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First Time Tales - Stranded

Page 2

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  “I know, but what if someone comes by?”

  “No one’s going to come by in the middle of the night. Besides, doesn’t it make it little more exciting, with the possibility of being caught?”

  “I guess so.”

  He chuckled. “You guess so? Weren’t you the one just a week ago, telling me how much you wanted to get fucked on the beach?”

  My eyes flew open wide and I had to stifle a gasp.

  She giggled. “Yeah, but that was when it was just a fantasy. Now that it may become a reality, I’m not so sure.”

  “It’ll be fine, Jenny. Trust me, we’ll have fun. You don’t want us to turn into Danny and Marcia do you?”

  “Don’t even say something like that. We’ll never be like them.”

  “You know what he told me last night?”

  “No, what?”

  “He told me that he and Marcia haven’t had sex in nine months.”

  “Nine months? How’s that possible?”

  “She told him that until he finds a better paying job, he’s not getting any.”

  “What a bitch.”

  “He’s happy at his current job, and he’s making enough to support them. She just wants extra money for clothes and jewelry.”


  “He also told me she wants a divorce.”

  “And he doesn’t?”

  “No. He wants to stick it out.”

  “He’d be better off without her.”

  “That’s what I told him, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He thinks marriage should be forever.”

  “That’s a nice sentiment, but when you’re married to a shrew like Marcia, it just seems like a life of misery.”

  “I agree, but his mind seems made up.”

  “Enough depressing talk. Let’s get back to us. Are we going to do this tonight?”

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  “I’m in then. I don’t want you thinking I’m like Marcia.”

  He chuckled. “Honey, your hungry little pussy could never go nine months without my cock.”

  She giggled. “That’s very true. I’m not even sure I can wait until tonight.”

  He laughed. “Feel like taking a walk?”


  They stood and walked down the steps, leaving me in stunned amazement. It took me a minute to regain my senses and resume my search for an umbrella. When I rejoined Becky a few minutes later, she asked me why it had taken so long. I told her I had to pee while I was back at the house.

  Chapter 8

  For the rest of the day, the conversation I had overheard tumbled through my mind. They had discussed sex so casually, and I wondered if all couples did that. I felt a thrill to be privy to their intimate secrets. I also thought about their discussion about Danny and his wife. Now knowing the reason they were arguing, made me dislike Marcia even more.

  But what I thought about most that day, was Matt and Jenny’s secret rendezvous coming up that night. My imagination ran wild as I pictured what they would look like, lying together on the beach. I had no basis to go by, since my brief glimpse of Danny and Marcia in bed five years ago was my only clue to what sex was. I knew that tab A went in slot B, but there had to be more to it than that.

  I guess I unconsciously knew what I was going to do before the idea even occurred to me. I felt a growing excitement as the sun set, but it wasn’t until I was in bed and couldn’t fall asleep, did I realize what I was about to do.

  When the idea finally did rise to the surface, part of my mind reeled in disbelief. How could I even think of such a thing? What would my parents say?

  But another part of me realized this was a perfect opportunity. It was a chance to answer so many questions I had, without being a part of it. I could actually learn about sex without doing it. Putting it that way, my parents might even be proud of me.

  So, I was still awake and staring at the ceiling at midnight, when I heard quiet sounds from downstairs. I got out of bed and went to the window, and a few moments later I saw Matt and Jenny walking hand-in-hand down the moonlit beach, carrying a blanket. My heart skipped a beat. Was I really going to do this?

  I was still asking myself that question as I removed my sleeping gown and pulled on my shorts. Quickly donning a T-shirt, I quietly slipped from the room and made my way downstairs.

  Out on the beach, it almost seemed like daylight, with the full moon casting hard shadows. In the distance, I could see the couple walking towards the end of the beach where an outcropping of rocks stood. They disappeared behind a large boulder, and I hurried to catch up, staying near the top of the beach so I wouldn’t be seen.

  The air was warm with a slight breeze, and, except for my loudly beating heart, the quiet sound of the nighttime surf was the only noise. When I reached the rocks I slowed my pace, and moved through them cautiously, looking for the couple. I heard a soft giggle and peeked around a boulder, spotting them in the middle of the sand.

  They had spread their blanket out, and were lying on it in their swimsuits. They were on their sides facing each other, kissing. Matt’s hand was on her butt, caressing her through the material of her bikini bottoms. Jenny’s hand was pressed against the front of his swim trunks, holding onto a large lump in his pants.

  Seeing them like this caused a tingling feeling in my body, with most of the sensation concentrated between my legs. I knew what I was doing, and the feelings I was having, were wrong, and part of me wanted to flee back to the house and pretend this never happened. But my curiosity won out, and I watched the couple in rapt fascination.

  They were playful with each other, kissing and giggling as their hands explored. Matt’s hand moved around to the front of her bikini, and she spread her legs to give him room. His fingers pressed into the material, causing her to groan. Then he pulled the cloth to the side, and I could just make out her dark pubic hair in the faint light. His fingers pressed in again, and this time they disappeared into her.

