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Salvation's Kiss (Tales Of Mython Book 1)

Page 23

by Kathryn Jayne

  “But, sir!” the medic in charge began, only to be silenced by his cold interruption.

  “That’s P.T.F. alpha Ciele,” Alex announced, tapping his charred jacket to bring their attention to his rank, “and the young lady there is under our protection.”


  “Dismissed.” The medics exchanged a look of bewilderment, before silently deciding it was better to keep their distance.

  Once they had departed, Alex crouched level with Conrad, amazed to see the golden embers of his eyes burning possessively. “Conrad.” Alex raised his hand placatingly as Conrad’s grip tightened on Ashley, shielding her. “I need you to let me see my sister so I can check her.” He kept his voice soft, non-threatening, as he slowly slid his feet forwards, closing a little more distance between himself and the barrier of swirling flames.

  “I know you need to keep her safe. That’s my job, too, as her big brother.” Alex edged forward again, sweat beading his brow as he reached out tentatively. The fire surrounding them dissipated into a fine cyclone of smoke, granting Alex permission to approach. Carefully, with slow, smooth movements, he placed his hand on Ashley. He saw Conrad’s muscles tense, but the soft reassurances leaving Alex’s lips seemed to be working. Pulling a small light from his pocket, he knelt forwards, shining the beam into her eyes, watching for the dilation of her pupils.

  “Conrad, did my sister regain consciousness after the burn-out?” He kept diverting his vision from Ashley to look into Conrad’s eyes, using his name and reinforcing his relationship to the figure he was protecting.

  “Yes,” Conrad whispered, earning a quick smile before Alex continued his examination. Alex could see him relaxing as the understanding that they were safe began to register. Sensing the alteration, he touched Conrad’s hand gently, feeling the strong tremors of exhaustion. The more aware he became of the world beyond Ashley, the harder it would become for him to push aside his exhaustion.

  “We need to get my sister somewhere safe now, so can you help me to move her?” Even despite his returning cognisance, Alex knew better than to try to take her from him, as doing so could undo everything he had just achieved. He held his gaze, watching, waiting for his response.

  Conrad gently lowered Ashley to the ground, tucking her hair carefully behind her ear in a gesture that even alone would have sung of this man’s feelings for his sister. Then he moved his hands away. “I don’t think I can stand,” he whispered weakly. “How’d we get out here?”

  Conrad’s hands moved to steady himself, but it was a futile effort. Seeing his eyes roll backwards, Alex reached forwards, catching him before he struck the ground.

  Chapter 18

  ‘You’re mine now, understand?’ Ashley’s eyes opened as she sucked in a panicked breath and her arms flailed as she screamed, trying to fend off her attacker. Panic consumed her as two hands restrained her, pushing her back towards the bed. She screamed again, heat expanding outward from her chest as the hands released her.

  “Whoa, Ashley, calm down. It’s okay.”

  The voice sent relief flooding through her and, for the first time, she noticed her surroundings. In her panicked state, her eyes had instinctively been drawn towards the exit, a large wooden door, propped open by a stone doorstop. Her mouth felt dry, pulling her longing gaze towards the small washbasin just to the side of the door. She licked her lips, hoping to return moisture to some part of her body. The gentle pressure of a hand upon her arm drew her focus from her overwhelming thirst to her brother. He looked older than she had ever seen him, worn out and dishevelled. His red, burned face was littered with white flakes of peeling skin, his brow was creased with concern and the telltale signs of exhaustion darkened his eyes.

  “Alex, where… what?” She raised a hand to her throat, hearing the raspy sound that had been her voice. Her vision once more scanned her surroundings, recognising the room for what it was, a hospital room. Her fingers grasped the sheets as she forced herself to breathe. Her brother was here, she was safe, yet still she looked for all possible exits.

  The glare from the window hurt her eyes, its vibrancy casting rainbow shadows through the empty glass jug upon the table. “Water?” She moistened her lips again, finally finding a measure of relief as saliva coated her dry tongue. Her brother gestured towards the drip in her arm, causing her to frown. She still felt thirsty. Her dry throat burnt with need.

  “You’re at my base camp. What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “Conrad,” she whispered, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks as she recalled their first kiss, a kiss which had brought her back from the brink of death—or at least that was how she would remember it, even if it wasn’t quite accurate.

