The Mike Black Saga Volume 1

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 1 Page 28

by Roy Glenn

  “They shoulda played Black Magic Woman. It woulda really set off her entrance,” Bobby joked, but Mike was not amused. She returned to the table.

  “Come with me.”

  They followed her through the door and down a short hallway. She knocked on the door. The door opened and she showed them in, closing the door behind her as she left. There was Orlando, seated behind a desk along with Carlos and another man. Orlando got up and came out from behind his desk.

  “Black, Bobby, long time no see. How’ve you been?”

  “See, Bobby, I tried to tell you he does know me,” Mike said, staring at Carlos, but walking straight for Orlando.

  He grabbed him by the back of his neck and put his gun to Orlando’s forehead. Bobby pulled out two guns and pointed them at Orlando’s boys.

  “Don’t do it. Nobody’s gonna die here tonight.”

  “You know me, Orlando! You know I ain’t no fuckin’ drug dealer!”

  “I know that, Black.”

  “Then you tell me why I hear you been talking about me guaranteeing some fuckin’ drug deal!”

  “Hector told me …” Orlando started, but Mike cut him off.

  “Oh, fuckin’ Hector told you! Where’s the fuckin’ phone so I can call fuckin’ Hector!”

  “Black, all right, I am responsible. It is wrong for anybody to say that about you. I just thought …”

  Mike quickly cut him off again. “Fuckin’ Hector doesn’t fuckin’ pay you to fuckin’ think! So, if I hear that shit again, from anybody, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you first! Then I’m gonna fuck your wife … before I kill her! Then I’ll burn your fuckin’ house to the fuckin’ ground!” Mike shouted.

  Then he let Orlando go, lowered his gun and said calmly, “Because I ain’t no fuckin’ drug dealer. I kill people. That’s what I do.”

  “Okay, Black. I didn’t mean you any disrespect. It won’t happen again, will it Carlos?” Orlando said.

  “No, Orlando, never again,” Carlos said.

  “I’m glad we understand each other,” Mike said as he left the office.

  “Good to see you again, Orlando,” Bobby said, backing out the door.

  Mike and Bobby left the office, making their way quickly through the club. They did however stop to admire the lady in the black dress. As they drove away Bobby said, “You just had a fuckin’ fit in there. What was all that, fuckin’ this and fuckin’ that all about?”

  “Hey, hey, it’s what came to me,” Mike said with a smile.

  “And that thing about fuckin’ his wife. Where did that come from?”

  “That was for Hector.”

  “Thought so. Listen man, about what I said earlier,” Bobby said.

  “Don’t sweat it. I never even saw that as a possibility, but I need to. I have to look at it objectively. Like you said, what I do affects all of us. I’m sure Wanda pointed that out too. I know she had a hand in this,” Mike said.

  “Pam and Perry too.”

  “Damn, this has all the feel of a hostile takeover.”

  “Come on man, it ain’t like that at all. It started out with me and Wanda talking on the way to drop off Jamaica. When we got back to the house, Pam was on the phone talking to Glenda. We got Perry on speaker-phone and here it is.”

  “I got it in check, Bobby. Y’all don’t have to worry.”

  “We don’t wanna see you get dogged again. And we damn sure don’t wanna go to jail. Like I said, I like her, Jamaica loves her. Her and Pam seemed to get along okay. And you know how Wanda is.”

  “She’ll come around.”

  “Watch her, that’s all I’m saying. A little paranoia is healthy in any new relationship,” Bobby said.

  “I do love her, Bobby. Last week was great. I can’t remember ever being this happy. I miss. her now, and we’ve only been gone for a couple of hours.”

  “You got it bad.”

  “Whatever. All I know is I’m in a hurry to get back to her. So, I’d appreciate it if you drove faster. Maybe she is using me, but it feels good. And I hope she never stops.”

  “You mean she can just keep on using you until she uses you up.”

