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Cancer: Murders of the Zodiac

Page 5

by Alathia Paris Morgan

  He’d been a step ahead of us for a while now, and I was certain that we had someone inside the FBI that was feeding him information. Even if we managed to find the ads and follow it, he would have abandoned the idea and moved onto another method.

  If he kept doing this, I was going to have to get something to help with severe depression because all I could see on the horizon was a really dark cloud that was getting bigger by the month.

  No closer to a solution then when I’d walked into the office hours ago, I flicked the lock behind me as I went to go see what Kevin had brought us to help with the grand scheme of things.


  Do to the sensitive nature of Kevin’s undercover work and the fact that Agent Watson was aware we had been compromised, he choose a different conference room that our group hadn’t used before.

  There were only three of us, Agent Watson, Agent Dalca and myself with the addition of Kevin in the room. I could only hope that this would keep whatever he brought us one step closer to finding a way to take this growing cancer down.

  “Kevin, how are you holding up?” Agent Watson started the conversation cheerfully.

  “It’s been interesting to say the least. I think I may have a little of information that’s helpful for what you’re looking for.”

  “Well, that’s good news, isn’t it?” Agent Watson declared with enthusiasm.

  “I hope so, sir. Most of what I have access to during the day isn’t worth mentioning, it’s what I’ve come across during the evenings that are really worth it.”

  “John Reed actively is involved in several special projects preserving the planet. His bank account from the company all show large donations to groups that are politically tied to a greener atmosphere. His photo ops and other activities all coincide with the company’s agenda.”

  Kevin smiled as he doled out the next piece of information. “It’s his other bank accounts that are more interesting. They are all run through another name, John Armstrong.”

  “Isn’t that the name of one of the major drug cartel/mafia lords?” I knew that was a familiar name in the media.

  “He is climbing the charts on all of the agency walls toward #1 most wanted. The thing is that nobody and I mean nobody who is alive still has seen John Armstrong’s face. He’s a myth that everyone says they work for, but never explain how they know him.” Agent Watson filled me in from the FBI’s point of view.

  “There’s no way we can tie these two names together. John Armstrong is protected by so many in the Golden Company that he simple sends word and people run to do his bidding. I back tracked from the Golden Company to see if anything intersected and that’s when I found a few thin threads that let to this conclusion. Nothing hard we can use as evidence yet, but it does give us a starting place.”

  “This still doesn’t explain why the Zodiac Master is so focused on the Urban Energy Company. How could he possibly know that John Reed and Armstrong are the same person?” Adam Dalca asked looking for the tie-in to our case.

  “He is or was closely associated with John. Now, this is his way to get back at him.” Agent Watson assumed.

  “No, that doesn’t pan out because, he could have taken any of this to an agency and had John arrested. He didn’t because he’s not trying to take them down himself. He wants us to do it while he has fun with his recruits.” I shook my head, “We’re still missing part of the bigger picture.”

  “I’m still working on the family and founders names, but with this new information, John could have fathered children under a hundred different names and there would be no records.”

  “There have only been small gaps in his history where he would disappear on hunting trips. I’m working on putting John in the same places as his Armstrong name during those gaps. It’s going slow because there are only a few here and there of actual sightings. I think I’m on the right trail though.”

  “All right. Keep hunting and let us know what you find. I think we are on the right track and if we can take down the worst serial killer in history as well as the most wanted man in the world, I’m good with it.” Agent Watson slapped Kevin on the back.

  “Kevin be careful out there. We have reason to believe that there may be someone inside our agency that is working for the Zodiac Master. If you’re right about this other, then we know there are a lot of people here in our building watching out for him.”

  “Got it.” Kevin acknowledged without letting on that he’d said as much at our private meeting.

  “Don’t call me. I’ll call you when I’ve got something to tell you. Keeping updates in person would be the best way to make sure that nothing is intercepted.”

  Kevin walked out and the three of sat there in silence for a moment.

  “This case just got a whole lot bigger than we needed to deal with. We can’t put people on this because it will alert them that we’re doing the investigation.” Agent Watson slammed his fist on the table startling us.

  “Kevin was right. He’s using this to misdirect us and split our resources.” Adam turned to me, “We have to win both cases. They are so interconnected at this point, it will be hard to have enough evidence to build a strong case.”

  “Then we should get to work, but I’m going to have to advise we start again in the morning because I’m barely going to make it home as it is. Live to die another day or something like that.” I’d forgotten about my mustache until Adam chuckled slapping me on the back as he walked to the door.

  “You got plenty of sleep today or least it was long enough to get marked.”

  “Aw, I’m never going to live this down am I?”

  “Nope, look on the bright side at least you’ve passed the initiation phase.”

  “Oh, that’s real comforting.” I followed them out of the conference room and turned out the lights.


  Somewhere in upper Oregon

  The list of men that had gotten on my bad side had grown over the years. I was going to make them all pay, but I was starting with the last on the list and working my way to the first boy that had ever hurt me.

