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Magic & Memory Loss

Page 10

by Eleanor Rousseau

  “It worked! I mean, I think it worked. Do you think it worked?”

  I took the playful way he snapped his teeth at me to mean yes. Pulling out my phone, I checked for messages. Then, out of curiosity, I turned on my camera to look at myself.

  The first thing I noticed was my eyes.

  I remembered what Vince had said, he knew I was a Witch because my eyes turned silver when I was feeling... passionate. I’d assumed he’d just meant the irises, not my entire eye. The effect was disconcerting.

  “Maybe I’m some sort of hybrid. Are Wiccan hybrids a thing?”

  He chuffed.

  “You’re right, that seems unlikely. It’s just a... Glamour, like the Fey have. Unless it’s some kind of spell?” I worried my lip. “If it’s a Glamour, I should be able to shake it, right?”

  Trip nodded.

  “I can’t help but feel like this is your fault,” I said, twenty minutes later, having failed to drop the Glamour, if that’s what it was.

  Trip opened his mouth and blew out a swath of fire, directly at me. I yelped and might have squealed, but then I realised that the fire wasn’t burning me. I gasped and dropped to sit on the floor, knees weak, as the flames burned out.

  Feeling weak and shaky, I glared at the dragon who was looking distinctly amused with himself. “You are such a jerk.”

  He huffed out an amused breath.

  “Goddess, it’s cold out here,” I said, the chill of the night seeping into my bare skin. I scrambled to pull my clothes back on and I was just pulling my underwear on when I realised I was back to normal.

  I glanced a Trip. “You’ll have to teach me how to do that.”

  He rolled over in the leaves without acknowledging me.

  Almost fully dressed, I was just tying my boots when Trip lifted his head, looking in the direction we’d come. I followed his gaze but saw nothing, and when I turned back Trip was bounding off into the trees.

  “Trip!” I growled, frustrated.

  But then I heard it too, the crunch of leaves underfoot. Someone was coming and it wasn’t the wolves, Vince or Julie, or Trip would have stuck around. Maybe it was the old bear. The thought made me smile and I tugged on my coat before heading off to meet whoever it was.

  When he came into view I stopped in my tracks. He paused too and, for a moment, we just stared at each other. “Um, hi.”

  He smiled. “Hey, I was hoping it was you.”

  “Um, what was me?”

  “The spell.” He moved closer, closing the gap between us. “I was on my way into town when I sensed the magic.”

  I glanced back at the spot where I’d performed the ritual. “You sensed that?”

  “Yes, with a little training, you could do it too.”

  “Training?” My heart jumped a little with excitement.

  “Yes. Look, Elsa, I know we didn’t leave things on the best of terms and I’m sorry about that. I was embarrassed about the way I treated you, so I’ve been avoiding you. Which is... quite frankly, rather cowardly.”

  I gave a small smile. “I appreciate the honesty, but you should know that I’m seeing Vincent now.”

  “Yes, I heard. And I understand, I just wanted to apologise and I was hoping we could be friends,” he said, shooting me a hopeful look.

  “I’d like that. Are...are you like me?”

  He nodded, smiling. “I’m a Warlock. I heard you’d lost your memory but I assumed you’d still know about magic.”

  “Nope, I just know what I’ve read in books.”

  “Wow, that’s... I can’t even imagine what that would be like. If there’s anything you ever want to know, I’m happy to help.”

  I grinned. “Cool, I’d really like that. But, for now, I should be getting home.”

  “Okay, I will give you my number and you can call me if you have any questions.” He pulled out a card and offered it to me.

  I took it and my fingers tingled as they came into contact with it. Magic. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I was back at the farmhouse, sitting in the kitchen when Wilson came in and tackled Murray, lifting him from his feet. “They’re here! Come on, we’ve got to go,” he said, excitedly.

  Murray shoved him away. “I know, I’ve got ears. Settle down.”

  I smiled. Wilson couldn’t help it, the full moon affected most of them this way. It took everything Murray had just for him to keep his cool.

