Book Read Free

Rescue Or Recovery

Page 64

by Dave Hazel

  Mykal had to leave the room or he would have broken down and cried with the older man and Pam. Mykal truly wished he didn’t hear Lenny’s heart breaking tale.

  ≈≈≈∞≈∞≈∞ BACK TO REALITY ∞≈∞≈∞≈≈≈

  ‘This ring is ruining me,’ he thought and looked up to avoid making eye contact with anyone. ‘Why am I so damn wimpy over this stuff? Why am I getting so friggin emotional and don’t have the strength to stop it?’

  That was the same sadness he felt about his people possibly being killed. Mykal was tempted to pull the ring off his finger and throw it down, but then he knew that would result in his demise. The thought of someone else picking up his ring and using it stirred an unholy jealousy in him. ‘I can’t deal with this anymore,’ he moaned mentally while he pulled his hand closer to his chest. He wished his rage was flaring out of control rather than the sissy side of the emotions that see-sawed within him. ‘That friggin Zizmon-Tarl would just love it if I threw my ring away. All my enemies would love it if I didn’t have my special power. It ain’t gonna happen. I’ll just deal with this sissy shit till I have to kill someone,’ he thought and sighed, but the sadness was real and felt heavy upon his heart.

  Mykal sat back and closed his eyes and tried to think how to avoid the possible armies he believed were being placed around them to encircle, trap and eliminate them. ‘I wonder if they would spare all the men if we gave Doninka back. I doubt it, but if we can get our hands on a local gal that we could pass off as Doninka then we could give it a try and see if that would work,’ he thought and smirked at the idea and how angry Zizmon-Tarl would be if they could pull that off. ‘Since this is gonna be one of those battles where we’re probably all gonna die, a Custer’s Last Stand type of battle, I wonder if I should have a serious conversation with Diaz? I almost died a week and a half ago and he kept saying I need to have a serious one on one with him before it’s too late.’

  “Hey Mykal, are you awake?” Sergeant Barry yelled from the front seat.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Mykal answered and quickly sat up. He hoped the sadness that flooded him wasn’t showing in his expression.

  “Captain Diaz wants to stop and give the men a quick break. He said something about the green fog was being used in the area and he believes the enemy is going to try to surround us.”

  “Yeah sure. Tell the men to be--” he paused and stopped himself. “Don’t say anything. These men know what they’re doing.”

  “Will do Myk,” Barry replied and spoke into his radio.

  “My friend,” Towbar said and waved Mykal closer to him. He spoke quietly when Mykal neared him. “While the men take a rest or eat their meal or whatever it is they will do, I will go off by myself. I intend to Mind Talk with Nidious. I desire to know if he has an answer for why the green fog will not work. I desire to know if he has a counter spell or to learn if he may be able to make the green fog appear on us to take us back to the Pass. However, should he be able to attempt that we will have to plan and be prepared for that at a later time in the day.”

  “Yeah, cuz number one he doesn’t know where we’re at,” Mykal replied to let Towbar know he knew what the giant was getting at. “And two if he just makes us appear there then who knows what’s gonna happen to the people who are there. Just come and find me when you’re done buddy.”

  “I will do that,” Towbar said as the vehicle slowed to a stop. “I do not intend to sound selfish my friend, yet I must speak my heart. I am only concerned for the safety of Doninka,” he whispered. “We must keep her safe. My country will fall if the enemy takes her and offers her for the trade of her father on the Sosos’ High Holy Day.”

  “I know. And I agree with you,” Mykal replied and the sappy sadness was gone. He could feel the anger and the rage of being pushed into a corner creeping into his thinking and his emotions. He wanted to declare his love for the girl and that he would protect her with his life, but he stopped from vocalizing those words as the image of Pam and his two little sons popped into his mind. “We’re gonna get outta here. Trust me. I’m not gonna allow that friggin Ziggy Stardust scumbag to grab hold of her if I can help it,” he whispered back to his friend.”