  Tommy Chance hadn’t known how to treat a woman. They were just an objects that he kept around for his own pleasure. He was the tough guy that nobody messed with and certainly not a woman.

  When he’d received the message that his birthday present was waiting for him in the town’s main hotel room with a key. He knew immediately what would be behind the door. He entered confident that all of his dreams were about to become reality.

  A bottle of the best wine the town had to offer was sitting on the dresser with a note. Drink me.

  Tommy figured why not it was his birthday after all, but instead of using the glass, he took a swig out of the bottle.

  “Hey, are you ever going to come out of there?” He yelled at the closed bathroom door. “I’m not going to get any younger out here.”

  “Oh, don’t worry it will be worth it.” A familiar sounding voice answered from the bathroom.

  Tommy looked toward the sound through blurry eyes. “Honey is that you? I thought you left me for good.”

  “You know me, I could never turn down the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “See I knew you’d come around.” He mumbled feeling light headed.

  “Let’s celebrate you’re birthday, baby. Drink up.” She smiled seductively.

  “Sure baby. Why do you still have all of your clothes on?” He looked a little closer, “What kind of clothes is that?”

  His head landed on the pillow behind him as he drifted into unconsciousness.

  “The best kind of clothes, baby.” Her voice mocked him loaded with sarcasm. “The kind to kill you with.” She added pulling her safety glasses down to keep the blood out of her face.

  “Maybe the next guy will learn to respect me a little better.” The sound of the t.v. playing loudly helped to cover the noise of the chainsaw.

  When she finished wrapping all of the pieces into a seal package, she took
the tarp with the bedding underneath being careful not to drip on the carpet.

  A shower in the motel’s bathroom washed away anything extra as she put on new clothes, she left a note for the cleaning lady.

  “Here’s enough money to cover the missing bedspread so you don’t get blamed for it.”

  With a quick stop to leave her package sitting on the park bench, she was on her way out of town to track down the next man on her list that needed to be taught a little lesson.

  The tarp with all of the evidence was the last thing on her to do list as she stopped for gas leaving everything for the trash man to pick up when he collected the dumpster next.


  Chapter 6


  Mac was waiting for me on the park bench a little ways from the school we’d both gone to in college.

  “Hey, Square. How’s it going?” He used my nickname.

  “Good, Peg.” I hugged him. “How’s the undercover operation panning out?”

  “Have a seat. It’s a little more complicated than any of us were counting on.” Mac handed me one of the coffees he’d brought for us.

  “So you know I was supposed to be the backup in case something happened to Kevin.”

  “Well, that and to dig around on your own. I’m guessing that you’ve found something.” I inhaled the wonderful scent of coffee before taking a sip.

  “I planted our program inside the computers to run independently gathering information.”

  “Mac this was supposed to be above board so we can prosecute the guy when we’re done.” I protested.

  “Come on, Leslie. You know that he’s never going to make it to trial much less to prison.”

  “That doesn’t mean we can take the law into our own hands. We can’t become vigilantes deciding the fate of others. That’s not how justice works.”

  “Just look at what I’ve got and tell me that you’re still mad at me.” He handed me a file.

  The streetlight was close enough that I could read most of what was in the file.

  “John Reed is John Armstrong? That’s huge and Noah Preston is his son? Well, that explains his promotions into the main part of the company. This is still something that I need to tell my superiors about and let them take action.”

  “Finish the file.” Mac commanded.

  I read the last page as the color drained from my face.

  “Now, do you understand? He’s killed so many agents and has other working for him all throughout every agency and many police forces. This isn’t a battle you can fight with the law and evidence. He’ll kill you before you can even think about getting close to him.”

  “No,” I shook my head, “Mac you can’t spy on him. You have to disable the program and get out. This isn’t worth your life.”

  “It’s not, but someone has to do it.” He grinned, “You know I’ve always wanted to be out in the field doing something dangerous. Now, I can be.”

  “I’m not the agent in charge of you so I don’t have any real authority. With what you’ve just give me I’m going to have to let Ryan know so he can help watch your back as well. We knew there might be a possible connection to the Golden Company, but not that it would run this deep.”

  “Kevin’s not all that he seems to be so you watch your back as well. I don’t know what he’s hiding yet, but I’ll figure it out.”

  I hugged him. “This is so not what we were expecting when we left college for the real world.”

  “Right? Who knew that you were going to become some fancy detective consulting for the FBI on serial killer cases?”

  “Whatever, it’s not like you aren’t the best hacker I know and if I’m saying that it’s something because I’m pretty good myself.”

  “If we’re done with this mutual admiration session, I’ve got to get back so I can sleep. I’m due at my ‘job’ early.”

  I threw my arms around him again and whispered, “Be safe.”

  He patted me awkwardly, “You know it.”

  Just as quickly he walked away disappearing into the darkness.

