Book Read Free

Rescue Or Recovery

Page 21

by Dave Hazel

  When Mykal and Towbar approached the small group, the four warriors of Towbar stood straighter almost as if they came to a lazy form of attention in the presence of their great war leader. The giant waved his hands as if to tell them to stand down or to be at ease.

  “Greetings my Lord,” Rogal said and thumped his chest.

  “Greetings my brothers,” Towbar said and smiled at his four men. Towbar wanted his men to feel like equals though they were clearly his underlings. The fifth, Malidon, had been killed at the time the two Green Berets had been captured.

  “Hey Rogal, how are you doing? How are you feeling?” Mykal asked in reference to the injuries he sustained when the Princess Doninka had been captured New Year’s Eve.

  “I am doing much better Mykal. Thank you for asking.”

  “Good. Good,” Mykal said with a smile and turned his attention to Hidtotim. “We came over here cuz I wanted to see how you three are doing since Clontab had been killed by those ugly Kachjens creatures.”

  “We are doing very well Mykal,” Hidtotim answered. “It saddens us that one of our four had been killed. However, as soldiers we recognize we run the risk of dying every day that we exist in, or near, the Black Forest. It is a fact we have lived with every day that we had been a soldier of the One. There is much danger near the Forest of Death.”

  “Yeah, I kinda have an understanding of what you mean by that. The short time we spent in the Forest of Death the first time was bad. But we’re better prepared this time around. I’m just sorry that you guys lost one of your men.”

  “Thank you Mykal,” Hidtotim responded. “I have a question for you Mykal.”

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “It will be getting dark in a few hours. Do you have a plan for camping for the night? Or do you desire to continue to travel while darkness is upon us?”

  “We’ll definitely camp for the night,” Mykal answered. “We don’t wanna take a chance of running into something during the night. Why do you ask?”

  “Based on the speed of your crafts,” Hidtotim said and pointed to the six vehicles. “We should be able to reach a regular resting area before nightfall. It would be a great place to stop for the darkness.”

  “It is a calming and restful place to stop,” Nomorek said to give his opinion. “It sets on the water’s edge of a lake in the midst of the dreaded Black Forest.”

  “A lake?” Mykal asked and suddenly many fearful ideas bombarded his mind. “Would it be safe?”

  “Yes, it is very safe,” Nomorek replied. “We have spent many rest times there.”

  “That is not to say there are no dangers that lurk there,” Soonme added. “However, with your might, the might of your weapons, I would expect there should be no trouble for our group.”

  “Would there normally be things to worry about there?” Mykal asked and turned to see what Towbar thought.

  “Mykal, we are in the Black Forest,” Hidtotim replied. “There are always ‘things’ to be concerned with. And there would always be ‘things’ to be concerned with if we did not stop there.”

  “Point taken,” Mykal said and gave a forced laugh. “Yeah, that’s cool. If we get there we’ll just double up on guard duty. It sounds like it’s a very scenic place.”

  “Scenic place?” Nomorek asked.

  “Yeah, it sounds like a very beautiful place that one would go sight-seeing at. It sounds like a place to enjoy the natural beauty of the country side.”

  “I do not think I have ever heard someone say something like that about any area of the Forest of Death,” Hidtotim replied and looked to his two men and they nodded their agreement.

  “We’ll check it and see what happens,” Mykal said and watched Finley walk away from his little meeting around the TV monitor. Mykal felt bad that Finley didn’t appear to be very happy. “Towbar, let’s go see what happened. We’ll talk to you guys later. Nordad, tell everyone we’ll probably be leaving in a few minutes,” he said when he turned to the older wizard. “If you would please, make sure everyone over here is ready to head out.”

  “Yes Mykal.”

  Captain Diaz walked toward Mykal and Towbar. Mathis and the Dosch brothers were with him.

  “So how did he take the video tape?” Mykal asked.

  “I think it upset him, but he didn’t really say anything,” Diaz replied. “He asked if there was any way for us to backtrack and take a look around in the area. Obviously I told him because of the constraints of time, there was just no way that we would be able to do that. And what could we possibly hope to uncover?” He added with a saddened sigh.

