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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

Page 18

by Callista Hawkes

  voluptuous body, her long red hair cascading past her shoulders, her

  beautiful green eyes and her full lips. She senses your eyes on her and she

  glances over at you.

  “What?” She snaps, eying you suspiciously. “I got something on my


  “Just admiring my beautiful co-pilot.” You grin.

  “Still not going to happen.” She says dismissively, turning back to her


  “That’s not what I mean.” You tell her with a hint of indignation. “I’m

  not completely shallow and sex obsessed. I just think we’ve got a good thing

  going on. Though…”

  “Though?” She glances sideways at you.

  “Though sometimes I wonder how much is real and how much is your

  programming.” You muse.

  “You can be a fucking girl at times.” She chastises you. “We’ve been

  through this before. My artificial intelligence works the same way as the

  human brain. We both start off with just the basics, but you learn through

  experience. We are both the sum of our memories. You have grown to feel

  affectionate towards me, while I… I don’t despise you as much as I used to.”

  “Stop it Vanessa, I’m getting choked up.” You reply, with a lopsided


  “Likewise arsehole.” She replies, flashing you a grin. “Honestly, if I

  could cry, I may even shed a tear when you die in the Dark nebula.”

  “You’re such a pessimist. We’ll be fine.” You recline back in your chair

  and close your eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

  You jerk awake, a deafening klaxon abruptly disturbing a rather

  pleasant dream involving you and three beautiful, scantily clad girls from

  Epsilon IV.

  “What the fuck?!” You curse groggily.

  “We’ve entered the Dark nebula.” Vanessa replies, studying the screen

  in front of her. “We’re hitting some strong hyperspace turbulence. It’s

  unusually high. Must be something to do with the nebula. We can either

  drop out of hyperspace or try and ride it out. Drop out of hyperspace in the middle of the nebula and we might meet the same fate as those countless

  missing ships, though if the turbulence gets any worse, it might tear us


  Drop out of hyperspace

  Try to ride out the hyperspace turbulence

  “Let’s try to ride it out.” You tell Vanessa. She nods and you both sit there nervously as the ship rattles and shakes. You can hear the hull

  creaking and groaning as if the Eclipse is protesting at the rough treatment.

  “Turbulence is increasing.” Vanessa warns you. “She won’t take much

  more of this punishment.”

  “How long until we’re clear of the nebula?” You ask.

  “Less than a minute.” Vanessa replies.

  You’re nearly through the nebula. Risk it

  Drop out of hyperspace

  “We’ll risk it.” You tell Vanessa.

  Seconds pass like hours as the whole cockpit shakes and vibrates as

  the turbulence increases. You can feel the sweat dripping down your


  “We’re nearly through the nebula.” Vanessa grins, shouting over the

  noise of the creaking hull. “We’re going to make it!”

  You return her smile just as the cockpit suddenly tears open. Your eyes

  barely have enough time to widen before you are ripped from your seat,

  dragged through the rent and thrown into the crimson depths of hyperspace

  where you are instantly and utterly annihilated, your atoms scattered across

  the universe.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “It’s not worth the risk.” You reply. “I’m going to drop us out of hyperspace. We’ll take our chances in the nebula.” You lean forward in your

  seat and jab the hyperspace button, the crimson haze fading as the Eclipse

  drops back into normal space. You both gasp at the sight that awaits you.

  “Wow!” Vanessa exclaims, mirroring your own thoughts. All around

  you are hundreds, if not thousands of derelict space ships, from vessels half

  the size of the Eclipse to vast naval carriers and bulk cruisers. While many

  appear to have originated from Earth, there are also a number of strange

  vessels from alien worlds.

  “Some of these ships have been here a long time.” You comment, your

  gaze drawn to a large blue coloured vessel as the spotlights play over the

  battered derelict, the name “Cosmic” just about visible. You recognise the

  name as one of the higher profile vessels to have been lost in the nebula.

  “The Cosmic went missing over a hundred years ago.”

  “What’s happened to them all?” Vanessa whispers, leaning forward in

  her seat, gazing out at the stricken vessels.

  “They all look pretty lifeless.” You murmur. “No running lights, no

  engine glow, nothing.”

  “I’m picking up life signs.” Vanessa tells you, the light from the screen

  illuminating her features. “A large vessel dead ahead. Shall I lay in a course?”

  Yes. Investigate the life signs

  No. Try and navigate out of the space graveyard

  “Not like we have much of a choice is it?” You sigh. “Lay in a course and we’ll see if we can get some answers.” Vanessa nods and fires the

  thrusters, weaving through wreckage and past the battered remains of vast

  cruisers and transports. You clear a gargantuan mining vessel and behind it

  you can see the running lights of your destination, shining like a beacon in

  the night. The latticework superstructure of the midsection stretching three

  hundred metres long with the huge nuclear engines at one end and the

  command and habitation section at the other.

