The Mike Black Saga Volume 1

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 1 Page 29

by Roy Glenn

  “What’s wrong, Michael?”

  “What makes you think something’s wrong?”

  “Well, it’s after eleven. Most people don’t just drop by at this hour just to say, hi, Mommy, how are you. Now what’s on your mind?”

  “I wanted to ask you a question,” Mike said, returning to the couch.

  “I’m all ears.”

  “If I were to leave New York, leave the country, would you come with me?”

  “Where are you talking about going?”

  “Back to the islands, the Bahamas, St. Vincent maybe,” Mike said.

  “St. Vincent? What brought this on? You’re not in trouble, are you?”

  “No, Ma, nothing like that. I’ve just been thinking about it a lot lately.”

  “St. Vincent, I haven’t been there in, my God thirty years.”

  “I never told you this, but I went there about twelve years ago.”

  “You went looking for your father.” Emily reached for his hand and squeezed it tight. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Didn’t want to upset you. Anytime I’d mention it, you’d get mad at me.”

  “Did you see him?”


  “How’d you find him?”

  “It’s amazing what you can do with money. I found someone who knew him, and I paid them to introduce me to him. Socially of course.”


  “I introduced myself as Mike Black. Told him that my mother was born there and that her name is Emily Black. He didn’t remember you.”

  “Michael, back then, I was a different person. I was eighteen and I was so fast.”

  “You? Fast? I have a hard time believing that,” Mike said.

  “It’s true. Having you changed my life.” Emily smiled. “I met him one night at a dance. I was so drunk. That’s why I stopped drinking. I never saw him again after that night, never even tried.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “Pride. You were too young when you used to ask. Besides, it wasn’t your business. When you got older, you stopped asking. I didn’t think it mattered to you anymore. I didn’t know that man. Only thing I do remember about him is that he was kind of arrogant.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that. But he’s a cop, so that figured,” Mike said.

  “You look a lot like him.”

  “I noticed that, too. It was funny, the way he kept looking at me, saying how familiar I looked to him. He showed me a picture of his wife and kids. I have two brothers and a sister.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him that he was your father?”

  “Because he’s not. I mean biologically he is, but Mr. Smith was more of a father to me than he was.”

  “I never knew you thought of old Smitty that way. I do remember how upset you were when he died. But you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “You haven’t answered mine.”

  “Of course, I’d go, Michael, but what would you do?”

  “Open a Reggae supper club on the beach.”

  “For years I prayed for this day. I never thought I’d hear you say that you wanted to quit being a criminal. You caused me so much grief and so much pain.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “And embarrassment. I couldn’t walk down the street or even go to church without somebody pointing a finger and whispering. It wasn’t easy being Vicious Black’s mother. I used to wonder where I had gone wrong with you. Then, you took the neighborhood to war,” Emily said, shaking her head in disgust. “Day after day, having to hear who and how many people my son killed today. I was ashamed of my own son.”

  “I did what I thought was best.”

  “But then things changed. No more drugs, no more drive bys. Building a community center for the kids. People needing help started asking me to talk to you. And you would always do what you could to help them. Even the finger pointers started speaking again, which I could have done without; I can’t stand them anyway. Too gossipy for my taste,” Emily said with a smile.

  “Who, Mrs. Hawkins and them?”

  “Yes, she was the main one always asking for favors. Could you ask Michael to do this and tell Michael to do that?”

  “She got on my nerves too,” Mike said.

  “I just thank God for answering my prayers. Now, you tell me what brought all this on?” Emily asked.

  “I met somebody,” he replied quickly, like a kid who couldn’t wait to tell a secret. Emily saw the excitement in his eyes. “Look at you. She must be somebody important.”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty important. Her name is Cassandra Sims,” he paused, “and I’m in love with her.”

  “In love with her!” Emily said, caught completely by surprise. “How does she feel about this move?”

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  “I feel honored that you would tell me first. Do you think she’ll be willing to go with you?”

  “I think so. But she has a lot going on right now.”

  “I knew that’s what it would take. Someone to come along and show you a better way. What does she do for a living?” Emily asked, totally unprepared for the answer. “I hope she’s a step up from those tramps and that shake dancer you run around with.”

  Mike dropped his head. “Actually, she distributes cocaine.”

  “You sure can pick them,” Emily said, shaking her head. “So, when do I get to meet her?”

  “Maybe I’ll bring her by tomorrow.”

  “Well, Michael, I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day. You’re in love and retiring, and I’m going to bed.”

  “I’m a little tired myself. Do you mind if I sleep in my old room?”

  “This is your home, Michael. You don’t have to ask me that. If you’re still here in the morning, we’ll have breakfast together.”

  “That would be nice. I can’t remember the last time you cooked for me. Thank you.”

  “Good night, Michael.” And with that, Emily went to bed.

  Mike went to his old room. He sat on the bed he hadn’t slept in since he was fifteen. Mike looked around the room; walls still covered with movie and basketball posters.

  He got up and opened the closet door and pulled out three suitcases that were hidden in a false compartment. Mike placed them on the bed and opened them up. Each case was filled with money. There was ten million dollars in those cases. Mike closed the cases and put them on the floor. He got undressed, turned off the light and went to sleep.