  Towbar stretched out his tree limb like arm to shake. They both grabbed each other’s forearms as a declaration of each other’s commitment and bond to each other. “Thank you my brother. I am ready to lay down my life, yet I can not allow her to be taken.”

  “I hear ya buddy. We’re not gonna let that happen. If we can get close to a town or a village we’ll see if we can get some girl who wants to play a princess,” he chuckled when the door opened. In his mind he humorously equated it to a pervert asking a girl if she wanted candy while he sat inside his strange looking vehicle.

  The giant exited the vehicle and walked off by himself. Mykal and the others got out and went to the center of the group where everyone gathered.

  Doninka grabbed Mykal’s arm amid all the distracting voices. “Mykal, where is Towbar going?”

  “He’ll be back in a few minutes. He’s gonna try to Mind Talk with Nidious.”

  “Everyone gather ‘round and listen up,” Ratner yelled and circled his hand over head to signify the rallying point. “Captain Diaz and Lieutenant Finley want to have a quick briefing and then I’m gonna have everyone break to have a quick meal. It sounds like this may be a long day so be sure to eat while we have the chance.”

  “For those who don’t know,” Captain Diaz spoke before Ratner turned ‘the floor’ over to him. “Gunny is correct in saying that this may turn out to be a long day. For those who weren’t inside my vehicle, Lanorear stopped on our vehicle and spoke to us while we traveled along. Lanorear and his clan were keeping an eye on the army behind us and it was a good thing they were keeping an eye on them from a distance because Lanorear said the green fog appeared over the army and they were gone. Lanorear and his clan flew toward our position and found the green fog appeared not far from where we are and the army was dropped off much closer to us. So now based on what Lanorear informed us, if the land was completely flat we would be able to see the army with the six large Things,” Diaz said and turned to point behind them.

  “Sir, do we know why the enemy wouldn’t have placed that army right near us so they could attack us right away and take us by surprise?” Sergeant Levine asked. Levine was the Army transport leader of Bravo vehicle.

  “Good question Sergeant Levine,” Captain Diaz replied and didn’t have to look at Levine’s name tag. Diaz made it a point to get to know all the men under his command. “If the army would have been transported too close to us, they would have run the risk of putting us in the green fog, which would have transported us out of this area. Thus, by doing that, they would have defeated their whole purpose of getting closer to us. The other problem that would have created for us is, if we accidently got caught up in their green fog use, we wouldn’t know where we would have been translated or exiled to.”

  Most of the men had a good understanding that they would have been affected in such a manner. It was some of the newer people to their group, such as the transportation personnel who were the ones who lacked the green fog knowledge.

  “Sir, do we have any idea how far away the enemy is from us?” Green Beret Staff Sergeant Pinkerton asked. He was one of the four squad leaders.

  “Not as of yet, though we do know the army coming behind us will be visible once we are on flatter land. With that being said, I asked Lanorear and his Hawkmen to fly out before us to see if they can detect any enemy positions or movement due to the fact those who can detect the green fog noticed it had been used several times in the past couple of hours. I also told Lanorear of our plan to capture a decoy princess if at all possible. Lanorear informed me that in the next few hours we will come upon a good sized town or village so that may be a possibility. Lanorear also said that if we can capture a decoy princess, he and his clan will deliver the decoy to the army pursuing us if we think that will really work. We will dis
cuss that later if there is the opportunity to make that happen.”

  “Captain Diaz,” Doninka spoke up and raised her hand as Mykal had taught her. “I would never normally speak out of turn. However, I do not understand what you mean by the words ‘decoy princess’,” she said and it was obvious she had fear in her spoken words. Her hands trembled and her entire body seemed to shake when the entire focus shifted to her.