  “I said I was in love, not stupid.”


  Monday afternoon turned out to be a very nice fall day in New York. Mild enough for Mike to feel like letting the top down and driving the Corvette. So, he decided to ride out to the island to visit Jamaica. Shy wanted to go with him. After she got dressed Shy called Orlando and made arrangements to meet and transact their business later that evening.

  They arrived at the clinic after three. Jamaica was glad to see them since he wasn’t expecting anybody that day. Perry and his family had come out early Sunday morning. But after that, it was pretty depressing watching other people visiting with their families. Mike and Shy told him all about dinner with the Rays. Shy told Jamaica how nice Pam was to her and how she had to get Bobby up off her when he tried to question her. Jamaica told her that Bobby wasn’t the one, that she still had to watch Wanda.

  “You only slowed her down; she’ll be back at you again.”

  “Pam used to think Wanda was such a bitch,” Mike said.

  Shy started to say, That’s because she is, but she kept it to herself. “What’s her trip anyway?” she asked instead.

  “Wanda just needs a man, that’s all,” Mike replied.

  “Why do men think that’s the solution to all of a woman’s problems?” Shy asked. Mike and Jamaica looked at one another.

  “Because they do,” they both said.

  “Her problem is that she eats most men up. Most men just aren’t strong enough to handle her,” Mike said.

  “She still a control freak?” Jamaica asked.

  “It’s gotten worst. Don’t get me wrong, Wanda’s my girl. She’s made us a whole group of money. But she just has that way about her; she got to run things. But she gets it done. So, I ain’t saying nothing,” Mike said.

  “Well, if she comes after me again, she better be ready because I got something for her.”

  “Have you thought about what you want to do now?” Mike said to Jamaica.

  “I don’t know. I been thinking about it, but I really don’t know.”

  “You could come work for me,” Shy said jokingly.

  “No sunshine, I don’t think so. Your business is a little bit too hectic.”

  They remained until visiting hours were over. Jamaica said that there’s nothing to do on the weekends. So, Mike said that he would be there Friday at three to check him out for the weekend. When they were ready to leave Shy promised she would come back next time Mike came out. Mike said he would be back tomorrow, “but don’t hold me to it.”

  As they drove slowly back to the city, Shy commented, “This is so relaxing. This is just what I needed. Put all that drama aside, even if it’s just for a little while.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were tired of dealing with all this.”

  “I am.”

  “You mean you’re not having the time of your life.”

  Shy smiled. “I am, but that’s only because of you.”

  “They say relationships that begin under extreme circumstances never last.”

  “Maybe for other people, but not us.”

  “That’s what we talking about.”

  “This love thang we got going. Black, I feel so good when I’m with you. It’s like escapism.”

  “I know what you mean. But somebody told me last night that this ain’t fifth grade and these ain’t nursery rhymes.”

  “Who you telling. But that’s the problem with escapism. When you come off the high, reality is still there waiting to slap you in the face.”

  “Maybe we should see about making the fairy tale a reality.”

  “I know you got money, but I don’t think you can buy a new reality. This is real life, and that’s what we got to deal with,” Shy said sadly.

  “Oh, ye of little faith. I’m not talking about changing the world
; I just wanna change our reality. The rest of the world can come along.”

  “Black, can I ask you something?”

  “What’s that, Cassandra?”

  “I’m getting tired of calling you Black.”

  “Call me whatever you want.”

  “It’s like when your friends are talking about you, it’s like were talking about two different people. They’re talking about some nice guy named Mike. Maybe I’m just jealous, but I wanna call you Mike, too.”

  “You could call me mutha fucka if you wanted to, it would still sound good coming from you.”

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  “All true, Cassandra, all true.”

  “Mike. Now it feels funny saying it. Anyway, I have a small confession to make.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I didn’t just happen to come to Impressions that night.”

  A cold chill ran through Mike.

