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The Outdoor Chums on the Lake; Or, Lively Adventures on Wildcat Island

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by Quincy Allen


  "This is a serious charge, Mr. Pemberton!" said the captain, in a lowvoice.

  "But I mean it, every word, sir. I tell you I have lost certain articlesthat represent a large amount of money to me. And I shall proceedagainst your company unless they are recovered," declared the passenger,angrily.

  Frank believed he recognized in this party a traveling agent who visitedthe jewelers in the lake towns several times a year. This being the caseit was easy to understand that the packet which he complained wasstolen, might have contained precious stones, or something along thatline.

  "Stop and make sure before you say that, Mr. Pemberton," remarked thecaptain, turning pale at the threat; for under the circumstances such anaction against the company might lose him his comfortable berth.

  For once his good-heartedness seemed to have placed him in apredicament. According to the plain rules of the company it should havebeen his business, upon being refused the proper fare by the two uglytramps, to have called upon his crew to assist him in putting themashore, or getting rid of them somehow, even if he had to throw themoverboard.

  "I know just what I am saying, sir; the packet is gone, and I am readyto swear that I left it in my bag," replied the other, firmly.

  "But consider, sir, that in all this excitement a man might lose hishead. Just as likely as not you may have done something with the packetyourself. It would seem to be the first thing a man might think of."

  Captain Amos was arguing with a view to shifting the blame; but he had apositive customer to deal with in Mr. Pemberton. The other shook hishead and frowned.

  "I insist upon every one being searched before they leave the boat," hesaid. "No honest person will object to such a course, I feel sure; andit is the only safe way. And you yourself should be the one to do thejob, Captain, in the interest of your company--of course with the assentof the passengers and crew."

  The commander of the boat somehow at this juncture looked at Frank, justas if he sought advice from this source.

  "It is the right thing to do, Captain," that party hastened to say, "andas for my two chums and myself we would like you to begin right now withus."

  "There is no necessity in your case, my boy; for you have been under myeye all the time you were aboard, and we owe you much," the gentlemanhastened to exclaim.

  "Nevertheless, if any are to be searched all should be without a singleexception, to make it fair. But it strikes me, Mr. Pemberton, that thecaptain already has a pretty good idea as to who took your valuables, ifthey have been stolen, and not lost overboard in the confusion,"remarked Frank, calmly.

  The traveling jeweler whirled upon the officer.

  "How is this, Captain?" he demanded, anxiously.

  "We were just wondering how the fire started," the other explained, "andI declared it could not have come from any carelessness of my crew, andthat there was no chance of an accident. In a word, sir, I vowed thefire must be of incendiary origin. Frank, here, and his friends wereasking what reason any one would have for setting this boat on fire,when you rushed up stating your loss."

  "I begin to grasp your meaning. It implies that in order to cover uptheir robbery the thieves started this fire, thinking that if the boatburned no one might be the wiser. That looks very plausible. Did Iunderstand this boy to say you had an idea concerning the identity ofthe criminal?" Mr. Pemberton asked eagerly.

  "Yes, I believe I have," said Captain Amos, sturdily.

  "Then I demand that you place him under arrest immediately, before hecan escape with my property. Is there more than one concerned, do youthink? Ah! I have an idea I know whom you mean--the two tramps who cameaboard at Newtonport?"

  "Exactly. They are the ones I suspect. It would be easy to start such ablaze undetected, for no one would be dreaming of such rascality,"replied the officer.

  "And taking advantage of the sudden confusion," went on the passenger,"when men and women were shouting, and rushing frantically about, theymust have searched my luggage purposely, knowing that I was carrying avaluable packet in my bag."

  "That would appear to cover the case, sir. In the light of thisexplanation do you still insist upon every one being searched?" demandedCaptain Amos.

  Mr. Pemberton also looked toward Frank, although, perhaps,unconsciously. The latter smiled and hastened to remark:

  "I really believe that what the captain says may be the true explanationof both the fire and the robbery, Mr. Pemberton. And in that case thearrest of the tramps will bring your valuables to light."

  "Provided they have not gone overboard by accident," the captain couldnot resist saying, with pointed emphasis.

  The passenger shook his head doggedly, and said:

  "There is not the slightest chance of that, sir. I vow I was not oncenear the spot where my luggage was piled up from the first cry of fireuntil just now, when I went to see that my things were safe. Surely Iwould know it if I had gone there."