  She cried louder and pressed her hips back against him, and I watched intently as his fingers gleamed wetly from her fluids. I could feel my own wetness growing between my legs, and pressed my thighs together.

  Jenny tugged at the waistband of his trunks, and he removed his hand from her long enough to lean back and lift his hips, and then push his swimsuit down and off his legs. My mouth gaped open wide at the sight before me.

  With all the baby boys at Becky’s house over the years, I had seen plenty of diaper changes, and even helped out sometimes. So, I knew what a boy’s penis looked like. But what was now in front of me looked nothing like anything I had ever seen before. Instead of a cute little roll of flesh, Matt’s penis was long and thick, and stuck straight up into the air. It was topped by a large, swollen head that was encircled by a prominent raised ridge. And instead of the smooth rounded testicles of a baby, his were hairy and hung down loosely.

  To my shock, Jenny grabbed it right in the middle of the stiff shaft, and they resumed their kiss. She slowly stroked him as his fingers returned between her legs, and they both sighed and softly moaned as they continued touching each other.

  My wetness increased, and I could feel it soaking the front of my panties. I wanted to slip my hand between my legs and touch myself how Matt was touching Jenny, but my conscious wouldn’t let me. That wasn’t allowed.

  My mind reeled again when Jenny urged her husband onto his back, then leaned over and took the head of his penis in her mouth. I almost cried out in shock, and had to hold my hand over my mouth to stifle my gasp.

  What was she doing?! Boys peed out of there! That’s disgusting!

  Her mouth began to move up and down, and I stared in fascination at their reactions. Matt was enjoying what she was doing to him, groaning and whispering to her. And she seemed to enjoy it almost as much, wearing a contented expression as her lips slid up and down his stiff shaft.

  “Ohh, baby,” Matt whispered, “that feels so good.”

  I saw Jenny smile and increase he
r pace, and now her lips made wet sucking sounds as she moved on him. She slid her hand down to his testicles and cupped them gently, causing them to slide loosely together. Matt groaned loudly again.

  After another minute, he leaned up and put a hand on her shoulder, trying to move her to her back. She resisted, keeping her mouth on him until he said, “Baby, if you keep that up, you’re going to get a mouthful.”

  She giggled, and let him slide from her mouth, and then allowed him to push her onto her back. He knelt between her spread legs with his hard penis jutting up and out in front of him, and reached down to pull off her bikini bottoms. While he did that, she removed the top, allowing her large breasts to fall free.

  He leaned down, and they kissed again as her arms curled up around his shoulders. His body shifted, and he lowered his hips between her legs. Maintaining their kiss, she reached down between them with one hand. I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but then they both groaned as his hips sank lower.

  Now they were pressed together, and her hand returned to his shoulder as her legs slid up around his waist. When she locked her feet together at the small of his back, he began moving, raising his hips up and then lowering them again, over and over in a slow rhythm.

  With her legs up like that, I got a better view of what was going on, and I stared raptly between her upturned thighs. His hard penis was now glistening wetly, as it slid in and out of her grasping vagina. Her labia were puffy and swollen as they ovaled around his invading thickness. With each thrust of his hips, he slid completely into her, and his testicles nestled into her bum crack. Then he withdrew, and her insides seemed to pull slightly out with him, until just the engorged head remained inside of her. Then back down again, filling her over and over.

  As they did this, they kissed and made soft pleasurable sounds. I could hear them breathing, and they occasionally whispered to each other in voices too low for me to make out. At one point, his mouth left hers and he leaned down to capture one of her nipples in his mouth. She groaned loudly, obviously enjoying this, and I felt my own nipples harden from the sight, pressing up against the thin cloth of my T-shirt. Curious, I rubbed my finger over one of them, and sighed as I felt shimmers of pleasure radiate through me.

  The couple in front of me were increasing their pace, his hips rising and falling quickly. Her hands slid down his back and cupped the cheeks of his butt, urging him on. His penis was making wet, slippery sounds as it slid into her, and they were both groaning louder.

  Suddenly, she cried out sharply, and her body began to thrash beneath his weight. A moment later, his cries joined hers, and he shoved his penis deep into her, holding it there as his back arched and his muscles locked. They held this way for a very long moment, groaning and gasping in deep breaths, and I watched as her fingernails dug into the clenched muscles of his buttocks.

  Finally, he collapsed down on her, lying in her embrace as they fought to catch their breath. Her hands caressed his back, and he kissed her softly as they continued to whisper. I heard them mention something about getting back, and I realized I had to get out of there. I backed away quietly until I was a safe distance away, then I turned and sprinted back to the house.

  Chapter 9

  “You’re quiet today,” Becky said as we lay in the sun on Tuesday morning.

  I shrugged. “I’m fine.” But the truth was, I couldn’t get what I had seen last night out of my mind. I had fallen asleep to confused, jumbled thoughts, and had dreamed all kinds of weird dreams – dreams where I was lying below Matt instead of Jenny, and his penis was going into me. When I awoke, my panties were soaked, and it felt like a low voltage electrical current was running through me. My shower helped to calm me a bit, but as I was eating breakfast, Matt and Jenny came down and sat across from me, and I found it hard to look at them without imagining them back on the beach, having sex.

