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Love, Riley: Redemption Highway: Briarwood

Page 4

by Leaona Luxx

  “I can’t help to think this is a huge mistake.” I squeeze my eyes shut and sigh.

  “You’re gonna be fine. I told you, I can help you study.” He nods with a grin, helping to lighten the mood even more. By the time I’m taking my photo, I have a big grin plastered on my face. Riley’s a great buddy.

  Leaving the student union, he walks me over to the bookstore so we can stand in line once again. I never realized how impatient I am. I giggle thinking about the way I’ve treated Brannon. How did he ever put up with my ass?

  Nudging me, Riley picks my brain. “Tell me.”

  Snickering, I respond, “How in the hell did Brannon not choke the shit outta me years ago? I’m so fucking ridiculous.”

  “You’re nothin’ but trouble.” He chuckles and again, I have a knot in my belly.

  “Good thing some people like trouble.” I grin at him impishly.

  “Damn good.” Riley’s eyes burn, deep and dark. I’m not sure what he’s thinking and for some reason, I’m afraid to ask.

  “Oh, yay, my turn.” Stepping to the counter, I see a familiar face. “Hi. It’s Willow, right?” I ask.

  “It is. How are you, Ava?” She’s a beautiful girl and answers with a big smile. Brannon works with her fiancé’s father.

  “Doin’ okay. Can you believe I’m trying this?” I laugh as she joins me. Willow is simply perfect. Big smile with long, wavy chestnut hair and eyes the color of cognac.

  “I think it’s freakin’ awesome,” she says as she types in my books. “We have a couple of classes together. Cool deal.”

  “We do? That’s great,” I agree, saying as I turn to Riley with a grin.

  “See. It’s all good. You’ve got this.” I bump his shoulder as Willow peeks up at us and smiles.

  “We’re just friends, I’ve known him for years,” I explain wrinkling my nose at her.

  “I’ll wait over here.” Riley tilts his head as he steps away.

  “Huh?” I mutter, shaking my head at his back. “Wonder what’s eating him?”

  “Seriously? Looks as though you’re gonna be learning more in chemistry than you have any idea.” Willow smirks.

  “What?” I frown.

  “Follow him, your books are over there.” She points to the brooding man. What the fuck is his problem?

  “Thank you. I guess I’ll see you soon.” I wave before joining Riley. After paying for my books, we walk the campus so he can show me what buildings my classes will be in.

  “Alright, I guess you just need scrubs now,” Riley says as we walk back to my car.

  “Yeah. Going back to town for those.” I pause and decide to ask. “You want to grab lunch?”

  His eyes shoot to mine. “Yeah, sounds good.”

  “Duffy’s?” A great seafood place just off Myrtle Beach.

  “Duffy’s it is,” Riley adds as he opens my door. “I’ll follow you.”

  Driving back to North Myrtle, the smile on my face begins to hurt my cheeks. It’s then I realize I’ve been smiling the entire day with Riley. He’s a great guy; one day a lucky girl is gonna snatch him up. The thought twists my stomach. Not like the knot from earlier.

  Pulling into the restaurant parking, I see a missed call from Torrie. I decide to call her back when I get home when I see Riley park beside me. Getting out, he smirks at me. “What?” I ask, quirking my eyebrow.

  “You better be glad there were no cops around,” he jokes.

  “Why’s that?” I ask as he holds the restaurant door open for me.

  “I’ll just say, you in handcuffs, would’ve been interesting.” His hand lands on the small of my back as he leans in to whisper, “Just the thought of you in cuffs makes me wanna break the law.” His breath sweeps across my ear, and I tremble as my lips part.

  I jump from the shiver that races up my spine. “Riley.” I practically moan from the tension coiling in my stomach, and I fall into my seat with a heavy sigh. What the fuck is this?

  “Are you alright, Ava?” The baritone words bounce off the walls, dragging me from my haze.

  “I’m good.” I look up to see Dax, leaning on the table.

  “You look, flushed.” He examines my face as I take a drink of water.

  “Warm. Outside,” I stutter.

  “Yeah, it’s gotten warmer.” He places his hand on the back of my chair and he leans over. “Now that you’re here, it’s downright hot.”