  “That’s the Magellan.” You breathe, recognising her immediately.

  “She’s the most famous vessel to have disappeared into the Dark Nebula.”

  “I know the story.” Vanessa replies, gazing in awe. “The flagship of the

  early deep space exploration vessels when Earth first discovered


  “That was nearly two hundred years ago.” You add. “She was the first

  vessel known to have disappeared in the nebula.”

  “I wonder who’s on board.” Vanessa muses. “Shall I try to hail them?”

  Hail the Magellan

  Board the Magellan

  “No.” You tell Vanessa. “We just need to get out of here before we end up just another lifeless wreck with a couple of corpses inside. Well, one

  corpse and an android with an exhausted power source. Reverse course and

  get us out of here.”

  Vanessa nods and manoeuvres the ship around, firing the thrusters

  and heading back the way you came. You thread your way through

  numerous vast hulks and spinning debris, but keeping your course true.

  “There seems to be no end to this debris field.” You murmur after half

  an hour, gazing through the cockpit window, hoping that the density of

  wrecks will begin to thin. “How many ships are out there?”

  “Too many.” Vanessa replies. “I wonder what prevented them from


  “That looks familiar.” You comment as a large blue vessel catches your

  eye. “Must be a sister ship for The Cosmic. Looks near enough identical.” As

  you pass the battered hull, the spotlights play over the side, picking out the

  name.r />
  “It can’t be!” Vanessa says incredulously.

  “What the fuck?!” You exclaim. “We’re back where we started!”

  Vanessa studies the screen in front of her.

  “Spatial co-ordinates confirm we are.” She tells you. “But we were on

  a linear course. We should be far from here.”

  “We need to get out of this fucked up nebula.” You reply, dread

  clawing at you as you begin to fear it is already too late.

  “We could try again,” Vanessa suggests, “Or we could head towards

  those life signs and see if they have any answers?”

  Investigate the life signs

  Reverse course and try to escape the space graveyard

  “Keep trying.” You tell Vanessa. She nods and fires the thrusters, flying through the wreckage of countless vessels, debris zipping past you, skeletal

  struts and antenna arrays tumbling across your path. Vanessa studies the

  display in front of her, ensuring you don’t deviate from your linear course.

  Again after half an hour of travelling, you notice a distinctive blue hull


  “The Cosmic.” You groan. “I’m starting to get a feeling of déjà vu.”

  Vanessa glances at the navigation screen.

  “According to our spatial co-ordinates, we’re back where we started


  “I wonder how many of these wrecks met their end just like this?” You

  wonder aloud. “Burning through their fuel and oxygen without actually

  getting anywhere.”

  “It’s like space here is spherical and we’re trapped inside.” Vanessa

  suggests. “I think whichever direction we head in, we’d always come back to

  where we started.”

  “Any suggestions?” You ask her.

  “We can persevere, but the definition of insanity is to repeat the same

  course of action and expect a different result.” Vanessa shrugs. “I’m still

  reading life signs on board a large vessel dead ahead. What do you want to


  Investigate the life signs

  Reverse course and try to escape the space graveyard

  “Yes, try to hail them.” You tell Vanessa. She leans forward, her fingers playing over the controls, opening a channel.

  “Magellan, this is the independent cargo freighter Eclipse requesting

  assistance.” Silence. “Magellan, please respond.” Vanessa continues. Still

  nothing. “Magellan, permission to dock.” A continued deathly silence.

  “Not a talkative bunch are they?” Vanessa adds dryly.

  “They’re not leaving us much choice.” You murmur. “Take us closer

  and dock.”

  Vanessa nods and fires the manoeuvring thrusters, the Eclipse floating

  closer to the lights of the ancient vessel.

  “Just look at her.” Vanessa whispers in wonder. “They don’t make

  them like that anymore.”

  “She’s a museum piece all right.” You nod as you manoeuvre closer,

  running parallel with the framework of the midsection and heading towards

  the habitation section. You gaze in awe at the famous old vessel, slowly

  making your way past the huge transparent dome on the dorsal side which

  housed the hydroponics chamber before the sleek conical nose tapers to the

  bridge at the very tip.

  “There’s a docking port on the starboard side on B deck according to

  the original blueprints.” Vanessa tells you, scanning the screen in front of

  her. “I’ll aim for that.”

  As you draw alongside the airlock to the habitation section, Vanessa

  slows the Eclipse down, the yellow and black striped airlock door contrasting

  with the smooth white hull of the Magellan. You come to a full stop and

  there is a whining sound as Vanessa extends the docking tube. It locks onto

  the side of the Magellan with a clank that echoes through the ship.

  “Hard lock in place.” Vanessa confirms. “Readings confirm that the

  Magellan is pressurised and the air is breathable.”