  “The first night I saw you, it hit me, too. You looked so good. I came there hoping I’d see you.”

  Mike didn’t say anything for a moment or two then he just looked at her. Had she said that last week or any time before yesterday, he would have been overjoyed. But not now. Now he felt like he had awakened to find his nightmare was real. Now Bobby’s words echoed in his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, sensing his mood had changed.


  “I know you, Mike Black. Tell me and I promise I’ll make it better.”

  Once again, Mike went silent. Should he confront her with what Bobby said about her?

  What would he say?

  ‘Yo, Shy, are you using me?’ and then be afraid to hear her answer.

  No point in asking. If it were true, she’d only deny it anyway. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Yes, it does. If something’s bothering you, I wanna know.”

  “Just be for real. I couldn’t stand it if all you turned out to be was a perpetrator.”

  “Perpetrator! Perpetrating what? Where did that come from? “

  “Like I said, it doesn’t matter, perpetrator or not.”

  “What did he say?” Shy asked.


  “Don’t play stupid. Bobby! What did he say to make you call me a perpetrator? Baby it don’t get no more real than this. Please, talk to me.” Shy smiled. “Doesn’t this feel like déjà vu? I mean isn’t this how we spent yesterday afternoon?”

  “Only difference is you had a gun in your hand.” They both laughed.

  “I told you, baby, the gun just happened to be in my hand.”

  “Say it again,” Mike said.

  “What? The gun just happened to be in my hand.”

  “No, call me baby again.”

  “Baby,” she said again, looking seductively into his eyes.

  “What could possibly be wrong?”

  “No, I am not letting you off the hook that easy. You’re going to tell me what Bobby said. Oh, and in case you didn’t know, I am in love with you. I’m a little dick whipped too, but we’ll pass that for now. Now you tell me, what did he say?”

  “That you may just be here to make your problems go away.”

  The smile on Shy’s face turned to anger and just as quickly the anger gave way to hurt.

  “Is that what you believe? Do you really think I would do you like that?”

  “No, I really don’t. I wasn’t even going to mention it.”

  “No, you were just gonna go around thinking I’m a perpetrator. I wouldn’t play with your feelings like that, much less mine. How could you believe that, Black?”

  “I don’t and even if you could, please don’t stop. It’s been great being with you. Now I can’t imagine living without you.”

  “I can’t either. I’ve never felt like this about anybody. That’s why I can’t understand how you could even think that,” Shy said.

  “Déjà vu.”

  “Okay, okay, hypothetically, let’s just say I was like that, and that I stepped to you just to get your help.”

  “And protection,” Mike added.

  “And protection, how’d I know you’d go for it?”

  Mike started laughing.

  “What?” Shy asked, wondering what could be so funny.

  “I asked Bobby that very same question.”

  “Well, that makes me feel a little better. At least you had some confidence in me. What did Bobby say to that?”

  “He asked me if I had looked at you lately.”

  Shy looked at herself, smiled, and started laughing too. “What’s that supposed to mean?” fishing for the compliment.

  “Cassandra, you are the most beautiful woman, the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. And I’ve met some fly ones. But they can’t compete with you. You’ve come to show that loving you is what’s been missing in my life,” Mike said, reaching for her hand.

  “Please believe me. Better yet, I’ll just have to prove it to you. Prove it to everybody. Baby, I’m for real.”

  “You don’t have anything to prove, at least not to me.”

  “I know I got nothing to prove, but you stick around. Because I’m here to stay.”

  “I got no problem with that.”

  When they got back to the city, it was almost ten; Mike drove straight to Impressions. He told Shy that he needed to catch Bobby before he went home; which was all right with her. She might have a thing or two to say to him. Shy asked what Bobby was doing there when the club is closed. He explained that every other Monday they have a staff meeting. Once they arrived at the club, Mike went to Bobby’s office. Shy used the phone at the front door to call E. She told him where she was and to pick her up there. After hanging up, she went to join Mike in the office.