  Meanwhile, Shy arrived at the warehouse to transact her business with Orlando. Bobby was able to follow them there with no problem. He parked his car across the street so he could watch the warehouse, but not close enough to be seen. On the way there, Shy had to listen to E argue with Tony and tell her again how it was Black behind their problems. Her mind was focused on making this deal and getting back on track. They entered the warehouse led by Shy. Jack carried the money, while E and Tony brought up the rear. One of Orlando’s men met them at the door and escorted them to the warehouse floor.

  The warehouse was empty for the most part, except for two cars and a table in the middle of the warehouse floor. Shy looked around, checking for another exit. There was one marked exit next to the loading dock in the rear of the building. To the right of the dock there were steps leading upstairs.

  Orlando stood waiting, flanked on either side by five of his men. All were standing around a table with four metal briefcases on it. Orlando greeted them.

  “Shy, you are looking more beautiful than I remembered.”

  “Thank you, Orlando. How have you been?” Shy asked.

  “Very well, thank you. I am better tonight than I was last night, isn’t that right Carlos?” Orlando said looking around. “Oh yes, I forgot, he is no longer with us, in case somebody asks. Shall we get down to business?”

  “By all means,” Shy said.

  Tony stepped to the front with his testing kit. Orlando handed Tony a kilo from one of th
e four cases.

  “Not that one,” Shy said walking to the table. “May I?” she said, pointing to the metal cases.

  “By all means, Shy. Be my guest.”

  Orlando stepped back as Shy came around to the other side of the table. She opened another case and handed Tony another kilo.

  “This one.”

  Tony proceeded to work. All stood quietly waiting for the contents of the tester to change color. E stepped up, stuck his finger in, and tasted the product. He nodded at Shy in approval.

  “It’s got the color we want,” Tony said.


  Jack stepped up, placing the case on the table and opened it before Orlando.

  E leaned toward Shy. “I’ll get the car.”

  “Okay,” Shy said, and E walked off.

  “I’m sure there’s no need to count it.”

  “But I insist. Please, count it,” Shy said.

  “Shy, may I speak with you for a moment?” Orlando said, motioning for her to join him as he stepped away from the table. Shy walked toward him.

  “Black came to see me last night about a problem. Please tell him I have dealt with that problem and ask him to accept my apology.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell him, if I see him.” Shy shook Orlando’s hand. “Pleasure doing business with you.”

  “Let’s hope it will be a profitable relationship for both of us,” Orlando said.

  Bobby sat impatiently in his car checking his watch. Thinking that they should be out shortly. He thought he saw someone moving on the side of the building. Bobby turned back to the front door as E came out of the building. Bobby watched as E stopped on the steps and lit a cigarette. E started walking toward his car, as two men in police vests ran past him. Then E calmly got in the car and drove away. Two more cars arrived. Bobby thought it was strange that the cars were unmarked. Another six men in police vests got out of the cars and entered the building. The cars were then driven away from the building. Police cars arrived, no lights or no sirens, taking up positions outside the building.

  Back inside the warehouse, the police moved into position. “Police! Nobody move!”

  Orlando and Shy looked at each other, both thinking that the cops came for the other. Tony looked at Shy and took out his gun.

  “Tony, no!” Shy shouted.

  Tony opened fire on the police. They returned fire, hitting Tony with three shots in the chest. Shy pulled out one of her guns and began shooting as she ran to the table.


  She took cover under the table and reloaded. Jack took cover with Orlando’s men and was drawing fire from the police. Orlando grabbed the case with the money and ran to the steps.

  “This way, Shy!”

  Shy took a deep breath, stood up, and began shooting as she followed Orlando to the steps. Orlando ran up the steps to a window that led to a fire escape to the alley on the side of the building. He opened the window and was shot immediately.

  Shy hid behind a large box against the wall as a cop entered the building through the window. He aimed his weapon, looking left in her direction and then to the right. As he turned back, Shy came out of hiding and fired twice.

  The first shot grazed his temple; the second shot hit him in the chest. The cop fell to the ground and dropped his gun, but he was moving. Still alive. He was wearing a bulletproof vest. Shy was glad that she didn’t have to kill him.

  Quickly, she moved toward the window, kicking the cop’s gun out of his reach as she passed. She looked at Orlando. He was dead. Shy picked up the case with the money and placed it on the fire escape.

  “Freeze!” yelled a cop at the top of the steps. Shy turned and pointed her gun at the cop. He fired, hitting Shy in the upper right chest, in the shoulder area. She returned fire as she fell.

  She hit him with one shot in the head.

  Shy struggled to get to her feet. She checked her wound. It hurt like hell, and she was bleeding profusely. But she was all right.

  “Damn!” she said, looking at the cop slumped over the top of the steps.

  Shy decided not to take the time to ponder the ramifications of her killing a cop. She went out the window and looked around for more cops. Not seeing any, she picked up the case and proceeded down the fire escape. She lowered the ladder, dropping the case as she climbed down. The alley was a dead end. Shy had only one choice. She picked up the case and started running toward the street. She hit the corner and ran to the right. Two cops fell in behind her and opened fire.

