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Destiny Rising

Page 3

by Lachlan Wells

“Lay off, sunshine,” Myra grinned. “We can make a pit stop. Ari seems like she’s on to something.”

  “She’s wandering off,” Hancock pointed out with impatience.

  “Hey, girl’s got places to be…” Myra’s voice fell away as she lifted her torch and the flames reflected off mountains of gold pieces. Before them in every direction and below their feet lay an unbelievable trove.

  New Place Discovered. Cave of Treasures. (+50 xp)

  Gemstones and treasure chests were strewn about, collecting in nooks and crannies throughout the cave, torchlight shimmering. Glistening armor and bright swords were buried within some of the piles like ancient relics. Bars of platinum and nuggets of sapphire and unrefined diamonds were wedged into various necklaces or lay loose surrounded by gold pieces.

  Further in, there were boulders that concealed even more treasures--old weathered boots with wings stitched into them, a red cloak shimmering in the darkness--making the party look upon it in awe.

  Parrish knelt down and grabbed a handful of gold pieces, letting each coin drop back in the pile. Plink! Plink! Plink! “This is fortunate,” he murmured a small smile poking at the edges of his lips.

  Adrianna picked up the boots and wiped the dust off the leathered surfaces. “What do you think these do?”

  “They look like flying boots,” Parish nodded with a smile. “Hard to learn, easy to master. My old man used to have a pair.”

  Hancock pulled his torch closer to the two and shook his head. “If they are, their magic has long since faded. These need to be restored.”

  “Hey, my dear, wonderful party members,” Myra called and the three turned. “What are the odds,” Myra swallowed as she slowly waved her torch around the cave, “that this is a dragon’s cave?”

  “Dragons don’t travel to this region. We would have heard about it.” Hancock sighed. “Why on earth would you say that?”

  Myra pointed at the ground next to her and the four stared at the gash marks on the ground, three talon shaped scars wrenching through a pile of gold.

  “Oh!” Adrianna nodded to herself. That would make a lot more sense as to why this was all here.

  “We should probably go,” Hancock nodded. “If it’s still around here, we don’t want to be here when it returns.”

  “Or wakes up,” Parrish grunted.

  Before they could move, a large boom! echoed in the cavern and all of them stopped. Torches suddenly lit up against the walls, illuminating all of the gemstones in a blinding flash of light.

  The four looked at each other and all of them had the same idea: Hide!

  Chapter 5: Pseudodragon

  “Move, move, move, move, move!” Adrianna demanded in harsh whispered, as she tumbled over a boulder next to Hancock.

  The four all tried to control their breathing and remain silent. Making themselves as small as possible. Adrianna pulled the boots towards her chest as the other three put out their torches.

  Stealth Check. Stay Quiet. 18 + 2 (Dex) = 20. Success!

  Adrianna listened as something landed on top of the treasure trove, the sound of sharp bone scraping across the piles of jewels.

  Something caught Adrianna’s eye about three feet away from her foot where she could see a black jewel that was nestled within a necklace. It wouldn’t have been that appealing if the black jewel had fit within its confines. It seemed to have been awkwardly placed into the necklace in a crude fashion. Gems don’t have feelings (as far as she knew), but the dull reflection made her think that the black jewel was uncomfortable where it was.

  It doesn’t belong. Adrianna thought curiously and reached out.

  “Psst!” Myra waved her hand frantically and Adrianna stopped.

  Oh, right. The dragon.

  “I am not good at hide and seek,” the dragon suddenly spoke and the four looked at each other. “Do come out now. I do not seek to harm you.”

  Insight Check. Is he lying? Natural 1. Critical Failure!

  “Come along, mortals. We haven’t all day,” the dragon spoke again, a little impatient. “I at least smell you’ve been here.”

  How does one tell whether or not a dragon lies? Adrianna took a deep breath. If there was one way she was going to go out, it was going to be fighting a dragon.

