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The Vinyl Man; An Erotic Short Story

Page 7

by Pepper Pace

  She let herself into her apartment. It still made her burn even thinking his name. She had been a fool but was willing to admit that it wasn’t all just his fault. She had made it easy for him to think anything sexual was okay. He was a freak and maybe she was as well but that didn’t mean that he could just invite his friends to get into their bed.

  Enough was enough. With Lewis she was going to a place that she had never dreamed she would go and it had become more and more comfortable. This wasn’t her life—this wasn’t the life that she had worked so hard to build for herself. Six months with Lewis and she had become an uninhibited sexual deviant!

  She thought she had loved Lewis, but how could she love a man who didn’t love her enough not to want to watch his friend eating her out?

  Chapter Thirteen

  ~Six Months Later~

  One of Cherrelle’s co-workers sat down at the table with her as she was finishing up her coffee during her break.

  “Cherrelle,” she said with a frown etched on her round face. Tammy was a bit older. She was thick, pretty and had long dreads that reached her butt.

  “Hey Tammy.” She greeted.

  “Didn’t you use to date one of the guys that owned that Italian restaurant, Cucina?”

  Cherrelle straightened in her seat. “Yeah. Why?”

  Tammy had a folded newspaper in her hand. “Well there’s an article in the food section. There’s a good write-up about how successful it has become and the chef is getting rave reviews from critics all over the country.”

  Cherrelle tried not to frown. “Well that’s good news for them, but-”

  “Well it says here that one of the partners just got engaged.” Tammy looked on as Cherrelle’s expression went from surprised to neutral. She slid the newspaper to her. “Anyway, I thought that you might want to read it.”

  Cherrelle pursed her lips. “No thank you.” She slid it back and then stood up and returned to work.

  Back at her apartment, Cherrelle distractedly dropped her bags and kicked out of her pumps.

  She hadn’t been able to focus since Tammy had shown her the newspaper. Staying true to her decision to keep Lewis and that period of her past out of mind, Cherrelle hadn’t looked at the paper. She told herself that she didn’t care about any of it.

  Cherrelle changed into sweats and poured herself a glass of wine and sat in front of the television to watch whichever realty television show was featured tonight. But she paid little attention to what was going on, she thought about how Lewis would have her laughing at one of his antics, or about the way he looked at her as if she was the most important thing in the world to him. She remembered his long hard body and the way it felt lying on top of her…

  She turned off the television set and went to bed hoping that another day would drive away the memories of a man that might have been her future.

  A week later she was still haunted by the memory of Lewis, the vinyl man, Nash and the club. It had taken her so long to get over it all and now with just a bit of unwanted information she was back to feeling as if she was falling into a lonely void.

  Who was she kidding? She was lonely. Her life was just filled with television and takeout food. She missed the dishes that Nash used to prepare especially for her. She missed meeting Lewis at the restaurant and playing footsies with him under the table or stealing kisses in some darkened corridor.

  Could he be the one getting married? No that was ridiculous. Who would he marry in just six short months? But was it more likely that quiet, grumpy Nash had found someone to marry in that short of time? He didn’t even have a girlfriend.

  She collected her mail and walked tiredly up to her apartment. She tossed it on the table and paused when she saw a square cream colored envelope.

  Curious, she picked it up and read who it was from. Nash Abrams. Cherrelle ran one nail beneath the seal and opened it. Inside was silver inlay and a card with a written note tucked in behind it. Cherrelle read the card.

  Your company is requested at the marriage of Mr. Nash Abrams and Miss Nikkita Montague.

  Beneath that gave the date and time. The wedding would be held in one of the cities oldest Catholic churches but the location of the reception was listed as Cucina. Cherrelle stared at the card as if there was some secret meaning written between the lines. Why had Nash sent her an invitation to his marriage? She remembered the hand written note still in the envelope and she quickly opened it.