  While a part of me felt guilty for what I had done, mostly I felt satisfaction. Not physical satisfaction, but mental instead. I finally understood what sex was, and despite my parents’ warnings, it hadn’t looked like something that was bad. In fact, Matt and Jenny seemed like they’d had a great time doing it, and as I stared across the breakfast table at them, I noticed an intimacy between them I hadn’t seen before. I had seen this in other couples, and wondered what it was. It was as if they shared a secret that no one else knew.

  And now I knew what that secret was.

  “You don’t look fine,” Becky said, returning my mind to the present. “You look distracted.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Just a little tired, that’s all.”

  She seemed to accept my explanation, and turned to a different subject. “Hey, my dad told me we’re going to a water park on Friday.”

  “Water park? What’s that?”

  “It’s like an amusement park, but all the rides are in water, like slides and swimming pools.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  “Yeah, Dad says he already bought the tickets.”


  “And then the day after that is your birthday. Mom told me to ask you what you wanted to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She said you and I can do something by ourselves, like going down to the boardwalk and seeing a movie, or maybe horseback riding. But it’s your choice.”

  “Horseback riding sounds fun.”

  Becky grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that. They have a nice place here where you can ride through the dunes.”

  “It’s settled then. Horseback riding it is.”

  “And when we get back, Mom said she’ll have your cake ready.”

  “She doesn’t have to.”

  Becky waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it. She lives for that stuff. Back when I told her you’d be turning eighteen on this trip, she got a big goofy grin on her face. Trust me, if you told her you didn’t want a cake, she’d probably cry.”

  I laughed. “Sounds good then, horseback riding and cake.”

  That evening, Mr. Warren broke some news that threatened to ruin our entire week.

  “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” he began, “but there’s a hurricane coming up from the south, and there’s a slim chance it might hit us.”

  We all began talking at once, and he raised his hand for silence.

  “Like I said, it’s just a slim chance. Most of the experts are claiming Hurricane Dolly will miss us completely. So there’s no use worrying about it. If it does head our way, we’ll have plenty of warning. We’ll just pack up and head inland.”

  We all began chatting loudly again, speculating on the chances of having our vacation ruined by the storm.

  As I got ready for bed, I wondered if Matt and Jenny would go down to the beach again tonight. I decided to stay up and listen for them, but fell asleep soon after my head hit the pillow.

  Chapter 10

  On Wednesday, a hurricane did hit, but its name was Marcia, not Dolly.

  The first sign of warning came during breakfast, where Marcia was being particularly bitchy with Danny, complaining about anything and everything. Danny tried to let it go, not wanting to cause a scene, but I could tell he was losing his patience.

  That storm blew over, and Becky and I went down to the beach for our morning tanning. She was subdued again, and I didn’t press her on the subject, preferring to just let her wait until she wanted to talk.

  When we were done, we headed back to the house. But when we got close, we could hear shouting coming from the other side. As we turned the corner, we saw Danny and Marcia standing face to face in the driveway, arguing with each other.

  “Is that what you want?” Marcia screamed, “Some teenage girl?”

  “Marcia, just calm down,” Danny said, “there’s no reason to do this here.”

  “Don’t blame this on me. You’re the one ogling young girls.”

  “I wasn’t ogling anyone. I just looked at her.”

  “Yes, your eyes were all over that girl’s tits
while you’re walking next to me!”

  The rest of the family began to appear on the porch and rubberneck, as if it was a bad accident on the side of the road.

  Danny looked at them and rubbed his forehead. “Can we just talk about this in private?”

  “No, I think your entire family should know what a pervert you are.”

  His jaw tightened. “I’m not a pervert, and I wasn’t ogling that girl. Now, would you calm down?”

  “I don’t need you to tell me when to calm down. And I know what I saw.”

  “You didn’t see anything, because I didn’t do anything.”

  “You wanted to fuck her, didn’t you?”

  I blanched and glanced over at Mrs. Warren, who was standing there with a shocked look on her face. Her husband’s hand was on her shoulder, as if he was afraid she was going to leap off the porch onto her daughter-in-law.

  “Marcia, that’s enough!” Danny said sternly. “There are children here.”

  “That’s it isn’t it? You did want to fuck her. Or maybe you want to think about her while you’re fucking me.”

  Danny’s jaw tightened again, and he glared at her. When he spoke, the anger was clear in his voice. “I wouldn’t know about that, Marcia, since you haven’t wanted to do that with me in almost a year.”

  One of the brothers snickered, Matt or Steve I’m not sure.

  Marcia’s mouth dropped open, and her cheeks flushed red. “How dare you? That is a private matter between us!”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t have brought it up in front of everyone.”

  “I won’t be ridiculed like this!”

  “But you have no problem ridiculing me, here, in front of everyone.” Danny’s gaze held hers.

  “I don’t have to take this! I’m leaving!”

  “Marcia, I don’t give a damn what you do.”

  Matt began clapping softly, but a scathing look from his mother stopped him.


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