  Wilson turned his attention my way, scooping me out of my chair and against his chest. “You adorable little human, you should come run with us,” he told me.

  I laughed softly. “I could never keep up. You go, have fun.”

  He nuzzled my neck. “Is your man coming over, kitten?” he murmured, voice low.

  “He might be and he won't be happy if he finds you hugging me like this,” I told him.

  He rubbed his cheek against mine. “I don’t care, I’d fight him for you, you’re pretty.”

  I chuckled. “Go now, before you get yourself in trouble.” I shoved him lightly.

  He grinned, letting me go. “I’ll win you over tomorrow,” he promised.

  “Sure thing, wolf boy.”

  “Dear, as much as I adore him, I think Trip is getting a bit big for being in the house,” said Julie as she walked in from the living room.

  “Come here, boy,” I said softly.

  He came to my side, his eyes wide and apologetic.

  I stroked his head. “It’s not your fault, boy, you’re just getting a little big,” I told him.

  He rested his chin sadly on my lap.

  “Hey, you’re mine, you hear? Wherever you go, I go.”

  He perked up a little.

  I bit my lip. “We’ll figure something out,” I assured him.

  Beth had a point. Trip liked to sleep at the end of my bed and I was starting to worry that the thing might collapse beneath him. I loved living with Beth and the guys but eventually, I’d need to get my own place, maybe I just had to do it sooner than expected.

  “I was thinking maybe we could do something with the old barn,” said Beth.

  The old barn which hadn’t been touched in years, it was a fair distance from the main house and seemed in pretty good shape, despite the overgrown weeds surrounding it. I rubbed Trip’s ear between my fingers and he tilted his head, closing his eyes in pleasure. “I think we could make that work.” I smiled a little.

  “As beasts go he’s the most civilised in this house,” said Beth with a small smile.

  I laughed softly and Murray huffed in mock annoyance. “I better go calm the masses, your man’s here,” he squeezed my shoulder before heading out the door.

  “Does the full moon affect Trip?” asked Beth curiously once the wolves were out of the house.

  I glanced down at him. “I never considered that it might, I suppose his scales do look a little shinier than usual.”

  The front door opened and warmth filled me as I sensed Vince’s presence. Trip’s ears perked up and he raised his head. “Someone’s smitten,” I murmured with amusement.

  Trip nuzzled my chin.

  I smiled. “I know I’m your favourite,” I assured him.

  “Good evening, ladies,” said Vince from the doorway.

  “Good evening, Vincent, how are the kids?” asked Beth.

  “They’re great, my mother loves having them stay with her. She spoils them rotten.”

  I patted Trip’s head before rising to my feet, “Did you bring me food?” I asked, eyeing the box in his hands.

  He smiled. “Of course, love.”

  Beth laughed. “Why don’t you two head upstairs to eat, I expect the boys will take over the kitchen when they return.”

  I bit my lip. “Good luck with that,” I said, smiling at her before leading Vince upstairs. He’d never stayed here before, mostly because I didn’t want Murray and Wilson overhearing whatever occurred between us, and with their werewolf hearing they wouldn’t be able to help it.

  He set th
e pizza box down on my desk before sitting on the bed and pulling me onto his lap. “I love these little dresses you always wear,” he said, sliding his hand up my thigh.

  I smiled. “Beth likes floral patterns, she bought them for me when I moved in.”

  “Remind me to thank her some time,” he murmured as he kissed my neck.

  “They are really pretty,” I murmured. When I had awoken with memory loss I’d been wearing tight worn jeans and a plain grey t-shirt, I wasn’t sure whether that was what I typically used to wear but it was a lot different to my current style.

  I didn’t really have any particular preference so I let Beth dress me because it made her happy.

  “Very pretty,” he agreed. “And very open.” He nuzzled me as his hand drifted higher up my leg.

  “Food first,” I said firmly.

  He chuckled. “I see how it is, you’re just using me so I’ll provide food for you.”