  “Let’s go meet our mysterious new friends.” You tell Vanessa, getting

  to your feet.

  A few minutes later, you stand in the docking tube, Vanessa just

  behind you. You raise your hand to open the airlock before pausing and

  drawing your blaster.

  “Hardly sending out the right message.” Vanessa observes.

  “Perhaps, but you know me,” You glance over your shoulder and flash

  her a grin, “I’m always a cautious man.” You press the button and the heavy airlock door slides open. You step inside, the door sliding shut behind you.

  There is a hiss as the airlock cycles before the inner airlock door opens and

  you step into the Magellan. You sweep your blaster up and down the

  corridor, but no one is waiting for you.

  “We should split up.” You tell Vanessa. “We can sweep the ship

  quicker that way.”

  “Really?” She replies. “You want to explore this creepy derelict on your

  own? I’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t end well.”

  “You’re a big girl.” You reply sharply. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Vanessa

  glares at you, but reluctantly nods her agreement before studying a map on

  the wall.

  “Left to the bridge, right to the crew quarters.” Vanessa tells you.

  “Which way are you going?”

  Head to the bridge

  Search the crew quarters

  “Just take us closer.” You reply. “We’ll dock and introduce ourselves in person.” Vanessa nods and fires the manoeuvring thrusters, the Eclipse

  floating closer to the lights of the ancient vessel.

  “Just look at her.” Vanessa whispers in wonder. “They don’t make

  them like that anymore.”

  “She’s a museum piece all right.” You nod as you manoeuvre closer,

  running parallel with the framework of the midsection and heading towards

  the habitation section. You gaze in awe at the famous old vessel, slowly

  making your way past the huge transparent dome on the dorsal side which

  housed the hydroponics chamber before the sleek conical nose tapers to the

  bridge at the very tip.

  “There’s a docking port on the starboard side on B deck according to

  the original blueprints.” Vanessa tells you, scanning the screen in front of

  her. “I’ll aim for that.”

  As you draw alongside the airlock to the habitation section, Vanessa

  slows the Eclipse down, the yellow and black striped airlock door contrasting

  with the smooth white hull of the Magellan. You come to a full stop and

  there is a whining sound as Vanessa extends the docking tube. It locks onto

  the side of the Magellan with a clank that echoes through the ship.

  “Hard lock in place.” Vanessa confirms. “Readings confirm that the

  Magellan is pressurised and the air is breathable.”

  “Let’s go meet our mysterious new friends.” You tell Vanessa, getting

  to your feet.

  A few minutes later, you stand in the docking tube, Vanessa just

  behind you. You raise your hand to open the airlock before pausing and

  drawing your blaster.

  “Hardly sending out the right message.” Vanessa observes.

  “Perhaps, but you know me,” You glance over your shoulder and flash

  her a grin, “I’m always a cautious man.” You press the button and the heavy

  airlock door slides open. You step inside, the door sliding shut behind you.
  There is a hiss as the airlock cycles before the inner airlock door opens and

  you step into the Magellan. You sweep your blaster up and down the

  corridor, but no one is waiting for you.

  “We should split up.” You tell Vanessa. “We can sweep the ship

  quicker that way.”

  “Really?” She replies. “You want to explore this creepy derelict on your own? I’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t end well.”

  “You’re a big girl.” You reply sharply. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Vanessa

  glares at you, but reluctantly nods her agreement before studying a map on

  the wall.

  “Left to the bridge, right to the crew quarters.” Vanessa tells you.

  “Which way are you going?”

  Head to the bridge

  Search the crew quarters

  “I’ll check the crew quarters.” You tell Vanessa. “You investigate the bridge.”

  “Just to clarify,” Vanessa asks, “When you’re horribly dismembered by

  some nightmarish creature skulking in the air ducts, the Eclipse is mine?”

  “Relax!” You tell her. “It will be fine.” She snorts derisively and stomps

  off towards the bridge.

  Your footsteps echo as you walk slowly along the narrow corridor,

  exposed service pipes and conduit running along the walls, giving the ship an

  old fashioned, functional feel. The air smells stale and there is a thick layer of dust on everything, adding to the archaic, museum piece aesthetic of the

  ancient, pioneering Earth vessel. You glance behind you, noticing the tread

  patterns of your boots in the dusty footprints trailing you. Life signs or not, no one else has walked down this corridor in a long, long time. A burst of

  static from your communicator makes you jump.

  “Just reached the bridge.” Vanessa tells you. “Nothing to report. Quiet

  as a morgue in here.”

  “Nice analogy.” You grumble before noticing a door a few paces

  ahead. “I’m nearly to the living quarters. I’ll let you know what I find. Trent out.”

  You jab your finger on the door open button and the door slides open,

  the ancient mechanism creaking in protest. The room beyond is in darkness.


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