  “Hmm. I’m glad I wasn’t there,” Mykal sighed and shook his head sadly for Lieutenant Finley. “I really feel bad for him. But let’s get moving. Hidtotim said a few hours away there is a great place for us to set up camp.” Mykal explained what Hidtotim and his men told him about the next camp site.

  While Mykal and Towbar walked back to their vehicle in preparation to depart the area, Lieutenant Finley approached their direction. Mykal felt sorry for Finley and understood the man’s anguish over the loss of his men. It was clearly written on Finley’s face and Mykal wanted to help him, but he knew Finley, as a tough leader of men, a United States Green Beret that he wouldn’t be one to ask for help.

  “Hey Lieutenant Finley, gotta a sec?”

  “Sure, what’s up Myk?”

  “I just wanted to see how you’re dealing with everything cuz you have been great right from the beginning and if there is anything we can do to help,” Mykal said and pointed to both him and Towbar. “I mean, when we go back to the Pass if you wanna stay there cuz of all that has happened,” Mykal paused when he saw a flash of anger spread across Finley’s face.

  “Let me tell you something Mykal,” Finley said slowly as if he was measuring his words. “If anyone else had made that offer to me, I would have become angry and probably would have blown up,” he said and couldn’t keep the smile from forming on his face based on Mykal’s shocked expression. “But I know the kind of man you are, and I understand where your heart is. From someone else I would have been highly offended, but I know you had no intention in your offer to deliberately offend me.”

  “No, no. Exactly,” Mykal scoffed with a gulp and was shocked. He had no intention of offending or angering Finley. He felt he was helping Lieutenant Finley by offering him a break.

  “I understand that Myk, and I know where your intentions were coming from,” he repeated. “I appreciated it but I really need to walk this out and work this out in my own head. I need to do all I can to possibly find my missing men and more important than that I need to do what I can to keep the rest of these men safe and we need to complete this mission. We are going to rescue the Princess Doninka and do all we can to help Towbar’s people. So I have to concede that my two missing men are deceased unless we happen to come across them and can rescue them as well. I started this mission, and I was a part of the Silent Killers, so, I will not, and I repeat, I will not step down or back out unless I’m seriously injured and can’t physically continue on and perform my duties. I’m here to support and help you and that will not change.”

  “Well good. I’m glad you didn’t take me wrong. Whew,” Mykal said with an exaggerated sigh of relief. “I can see it in your face, and I see it in how you’re dealing with people, or rather let me correctly say, I see it in how others are reacting to what they sense in you so I just wanted to see if maybe getting away for a little bit would help. Like you said, you have been there with us every step of the way right from being the leader of the Silent Killers when we snuck into the Soso camp. I wouldn’t want any other leader than you and I mean that. So I definitely meant no disrespect and I would never purposely try to offend you in any way.”

  “I understand that Myk,” Finley said and humbly lowered his head. “I didn’t realize I was wearing my emotions on my sleeve and I can see where others could be walking on egg shells because of that. I will try my best not to show that I’m hurting. B
ut you understand that when you lose people who are close to you, people you are responsible for et cetera et cetera, it’s hard to hide your emotions sometimes. I’ll do better. If I don’t, please, I’m asking you to take me aside and call me out on that. Okay? I don’t want anyone to feel like they have to walk around on egg shells around me because they are afraid of how I might respond.”

  “You got it. Cuz I don’t wanna lose you as a leader, but I don’t want you to be bogged down with all you’re carrying on your shoulders, cuz I personally know that you’re dealing with a lot.”

  “Thanks Myk. I truly appreciate it and I truly appreciate you,” Finley said and stretched out his hand to shake.

  “No problem here,” Mykal said and when they shook hands he felt that Finley wanted to pull him close to hug him, but being the big tough Green Beret Finley held back. He watched Finley shake with Towbar as well. “We’ll talk more a little later,” he added with a broad smile and walked away.