  I grinned and nuzzled him back. “You got a problem with that?”

  “Not at all.” He kissed my cheek before lifting the pizza box on my lap and opening it.

  I closed my eyes in pleasure as the scent hit me.

  We ate for in silence for a few minutes until he finally said, “Next week I’m having some of the family over for dinner. I’d like it if you could make it.” His eyes were on the pizza, avoiding mine.

  I bit my lip. “Yeah, I think that should be okay,” I said hesitantly.

  He cupped my face and kissed me. “Thank you.”

  “Are Witches or whatever you are affected by the full moon?” I asked curiously.

  His fingers brushed my neck. “Not me but I’ve been told it’s when Witches are at their most powerful.”

  “That’s weird, I don’t feel powerful.”

  He kissed me again, briefly. “That’s just because you don’t understand how to use your powers. One day you will.”

  “I wouldn’t even know how to go about using magic.”

  He pulled me closer. “I’m sure we can find a way, if that’s what you want.”

  I trailed my fingers up his muscular arms and across his broad shoulders. “Maybe, I mean it’s not like I actually have much use for magic.” In theory, magic was great and, well... magical. But really my life wasn’t exciting enough to need magic to complicate matters

  Vince smiled. “Okay.” He kissed me, guiding me back down on the bed. He seemed content to let me figure out what I wanted to do on my own, both in regard to magic and sex.

  I reached to remove his shirt. He smiled smugly as he lifted himself up just enough for me to pull off the shirt. Then I reached for his jeans and unbuttoned them, guiding them and his underwear down his hips.

  “You have me at a disadvantage,” he murmured playfully. I closed my hand around his hard shaft and he moaned I rested the other hand against firm stomach as I explored him with my touch.

  “Would you like me to undress?”

  He smirked. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

  I took my hands from him and reached back to unzip my dress, then I lifted it up over my head and tossed it away. He groaned, making me grin. “You can touch me, you know.”

  “I was rather enjoying being at your mercy.”

  “Mm, really?” I bent down to kiss his cheek.

  “Really.” He rested his hands behind his head, causing his muscles to flex in a way that was incredibly enticing. I shifted.

  “How do you stay in such good shape?” I murmured.

  He grinned. “There was a while after Jem was born when I barely left the house, I let myself go a little. Then I met a girl who made me realise I needed to get my ass into shape.”

  I blushed. “This girl, she must have been something,” I teased.

  “You wouldn’t believe how special.” His hand came up to cup my cheek, then pulled me down to him. He kissed me and his other hand grasped my hips, guiding me onto his hard shaft.

  I let him pull me down onto his length and moaned softly. “God, that feels so good,” I murmured, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back.

  His hands slid up my stomach to cup my lace-clad breasts. I moaned as he began to move his hips, thrusting up and down. I gasped and moved my hips in time with his.

  “Kiss me, beautiful.”

  I bent down and pressed my lips to his as his hands kneaded my breasts. He nipped my bottom lip before parting my lips with his tongue. I ground against him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He moved his hands, gripping my hip with one and resting the other against my back. He rolled over, pinning me beneath him with barely a break in his rhythm. I drew my nails down his broad back and this urged him to take me harder, thrusting faster.

  I lost myself to the feeling of him claiming me.

  “YOU HAVE LITERALLY the shortest attention span of anyone I’ve ever met,” the woman told me. She was older, lines were just beginning to wrinkle her face. She was still pretty, her long hair tied at the back of her neck.

  “But it doesn’t make sense, are they parallel dimensions or portals to other planets?” asked my small voice.

  “I’m trying to teach you the basics of Hexes, you shouldn’t be worrying about the Overworld,” she told me.

  “Have you ever been to the Overworld?”

  “No, because I’m a creature of this world, just like you, our place is here.”

  “What about uncle Gordo? His dad was from the Overworld, so where is his place?”

  She rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated with my persistance. “His place is with us. Come on, try Hexing me,” she instructed.

  “I’d really rather not.”

