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The Mike Black Saga Volume 1

Page 25

by Roy Glenn

  “Yeah, I’d say he’s still a little pissed,” Mike said with a smile.

  “So, since he’s still pissed at you, you decided to guarantee her investment.”

  “What?” That one caught him off guard. “I didn’t guarantee shit.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “Hell no. Hector wanted me to, but you know I’d never do no shit like that. I told him that I would consider it a personal favor if he would do business with her.”

  “Favor for what?” Bobby asked.

  “For introducing him to Angee.”

  “Well maybe we should have a talk with Hector’s boy.”

  “Who? Orlando.”

  “No, Carlos. He’s been going around telling anybody who’d listen that we’re guaranteeing her.”


  “Mike, when you decided to get out, honestly, I wasn’t sure about it. But I went along with it because I knew it was the right thing to do. Even if it wasn’t good for business. We fought a war to get out. Now, I don’t wanna go back.”

  “You think I do?”

  “No, but let’s think for a minute about how this looks. You and Shy, in Miami, hanging around with Hector. You got Freeze checking on their security like we getting ready to take over. And before you say you didn’t tell him to do it, he is. Freeze anticipates what you want. That’s his job,” Bobby said.

  “You’re right.”

  “Where’s Freeze now?” Bobby asked.

  “Checking out something for me,” Mike replied.

  “You mean checking out something for Shy. You see what I’m saying, Mike. People think we’re back in the game, they start coming after us. And I’m just not in the mood.”

  “We’ll go see Orlando tomorrow. Put a stop to this shit.”

  “We! Tell me what you mean we?”

  “Yeah, we got to do this. It won’t have the same impact on him if we sent Freeze. Or would you rather I go alone?”

  “Shit, wild horses, three pigs, two mules and a bull, couldn’t keep me from going with you.”

  “I noticed that list doesn’t include Pam.” Derailing Bobby from his point.

  “Why you gotta go there?” Bobby asked as Freeze entered the office. Bobby would have to sit on his point for now. “What’s up, Freeze? Tell me a story.”

  “Yeah, and I got one for you.” Freeze began to recount the story for Mike and Bobby. “I think it’s somebody close to them, but that punk Ricardo ain’t the one.”

  “What you get on Kerns?”

  “He was definitely the contractor. Oh, and he’s dead. Did I forget to mention that?” Freeze told them how when the shooting started, he had gone after Kerns Caddy, but Kerns wasn’t in it when it crashed.

  “You’re getting careless, Freeze,” Bobby joked.

  “Fuck you, Bobby,” Freeze fired back. “I wasn’t gonna stay and shoot it out with them. Since I was leaving anyway, I followed the car.”

  “Go on man. I was just fuckin’ with you.”

  “When we got back, cops were bringing him out in a body bag.”

  “Who killed him?” Mike asked.

  “I don’t know. Woman in the crowd said it was three guys in masks. I’ll confirm that tomorrow.”

  “No. Back up off it,” Mike said, walking toward the window and looking out at the club. “Bobby’s right. We’ve involved ourselves and our organization too deeply in this. And like the lady said, it’s not our business.”

  “Good,” Freeze said with a sense of relief.

  “Oh yeah, Mike, I forgot to tell you. Shy called you a couple of hours ago. She wants you to call her at home.”

  “Thanks, Bobby,” Mike said walking toward the phone.

  “Oh yeah, Black, Shy’s alone. Did I forget to mention that?” Freeze asked.

  “She told me Jack was with her,” Bobby said as Mike dialed her number.

  “Yeah well, she sent Jack home. But Tony sent him back and he’s on his way there now,” Freeze said. Mike just looked at Freeze and Bobby. Smiled and shook his head.

  Shy answered the phone. “Hello.”

  “You all right?”

  “Yeah, a little confused, but I’m fine. What’s going on?” Shy asked.

  “Is Jack there?”

  “Yes baby, he’s here,” Shy said. “What happened out there?”