  They approached an opening in the forest to their left. The road, the path, they were following ran alongside of the edge of a large lake. There was still plenty of light, but as Hidtotim had told Mykal and Towbar this would be the best place to stop and camp for the night. Otherwise they would have to stop in the next hour or so.

  The vehicles all stopped, men remained in the turrets to keep a watchful eye on the area. When the men exited the vehicles a number of the men immediately set up a perimeter to watch for possible attacks. From the road there was a slight cliff of about ten to fifteen feet that blended into the ground that led out to the water’s edge. From the cliff to the edge of the water the men would have to walk about thirty-five to forty feet of ground. It was mostly sandy beach, though right at the bottom of the small cliff there were bushes and grassy ground that Hidtotim warned of snakes. Along the edge of the lake, much farther away from their position, the cliff dropped straight off into the water.

  There were some areas down along the grassy land that led to the beach that held remnants of previous camp sites. There were several old fire pits that had been left over for soldiers to re-use. Hidtotim had explained their armies would always make it a point to stop and camp in this area because of the closeness to the water.

  Mykal couldn’t believe his eyes. The scenery was almost breathtakingly beautiful considering they were in the midst of the Black Forest, the Forest of Death and closer to the palace of Zizmon-Tarl. Mykal felt like he was staring at a beautiful painting. The lake was large and calm, surrounded by trees of the forest on all sides. The scent of water was in the air and the slight breeze that flowed off the water gave a calming cool sense among those who stood there to take in the beauty.

  “This is amazing,” Mykal said quietly to Towbar who stood beside him. “I would love to bring Pam and my two little guys here to set up a picnic, plop down by the water’s edge with some fishing poles and just relax for a while.” He laughed when Towbar gave him a befuddled gaze.

  “This would be the very place where one would be lulled into a false sense of complacency,” Towbar replied. “This would be just what our enemies would desire of us.”

  “I know big guy,” Mykal said and nodded while he looked across the beauty of the lake. “I’m just talking. I’m kinda kiddin’. I haven’t forgotten where we’re at. But from all we’ve seen this is pretty country. I’m afraid to even think what the hell is in the water or what is in the trees over there,” he said and pointed to one side of the lake. “Or what could be in the trees over there,” he added and pointed to the opposite side of the lake. “Believe me, I’m not gonna allow the pretty scenery around here to lull us into a false sense of security. I’m gonna make sure we put up double guard duty,” he said and watched the Hawkmen fly over the water. He noticed the Hawkmen were armed with their bow and arrows.

  “That is more like it my friend,” Towbar said and gave a slight smile. “I feared you had become tricked by the beauty of our surroundings.”

  “No. Especially not since we’re this much closer to Ziggy Stardust’s place,” he said and gave a suspicious smirk. He listened to others talk about the beauty of their location as well. “Oh look at that,” he said and pointed to two of the Hawkmen diving down toward the water. They both shot their bows at the same time. Both of the Hawkmen then reached down into the calm waters to grab a large fish each. Both of their fish had an arrow through their heads. “Damn, those guys are good.”

  “Munch munch,” Mathis said just as he joined them and watched the two Hawkmen get their meal for the night. “Hey Myk, Captain Diaz wants you to join him when you get a minute.”

  “Did you see that shot?” Mykal asked while the Hawkmen continued to fly over the area. Two of them carried their catch away to the shore line.

  “Yeah. I saw it as they both shot their bows and I was wondering how in the world are they going to be able to catch anything like that,” Mathis laughed. “They showed me that I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. Look at the size of those two fish,” he said and pointed to the two large fish with arrows in their heads. Trapped in the deadly talons they continued to wiggle and squirm to try to make their escape while over the water. “Wait, here comes Captain Diaz and Lieutenant Finley now,” Mathis said when he noticed them approach.

  “How does it look Mykal and Towbar?” Diaz asked. “Does it look safe enough or do you think we should move on from here?”

  “Oh I think it’s safe,” Mykal replied. “Hidtotim and his men said their armies always make it a point to stop here and spend the night. I guess this is considered a normal rest area for them.”