  Adrianna stood up as Hancock tried to pull her back down.

  Contested Check. Avoid being dragged down. 13 + 2 (Dex) = 15 vs 9 + 5 (Str) = 14. Success!

  A colorful medium-sized beast spiraled its way across the treasure trove, and stared into

  Adrianna’s face.

  “Ahhh!” It breathed out. Each of its iridescent scales rippled and refracted light as it came closer to Adrianna. “There you are.”

  “Ahem, sorry for the intrusion,” Adrianna cleared her throat. “I was just passing through.”

  “You? Or the humans that I smell?” It smiled, teeth as bright as its scales.

  “Me, really,” Adrianna gave it a sheepish grin. “Don’t worry about the rest. They’re a little shy, so they’re hiding.”

  “Ah! Honesty. How refreshing. Tell them to come out or I will eat you alive.”

  Hancock immediately jumped from behind the boulder brandishing his black katana. “You will not lay a finger on her.”

  The blinding dragon lifted itself up and regarded the blade with distaste. “A warrior in dull armor. How typical. Tell me, human. how many humans have you killed to get a blade as black as night?”

  Hancock faltered, as Adrianna shot him a lot. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Adrianna frowned.

  The dragon bared its teeth in a smile. “You travel with a party of many secrets. Where are the others?”

  Myra and Parrish reluctantly came out as well, each brandishing their own weapons. Myra was pale, ready to run, while Parrish seemed to regard the dragon with distrust.

  “Okay we’re here,” Adrianna looked at it, silently hoping that they’d make it out. She wasn’t ready to die quite yet.

  “Indeed you are. What are you doing in my home?”

  “Like she said, we were passing by,” Myra feigned nonchalance while adjusted the grip on her short blade.

  “Passing by with gold and jewels in your pockets.”

  “We haven’t taken anything from you,” Hancock called confidently.

  “I even put the boots back,” Adrianna reassured, pointing to the boulder where they had been hiding and where she had dropped the dormant boots.

  The dragon tilted its head and bared its teeth. “I know every coin and gem within these stone walls. Every magical fabric and silenced arcane focus that cover the very ground you stand upon. Every breath breathed within my cave, I know. If you believe I would not know the contents of my own abode, you are more foolish than I imagined.”

  Parrish coughed and everyone looked at him incredulously. “What?”

  “Please do not insult the dragon,” Myra hissed.

  “Pseudodragon, mortal.” The colorful beast growled. “And you will address me as Gyanati.”

  “Is there…” Despite the given situation, Adrianna dared to ask the question burning in her brain. “Is there a difference?”

  “Obviously, half-breed,” Gyanati sniffed. “I am less important than my cousins. We use to be a proud race before we were reduced to mere pets and familiars, our history lost to time.”

  Myra glanced at Adrianna but didn’t say anything.

  “So, like,” Adrianna struggled. “You’re like a...lesser dragon?”

  Gyanati snarled, gnashing teeth. “Tread lightly.”

  “Adrianna, don’t antagonize them,” Hancock brought his blade in front of him, preparing for a fight, “Let us pass or you will taste steel.”

  “You’re so dramatic,” Myra murmured as Gyanati bared its teeth.

  “Return my possessions, and you will.”

  “I told you, we don’t have anything that belongs to you. No one would have had the time.”

  Adrianna knew that wasn’t true, but let it slide anyway, as the dragon su
ddenly spread its wings in defiance to Hancock’s words.

  Encounter! Start initiative!

  The dragon look at all of them and shook its neck. “If it’s a fight you want…” It hunkered low to the ground and it was then that Adrianna was aware of his stinger that was hidden just beyond the torchlight. The only escape route she knew was behind the dragon, and no way was that going to work without a fight. If she didn’t think of something fast, someone was going to get skewered.

  Charisma Check. Get everyone’s attention. Natural 20. Immediate Success!