  “Tony’s on his way there now. He’ll explain everything,” Mike said not wanting to alarm her. “When he gets there, have them drop you off here.”

  “Good, I’ve gotten used to waking up with you next to me,” Shy said.

  “I have too. I’ll see you soon,” Mike said as he hung up the phone.

  He turned to face Freeze and Bobby, who looked at each other and busted out laughing.

  Bobby began to tease him. “I love you Shy. If I don’t see you soon, I’ll die.”


  Tony finally got to Shy’s apartment; he looked around briefly for Jack’s car. Not seeing it, he ran into the building and into the elevator. He banged furiously on the door until Jack opened it.

  “What you in such a panic about, Tony?” Jack asked as Tony came in the apartment.

  “Where’s Shy?”

  “I’m right here, Tony. What’s happened?” Shy yelled from the bedroom as she packed a few things. Tony went into the bedroom.

  “Where you going now?”

  “I’m gonna stay with Black for a while.”

  “Good, you’ll be safer with him.”

  “So, what happened?” Shy asked.

  “Kerns is dead. They were a step ahead of us all the way. While me and Freeze chased Kerns car, somebody wasted Kerns and all his boys. There was a man in Kerns office, but I couldn’t see his face. I think that was our boy. I think he knew we were getting close to Kerns, so he killed him. I thought they would come after you next. That’s why I sent Jack here to protect you,” Tony said.

  “Any idea who it was in the office with Kerns?” Shy asked Tony as she left the bedroom, taking a seat in her favorite spot by the window. Tony followed her to the window.

  “No, but I think it’s somebody real close to us.”

  “That thought had crossed my mind once or twice,” Shy said staring out the window.

  “Did you tell anybody we were going there?” Tony asked.

  “No,” Shy said, walking back into the bedroom preparing to leave.

  “What about E?” Tony said.

  “No, I called him, but he never called me back,” Shy said, coming out of the bedroom with a gun in each hand. Tony stopped talking and Jack simply stared at her in disbelief.

  “What?” Shy held up the guns. “Oh these. I just thought I needed a little extra fire power, that’s all,” she said as Tony helped her on with her coat.

  “You’ve been hanging around Black too long,” Jack said taking her bags. Tony opened the door. Shy put her guns in the pockets and closed the door behind her.

  On the way to Impressions, Shy told Tony about what happened at the art gallery. She thought that if it were somebody that close to them, they wouldn’t have seen what was going on in the gallery.

  “No, I think it’s somebody with a grudge. Somebody that used to work for us. You know, the disgruntled postal worker type. Somebody I did wrong or something like that. I was thinking about checking out Ricardo.”

  “Me and Freeze went out there tonight,” Tony said.

  “And just whose bright idea was that?” Shy asked, but Tony didn’t answer. “Nevermind, it had to be Black’s idea.”

  “Yeah, it was Black,” Tony said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Shy asked.

  “If I told you I was going to White Plains to sweat Ricardo, you would’ve gone ballistic on me.”

  “Okay, okay. Anyway, what did you find out?” Shy asked.

  “I didn’t find out shit. It was all Freeze. Yo, Jack, it blew me away watching Freeze work. We just been playing the role. That mutha fucka is dangerous.”

  “Beat him down bad, huh?”
Jack asked.

  “No, he only hit him once for not doing what he was told,” Tony replied.

  “So, what was so dangerous about that?” Jack asked.

  “It was the way he did it, more than what he did.”

  “What did Ricardo have to say?” Shy asked.

  “He said to tell you that he loved you and would never hurt you.”

  “Whatever. With all the money he had, I thought he might have paid somebody to do it after the beating y’all dealt,” Shy said.

  “Not,” Tony said. “He was just fronting that cash. He would skim money off his clients’ accounts. Old girl controls the money.”

  “He was embezzling,” Shy said.

  “Not. Kid would just put the money back in the morning.”

  “Fake. He was a fake from start to finish, Shy,” Jack said.

  Shy knew that all too well and did not wish to be reminded of it. Still she was glad that Ricardo didn’t appear to be involved.