  “It definitely looks like it would be a scenic stop in the middle of the forest,” Diaz said and looked out over the water. “I spoke with Lanorear earlier and he had mentioned this place. And you can see they are making the most of their time to get a meal,” Diaz added and pointed to another of the Hawkmen lifting a large fish out of the water.

  “Munch munch,” Mathis whispered for Mykal to hear which generated the expected laugh.

  “What was that?” Diaz asked when he couldn’t hear the words Mathis spoke.

  “Oh nothing Sir,” Mathis quickly answered amid Mykal’s laughter. “I was just mumbling to myself.”

  “It makes you wonder what life forms could be living under that water,” Finley said while he stared out over the pretty scenery. “It has a calming and relaxing feel to this area. That is compared to what we have dealt with in the forest.”

  “Yeah, we were talking about that too,” Mykal answered. He wanted to ask Finley how he was doing but Finley clearly carried his feelings in his facial expression. Finley already said two missing men bothered him more than the deaths of other men in the sense he didn’t know what had happened to them. Not having closure and not knowing if they left men behind who were still alive was what had bothered him the most.

  “We just need to make sure we double up on the guard duty during the night,” Diaz said. “Lanorear said the water does attract more creatures so I want to be extra cautious during the night.”

  “I agree. Hidtotim said their armies never had a problem cuz of their size,” Mykal answered.

  “Well good, that’s good to hear,” Diaz responded. “We’re going to go and make sure the men get a good meal,” he added when he turned to join the main body of men.

  Finley turned to follow Diaz and stopped. “Hey Myk, once again, thank you very much,” he added with a thumbs up which had been in reference to their last conversation.

  Mykal winked and returned the thumbs up. “No problem.”


  1. Saturday, January 28th 1984

  0514 hours, Camp on Path by Lake in Black Forest (21st Day)

  “Hey Mykal. Myk. Myk, you gotta get up,” Mathis said while he shook Mykal’s shoulder.

  “What’s up? What’s up?” He asked when he jolted up from his seat. He had just laid down a couple of hours ago.

  “Captain Diaz needs you.
It’s important,” Mathis said and looked to see that his words registered. “I was going to get you up in about fifteen minutes, but he said to get you up now.”

  “Are we under attack? Did something happen?”

  “No. No, nothing like that, but he wants to see you right away.”

  “Thanks, I’ll be right there,” he replied and Mathis quickly turned away.

  “Are you up Mykal?” Private E2 Wilde asked shortly after Mathis departed the vehicle. He was standing in the turret and couldn’t see Mykal. “I heard that they wanted you up Sir, but I don’t hear you moving yet.”

  “No, I’m up. Thanks. I just went to sleep a little bit ago so I feel like I just got hit by a truck,” Mykal chuckled and was glad Wilde confirmed he was awake because he wanted to lay down for just a couple more minutes, but he knew that would turn into more than just a couple of minutes. He grabbed his rifle and exited his vehicle.

  “Over here Mykal,” Roy Jr. shouted and waved. A vehicle was turned so the headlights were shining on the road behind them. The sun was starting to come up but it was still dark out. Many of the men were gathered around something near the edge of the road that was right at the edge of the cliff.

  “What’s up guys? Whadda ya looking at?” He asked and wondered what the object was that had all the attention of the men. They all seemed to be staring at the ground. When he joined the circle he saw a camouflaged medical kit lying on the ground. It seemed to be filled with the basic supplies of the medic’s medical kit, but there was dried blood on the case. It appeared to be a lot of blood.

  “One of the sentries walking around the vehicles found this,” Gunnery Sergeant Ratner said.

  Mykal noticed about a dozen men were down the cliff walking along the beach and the grassy land under the cliff below them. “What is it or whose is it?”

  “Well, we were trying to find out,” Ratner answered. “When Anka found the kit he didn’t think much of it. He thought one of the medics dropped it. When he picked it up it shocked him when he thought it was covered in dried blood so he dropped it and came to get me. To make a long story short, it’s Sergeant Thornton’s medical kit.”


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