  “Wait!” Adrianna yelled and all of them stopped to look at her. Even Gyanati hesitated at her voice, lingering on the noise. “We…” She struggled to find the words, not expecting this to have worked so well. “...I would really not like to fight you, because I have a lot to do. Like I don’t even have a class yet! And I know you don’t want to risk dying here or even getting injured--not with you having to take care of this horde of treasure.”

  The psudeodragon’s stinger slowly started to lower, as she spoke, looking at her curiously. “Go on.”

  Adrianna’s sudden spotlight made her want to leave immediately, but this was no time for running. “You’re a proud race with a forgotten history that has a story that’s yet to be told and if there’s one thing I understand, it’s the desire not to be forgotten. I could go out and find it for you. I could bring back your pride and your people.”

  “You would be willing to do that?” Gyanati’s interest was definitely piqued. “Why? I am clearly about to kill you.”

  “Because of the aforementioned, wanting to not die and the also aforementioned relating to the not being forgotten.” Adrianna repeated. She hoped this wasn’t going to turn into a battle of words. It was exhausting trying to talk to everyone in the first place, much less to be the voice of persuasion.

  “Very well,” Gyanati nodded and lifted a talon, pressing it into the air. Immediately a box popped up.

  Quest: History of the Pseudodragons (Any)

  You’ve made a promise to collect and record the history of the pseudodragons. There are troves scattered around the Quell, waiting to be discovered.

  Success Conditions: Collect all 8 scrolls of the pseudodragon ancestors.

  Reward: Experience (duh). The approval and alliance of Gyanati. That might come in handy.

  Refusal: You offered this quest. To refuse is to break a promise. That may have lasting consequences. Probably your immediate death.

  Do you accept this quest?

  Hancock leaned towards her. “ sure you want to do that? We already have a quest we’re on. Should we really pick up another one?”

  Adrianna nodded, “Yes.” The box disappeared and she felt the pulsing light at the edge of her vision expand a little more.

  “The history of my people is spread across the globe. Hidden in troves like these and lost to common knowledge.” Gyanati hissed. “What makes you think that you are capable of seeking what others cannot find?”

  Adrianna shrugged and crossed her arms. “I guess you’re going to have to trust me on that. Afterall, I found you! Besides, you can’t be remembered, if you kill everyone who meets you.”

  “Well then.” Gyanati nodded. “You should be on your way. The Quell waits for no one.”

  “I have to get to the Council of Lions first,” Adrianna replied. “I need to get a class so I can survive out there longer.”

  “I will take you there,” Gyanati lifted a talon and grabbed a small orb. “The quicker you travel, the faster my ancestry will regain their pride.”

  “And the missing items you accuse us of?” Hancock persisted and Adrianna sighed. Why did he have to go bring that up again.

  Gyanati’s expression tensed. “I am willing to let it go...for now. But if any of you return here without the collection, I will consume your soul.”

  Adrianna’s heart hammered as she glanced at her companions. Was that something the dragon could actually do? Myra and Hancock were grimacing as Parrish gave Adrianna a small wink.

  “Alright. We should get going then,” Adrianna nodded, as she shouldered her backpack.

  “Don’t die out there, half-breed.” Gyanati gave a gutteral chortle and suddenly Adrianna’s world twisted and her stomach lurched as she felt herself shrink and was shoved into the small confines of the orb.

  Chapter 6: The Temple of Saint Jose

  Her vision gradually began to focus as she found herself in a thicket of brown and green bushes.

  “Oh my god,” Myra yelled as Hancock promptly threw up in her general direction.

  Parrish let out a short chuckle that sounded more like a bark and held out a hand to Adrianna. She took it and looked around, her stomach rolling. She could smell earth and fragrant herbs and something else. Something she had only heard about and dreamed of seeing.

  “Are we near an ocean?”