  "Besides, Captain, unless I'm mistaken this gentleman was the only oneamong the passengers who seemed to have his senses; I am sure I saw himhelping to pass the buckets of water along," remarked Frank.

  "Right you are, son," said the gentleman, with a faint smile; "for thatis a fact. I forgot that I even had any luggage aboard, and the cries ofthose poor frightened women got on my nerves so that I was bound to doall I could to assist in saving the boat. Now, Captain Amos, I amdisposed to go as easy with you as possible, but something must be donebefore you order the boat into Centerville!"

  "I'm willing to do anything that seems right, only tell me what youwish," replied the officer, promptly.

  "If those ugly-looking customers are guilty, they must be apprehendedbefore they have a chance to secrete the goods," vouchsafed Mr.Pemberton.

  "I agree with you. The only question is, ought we try and do it here, orwait until we reach the wharf, where we will find the constable waiting,as he always is when the _Eastern Star_ arrives?"

  "It might be safer to wait," admitted the passenger, "but in that eventthe rogues will be given a chance to hide the packet, perhaps, about theboat, trusting to getting it another time. Then, as we would have noevidence that they were guilty, we could not hold them."

  "What do you say, Frank?" asked the captain, turning to the leader ofthe chums, and by that action admitting that he entertained greatrespect for the opinion of the boy who had done so much to save thesteamboat.

  "I think the gentleman is right," came the quick response.

  "That we ought to search the tramps now," queried the captain,anxiously; for he felt certain that this move would bring on a fight,which might add still further to the excitement of the already terrifiedwomen aboard.

  "Undoubtedly. Just as he says, they might think it good policy toconceal their plunder somewhere about the boat, hoping to get it lateron, after the excitement had died out. And if you want any help in doingthat same thing, Captain, count on myself and two chums."

  The answer came so readily from the lips of the canoeist that CaptainAmos was almost overcome. He thrust out his hand impulsively,exclaiming:

  "Say, that's awful kind of you, Frank. We may need your assistance, for,to tell the truth, those hoboes looked mighty tough, and I reckonthey'll put up some sort of a fight before giving in. I only hope theydon't happen to have any sort of guns about them. Wait till I call upSimmons the engineer, Codding the pilot, and Adolphus the coon deckhand.If Mr. Pemberton gives us a hand we will have eight to cow the rascals."

  "We will need the whole bunch if they are half as tough as you say,Captain," declared Jerry, anxious to be heard.

  The captain beckoned, and a negro boy came running up.

  "Go and tell the pilot and engineer to come here at once, and youaccompany them," he said.

  "Yas, sah!" replied the willing worker, shooting away with a look ofcuriosity toward the others, as if wondering what new trouble hadarisen.

  "That boy was working all the time, I believe," said Mr. Pemberton,thoughtfully

  "Who, Adolphus?" asked the captain; "every minute at my side; and I'dtrust him with every penny I owned. But here he comes, and both men arewith him. Now we can get ready to look for those ragged tramps, andcorner them."

  "H'm! when did you see them last?" asked Frank, starting suddenly, as ifhe had made an unpleasant discovery.

  "Certainly not since the cry of fire first broke out. But what makes youask such a question, Frank?" demanded the captain, showing new alarm.

  "Well, I have an idea that it may be some little time before you get achance to round those scamps up, and proceed with your search. They arethe busy boys all right, and while we've been talking matters over herethe hobo couple have been _doing_ things. Look there, Captain, half wayto the other shore, and tell me what you see!" and Frank pointed as hespoke.

  Immediately a chorus of exclamations arose.

  "As sure as you live, there they go like hot cakes!" cried Bluff.

  "Talk to me about nerve, if they haven't 'cribbed' Frank and Will'sdouble canoe!" came from Jerry's lips, as he stared at the retreatingobject.

  "And just notice, fellows, that both of them paddle as if they knew allabout canoes. Those hoboes have done some camping in their day, as sureas you live!" observed Frank, always on the lookout for these tellingpoints.

  "Say, do we stand here and let them get clean away without lifting ahand?" exclaimed Bluff, piteously.

  "Hardly. Into your canoes, boys, and after the thieves at full speed!"cried Frank.


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