  The file he handed me was still clutched in my hand. I was going to read through it once more before I destroyed it. I couldn’t take the chance of the wrong person reading it. We’d been compromised and I wasn’t taking a chance with Mac’s life.


  Nothing happened during the night, but I was hesitant to speak about more than the basics on the serial killers. There were ears everywhere and it was the only option I had right now to make sure that my friend stayed alive.

  Agent Watson had called a meeting with a few possible ideas of who we were looking for this month.

  I tried to hide my yawn as we all filed into the conference room for the briefing.

  “I see that you’re still sporting a nice mustache.”

  “Can it.” Ryan grumbled.

  “Feeling a bit sensitive this morning, are we?” I joked.

  “It was a long day and an even shorter night.” He groan sliding into the chair next to me.

  “Do we know anything new?” I raised my hand wanting to get out of there.

  “We do. There have been a few mysterious packages left at different locations in the Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming areas. They appear to contain the remains of male victims that have gone missing. Each one has a note with the victim’s identity and the reason they are dead.”

  “The individual police stations have now placed these as a potential serial killer in the system and asked for our help. I’m send local teams to investigate and get back to me with copies of the notes and other information.”

  “Any word on how they were killed?” Ryan asked from beside me.

  “Their bodies have been cut into pieces. Most of the autopsies are still being put together, but for now they are speculating on someone sort of saw. The men were alive when the killer started to dismember them so we are looking for someone who isn’t squeamish.”

  “Pretty cold blooded. Aren’t we looking for a woman?”

  Agent Watson paused to consult the files, “Based on what we know, I would say yes. There isn’t any indication that a woman was involved from the different police stations. They are scratching their heads on this one.”

  “Do you want us to go up there?”

  “Not yet. I think we’re going to let the teams do a little ground work first. At the moment there are only four bodies that we know of so it could just be a fluke.”

  “Or there could be more and we just haven’t found out about it yet.” Ryan suggested.

  “True, which is why we are sending out a memo to all the stations in the area if they have a similar case then to please let us know.” Agent Watson continued, “At this point we should have ten or more bodies if this is our killer.”

  “Wonderful and we’re just now finding out what we’re dealing with for the month. This crap gets crazier and crazier.” I knew it wasn’t the FBI’s problem, but it wasn’t great that the killer was just running around on the loose either.

  “While we’re waiting on confirmation from the teams I want you two to check out a farm where the tags from the cows pinged. Go see if there is anything that rings a bell. It may be a dead end, but it never hurts to check it out.”

  “Yes, sir. We’ll get all the information that we can.”

  “I’ve had Martha send it to your phones. It will be just what you both need a drive in the country.”

  “Very funny sir,” Ryan hopped up and headed for the door. “Coming?”

  “Absolutely.” I followed him out of the room.

  “What’s your hurry?” I asked eyeing him with worry.

  “No reason. I’m going to sweep the car for bugs first so we can talk freely.” Ryan pulled out a device that would help to make sure his car was clean.

  “Sounds like a plan. We should get the address and turn our phones off so we can have a private conversation.”

  “Don’t tell Shea that or she’ll be worried about us.”

bsp; “Nah, she likes you too much to think you’d do something like that to her.”

  “Awe, that makes me feel good and that I’d better mind my p’s and q’s.”

  “Here put your phone in this bag.” Ryan held out a metallic bag toward me.

  “What is it?”

  “A Faraday bag. It’s closes off all signals and tracking devices that might have been implanted.”

  I nodded my approval, “We’re going to have to start taking more precautions. I had a meeting I’d like to tell you about on the drive.”

  “I’m all ears.” He zipped the bag and put on the back seat floor boards.

  “There is a man that runs the cartels named John Armstrong. It just so happens that he is John Reed. My guy found out that they are one and the same guy.”

  Ryan turned to head out of town, “That is exactly what Kevin said last night.”

  “You saw Kevin? He’s okay?”

  “So far. He is carefully going through files and trying to match dates when John Reed was away from the company to when John Armstrong was sighted with the cartels.”

  “Did he mention that Noah Preston is his son?”

  Ryan let out a whistle. “That would explain a lot. His sense of entitlement for one thing.”

  “Yeah, my source also mentioned that there are lots of DEA, FBI and CIA agents on his payrolls so we need to be smart. Those who have tried to uncover stuff about him have died trying.”

  “Kevin’s being careful, but none of this actually helps us with our current case.”

  “He’s still working to find out the connection, but at least we know to tread lightly and watch our backs.” Ryan added,

  “True, but we’re going to have to bring in more people if we want to follow this lead.”

  “I don’t know if we should even pursue this information. It’s something that you and I aren’t even equipped for or supposed to be chasing. Not that I don’t want to take down the big bad or get justice for his victims, but I want to be alive when my kid’s born.” Ryan grimaced as the words left his mouth.

  “That came out wrong.”

  “No, you just spoke what was in your heart. Don’t be ashamed of wanting to be around for your kid. Hell, there are tons of dads that don’t even want to anything to do with their kids.”


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