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One Night with Her Italian Doc

Page 7

by Karin Baine

  It was obvious why he’d pushed her away and she hadn’t forced him into conversation or an explanation. His grief was stronger than her feeling of rejection in the pain stakes. He’d told her he was mourning his late wife, to the extent that he’d left home to work anywhere else. Neither of them was in the right head space for a serious commitment, but she would have settled for short term after sharing that kiss.

  A holiday romance would have done her confidence and libido the world of good but this wasn’t the time to be selfish. Luciano was a man in pain and she couldn’t take advantage of that vulnerability. Falling for someone mourning his wife and unborn children was a complication she didn’t need. Whatever had passed between them was over after that hot, blistering start.

  She should think about making more connections on board to prevent her from obsessing over the one person consuming her thoughts. Now Ryan was nothing more than a distant memory she’d chalked up to experience. A day in Luciano’s company was all it had taken to bring her back to the woman she’d once been. Passionate, free and living in the moment.

  There was a certain kind of calm to be found, standing out her on the balcony with only the stars piercing the darkness. The rush of the waves against the hull below sped them towards a different destination and the change of scenery she needed.

  Somewhere far out at sea an orange pulsating light lit up hidden clouds in the sky. The dull rumble of thunder disrupted the soothing swoosh of the waves followed by a whip of lightning cracking open the world above.

  The charge of electricity in the atmosphere couldn’t compare to what had flashed between her and Luciano yesterday. Yet as the storm grew closer, Sophie knew there was a change coming in the air.

  She shivered and the cold blast of air across her skin made her draw her robe tighter around her body. Watching the drama unfold was exciting and beautiful, something she might never experience again in her lifetime. Up close it would be dangerous and destructive and she couldn’t help but compare it to her unfurling feelings towards Luciano. She considered herself fortunate to be on the outside looking in rather than caught in the eye of the storm.

  * * *

  Sophie was woken some time later by the rolling motion of the ship and the phone ringing somewhere near her head. With the curtains closed she had no concept of time or place but a quick glimpse at the clock confirmed she’d slept later than intended.

  The shrill ringing continued until she picked up the receiver. As far as she was aware, the lines were inter-cabin only so she had no idea who would be ringing her. Her heart fluttered with hope that it would be Luciano, wanting to meet up.

  ‘Hello?’ Her voice was husky from sleep and a desire to see him again.

  ‘Sophie? Is that you?’ The line crackled with interference but Sophie could just about make out the voice on the other end of the line.

  ‘Edith? Oh, my goodness. How are you?’ She sat up, wide awake now and eager for news.

  ‘I’m fine. Hypertension, apparently, which they’ve given me medication for. A whole lot of fuss over nothing. The family won’t let me lift so much as a finger.’

  ‘Good. That’s how it should be. You deserve a rest.’ At least someone had managed to get her to take a break and it was nice to know she had family around taking care of her—something Sophie was sadly lacking in her own life. There was no one to whom she could unburden herself, no one to put an arm around her and offer support. Apart from Edith, the only one who’d offered her that had been Luciano.

  ‘A rest? I’ll have forgotten how to use my arms and legs by the time I go home.’ Edith gave a cackle and it was easy to tell she was content in the arms of her family.

  ‘I’m glad you’re doing well. How did you get through on the phone? It must be costing an absolute fortune.’ She had no idea how technology worked out here but she did know it was expensive trying to get any sort of contact with the outside world.

  ‘That nice young doctor sorted it out. He called to see how I was and thought you might like to hear for yourself.’

  Sophie swallowed the shock at the mention of their mutual acquaintance. ‘He was right.’

  ‘Such a lovely man.’ Edith’s dreamy voice suggested she might be harbouring a crush of her own on the handsome Italian.

  ‘What’s the weather like where you are? Things are a tad bumpy out here today.’ She changed the subject so she didn’t have to talk about the man who’d orchestrated a much-needed catch-up between friends—something he hadn’t had to do either professionally or out of courtesy. He knew she needed it and had gone above and beyond the call of duty to contact Edith for her. Unless he was doing whatever it took to keep her out of the clinic, on the hunt for news herself...

  ‘Awful. Sun, sun and more sun.’ Another laugh.

  ‘Make sure you’re wearing sunscreen and drink plenty.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I’m safely ensconced in the shade with a gaggle of attentive waiters tending to my every need.’

  ‘Sounds as though you’re enjoying yourself.’ It was a weird thing to say to someone who’d had a serious health scare but Edith did come across as happy and that was all Sophie wanted for her.

  ‘I am but what about you? Are you taking advantage of everything on board?’

  Flickering images of her passionate tryst with Luciano as waves lapped around their feet popped into her head, making her blush. ‘Er...yeah. I’ve gone out on a couple of excursions and sampled some of the local life out here.’

  ‘Where are you today? What exciting adventures lie in store?’

  Sophie stretched across the bed to jerk the curtain to one side but they were still out at sea in choppier waters than usual.

  ‘I have no idea. I haven’t left the cabin yet.’