  She sighed softly. “If you do it I’ll let Gordo tell you all about the Overworld,” she said reluctantly.

  I grinned. “Deal.”

  I blinked my eyes open tiredly then frowned as I remembered the dream. Had it been a memory? Did I have an Uncle Gordo?

  Vince shifted, pulling me tighter against his chest and thoughts of the dream drifted away as I snuggled back up against him.

  The next time I awoke it was to the sound of a phone ringing but it stopped a moment later so I didn’t move.

  “What?” answered Vince in a whisper. I wanted to ask him to come back to bed but my mind was still addled with sleep.

  There was a breif pause. “No, don’t do that,” he said, sounding annoyed. “Give me some time, if I need you I’ll call you.”

  I heard him set the phone down and the bed shifted as he lay back down, his hand landing on my waist. His lips pressed against my neck. “Morning, love,” he murmured, nuzzling me gently.

  I stretched out. “Morning.”

  “How are you doing?” he asked, nudging me onto my back.

  “Pretty good, how are you?” I reached up to run my fingers lightly through his hair.

  He smiled. “I’m great.” He leant down to kiss me. “I’ll be even better after I make love to you again,” he purred.

  I smiled up at him. “Are you sure you’ve got it in you? We had a very long night.”

  He lifted away the sheets that had been blocking his hips from my view. “I think I can get the job done,” he murmured.

  I felt myself flush and glanced quickly away from his swollen shaft.

  The way his lips quirked was positively wicked. “Don’t be shy now, my beauty, you know you want it,” he purred, stealing the blanket that had covered me. Then he grasped my thighs and parted them. He brushed his nose against mine as he held himself above me. “Tell me you want it,” he growled.

  I smirked, my breath hitching as his gaze drifted appreciatively down at my chest. “I want it, I want you. Take me, Vincent.” He kissed my nose tenderly, his eyes warm as he languidly perused my naked form.

  “You’re perfect.” He closed his eyes and captured my lips.

  Chapter Twenty

  It was approaching midday when I finally stumbled downstairs and into the kitchen. Three pairs of eyes shot my way and I blushed. “Um, hi.”

p; “Good night, dear?” Beth asked, suppressing a smile.

  I reached up to scratch my neck. “Yes, thanks.” I bit my lip, glancing around the room in an attempt to avoid eye contact.

  I felt his warmth a moment before Vince’s body pressed against my back. I blushed now for an entirely different reason as his hand smoothed down my back to firmly squeeze my ass. My breath hitched.

  He nuzzled my cheek. “I have to head out but I’ll see you soon,” he murmured as he kissed my neck.

  My cheeks had to be blazing now and I studiously avoided looking at anyone else in the room. “I’ll walk you out.”

  He chuckled and lifted his hand to the small of my back, guiding me out the door.

  “It’s getting cold out,” I said as we stepped outside and leaves crunched underfoot.

  He pulled me closer. “If you come over tonight, I’ll keep you warm.”

  “Wow, has that line ever worked?”

  He just winked at me, unperturbed by my sceptical tone. “It just did, since I’ll have you in my bed tonight.”

  The bastard was far too smug. “Oh, really?”

  “Really.” He reached to cup my cheek. “You want me, you can’t keep your hands off of me. Admit it, you’re hooked,” he said with a roguish grin as we reached his car.

  “I’ll admit no such thing.”

  “Admit it, or I won’t kiss you goodbye.” He caught a lock of my hair and twirled it around his fingers.

  I lifted myself up on tiptoes and said in a challenging tone, “You’ll kiss me and you’ll like it.”

  “Mmm, you seem pretty sure of yourself.” He inched closer until I felt his breath on my cheek.

  I brushed my nose against his. “If you don’t, I’ll just walk away and you’ll have missed your chance.”

  “You’re not walking away.”

  “I’m going to,” I warned, lifting my chin, “in five... four... three... two-”

  He grabbed me and planted one on me, pressing my back against the side of the car. “You’ll be in my bed tonight,” he predicted, kissing my nose.


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