  Impressions was crowded as usual when they arrived. Shy made her way through the club looking for Black. She stopped at the bar to get a glass of wine. After receiving her drink, she took out some money. “How much?” she asked.

  “The gentleman at the end of the bar said to tell you that your money’s no good here.”

  Shy looked to see who paid. She smiled when she saw it was Black. They walked toward one another, each not taking their eyes off the other.

  “Hello beautiful,” Mike said.

  “Hello yourself.”

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah, I’m ready. Ready to make love to you,” Shy said with a kiss.

  “Oh really? Well we got to get you out of here.”

  “I gotta find Jack to get my bags. Baby do you mind if I stay with you for a few days?”

  “I was just gonna suggest that,” Mike replied.

  “See it’s true. Great minds do think alike,” Shy said.

  They found Jack and he drove them to Mike’s house. He carried in her bags and took them straight to the bedroom. Shy unpacked her clothes and put them away. Once she had finished, Shy wondered around through the house looking for Mike. It was a modest house, not what you’d expect from someone with the kind of money he had. Three large bedrooms, two of which were not furnished. Downstairs was nicely furnished in black of course. Since Mike hated to shop, Shy wondered if he had picked it out himself or whether Wanda or maybe Regina bought it all for him. She opened a door, which led to the basement.

  Shy called to him, “Black you down there?” Not getting an answer Shy sat down in a chair by the window.

  “That’s my favorite spot,” Mike said, seeming to appear from nowhere.

  “Where were you?”

  “In the basement.”

  “Why didn’t you answer me?”

  “I had something in my mouth,” Mike replied.

  “What?” Shy inquired.

  “This,” Mike said, handing her a jewelry case. Shy opened the case, which contained a diamond-studded necklace.

  “Thank you, Black. It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome. It’s nothing really. I’ve had it for, damn, eighteen years, I guess. Me and Angee robbed a jewelry store. First job we ever did together. I thought it was pretty, so I didn’t let him take it to the fence. I figured I’d give it to somebody special. But back then there was nobody special to give it to,” Mike said while he put the necklace around her neck. “I found it when I moved here.”

  “This really is a nice house.”

  “Yeah, Regina liked it too.” Mike turned and walked away. “I bought the house for her before we broke up. Whenever we’d drive down this street, she’d always say how much she liked it. So, when it went on the market, I bought it. I was going to surprise her with it after the wedding.”

  “Time out. What wedding?”

  Mike smiled and sat down next to Shy. “Bobby and Pam’s wedding.”

  “Oh,” said a relieved Shy.

  “Well I guess you know how that worked out. So, it stayed empty until I decided to move. Since it was already paid for, I moved in. And besides it really is a nice house.”

  “You know, sometimes I don’t know how to take you.”

  “What do you mean, Cassandra?” Putting his arm around her. Shy put her head on his shoulder.

  “I mean you gave me this beautiful necklace. Which is so romantic. Then you bust my bubble and tell me it’s stolen. Then you tell me that you waited eighteen years for somebody special to give it to. And I melt. Then you tell me you bought this house to surprise whatsherface. Which is romantic; but I could’ve gone all year without hearing it.”

  “Sorry, but I feel strangely compelled to tell you everything.”

  “That’s all right baby. I would rather that than have you lying to me all the time. So, whatsherface never knew you bought it for her?” Shy asked.

  “Nope. I guess by now Pam told her that I live here, and she figured out it was the same house.”

  “Her and Pam still friends?”

  “They aren’t tight like they used to be. But they still talk.”

  “How come they aren’t still tight?”

  “Pam thought Regina messed up her wedding day.”

  Shy got up and started up the stairs. “That makes tomorrow night all the more interesting.”

  “Tomorrow night? What’s happening tomorrow night?”

  “You don’t know. Well I guess you’re not invited,” Shy said continuing up the stairs. Mike followed her upstairs to the bedroom. Shy laid down on the bed.

