled somehow. Her chip, before we deactivated it, showed she tested human.”

  “Refuse any cina-cu offers and ensure a fifty syphon limit. When business closes, I intend to examine this female myself.”

  Devon nodded, wondering what had got his clan leader so intrigued. He couldn’t remember the last time Vincent had shown any interest in their Tabus, but there was something in his eyes that was positively aglow, and the fact he was dismissing any cina-cu offers spoke of his intention to feed from her directly himself.r />
  “As you wish.” Devon excused himself to notify their guests accordingly. Cina-cu was available for each one of their Tabus. For the right price, the selected party would be relocated to an isolated feeding room just outside the basement area, where they were permitted time with the Tabu alone and allowed to partake directly from the source in almost any scenario they desired. While the syphons were delicious, when it came to good quality blood there was nothing quite like it being drawn fresh and warm from the body, and the qualities which made this female so desirable to the Elites would only be enhanced in her presence. Many liked to hear their victims beg, or feel their warmth as they fed and, for those special few, for the right price anything was possible.

  Conrad’s foot was tapping uncomfortably as he sat in the back seat next to William, his fists clenching and releasing. It was taking every ounce of control he had not to reach across and crush the breath from his body. As soon as William had mentioned about the boost, everything had fallen into place. Until then, he had never known what it meant to see red. He wasn’t sure exactly what had happened. He remembered fighting off a crushing rage and then Tess and Jack had been pulling him back, away from William’s bloody figure. He wished he remembered the satisfying feeling of striking him.

  He didn’t feel remorse. He wanted more, to do it again, and the fact he’d had the nerve to heal his injuries made him want to keep hurting him until even his body wouldn’t know how to repair the damage he’d done. Even in his mind, he showed restraint with this fantasy, because the only thing he truly wanted was to destroy him, body and soul. He wanted to drive his fist through his face and not stop until there was nothing left but an unidentifiable pulp and shattered bones. He was alive now for one reason, and one reason alone. He was needed.

  In front of him, he saw Tess jump as her device erupted into a siren-like wail. Answering it quickly, she turned to face the passenger window as if it would afford her some privacy. But the small confines of the car were unforgiving, and while he couldn’t hear who she was speaking to, her own whispers were perfectly clear.

  “Lex,” she whispered, cupping her hand over the microphone. “I’m so glad you called…Yes, how did you?” She was silent for a few moments, nodding her head as if he could see. “Yes, of course, as soon as we know anything,” she reassured the caller, lowering her device with a pained sigh.

  “Who’s Lex?” Conrad questioned. He leant forward, making an effort to unclench his fists.

  “Ashley’s brother.” She raised her hand, stopping further questions. “I’ve been keeping him updated on how she’s doing while he’s away,” she explained. “He’s part of the task force on the other side of the barrier. Your father managed to get a message to him, he’s heading back.” She glanced outside, but before Conrad could ask anything more she spoke again. “Okay, Will, we’re almost in position. Are you ready?”

  “Drop me here,” he muttered. “I’ll walk the rest of the way. I’m sure the Blue Coats will know your car since you’ve been told to stay away.” Conrad hated that something logical had come from his offensive mouth. But he had a point. His father would have alerted whoever would be watching the Taphouse, and he knew Conrad would not be able to sit idly by. Which was why he was sporting the ridiculous-looking cap, for when he had to do his part.

  “Don’t screw this up, you’ve already caused enough trouble.” Conrad glared at him as he stepped from the car. When this was over, when Ashley was safe in his arms, Will had better watch his back.

  The Taphouse waiting room was packed. While normally quiet this early, it was the start of a weekend and everyone wanted some extra drinking money, a way to continue the party beyond their budget. The overwhelming scent of alcohol drifted from a group of teenagers in the corner, the heavy odour tainting the air as the girls busted out the latest provocative dance moves to the music blaring from their device, making them seem more like private lap dancers to their male counterparts. Not that they were complaining.

  “You, out! I’ve told you before, no underage drinkers. This is your last warning. You come here again and it’ll be the Blue Coats escorting you out, not me.” Whitney clicked her fingers twice towards the group, before pointing towards the door, left ajar in the hope of clearing the drunken stench they carried with them. One of the young men jerked aggressively towards Whitney as he passed, uttering curses and threats. Instead of the intended startle he expected, his effort was rewarded with a clip across the back of the head that shocked him into silence.

