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Tag Forever Mine

Page 3

by Catherine Charles

  “It was the only thing the grocery store had,” she says bashfully, and I’m relieved she’s embracing this. “The check-out girl gave me a funny look. I told her they were for a little boy I was babysitting. I said he was in a cops and robbers’ phase.”

  Her knees hit the back of the bed. “Turn around Presley.” She does as she’s told, such a good girl and eager to please. As a reward, I brush a soft and loving kiss upon her lips.

  My fingers grip the hem of her dress, knuckles brushing against her thighs, over her hips, along the side of her ribs, until the dress slides over her head leaving her in nothing more than a navy cotton thong, perfect cheeks waiting to be grabbed. My fingertips float down her spine causing her to shiver, goosebumps radiating from where I touch her. Her reaction to me is powerful. “Are you ready?” I whisper beneath her ear.

  She swallows and nods her head.

  “Use your words, Presley. You won't get anything if I can't hear you.”

  She nods again and lets out an airy, “Yes.”

  “We’ll go slow.”

  Wrapping my arm around her, my hand spread wide across her taut stomach. Slowly it drifts down, her abdomen quivering as my fingertips glide below her waist band. Her breath short and labored while my fingers explore between her already wet folds, she’s already primed for me as a set of fingers dip into her. Her head falls back against my shoulder, eyes rolled close as I work her. “I want you to come for me, Presley.” I say in hushed tones while my other hand firmly holds her exposed neck.

  She whimpers and nods against me.

  “Come for me baby girl, and then we’ll play.”

  Picking up the pace, she grinds against my hand while my palm brushes her clit. No sooner do my fingers curl upward, hitting her G-spot, do her knees give out and she folds over onto the bed, her arms outstretched as she tries to support herself against the mattress until she’s fucking my fingers, my name broken between pants as I attempt to support her. Orgasm number one rocks through her core as her release explodes through her body, pulsing around my fingers, nerve endings sensitive to the slightest touch. Breathless, she rests on the mattress as I move to get her ready for me.

  “You’ll always come before we play, Presley. This isn’t just about what I want. This is for both of us. If you want me to stop, don’t be afraid to tell me to stop. Do you understand me?”


  “Good girl.”

  “Robert, do we need a safe word?”

  I can tell she’s slightly hesitant. I don’t ever intend for things to get out of hand, but if she’s willing to experience being a submissive for me then I’ll do whatever she needs to feel safe.

  “Would it make you feel better if we did?”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “Then we’ll use one. Whatever you want it to be.”

  She pauses for a moment. “Goldfish.” She looks back at me with expectant eyes and I laugh a little at her.

  “You’re so fucking cute Presley.”

  She bats her eyes; a proud smile exudes from her.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Tell me what to do, Mr. West.”

  My cock springs to life at her little tease and I kneel her in the center of the bed, pillows under her chest with her hands locked behind her back. She is still wet from before, I quickly slide on a condom, tonguing her slit, three full licks and a hard suck on her clit before I thrust into her.

  “Oh fuck me!” she screams out resulting in a quick slap to her ass. A red tint immediately shows on her.

  “Did you like that, princess?”

  “God yes.”

  I smile. My hand wraps around her front to stimulate her opening while I push deeper inside of her. She doesn’t struggle to take me as I drag her hips to meet me. Slow and fast, I alternate my strokes, bringing her to toe the edge of heaven, before denying her the pleasure. Soon it becomes too much for me, four vigorous pumps and my body spasms as warm jets spew from me. Her climax spurred on by mine, intense pulsing shockwaves hold me firmly in place as I collapse against her back, kissing her shoulders until I can release her wrist from the makeshift toy cuffs.

  I massage her shoulders and neck, helping to ease any tension she may have while checking on her. “Are you okay?” I ask while withdrawing from her.

  Shuffling the pillows around her, she rests her head, staring at me, a devoted grin, and confident expression. “I’m perfect. Now you, mister, need to get ready for work.” She crawls off the bed, slides her dress back on and heads towards the kitchen.

  “Presley?” I say, halting her steps.


  “Please put some underwear on. The car will be here in thirty minutes, and well, honestly, I don’t know how much strength I’ll have if I know you have nothing on under your dress.”

  She blushes and looks around the room, her eyes finally land on her thong. “I don’t remember you even taking these off.” She winks at me and exits the room, her hips dramatically swaying back and forth.

  There is no question anymore. Presley Donovan will be the end of me, but what an amazing way to go.

  * * *

  After last night and this morning, I felt confident in my decision to go down this road with Robert; but I do wish I had a friend or two out here with me; it could at least make lonely days at home a little more enjoyable.

  I’m taking this summer off to focus my energy on getting Robert set up with the AZL Rangers. I already have a full semester’s worth of college credits thanks to all the AP classes I took throughout high school. I’ve mapped all the classes out which are required for my major, and if I’m focused enough, I should be able to graduate in three years as opposed to the traditional four so we can truly start our life together. Besides, if Robert does get traded or offered a major league position, then we won't have to worry about school for too long. He’s been guaranteed a year minimum here in Surprise, but I need to be ready for anything.

  Robert comes out of the bedroom, hair perfectly styled to not look styled. Grey slacks with a navy-blue collar shirt, sleeves rolled to mid forearm and looking like sex on a stick. I can't pull my eyes away from him. I’m held captive in a trance like stare, his hands on my waist and a kiss on my lips pull me back to reality.

  “Where’d you go?”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” I bat my eyes, give him a mischievous grin and hand him a plate of breakfast.

  “What’s this for?”