  ‘What? That’s not the deal we had, missy. Now, you get yourself out there and see what life has waiting for you.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ Sophie saluted, even though Edith couldn’t see her.

  ‘Please thank that delicious doctor of yours again. Such a lovely man.’

  ‘He’s not my—’

  ‘Go, get yourself out there and I’ll see you when I get home.’ The phone clicked as Edith hung up, refusing to hear Sophie’s denial.

  Sophie continued to cradle the receiver in her hand long after Edith ended the call, the dawning truth leaving her in a trance.

  No matter how much she tried to deny it, someone hundreds of miles away could tell Luciano was playing a significant role in her latest adventure. In defiance of all inner protests otherwise, Sophie was missing him...all signs she was heading towards disaster. She’d become too dependent on his company being part of her journey. He was in mourning and she was still carrying wounds from her last relationship. She didn’t need to add any new ones.

  No, she’d thank him for putting her in touch with Edith and discharge the debt she owed him. After that she’d get back to being her.


  ‘COME BACK TOMORROW and we’ll change the dressing for you. In the meantime, I’ll give you some painkillers and antihistamines to ease any pain or itching.’

  ‘Thanks, Doctor.’ Luciano’s young patient eased himself off the bed and gingerly pulled his football shirt back over his head, grimacing as the fabric slid over his burned shoulders.

  ‘Remember to keep covered up, stay in the shade and keep hydrated.’

  ‘Yes, Doc.’ The twenty-something English passenger hung his head as he left the clinic but Luciano knew from experience he was fighting a losing battle.

  ‘They never learn their lesson.’ Patrice tutted, hands on hips at the latest in a long line of swimmers who had forgotten to reapply sun cream after being in the pool.

  ‘Despite it being a painful, blistered one.’ It never failed to amaze Luciano how much damage people put their bodies through in the space of a week or two. His latest casualty had done it accident
ally but there were plenty who purposely went out with little or no sun protection in the name of a tan.

  His thoughts immediately turned to Sophie, who was comfortable enough in her own skin not to worry about such vanity. She didn’t need to, beautiful as she was with her porcelain skin dusted with sprinkles of freckles. She was such a contrast against his dark, Mediterranean complexion. He was earthy, hardwearing terracotta against the finest English bone china. Exquisite. Elegant. Too delicate to treat carelessly yet too pretty to hide from view.

  He was guilty of attempting to do both. It had been a mistake to kiss her, to lead her on the way he had when it could amount to nothing. Trying to pretend she didn’t exist either wasn’t working. He was aware of her presence even if he couldn’t see her.

  That was what had led him to contact Edith through the number she’d left for her son. He’d considered it the next best thing to speaking to Sophie herself. They hadn’t spoken since the trip but that didn’t mean he hadn’t been thinking about her, the taste of her or the sensation of having her in his arms.

  The abrupt end of that moment had been entirely down to him and the spectre of betrayal haunting his conscience. None of it was fair on Sophie and he hoped the small act of putting her in contact with her friend would go some way to her forgiving him.

  When the rap on his office door sounded he hadn’t expected to see the woman herself standing next to Patrice.

  ‘There’s someone here to see you,’ his favourite staff nurse said with a knowing look as she showed Sophie inside then quickly disappeared out of sight. Was it that obvious something had happened between them? He’d hear whatever Sophie had come to say then put an end to whatever was happening between them. It wasn’t going anywhere, therefore he wasn’t willing to put his job or reputation at risk for one little kiss. Except if that was all it had been, his pulse wouldn’t be so frantic at the mere sight of her again.

  ‘Sophie? I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Are you unwell?’ He rose from his seat to close the door behind her so gossip wouldn’t spread beyond the office walls.

  ‘No, nothing like that.’ She had one arm wrapped around the other, defensive and ill at ease. It did nothing to alleviate the guilt when not so long ago they’d been able to talk so openly to one another.

  ‘I’m glad.’ In more than one way... He was happy she was well and also secretly delighted she’d come to see him. Despite his insistence to the contrary, he’d wanted to see her. This way he could deny it was his doing. Fate had intervened—or perhaps it was Sophie’s desire for closure.

  ‘ wanted to say thank you. For the phone call. With Edith.’ The short, clipped explanation for her visit wasn’t in keeping with her usual chatty manner. It was difficult to tell if she was being abrupt with him—understandably so—or if she was only here out of courtesy. On the other hand, she could be experiencing the same awkwardness he was.

  ‘She’s my patient. I wanted to make sure she was okay and it was only a matter of connecting her to your room afterwards. It wasn’t a big deal. There really was no need to come and thank me in person.’ He was trying to downplay his part but he could see by the sudden hurt clouding her eyes he’d gone about it the wrong way. It sounded as though he didn’t want her here when nothing could be further from the truth.

  ‘Right...well, thank you anyway.’ She glanced at the door, clearly regretting having come.

  He was going to let her go and end their mutual misery when the ship suddenly lurched, unbalancing Sophie and pushing her towards him. She reached out a hand to steady herself against his chest. Instinctively he took hold of her, anchoring his hands at her waist to steady her, their position a re-enactment of their time in the shallows.

