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Fortress Farm - The Pullback

Page 9

by G.R. Carter




  “I spoke with the Vine, and she said she can do it. She just needs the master access code to your Networks, and the release code for any special Wi–Fi firewalls you may have.” Rowan had all senior leadership of IBN surrounding him in the main conference room, and a bank of screens covering the entire window wall with faces representing the brain trust of the digital world.

  “Wi–Fi allows her to access devices that aren’t hooked directly into the hard wires. So she can jump from one device to another without having to get permission or some idiot actually having to download something. This will be like an IV antibiotic shot right into the vein combined with the speed and ease of an aerosol spray. She thinks it can be 90% effective within a week.”

  Few people could convene a meeting like this, but Rowan was one of those people. Most attending were either believers in Continuity or encouraged the faith as a way to squeeze extra productivity out of their staff. Rowan didn’t question who believed what, but he had a pretty good idea. No matter now, he had them on the hook.

  “How do we know you won’t cut us out of the loop once this gets established? You could monopolize all web traffic. No one would get a chance to compete for views.” The whining tone emitted from the screen holding the CEO of MSN Global, always worried about the wrong things. And always on the wrong side of any bet. Then he got to the real concern, “Plus, what if someone could control all the Profiles in Continuity?”

  Rowan answered sharply, speaking to the screen as if his target was really there, “Listen, Marcus, if we don’t get this fixed, there won’t be web traffic anymore. Eventually, we’re going to run out of way to patch the electrical grid, and the Solar Storms will fry devices quicker than we can get them shipped in.” The extra device sales previously made some of the faces on the screens fabulously wealthy, but even they knew it was short term gains. Research departments were running out of ideas to combat the Storms.

  “We’ll offer new devices for people to trade in. Each device will have The Vine’s special repeater signal, so every single device she comes into contact with will be under her guidance. Not only will all of your Profiles be safeguarded, but we’ll be able to introduce Continuity to billions of new followers. Even those people backward enough to refuse The Path will become a part of the Network.

  “I brought President Aguilar and the Secretary of the Interior up to speed. They’re committed to allocate a significant portion of money from the Pullback legislation to integrate The Vine into all the new CRP projects. Each one of you here will receive a long enough list of projects to keep your investors sailing on the bay for generations to come.”

  Smiles all around the room didn’t distract Rowan from the work that still had to be done.

  “Are we all in agreement then? Good! On your machines right now are files that will give you the basic architecture for how to expedite GRAPEVINE in your own systems. Please download the files, and we’ll begin integration. As it happens, NASA has told us that a smaller-sized Solar Storm is heading our way right now. This will be a limited test to see how The Vine can handle the information.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are at the dawn of tomorrow. We are truly the Fruit of the Valley, planting the seeds for the Fruit of Tomorrow. This is what we’ve worked so hard for and dreamed about. This is worth all–nighters and extra staff and special perks for your coders. Let’s bring the true meaning of civilization to our world. And please do keep me posted on your progress. I’ll be relaying any updates I receive to the GRAPEVINE dashboard accessible on your systems after you download the packet.”

  Rowan powered off the screens and looked at the leadership team surrounding him. Although he wasn’t the CEO, everyone knew who wielded the power here.

  “All right, everyone. As soon as the others have downloaded their packets, The Vine will have complete access to their internal networks. When that storm hits this afternoon, this Valley will see what she can accomplish. This is where our Faith in Continuity comes alive.”


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