  Cherrelle, I know it’s probably strange to hear from me after all this time. First I wanted to apologize for the things that happened. I can’t apologize for Lewis, that is his own responsibilities—I can only offer my sincere apologies for my role. When I put on the vinyl suit I didn’t do it to get my rocks off or as a means to disrespect you. I did that terrible thing because I was a safe option. I would never hurt you, I would respect your wishes and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt the friendship that is between Lewis and me. He could have found an expert at the vinyl suit—one that was clean, healthy and who would play by the rules—but it would not have been someone who cared and respected your friendship the way that I did.

  Enough about that. If you’re still reading this letter then you are likely wondering about this wedding invitation and why I am inviting you. It’s because of you that I found the love of my life. You see, after you and Lewis broke up I realized that the club was never going to provide anything of substance to my life. So I listened to my heart and I met someone who I was willing to give up time in my kitchen to be with.

  It would mean a lot to Nikkita and me if you would attend our wedding. Despite everything I still consider you to be one of my important friends. Please come.


  Cherrelle felt her eyes sting with emotion. How very big of Nash to come forward with this apology and then to invite her to something as intimate as his wedding.

  She didn’t realize that she was smiling despite the stinging tears. The big man had found someone. Maybe he would no longer be grumpy. She gave the invitation a sad look. But she couldn’t go. She didn’t want to face Lewis, to see how he had moved on with his life or for him to see that she had not.

  She placed the invitation and note into the trash.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lewis was fixing Nash’s tie but the big man could barely stand still. He kept fidgeting and trying to get a look into the mirror or fishing out his cell phone as if he wouldn’t hear the ring or feel it on vibrate while it was nestled in his pocket.

  “Nash, if you don’t stand still I swear I’m going to turn this tie into a noose!” Lewis hissed.

  “I’m nervous,” Nash explained. “You’re my best man. You’re supposed to find ways to calm me down.”

  Lewis sighed. “I’m sorry, buddy. I guess I’m not myself.”

  Nash said nothing. The truth of the matter is that Lewis was his self. This was the new Lewis, post-Cherrelle. He was moody, snappish and kept to himself. He didn’t smile, he didn’t go out and he had even lost weight because he forgot to do things like eat. He stayed in the office working the books, ordering the inventory, chewing out distributors, the payroll service or anyone else that dared to make a mistake. He barely went out to greet the guests or to flirt with the hostess and make small talk with the staff.

  It had been six months since his break up and Nash thought it was about time that he got himself together.

  Both men had stopped frequenting the Club. Lewis couldn’t stomach it when everything reminded him of Cherrelle, both the good times that they’d had and the mistakes that he had made. He preferred not to be reminded of it so he had given up his VIP membership.

  Nash had given his up as well, but he had a better reason. He had met Nikki Montague when she and her mother had come in for dinner. Nikki was quiet but witty. She found the good in nearly every circumstance and she and Nash had a good rapport even in the brief time that he waited on them. When she had come in alone a few days later Nash had jumped on the opportunity to get to know her better
. Now just a few short months later they were tying the knot.

  Lewis was happy for his friend but beyond that he didn’t have much to be happy about these days. There were two images that he couldn’t shake from his mind—one was the look on Cherrelle’s face when he told her how much he loved her, the other was the look of pure disappointment when she had discovered that he had betrayed her.

  He understood so much now. If he could go back he would have been satisfied with the love that had grown between him and Cherrelle. Instead he had been trying to chase a feeling that he’d had back during his college days. He hadn’t realized until it was too late what hell life is when the person you love no longer loves you.

  “Lewis. Earth to Lewis.”

  Lewis blinked. Nash was waving his hand in front of his face.

  “Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something.”

  Or someone, Nash thought. “Do you have the rings?”

  Lewis resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Nash had asked him about those rings at least three times since that morning.

  “The rings are safely in my pocket.” He showed them to him. “Look, it’s almost over. In a few minutes you will be back at the restaurant partying with your beautiful wife.”