  Whitney scanned the waiting room, her expression brightening as her gaze fell on Will. “Liam7,” she called, gesturing him inside. He glanced towards the waiting patrons, knowing he was skipping the queue. Linking her arm through his, she escorted him towards the only empty booth. “Okay, you know the drill.”

  He produced his finger, noticing her usually friendly smile was bearing the weight of an unpleasant evening. He extended his finger, flinching as the sharp needle pricked his flesh. His reaction brought a genuine smile to her face as her musical laughter filled the air.

  “I don’t get you,” Whitney said. “You’ll sit for hours with those the syphons and don’t even blink, but one little prick and you jump out of your skin.” The small tab affixed to her device chimed, letting them know the reading was ready. “So today you’re MA+MI72,” she advised. “To be honest, I didn’t think you’d make the count so soon, but you’re looking good. Do you have a limit, or do you want to run like last time?” There was something about the way she looked at him that made him feel exposed. A light frown creased her brow, but it was dispelled within a moment.

  “Can we see how it goes?”


  “Who’s in today? Any new faces?” Will pried, glancing between the booths.

  “You know we don’t discuss…”

  “I don’t mean names. I was just wondering what my competition was like,” he hastened to add, knowing if Ashley was here somewhere, even unseen, her ranking would give her away in a heartbeat.

  “Ah, well, you can rest assured, no one here has anything on you.” She winked.

  “Historically, or tonight?”

  “Need an ego boost, do we?” she teased. “You’re the highest for about a decade. We had one guy, years back, around your range. Real fitness nut, big muscles and an ego to match. But why don’t you just ask me what you want to?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I am part of the screening process for a reason.” She tapped her temple.

  “You’re a telepath?” Will felt the heat flush across his face, now understanding the strange expression he had seen just moments ago.

  “Of sorts.”

  “Then, can you answer my question?” Not wanting to voice anything so incriminating aloud, he put extra effort into projecting his thought.

  Whitney winced, the same way someone did when someone had shouted in their ear. He watched her eyes study their surroundings as if to ensure they had complete privacy. “There’s no one I know of higher than you, but the Elite seemed excited about something. Not that I have access, but I can feel something even from here.” Catching his next thought, she continued to answer. “I’m not sure about the missing people, but a number of them were in our systems.” She glanced around again. “I can’t say any more, except perhaps that I have heard rumours of a Black Card Menu. Although I’ve never been able to prove anything.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Rumour has it the Elite get their own menu as well,” she whispered, attaching the first of the syphons. “I can’t be certain, because people in there know how to shield their thoughts, mostly. I did hear rumour of Tabus—you know, people who have other less kosher substances in their blood. Of course, that practise is illegal and I’ve found no evidence of it happening here, after all, you can’t really call the stray thoughts of blood-drunk Elites evidence.”

  “So, if they have a source beyond us common folk, where would their donors be? Are they on site, or is it shippe
d in?”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know.” She squeezed his hand gently. “I hope you find your friend,” she whispered, before excusing herself.

  He wondered if she knew what he needed to do and was deliberately turning a blind eye. On her way past with another donor, Whitney gave him another one of her million-watt smiles.

  Chapter 13

  While Will investigated the donor area, Conrad, pulling his cap down as far as possible to avoid recognition, entered the main Taphouse, cosying up to the bar.

  “Credentials,” demanded the young man behind the counter. Rolling his eyes, Conrad lifted his wrist, giving the best bored expression he could muster. “A pleasure, Mr Mendel.” He dipped his head, clearly recognising the name. “We have a few items in this evening that one such as yourself may enjoy, if you’re looking for a boost.” The young man passed him a menu, which went blank for a second, before the display altered, updating with the latest donor and removing the one whose services were no longer available.

  His device buzzed, revealing a message from Will. He read it quickly, bristling. Did Will really think he needed his help? Of course he knew places like this had their own selective menu; his father was in law-enforcement, after all. His annoyance must have been apparent as the barkeeper stepped back half a pace, tugging his collar. An odd reaction, given how many troublesome customers he must deal with on a daily basis.

  Turning his focus back to the server, he returned the menu, noticing the vibrancy of his eyes as the golden flecks burnt with the fury he felt, a sign his other-self was restless. He blinked, trying to dispel his tumultuous emotions, but his thoughts were lingering on Ashley, on how William had betrayed her. “I was informed you may have something more… upmarket.”

  “Can I draw your attention to Liam7?” The opaque menu changed before his gaze, revealing the premium list. “He is a regular, our clients have been very satisfied.”


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