  “Miss Doninka, our primary goal was to rescue you from the hands of the enemy,” Diaz answered. “Our chances of accomplishing that task seemed highly impossible but we were able to do that. Now that we have you in our midst, we’re not about to let you out of our sight. We believe the enemy is making an all-out attempt to take you back. As you know there are only a few days until the deadline when your father, King Loankore III, was to turn himself over as a trade for you. Obviously the enemy can’t offer you for the trade if they don’t have you. To make a long story short, many believe if your father gives himself up for you, both you and your father will be killed and your brother will be made king in his place. We can’t allow that to happen, and we’re not going to allow that to happen,” he declared forcefully.

  Doninka looked like she was about to say something but remained quiet.

  “One of the options we may try,” Diaz continued when she failed to say anything. “Is to capture a local girl and pretend she is you. If the enemy was to fall for that and if we could get away from them after they receive the decoy princess, then you will be safe and there will be no trade. To be honest, with all that is going on and the short amount of time we have left I think our chances of capturing a girl to be a decoy princess are about as good as our chances were of finding you and rescuing you, but we did pull it off. So nothing is impossible and I would welcome additional prayers to help because it was a miracle that you are here in our midst.”

  “Ooh-rah, ooh-rah,” one of the Marines, a believer in Jesus Christ as his LORD and Savior, shouted his agreement with his leader and Christian brother Captain Diaz.

  “Would that put the girl in any danger?” Doninka asked when the ruckus quieted down.

  “We do not know Miss Doninka,” Lieutenant Finley answered for Diaz. “But we do know that we have to keep you safe to keep your entire country safe. We don’t want you to think about that. We want you to think about going home and getting away from the enemy who wants to kill your father, your mother and make all the people of your land his subjects against their will.”

  “We’re doing what’s best for you and your people,” Mykal whispered into her ear. “Please don’t argue. If you have any problems with this talk to me after we break to eat.”

  “Yes Mykal,” she whispered back to him. “I will trust your words.”

  “Is there anything else, Miss Doninka?” Finley asked.

  “No. I would only like to share my heart and say how grateful I am to each and every one of you here. Mere words can not express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. Thank you,” she said and humbly bowed her head.

  “Okay, if we can get a decoy princess, Lanorear will help deliver the decoy,” Diaz said. “Our main goal, provided that Towbar can’t get the green fog to work, is to keep running from the enemy until the deadline has passed. If we can do that, Towbar said he will speak to his friend and mentor, Nid-juss,” he said with a funny facial expression. “I’m sorry if I butchered the man’s name. I’ve only heard it once or twice. But Towbar said he will pass on to his friend our situation with you here and will prevent your father from giving himself up for a trade.”

  Suddenly one of the vehicle horns started blaring. Corporal Paige of Foxtrot vehicle shouted after the horn stopped. “Sir, Captain Diaz. Sir, look to our Eleven O’clock,” he shouted and pointed.

  They all turned to see that Lanorear and his Hawkmen were flying back at an incredible speed. When it was silent the Hawkmen could be heard squawking.

  “Be prepared to eat your meal on the run,” Ratner yelled in the brief silence. “We may be departing in haste,” he added as if he expected disappointing news

  Everyone waited for the arrival of Lanorear. The six Elves moved closer to Captain Diaz and Lieutenant Finley. Mykal looked around for Towbar. He saw the giant approaching from the far side of the vehicles. Towbar didn’t look happy but he didn’t look disappointed either.

  “Is everything alright?” Mykal asked.

  “I had contact with Nidious for only a brief moment. He knows we rescued Doninka,” the giant said and smiled. “I told Nidious to make sure the King does not offer himself for a trade. I expressed Sosos may send a delegation in advance for the trade. I told Nidious not to fall for a trap, not to fall for lies of a trade for Doninka.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He was grateful. Both he and the King are at the Pass,” Towbar said. “Our conversation was brief. King Loankore has met Colonel Fisher and other military leaders from your world. He also met the leaders of the Elves and King Krago of the Dwarven people. Nidious said as king, he was overwhelmed with all that had been put before him.”