  Nash smiled and relaxed. Yeah. Now if only Cherrelle would show up then the both of them could be happy.

  The wedding went off without a hitch. Nikki looked beautiful in her white mermaid gown, which showed off her ample curves. Nash’s custom tuxedo showcased his huge arms and chest without making him look like a big man in a little suit. Neither could keep their eyes off each other.

  Nash had never thought he could find someone that could satisfy all of his cravings, both inside of the bedroom and outside. And then he happened to glance over at Lewis who was staring into the empty space. Nash looked around at all of the guests but he already knew that Cherrelle had been a no-show.

  The reception was hectic yet fun. The staff of Cucina had offered to serve the menu items that Nash had hand picked himself. Nikki had insisted that Nash and Lewis dance their way down something called a ‘soul train line’.

  Despite the fact that Lewis had spent most of the day wishing that it was over so that he could go home, he found that he was actually having fun.

  Smiling and drinking with his friends made Lewis realize that he wasn’t ready to be a miserly old fart. He still wanted friends and fun in his life. He didn’t know how he would make it happen but he would start all over. Starting with a fresh new slate he would be the man that he should have been when he had been with Cherrelle. And if he should ever be so lucky as to find another woman even half as amazing he would then know how to treat her.

  The party was still going strong even though it was nearly midnight. Lewis decided that he would get a jump on the clean up and began collecting plates and wine glasses to take back to the kitchen. Without use of a tray he managed to juggle several dishes. Just because he was an owner didn’t mean that he hadn’t cut his teeth by doing everything from scrubbing floors to waiting tables.

  “Do you need a hand with that?”

  Lewis’ head jerked in the direction of that low sultry voice. He would know it anywhere. His blue eyes locked onto brown ones that belonged to Cherrelle.

  He stared before remembering to actually open his mouth and speak.

  “Um…yeah. Thanks.” He offered her a few wine glasses that threatened to topple out of his grasp. He lead the way to the kitchen with a surreal feeling that made him wonder if he had finally lost his last marble.

  Once in the kitchen he quickly put the dishes on the counter to be loaded into the dishwasher. She did the same, studying him when his head was turned.

  He looked different. His hair was shorter and cut into a sensible style that was no longer wild and too long and shaggy. Also, while he still had a toned physique, he had lost enough weight to now be considered wiry. Still, Cherrelle thought that he looked gorgeous.

  Lewis shoved his hands into his pockets and looked like a lost little boy. “I-I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Nash invited me.” She replied. Lewis blinked in surprise. “He didn’t tell you…”

  Lewis gave her a sheepish smile. “No.”

  Her cheeks burned. “Oh…I hope you don’t mind.” She gestured to the door as if to say that she could go.

  He quickly shook his head. “No. Don’t leave.”

  Cherrelle contemplated those words as if they might have been spoken six months ago. “Lewis. I wanted to come here today to tell you that I’m sorry.”

  He looked at her in surprise. “What? Why? What do you have to be sorry for? I was the one that acted like a totally self-absorbed idiot. I’m the one that is sorry Cherrelle.” He made a face and looked away. “I thought I needed something.” He looked at her again. “I did. But it wasn’t the club or all the crazy sex. I needed you. It wasn’t the things that we did that mad it so amazing—it was who I did them with.”

  She clasped her hands in front of her and looked down. “Lewis. The reason that I’m sorry is because I made you think that I didn’t enjoy all of the things that we did together. Everything that you showed me, everything that we did was…beyond anything that I could have ever imagined.” She met his eyes. “That’s why I wanted to apologize. I was ashamed that I’d enjoyed every bit of it. You see where I come from you’re not supposed to want to go to a club where people are having sex freely. You aren’t supposed to be turned on by a man wearing a vinyl suit. You aren’t supposed to completely understand how it could be a turn on to see someone enjoying something that they can only taste but not possess.