  My eyes snap to Riley, he’s glaring at Dax. Immediately, I feel uncomfortable, making me fidget. Though, I’m not sure why. “Um, thank you. You on lunch?” My eyes shift from Dax to Riley and back.

  “Just finished and headed out,” he says, straightening. “How you doin’, man.” Dax offers his hand to Riley. Riley takes it with a firm shake.

  “Good. Y’all be careful out there.” Did Riley just dismiss Dax? Oh, shit. Dax cocks his brow before turning back to me.

  “Have you made a decision about my offer from earlier?” Dax’s lip curls into an ornery smirk.

  My eyes dart to Riley before dodging the question. “I haven’t had time to think clearly today. It’s been hectic.”

  “Well, you have my number. Unless I should call later?” Dax asks as I again chance a look at Riley; his face is flaming red.

  “Sure, sounds great,” I answer with wide eyes, biting my lip from the tension.

  “We sound great.” Dax grins. “Good to see you, Pennington. Later.” Dax turns, walking out the door.

  “May I take your order?” The waitress shows up just in the nick of time.

  “I’ll have the Fish Po’Boy with hush puppies and sweet tea,” I order in a huff, hoping to calm my nerves.

  “I’ll have the same with Old Bay fries and sweet tea. Thank you,” Riley growls as he refuses to look up. He’s fit to be tied.

  “Alright, I’ll get it right out to you.” The petite girl smiles as she gathers our menus before leaving.

  “Riley.” I nervously search for his attention as he sits staring out the window. “Riley,” I call his name again, a little louder.

  His eyes snap to mine. Where was he? He looks as though he’s in a fog before it clears. “Hey, sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I offer a smile as I lay my hand on his across the table. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” He sighs as he grips my hand. “Do you know where you’re going to pick up your scrubs?”

  “I’m thinking The Uniform Outlet. I think they have the best prices.” I shrug as the waitress sets our drinks down.

  “How much are you going to work when you start classes?” Riley asks as he picks his tea up.

  “Well, I’m hoping to work as much as possible, but it depends on the class work,” I answer as our food is set in front of us. “Thank you,” I tell the waitress.

  “Do you have to work?” Riley frowns.

  “Yeah, I do. Bills and food, the basics,” I say chuckling.

  “I get it,” he says as he takes a hush puppy from my plate.

  “Dude, seriously? Are you ripping off my hush puppies?” I glare at him as he shoves it in his mouth with a smile.

  “Yep, I sure am.” I shake my head at him as we both start laughing.

  Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

  I slap at my alarm until I can get it turned off. I promised Andi I’d go shopping with her and Torrie. After lunch yesterday, Riley went home while I went and picked up my scrubs. I bought two sets for now; it saved me money, and I can wash every night. I want to buy Andi something today, so I cut corners.

  Dressing casually, I wait outside on Andi and Torrie. Torrie’s four months pregnant, so I offered to drive but she insisted. As they pull up, Andi waves frantically from the backseat. By the time I get her door open, she jumps into my arms, almost knocking me down.

  “Momma Ava!” Andi squeals.

  “Hey, Andi Pandi!” I exclaim, clinging her to me as we laugh.

  “Oh! Andi, be careful.” Torrie chuckles. “Y’all okay?”

  “Y’all?” I say as Andi and
I giggle at Torrie’s words.

  “Yeah, I’m pure country now, girl. Well, almost, I still love to shop,” Torrie tells me as I help Andi buckle in.

  “Good because I’m ready to shop.” I tweak Andi’s nose before closing her door. Sitting in the front, I buckle in. “Where are we starting?”

  “Shoes. I swear she has Brannon’s feet,” Torrie says with a sigh. “I guess we’ll just go to the outlet and hope we can get everything there.”

  “Sounds good.” I smile at her.

  Torrie’s been great, although I’ve never been too nice to her. As a matter of fact, I’ve been a real bitch. Torrie smacked the hell outta me one day, though I deserved it. She’s probably my best girlfriend; well, she’s my only girlfriend. I have a bad habit of sleeping with their boyfriends, so I haven’t had too many.

  We hit the mall by noon. It’s crowded, but I’m still happy to be here. After finding Andi shoes, we’re off to find her some clothes. Torrie’s right, Andi’s growing fast. I can’t believe I’ve missed most of it. Such a damn shame it took a total stranger to get my ass in shape.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Torrie asks, dragging me from my mire.