  When Bobby saw Shy come running out of the alley, he started the car and went after her. “I’m impressed.”

  Her arm felt more like she was carrying rocks than money, but she kept running. Bobby pulled up along-side them, got out quickly, and began running after them. Shy stopped, turned around quick, and shot one of the cops in the leg. Bobby shot him again as he ran past and then shot the other cop in the back of the head.

  Shy didn’t see Bobby, so she kept running.

  “Where is she going?” Bobby ran back to his car and caught up with her at the next corner. He turned in front of her. “Hello Shy, need a ride?” He got out of the car and helped Shy into the back seat. Bobby got back in the car and drove away. “Are you all right?”

  “No! I’m shot!” Shy screamed in pain. Bobby looked back at Shy, seeing that she was bleeding. “How bad are you hit?”

  “It’s bad, Bobby,” Shy replied.

  “Hang on, Shy. I’ll get you to a doctor.” Bobby picked up his cell phone and called Mike.


  “Mike, its Bobby.”

  “What’s up, Bobby? How’d it go?”

  “Not good. Cops raided the place.”

  “Where’s Shy?” Mike asked as he got out of bed and began to get dressed.

  “She’s with me, but she’s been shot. I’m on my way to Perry now. Call him and tell him to be ready,” Bobby said.

  “Where’s she hit?” Mike asked.

  “In the chest, by her right shoulder. She’s bleeding pretty bad.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you there.” Mike headed out the door. “Bobby … thanks.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll send you the bill for cleaning my back seat.”

  Mike got in the car, dialing Perry’s number as he drove. “Hello.”

  “Glenda, its Mike. Let me speak to Perry.”

  Glenda handed the phone to her husband and Perry asked; “Who is it?”

  “It’s Mike,” she said.

  “What’s wrong, Mike?” Perry asked.

  “Sorry to bother you man, but I need you and Glenda to meet me at your office as soon as you can. Bobby’s on his way there now. He’s bringing you a patient, gunshot wound in the chest by her shoulder.”

  “Her? Her who?” Perry asked.

  “Never mind that now. I’ll explain when I get there.” Mike hung up the phone and called Freeze.

  Being entertained by Pauleen, he answered the phone with fury. “This better be important.”

  “Where are you?” Mike asked.

  “I was about to get fucked. What’s up?”

  “Meet me at Perry’s office now,” Mike said.

  “On my way,” Freeze answered.

  When Mike arrived at the office, Perry and Glenda were inside waiting for him, prepping for surgery. Mike stood outside looking for Bobby’s car. “Where is he?” He called Bobby.

  “Yeah,” Bobby answered.

  “Where are you?” Mike asked.

  “I’m a couple of blocks down the street.”

  “How’s Shy?”

  “Looks like she passed out, but I think she still hanging on.”

  “I’ll get a stretcher and meet you outside.” Mike ran inside and returned with the stretcher as Bobby arrived. Mike opened the car door and checked for a pulse. Shy was still alive. “Cassandra,” Mike said as he and Bobby took her out of the car and put her on the stretcher. Shy opened her eyes.


  “You’re gonna be all righ
t, baby, just hold on,” he said, wheeling her into the operating room.

  After taking Shy into the operating room, Mike and Bobby went outside to wait. “What happened, Bobby?” Mike asked.

  “They had been in there about fifteen minutes when cops started showing up outta thin air.”

  “How’d she get away?”

  “I don’t know. A while after the cops went in; I see her come running out of the alley carrying … I almost forgot. She came out with a briefcase.” Bobby walked back to the car and opened the back door and removed the briefcase.

  “Mike, come here man.” Mike went to the car. “Look at this man.” Mike looked inside the car and was horrified at how much blood Shy had lost. He looked at Bobby, picked up the briefcase, and walked away.

  “Send me the bill.” Mike put the case in the Corvette and slammed the car door.

  “Hey, Mike, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone there,” Bobby said.

  “It’s cool.” Mike sat down on the curb. “Anybody else get out?”

  “E got out before Shy. After she came out, I went after her.”

  “E? How did he get out?”

  “He came out before the cops went in,” Bobby said as Freeze pulled up.

  “What’s up?”

  “Cops raided Shy’s buy,” Bobby said.

  “Is she all right?” Freeze asked.

  “She took one in the chest,” Bobby replied.

  “What the fuck do you mean he came out before the cops went in?”

  “I didn’t stutter. He came out, lit up a cigarette, and walked. What was funny about that was the cops ran right past him.” Freeze and Mike both looked at Bobby.

  “You’re telling me that the cops were about to raid the building, but E walks out and the cops don’t bother with him?” Freeze questioned.

  “What does that tell us boys and girls?”

  “He set her up,” Freeze said.

  “Freeze, I want you to make inquiries, find out what happened. I wanna know who the cops were after, Shy or Orlando. Find out who’s dead, who’s in jail, everything. But stay away from Orlando’s people. They’re probably pissed at us anyway. And Freeze, you find him.” Mike ordered.

  “What do you want me to do when I find him?” Freeze asked.


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