  “I understand. Understanding isn’t the same as accepting. And I made you think that just because I didn’t accept what had happened with Nash meant that I didn’t understand. I was just so embarrassed-”

  Lewis placed gentle hands on her arms. “Cherrelle, are you saying that you forgive me? Because, honestly, without you I can’t find happiness in anything that I do.”

  She stared into his blue eyes. “What I’m saying is that I’m in love with you Lewis. But I don’t want to be some sexual prop. It’s a partnership where we both have to be upfront about what we want—and what we don’t want.”

  Lewis felt as if he was holding his breath. Had Cherrelle actually said that she was in love with him? For months he had been haunted by the thought that he had disgusted her to the point that she could no longer love him.

  He caressed her arms gently. “If you give me another opportunity I promise to show you who I really am. I was a dumb kid thinking that I would find the same pleasure with you that I’d had with women who didn’t mean half as much to me. Together we blow away any experience that I’ve had. You’re no prop to me, Cherrelle. You’re the woman that I love. Can we just…start all over?”

  “No. We can’t start all over,” She said adamantly. “I want to keep those experiences—but just between us, like the vinyl man. My vinyl man.”

  He smiled and then pulled her into his arms. He lifted her from her feet and swung her around as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He paused and relished the feel of her lips on him. Lewis held the woman that he loved in his arms with her feet several inches from the ground. They kissed passionately unaware that the door to the kitchen swung open.

  Nash and Nikki had intended to dash away from their guests long enough for a newlywed quickie. When Nash saw that the kitchen was already occupied he gripped Nikki’s arm and pulled her back out of the room. The biggest smile was on his face. Nikki gave him a questioning look.

  “That was Cherrelle.” He explained.

  The bride brightened. “Your plan worked. Thank God. I felt so sorry for him. He’s always such a grump.” Nikki stood up on her tiptoes and kissed her groom. “Hopefully they will find love as deep as ours.”


  ~One Hour Later~

  When the elevator doors opened into his apartment Lewis turned and gave Cherrelle a concerned look.

nbsp; “Is it too soon? I mean we’ve only been back together for an hour-”

  Cherrelle’s mouth parted and with one quick motion she gripped him by his lapels and brought him to her. She kissed him with her teeth and tongue and sometimes with her lips. When they parted his eyes were glazed.

  He swooped her up and her legs went winding around his waist. Lewis quickly carried her into the condo and didn’t stop until they were in the bedroom.

  “Okay,” He gasped between kisses as he stood with her wrapped around his body. “I haven’t cum in like…a really long time. So I don’t know if I can last-”

  “Me too-“

  He groaned and then placed her back on her feet while he stripped off his clothes. She shimmied out of a form fitting lace dress and he paused a moment to watch before continuing to quickly undress.

  When she was nude Cherrelle fell onto his bed, propping herself up on her elbows and watched him. Even without the blonde locks falling into blue eyes and minus about twenty pounds Lewis Berkshire was one damn handsome man. Her eyes scanned his body only to rest on his cock. It was so big.

  His serious expression had disappeared and his eyes twinkled. “I’m probably going to deposit a boatload of cum into you.”

  She parted her thighs and hid her smile.

  He wanted to dive into that pussy. It was his pussy and if he had any say in it no other man but him would ever see what lay spread before him. He crawled onto the bed and couldn’t help but to taste that wondrous pussy that he missed so much.

  The first contact of Lewis’ tongue caused Cherrelle’s legs to begin to tremble and her clit to spasm. She bit back a loud groan gripped his head, making sure that he didn’t dare stop.

  She was already so slick and hot, her pussy swollen for him. Lewis dipped his tongue into her well collecting her essence, which he liberally consumed. His cock was raging to enter her but he couldn’t stop what he was doing with his mouth and tongue because Cherrelle’s hips kept grinding up into his face and mouth and he could barely think about anything that could be any better than this.


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