  “Somewhat,” Myra called, patting Hancock on the back. Hancock batted her hand away and wiped his mouth in protest. “I’m not a hundred percent sure where we are. I’ll have to find my bearings again, but I’m pretty sure we’re close.”

  Out of Combat! You are safe! Earned: +110 xp!

  Adrianna nodded and stretched her limbs. Reaching into her pocket, her fingers wrapped around the coin in her pocket and she grimaced. She had forgotten she had this. She could have just thrown the coin back into the trove and now it felt like all of that brouhaha was for nothing. Great.



  The party looked at Adrianna’s head expectantly as she read her new box. Please give me a class, please give me a class, please give me a class...

  Congratulations! You are now level 4. You have restored your health!

  You have gained attribute improvements. You have two points to invest into two of your attributes. All attributes can be raised naturally, however at 4th and 8th levels, you are able to help it along. You’re welcome.

  Choose one of the following to be increased by 2 points or two of the following to be increased by 1. Even numbers are better than odd numbers. The higher the number, the higher your modifier for scores.

  Strength dictates how hard you can hit with melee weapons, how much you can lift, pull or push, and the prowess of your athleticism.

  Dexterity dictates your finer skills including stealth, sleight of hand and acrobatics, as well as making you more effective with ranged or finesse weapons.

  Constitution tells you how hard you can take a hit and your carrying capacity. The more you have, the more hits you can take from an attack.

  Intelligence contributes to your ability to retain and use knowledge.

  Wisdom adds to your perception and intuition when it comes to your surroundings and other people.

  Charisma dictates how charming or attractive you are to NPCs and others.

  Choose wisely.

  Suggestions for Your Class: ???

  Your guess is as good as mine.

  Adrianna squinted as she went over her character sheet. Any of them? She could care less about Charisma and Strength. She didn’t have much of either to begin with. The obvious choice would be Constitution until she got a class. It would certainly keep her alive longer.

  “Whatcha gonna go for?” Myra asked, smiling at the changed number above her head.

  “I don’t know. I think Intelligence.” Adrianna furrowed her brow and Hancock glanced over at her.

  “Really?” Myra cocked her head. “I thought for sure you were gonna dump it all into Dexterity. You’re always moving.”

  Adrianna shrugged as she watched the numbers change.

  Name: Adrianna Swann

  Class: ???

  Level 4

  Speed: 30

  Armor Class: 14

  XP to next Lvl: 355

  Strength 10 (+0)

  Dexterity 14 (+2)

  Constitution 12 (+1)

  Intelligence 18 (+4)

  Wisdom 13 (+1)

  Charisma 13 (+1)

p; Reputation: Nobody Special

  Proficiencies: None


  Keen Mind

  You remember everything you’ve read within the last 30 days.


  You have no penalties to with using your off-hand

  “Guys look!” Myra pointed through the thicket at a triangular building stretching to the sky. She waved her hand and smiled. “There it is. The glorious Temple of San Jose.”

  The Temple was tall, illuminated by the sun high in the air. It looked as if the sunlight had created it, blinding the party as they moved forward. Trees and bushes hugged the base of the building creating a natural barrier against the elements.

  “Ain’t that something?” Myra whispered in awe.

  “Haven’t you been here before?” Hancock frowned.

  “Yeah, but I can still admire the workmanship,” Myra shot back. “Learn to appreciate things, my little dumpling.”

  “How does this all work?” Adrianna asked before the two could start arguing again.

  “As far as I know, there are trials you have to go through before seeing the Council,” Myra said. “I had a set of riddles that I had to answer and if I got three of them right, they’d let me pass.”

  “What were the riddles?”

  “I actually, don’t remember,” Myra laughed. “They would have changed them anyway. I assume that no two trials are the same.”

  Adrianna didn’t reply as she stared at the pyramid, suddenly very still. There were so many things that could go wrong. There were so many things that could go right. There were so many things that she wanted to find out, answers just within reach. Answers that could be snatched away from her.


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