  ‘Are you okay?’ There was no disguising the thick sound of desire in his voice. He could almost taste the salt on her lips from that day. What would they taste of today? he wondered. They looked sweet and pink like plump strawberries.

  ‘I’m—I’m fine,’ she stammered, staring up at him but not breaking contact.

  ‘The sea is rough today. Usually I forget we’re even on a ship.’ He was rambling, keeping his mouth busy to stop him doing the only thing he wanted it to do. Kiss her.

  ‘I’ll have to get my sea legs or I’ll be stumbling into people all day.’ Her laugh was as shaky as his breathing.

  ‘It’s no problem.’ As long as it was his arms she kept falling into he wouldn’t mind.

  There was another jolt, a shudder as the ship forged through more rough water. The sudden, sharp incline of the motion sent them both stumbling back, still caught up in each other’s arms.

  Luciano let go of her waist to brace his hands on the back of the door before the force of the waves left her crushed between him and the walls.

  ‘Wow.’ Despite his efforts to save her from injury, she sounded winded.

  ‘Are you all right, Sophie?’ He scanned her face for signs of distress but all he could see was her waiting for something he was afraid to give.

  ‘No.’ To his horror he saw tears pooling in her beseeching eyes and he didn’t think it had anything to do with any physical injury she’d sustained.

  ‘What can I do to make things right between us?’ He brushed his knuckles down her cheek, knowing he shouldn’t be touching her but unable to stop himself. It had never been his intention to hurt her but it was a consequence of letting himself believe he could act on their chemistry.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. ‘Nothing.’

  The pain in her choked response and the hurt she was trying to hide behind closed lids was worse than if she’d called him out on his behaviour. If she’d slapped him, yelled at him for blowing hot and cold, it would have been punishment he’d be willing to take. Now that she knew as well as he did why this couldn’t happen, maybe she’d think twice about coming to see him in future.

  * * *

  Sophie scrabbled to find the door handle. It had been a mistake to come here but she’d wanted to find out for herself if his call to Edith had been his way of putting her off visiting. Now she knew for sure the reason wasn’t because he didn’t want to see her. Quite the opposite and with good reason. Within a few moments they were back to the place that had caused all the trouble.

  ‘I don’t know what’s happening, Sophie.’ Guilt was there in every confused word he uttered. Since she was the one who’d sought him out, she had to be the one to walk away this time and save them both from further torment.

  She steeled herself against the door and hardened her heart as much as she could. ‘Chemistry, Luciano. I’m sure you’ve experienced it before, during and after your marriage, with women other than your wife. As you’re also aware, you don’t have to act on it. It’s there between us, there’s no point in pretending otherwise, but I don’t want to make this into something it’s not. We aren’t about to embark on some great love affair when I’m only on board for another few days. You’re clearly not on the market for a holiday fling, which, if we’re being honest, is all I’d be interested in. So let’s just go our separate ways.’

  With a push against Luciano’s chest first, she yanked the handle down and let herself out. She wasn’t sure how much of that speech she believed but someone had to do something. The situation was becoming intolerable, waiting for Luciano to decide if she was worth risking his conscience on.

  Her steps quickened as she made her way back down the corridor. There was a fear she would run into a member of staff and give herself away by bursting into tears. She liked him and he liked her but this was still so damn hard.

  A thud sounded back from where she’d just come from but she daren’t look back. Instead she nodded goodbye to the receptionist and waited impatiently for her to buzz the door open for her to leave.

  She wasn’t going to attempt to wait for the lift. It was so claustrophobic on this level and she was wondering if a cruise had been the
best holiday idea for her after all.

  Taking the steps two at a time, she raced up towards the top deck and the illusion of space. Every now and then she imagined Luciano calling her name. Wishful thinking.

  She was out of breath by the time she reached her destination but instead of heading towards refreshments or seating she made for the open deck. A sudden surge sent her wobbling across the lobby into the wall.


  This time she knew it wasn’t her imagination. Luciano was standing at the top of the staircase, calling her name. He was only making this harder for both of them. She cursed herself for bringing out this fresh wave of torture.

  She released a sigh of frustration that they were going to keep rehashing this. Before she could engage in another battle of emotions with him, there was a deafening roar followed by the sound of glass shattering all around.

  The deck was literally pulled from under her as she was swept off her feet by a tidal wave of water. The shock and cold stole her breath away, leaving her splashing around, swallowing mouthfuls of water as she tried to work out what was happening.

  As the ship listed, she was carried along at speed beside pieces of broken furniture and crockery. She was hurtling towards Luciano, who was still clinging to the handrail at the side of the steps.

  ‘Grab hold of me!’ he yelled over the roaring noise in her ears. Although he was no more than knee deep in the water, she knew once she hit those steps she’d be battered and bruised and goodness only knew if she’d be able to fight her way back onto her feet. All those terrible disaster movies she’d watched as an impressionable youngster came back to haunt her.

  As she contemplated her watery grave, her body floating tragically towards the ceiling, there was a tight band of pressure around her chest. She looked down to see Luciano’s arm wrapped around her torso.


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