  “I’ve wasted so much time with her,” I mutter as I watch Andi standing in line for a snow cone.

  “She adores you, there’s plenty of time.” Torrie nudges me with her shoulder. “What else?”

  “Ummm, what do you mean?” I raise my brows as I smile at her.

  “There ya go, tell.” She giggles.

  “I’m not sure there’s anything to tell.” I shrug. “There’s a guy, a cop, named Dax that’s asked me out.” I side eye her.

  “A cop. And you.” She laughs.

  “Yes, thank you,” I reply, laughing.

  “That’s great. And?” Torrie prods.

  “He’s cute but…” I roll my eyes with a shake of my head. Before I can refocus on Torrie, something catches my eye, bringing a huge grin with it.

  Torrie’s gaze follows mine. “Dax?”

  I shake my head slightly as I bite my lip. “Riley.”

  “Oh, I see.” She grins at me as Riley walks over to us.

  “See?” I glance at her, but she doesn’t get to respond before he’s standing in front of me.

  “Hey, Trouble. Having fun?” Riley winks at me.

  “We are. What are you doing?” I ask, keeping my eye on Andi still at the snow cone shop.

  Riley turns to look in her direction. “Shopping. Is that, Andi?”

  “Yeah.” I beam with pride, surprised I’m not cautious like with Dax.

  “She’s beautiful, like you,” Riley says as his eyes dart to mine.

  “So smooth, dude.” I chuckle.

  He turns his full attention back to me. “I was being honest.”

  “She looks just like Brannon, and you know it,” I answer, shaking my head at him with a wry smile.

  He smiles. “Still, you’re both beautiful.” My stomach has that now familiar pang I’m beginning to expect when he’s around. Riley continues to gaze at me when Torrie clears her throat.

  “Shit!” I cringe. “Sorry. Riley Pennington, Torrie O’Hurley.”

  Torrie giggles as she reaches her hand for his. “Hi, it’s good to meet you.”

  “You, too. I grew up with Brannon and ole Trouble here.” He narrows his eyes at me. Smartass.

  “Stop calling me that, I’m reformed.” I smirk at him.

  “Ava, you’ve caused me trouble from the minute I met you.” He tweaks my side. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “What? I have not.” I play slap him on the arm as Andi comes running over.

  “Hi.” She smiles at Riley. To my surprise, he kneels in front of her and takes her hand.

  “Hello, Andi. I’m Riley. How are you?” Andi gives a drop dead grin.

  “I’m great. Momma Ava, Momma Torrie, and me are school shopping,” she tells him.

  Torrie and I interrupt at the same time. “And I.”

  “That sounds like so much fun,” Riley says.

  “Riley grew up with your dad and me,” I explain.

  “I knew your momma Ava when she was your age. You’re as gorgeous as she still is.” Andi’s nose crinkles with her bashful smile, and I feel the same pink that tinges her cheeks heating mine.

  “Well, Andi, let’s go check out some jeans for you while Momma Ava talks with Riley,” Torrie says as she smiles at me with wide eyes. My brows shoot up in wonder.

  “It was good to meet you, Andi.” Riley shakes her hand again.

  “You, too.” She smiles as he stands. Torrie takes Andi by the hand and walks to the next store.

  “Have you gotten everything you both need for school?” Riley asks as we watch them walk away.

  “Just about. I’m planning on getting more scrubs.” I glance at him quickly with a wince.

  “You didn’t get enough yesterday?” He frowns. I knew he’d ask, he doesn’t miss a thing.

  “I did but only two sets. I wanted to have extra money to buy Andi something today.” I shrug. “I work this evening, so I can save some tips and go back.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He nods in agreement. “Can I ask you something?” He looks at me.

  “I guess.” I frown.

  “That boss of yours, is he always such an asshole?” I chuckle.

  “Yes, he is.” I shudder. “He’s disgusting.”

  “Promise me something…” His eyes narrow as his voice lowers. “I want you to promise me, you’ll tell me if he ever lay a hand on you.”

  Riley’s words burn in my chest, stirring the knots that seem to form every time he’s around. I gasp when I lift my eyes to meet his and the burning behind them. “I… I promise,” I stutter.