  “So is he feeling better? I mean the King,” Mykal clarified. The last time he saw King Loankore III was during his first trip and the King was on his death bed, suffering from a failed assassination attempt. The King had been poisoned and all fingers pointed back to his son, Locod, the same son who would take over should Loankore give himself up to the Sosos in a trade for his daughter’s safety.

  “Yes. He had fully recovered and he was willing to trade his life for Doninka’s life. I can not express to you my friend how much I long to be there to protect my king,” Towbar said and folded his arms across his chest to look at the scene of the Hawkmen landing near Captain Diaz. “He believes Locod would do a great job in ruling his kingdom, however, I would--” Towbar stopped and tried to understand what was taking place. The questioning look on his face asked the question his words didn’t ask.

  “It sounds like the enemy is close by,” Mykal replied to the inquiring look. “We may be doing some fighting pretty soon. If we can, we’re gonna try to get to the next town or village and see if we can find a girl to take Doninka’s place and be a fake princess to give to the bad guys and hopefully they’ll leave us alone. We know we got the bad guys coming up from behind us and we have some coming from in front of us. Let’s get over there and see what they’re saying.”

  When Mykal and Towbar approached Captain Diaz, the six Elves and all those who gathered to hear what Lanorear had to say, he watched the other Hawkmen fly behind them to check on the distance of the enemy that had been used by the green fog to move closer to them. Lanorear had just finished speaking and ended with a loud squawk.

  “Wha’d we miss?” Mykal asked when he and the giant entered the circle.

  “Lanorear just told us we have a hellova army coming at us from right over that rise in the land,” Roy Jr. said. “S’pposedly bigger than all those armies we faced out in the open where there were twenty-five hundred to three thousand,” Roy Jr. said with a smirk. “I still think we can kick their ass,” he added with a cocky smile.

  “Do we know how far away they are?” Mykal asked and saw that Randy and Mathis had taken Doninka back to the vehicle.

  “Not exactly,” Roy Jr. started to laugh quietly and whispered. “He’s clucking and squawking like a temperamental hen,” he said to get a laugh. “But it sounds like they’re right over the hill over there,” he pointed in front of them. “But if we go left there is another army out that way and if we go right there is another army that way even bigger but farther back so we might have some wiggle room to get away by going in between them. And then we have the big army behind us with the big ass Things with them. It sounds like there are four armies coming at us. Three in front and one behind us.”

  “Damn, it sounds like they’re tightening the noose around are necks,” Mykal said with a sigh. “We’re gonna have to be fighting and moving. I just don’t wanna have to deal with some of the strange stuff I’ve had to deal w
ith in the past couple of days,” Mykal said and shook his head.

  “I agree bro,” Roy Jr. said and raised his hand to high five him. “You were doing some funky chicken dance stuff,” he laughed to imply Mykal had been acting a little strange over the past couple of days.

  “I know. It was some strange stuff that thing injected into my neck that made me act all crazy and dream some strange bizarre stuff. I really hope it doesn’t have some life long lasting effects on me. Who knows, it may make me crazy by the time I’m thirty. That’s if I live to be thirty,” he laughed.

  “That’s if you live to be thirty,” Roy Jr. said at the same time Mykal said it.

  They high fived each other and laughed but Towbar didn’t understand what was so humorous.

  “Ya know Roy, I don’t drink, but I tell ya, right now would be a great time to tie one on,” Mykal said and laughed. “Boris and Kurt could drink at any occasion. I would love to have them guys here with us right now.”

  “I hear ya bro. I’d love to have Baby Ray here right now too,” he said with the same sad twinge Mykal had in his words. “But we gots to get real and we gots to get ready to fight those friggin scumbag bastards.”

  “I’m with you,” Mykal said and laughed and felt the sadness trying to creep up but he wasn’t going to allow it. If any of his emotions were going to be manipulated due to the magic ring it was going to be his hateful rage. “Let’s put these friggin scumbags in their place. Cuz I ain’t about to allow them to push us around and think they can tell us what to do. Are you with me?” Mykal laughed at the playful way he was pretending to start a revolt.


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