  “Invited where?” Mike asked.

  “Bobby invited me to dinner tomorrow at his house. Pam is dying to meet me. I told him I would love to meet his wife. But I said, let me talk to you first. He said, ‘what you can’t come without him?’ So, I guess you’re not invited.”

  “That’s cool. If you want to go have dinner with Bobby and the interrogator by yourself, be my guest,” Mike said laughing as he laid down next to her.

  “What did you call her?”

  “Pam’s the interrogator. And if you think you have questions, wait.”

  “She’s the inquisitive type, huh?”

  “No, Pam’s just plain nosey. Pam will sit there and ask question after question. So, what makes tomorrow so interesting?”

  “Because I know Pam will have to make a full report about me. And I want whatsherface to know she can cancel the comeback.”

  “You’re kinda territorial, aren’t you?”

  “Very. And selfish too when it comes to a man. I don’t like to share. Which reminds me, you handle your business?”



  “And that’s that,” Mike said.

  Shy smiled at him and moved a little closer. “It wasn’t as easy as you thought, was it?”


  “Wasn’t just sex and money either. She was in love with you, wasn’t she?”


  “I don’t know whether to call you insensitive or be thankful that you were so blind.”

  “Yeah right,” Mike said looking away.

  “She probably cried too. That was to make you weak for her.”

  “Think so?”

  “Yeah; but let me stop. You probably feel bad enough already.”

  “I don’t know. It just seems like I should have said something.”

  “To make her feel better about it? Think about how you sound. You told her you were leaving her for another woman. A hell of a woman, yes, but still. Nothing you said would make her feel any better about that.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Mike said. Shy kissed him on the cheek. “What was that for?”

  “To make you feel better,” Shy replied.

  “I’m feeling really bad.” Shy kissed him on the lips this time.

  “How was that?”

  “Better. Thanks.”

  “Baby, can we just stay here tomorrow until it’s time to go to dinner? We’ve been on the run
since we left here last Friday. Even in the Bahamas, I had a great time, but we were always doing something. I just want to do absolutely nothing.”

  “Sure, we can. We won’t leave this bed.”

  “Except to eat,” Shy said.


  Early the next morning, the calm was interrupted once again by Shy’s phone. Shy looked at the cell phone. Not recognizing the number, she rolled over and went back to sleep. Seventeen minutes later, it went off again.

  “That’s why I hate those things. People don’t care what time they call you,” Mike mumbled.

  Once again, Shy grabbed the phone. Once again it was the same number. Shy dialed the number.

  “Yeah.” It was E.

  “This is Shy.”

  “What’s up, Shy? Where you at?” E said.

  “Oh, what’s up E? I’m at Black’s house. What’s wrong?”

  “I need to see you sometime today. We can do this thing with Hector and them any time you’re ready,” E said.

  “You seen Jack or Tony?” Shy asked.

  “Nope, I been rolling all night trying to get this thing together for you.”

  “That’s why you’re the man, E. I know I can always count on you. Listen, what time is it anyway?” Shy asked.

  “Quarter to nine.”

  “Hold on.” Shy turned to Mike. “Baby, wake up. You mind if E comes here?”

  “Why would I mind?” Mike mumbled. Shy told E where Mike lived and told him to be there at one o’clock. Shy hung up the phone, and turned it off, kissed Mike on his back, and drifted back off to sleep.

  Shy woke up a little after twelve in the afternoon. She reached in the bed next to her for Mike, but he was gone. Shy got out of bed and wondered through the house. Mike was nowhere to be found again. Shy returned to the bedroom and removed her gun from under the pillow. She went into the bathroom, put the gun down on the sink, and turned on the shower. Then she heard a noise behind her. She reached for her gun, turned quickly, and aimed.

  “Safety’s on,” Mike said with a smile.

  “Don’t do that,” she said, lowering her gun.

  “Rule number one. When you pick it up, make sure one’s in the chamber. And oh yeah. And make sure the safety’s off too. Remember, one shot in the head.”


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