  “Good.” There was a pregnant silence as she continued to examine the room. Blankets had been gathered into a large recliner in the corner of the room, as if someone had been staying with her. The discarded sandwich wrappers and crisp packets in the small waste paper bin earned another frown.

  “How long?” she rasped, her discomfort easing just a little now her throat wasn’t quite as dry.

  “Just over a week. Aside from being severely dehydrated and a little malnourished, you’re doing well.”

  Seeing the heavy emotions in her brother’s gaze, she gave him a questioning look.

  “I never would have forgiven myself if…” She watched her brother’s eyes mist with tears, an emotional response so alien, it seemed to transform his entire features. He looked so vulnerable. She placed her hand on his, noticing the fine layer of ice-enchanted bandages for the first time and realised how severely he must have been injured. Her gaze returned to his face, to the peeling skin and at once she realised how he must have received such burns. “I know I have some explaining to do, but—”

  “It’s alright, I already know. I understand why you couldn’t tell me.” She massaged her throat, her gaze travelling longingly back to the empty water jug.


  “When I burnt out, my mother told me everything.” She remembered the feeling of death crushing the breath from her body, and her heart slowing to a stop. For a few moments, she could hear Conrad, his voice pleading for her to open her eyes, to return to him, and then there was silence and she was in another place. Her ethereal form was forged of fire, and before her stood a person she thought she would never see in any place beyond her dreams—her mother—and beside her was another being, a creature sharing the same fiery radiance as herself, and they had told her everything they could. About how she had left her to lead away those who were hunting them, sealing her gifts so no one could uncover the truth of what she was. It was then that her father spoke, telling her of her origin and the choice she had. She could choose to remain with them, or fully combine with her other-self and be reborn.

  It was then she began to feel her body, the phantom tingle of her flesh, the warm pressure upon her lips as Conrad reached out through the realms in search of her. She felt his burning tears upon her skin and the regret of so many things left unsaid and undone. The phantom pressure became a real sensation, sending heat throughout her body. As he pulled away, removing her lips from hers, she felt colder than she had ever felt before.

  “Your mother entrusted you to my father,” Alex explained, “knowing that when you became old enough, we could ensure your safety. The plan was to keep you hidden until your third cycle, when your inner strength would surpass that of the seal. At which point we could train you to understand your gift and register you as a Perennial, a protected species. For some reason, you awoke early.”

  “My mother told me I was born in March, not May. Apparently, I always used to get the two confused.” Ashley glanced around again, before pursing her lips into a slight pout. “Maybe we can keep that between ourselves. No one likes to find out they are older than they thought!” Her brother’s chuckle brought a smile to her face as she saw him shed most of the burden he seemed to be carrying since she had awoke. “How did I end up here?”

��Conrad,” he answered simply. A wash of concern and shame overwhelmed her. She hadn’t even asked how he was. As if seeing this, her brother smiled again. “He’s fine. We had to monitor him for a few days as he was badly burned, but he recovered quickly, given his nature and your bond. Now we can’t get rid of him. He refused to leave and trust me when I say he’s a force to be reckoned with! You actually just missed him. I sent him to get some food. He’s been a fixture in that chair for a week,” Alex said, gesturing towards the corner. “We let him stay on the condition he took care of himself.”

  The clattering sound of a cup on the floor drew their attention to the door, just in time to see the water Conrad had been carrying cascade across the floor. Ashley’s heart quickened at the sight of him. His hair looked unkempt, his blue eyes were ringed with circles as dark as the t-shirt he wore, and yet he had never looked more perfect. The surprise on his features morphed into the most brilliant smile she had ever witnessed, a smile that caused her heart to flutter. He closed the distance between them and her breath hitched as he took her tenderly in his arms as if he were fearful she might break. Pulling back, he ran his hands desperately through her hair, his vision searching hers to make sure she was truly awake, that his mind was not playing tricks on him.

  Reaching up, she wove her fingers through his tangled hair, pulling his lips to hers. A smile played on his lips as he rested his forehead against hers. Closing her eyes, she savoured their closeness, the energy shared between them.

  “I love you,” she whispered, determined not to miss the opportunity to tell him again. She saw the elation her words had brought before he once more pressed his lips to hers. In that moment, as he held her close, she knew that everything would be okay.


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