  Mike wanted to talk to Bobby about Jamaica. He wanted to have some options to discuss with Jamaica when he went to see him the following day. It wasn’t easy, since they hadn’t seen Jamaica in nine years. They didn’t really know him or what he was interested in doing. They kicked around a few things, but they both agreed that it should be his choice.

  Shy entered the office.

  “Bobby,” she said calmly. “I have something to say to you.”

  “What’s that?” Bobby asked.

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Wrong about what?”

  “I said what I had to say; now I’m done with it.”

  “Done with what?” Bobby asked becoming a little agitated.

  “How’s Pam and the kids? Oh, Bobby your kids are so adorable. And your son, he’s quite the little man, isn’t he? And a gentleman. He opened the car door for me, tried to help me on with my coat. They are all so polite. You and Pam have done an excellent job with them. You must be very proud.”

  “Oh, all right, that’s cool. I see how it’s gonna be, and yes I am proud of them.”

  “Good, I’m glad you see how it’s gonna be. Oh yeah, one more thing I’d like to say too.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I didn’t thank you for having us to dinner last night.”

  “You’re welcome. Mike, what am I wrong about?” Bobby asked.


  “Yes, baby.”

  “Bobby’s talking to you.”

  “Hey, Bobby. Did you wanna ask me something?”

  “Nevermind. The two of you belong together. Neither one of you can answer a straight question.” Everybody laughed.

  “What time are you meeting Orlando and them?” Mike asked.

  “Midnight at a warehouse in the South Bronx.”

  “You be careful,” Bobby said. Shy looked surprised by his comment. “I want you to know that I don’t have anything against you. I like you. I’m just protecting our interest, that’s all.”

  “I like you too, Bobby. And I can understand that. But you are wrong about me. End of story. We don’t need to discuss this any further,” Shy said, extending her hand in friendship.

  Bobby shook her hand.

  “I hope we can get past
this,” Shy said as the phone rang, and Bobby answered it. He told Shy that E was downstairs waiting for her.

  “I guess I’ll see you later baby. Where are you going to be in a couple of hours?” Shy asked.

  “I don’t know. I have something I need to do,” Mike replied.

  “Here you go, Mike.” Bobby threw him a cell phone. “Join the new millennia,” he said, writing down the number and handing it to Shy.

  “I guess you can call me,” Mike said.

  “Don’t worry about it. We got a lot to do afterwards, so it will be late. Why don’t I just see you in the morning?” Shy said.

  “Call me anyway when you’re done. Doesn’t matter what time.”

  “Okay. Now you promise me that you’re not gonna send Jap or Freeze to follow me.”

  “I promise. I will not send Jap or Freeze to follow you,” Mike said raising his right hand. Shy kissed him good-bye and left to handle her business. As soon as the door closed Mike said, “Bobby, follow her.”

  “I knew you were gonna say that.” Bobby got up and armed himself. “Why can’t you follow her?”

  “I have someplace to go,” Mike replied.

  “Now you got me running behind her. Call Pam and let her know what I’m doing. She won’t go off on you. I’ll call you if I need you. Where you going?”



  There is a certain feeling that comes over you when you drive down the street that you grew up on, the familiarity of being home. Mike parked the Corvette in front of his mother’s house and went inside. Not very much had changed over the years. A few new knickknacks, a new picture of Malcolm X, but other than that, nothing had changed. He sat down on the couch.

  “Who’s that? Who’s in here?” Emily shouted from her bedroom.

  “It’s just me, Ma. Did I wake you up?”

  “Michael? What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I’m fine, Ma, how are you?” Mike asked.

  “I’m sorry, Michael. I’m fine, and no you didn’t wake me up. I was just reading.”

  “What ya reading?”

  “Just the paper. But you still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing here at this hour?” Emily asked.

  “I hadn’t seen you for a couple of weeks, so I came to see you.”


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