  He leans into me, kissing my cheek before wrapping his arms around me in a tight squeeze. “Good. Go have fun, and I’ll text you later.”

  “Okay. Thanks. Bye.” I stumble, my feet and my words. Rolling my eyes as I walk toward Torrie, who’s grinning like a possum. I glance over my shoulder to find Riley watching me walk away. I give him a wave as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip.

  “Shit!” I exclaim as I bump into a stranger. “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” I begin to laugh as I join Torrie, who’s laughing her ass off.

  “Girl, you’ve got it bad. Dax who?” Torrie smiles, eyes wide as she struggles to stifle her amusement.

  “Shut up. I do not.” Frowning at her words and the fact Riley was probably still watching. Damn it. “Did he see?”

  “Nah, he’d turned around,” she adds. “But not before checking out your ass.”

  Shaking my head at her, I still grin. “It’s a fine ass.”

  “It sure is; I could tell he thought so, too.” She burst into laughter again.

  “Shut the hell up,” I grumble. “Besides, I don’t think he sees me that way. You know?”

  “Ava, if I could buy stock in the fact Riley’s into you, I would. Boy’s got it bad,” she states.

  “You think? I mean, he’s never asked or made a move.” I twist my mouth, thinking of the times we’ve been together. I don’t remember a time he’s been overly touchy-feely.

  “I do.” She grins as she checks a size in a shirt for Andi.

  “Doesn’t matter, he hasn’t asked and Dax has.” I raise my brows.

  “Do tell,” she says.

  “Hottie cop wants a date. Besides, I tried the whole serious dating thing a few months ago, it sucked.” I wrinkle my nose.

  “What happened with that?” She glances at me as we sort through shirts. I look over at Andi, she’s picking out multi-colored socks.

  “He’s a creep.” I purse my lips with the memory of it. Beyond being disgusting, he’s stalker-ish. “Something’s not right about him. You know what I mean?”

  “One of those, yeah.” Torrie holds up a navy shirt with white stripes and a sequined turtle on it. “What do you think? First-day outfit?”

  “Andi…” I call over to her. “What’cha think?” She smiles, nodding.

  “Jeans, skirt, or shorts?” Torrie asks.

  “Shorts, I think,” Andi answers. I grab navy shorts, holding them up. “I like that,” she adds with a smile.

  “Okay. I’ll get this,” I tell Torrie, reaching for the shirt.

  “Are you sure? We don’t mind, it’s not why I invited you today.” Torrie frowns as she looks at me.

  “I’m good. I squirreled away a little extra for her,” I answer. “I should have enough to buy her a few more things. It’s my first time.” I look away from Torrie when I say it, embarrassed.

  “Well, then, we have more shopping to do.” She pats my back as she passes by me.

  The rest of the afternoon we shopped, ate, and laughed. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much. It was great. I hated for it to end, but I have to work this evening and need to get home to change. I can’t hardly wait to quit that place, but I need a new job first.

  “I love you, Momma Ava. Thank you for my things,” Andi tells me as she drapes around my neck.

  “You’re welcome, pretty girl.” I pat her back. “You are almost too big for me to hold like this.” I squeeze her. “But not yet.”

  Sitting her down, I kiss her forehead. “Can you come for breakfast the first day of school?”

  “Let’s ask your dad and Torrie first. If it’s okay with them, I’ll be there.” I kiss her again, helping her into the backseat. Andi doesn’t have a clue I only have supervised visits. Brannon offered to lift it, but I think it’s my penance.

  “I’m sure it’s fine, Ava. I’ll call you with details,” Torrie says.

  “Then it’s a plan.” I tweak Andi’s nose. “Thank you, ladies, for an amazing day. I needed it.”

  “Thank you for going with us. We loved it.” Torrie reaches over the seat to pat my hand.

  Standing at my door, I wait as they drive away, waving until I can no longer see the car. Tears spring to my eyes as I think of the times Andi has stood, waving as I drove away and I never looked back. Not one time, did I take the time to wave.

  Needing to shake this feeling, I busy myself by getting dressed for work. I straighten my apartment before leaving and realize the walls are barren, and I need more pictures of Andi to make this place a home—something I’m unfamiliar with. I search my phone, finding only recent photos. I can print these at the local drug store and pick up a few frames tomorrow.


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