  “I wanted to do something nice for your first day of work. Work. That still sounds so weird to me. You’re practically living every little boy’s dream. You play baseball for a career, Robert.”

  “Now let’s just hope one day I’ll actually get to make some money while doing it.” He releases an exasperated sigh as he leans against the counter and begins on his breakfast.

  “You will. I believe in you.”

  He pulls me over to the couch and settles me in his lap, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Coach Martinez invited us over to his place tonight for dinner. Just something low key. He said you might enjoy meeting his wife and he wanted to go over how this first year is gonna work. I should be home by five at the latest and then we’ll leave a little after. He said dinner’s at six.”

  “Okay. I’ll be looking forward to it.” I glance out the window and notice an executive style black SUV out front. “It looks like your car is here.” He kisses my nose and pats the side of my butt, signaling me to get up.

  “I really don’t know what I would do without you, Pres.”

  “Hopefully, you’ll never have to find out. Now git and have a wonderful day at work. Show them who you are. That you deserve to be on this team.” He kisses me one final time and heads out the door, confidently strutting towards the team’s car, head held high, long powerful strides, and a perfectly chiseled ass, the man practically oozes sex appeal and he’s all mine.

  * * *

  While cleaning up the kitchen from br
eakfast my phone rings. Liv’s face flashes on the screen and I’m ecstatic to talk to her.

  “What the hell missy! You just up and left without saying goodbye?”

  “I’m sorry Liv. I wasn’t exactly planning on leaving, but when Robert came to say goodbye I just couldn’t let him leave. It was completely last minute.” The line’s silent, I can feel her pouting on the other side. I pull my phone away to make sure she hasn’t hung up on me, “Liv?”

  “I’m still here. It’s just weird.”

  “Trust me I know all about weird.” I say while falling down onto the couch.

  “So how are things between you and Robert? Have y’all had sex yet?”

  She laughs and I feel myself turning beet red with mortification.

  “Olivia!” I squeal, “I’m not talking to you about that.”

  “Oh come on! You’ve been in Arizona for what, eighteen hours or so, how many times have you done it?”

  “I’m not having this conversation with you.”

  “Oh come on. It’s what best friends do. Was he good? Oh, who the hell am I kidding, I’ve watched you two together, I bet it was fucking hot. I can see Robert being a giver.”

  “Liv, I’m serious. I’m not discussing my sex life with you right now. Later, maybe, but not now.”

  “Ahh, so you do have a sex life?” she laughs on the other end and I just roll my eyes at her.

  “Fine. Yes I have a sex life, and I’m incredibly satisfied.” I can't hold back the smile on my face. I know she can hear it in my voice when she lets out an ear-piercing yell, one that very well could have come from a banshee.

  “Jesus tits woman! I’m right next to you! Fuck.”



  “Are you seriously having this conversation in front of Trey?”

  “Well duh! We’re in the car together. I got tired of playing music trivia with him so I figured I would call you instead.”

  “Liv! Trey and Robert are best friends! I don’t want Trey knowing this stuff, and I sure as hell don’t want Robert knowing I told you about it.”

  “Oh please. One, you didn’t tell me much, and two, guys talk. Girls talk. Get used to it sweetheart.”

  I rest my head on the back of the couch, massaging my temple as I strain to envision a conversation between Robert and Trey. Surly he would be discreet about everything.

  “Fine. I won't ask you anything sex related in front of Trey.”

  I sigh, “Thank you Liv.”

  “We can talk in a few weeks when Trey and I come to visit.”

  I laugh and then I register what she’s said. “Wait, what? Y’all are going to be here? Why? I thought all the schools were along the East Coast.”

  “They were, but then you started talking about going to Arizona, and Trey was only accepted out there, and well—I don’t know, something about going to school with him and my bestie just seemed like a good idea.”

  “Aww, Liv, that may honestly be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard you say.” I laugh. Liv is a more straightforward, my way or the highway, take no prisoners, go to battle first and ask questions later, type of person.

  “I know right. I never would have guessed I would follow a guy anywhere, but I don’t know, seeing you two, well, I kinda, maybe, sorta, want what you have.” Her voice has softened, and I can envision Trey looking at her with his lovey dovey, puppy dog eyes. I hear a smacking sound and a faint I love you. I’m glad they finally figured things out.

  “Well, I would love it if you guys wanted to stay here with us. It’s not much, but I’m sure Robert won't mind. The couch does pull out to a bed.”

  “Great! Make sure Robert knows he’s sleeping with Trey,” she laughs. “That man of yours is just gonna have to go without for a day or two. I need my girl time.”

  I laugh and Trey says something in the background.

  “I’ll talk to Robert, but I have a pretty good feeling you’ll be sleeping on the couch with Trey.” I’m sure Robert wouldn’t mind giving Liv and me a night together, but the reality is I don’t want to share him.

  “Alright, well got to go, but we’ll see you soon.”

  “Great. I can't wait. See you then.”

  I hang up the phone and look around the empty apartment. It’s a blank canvas and I have an overwhelming desire to create. I grab the truck keys and find the closest discount home décor store in the GPS. I have a few hours until Robert’s home and this beats just sitting at home waiting for him to finish up at the clubhouse.

  Chapter Five

  The clubhouse is moderately sized. A wall of glass windows overlooks right field. The Rangers’ logo mosaicked into the tile just inside the front doors, offices to the left, and what looks to be the players’ wing to the right; a cafeteria with a hand full of food options, a juice bar, a masseuse and the weight room. I stand in the foyer taking everything in before heading over to the reception desk and giving my name to the woman behind the desk; Susan, her name tag reads. She’s older and offers a welcoming smile before paging someone and motioning for me to take a seat; she reminds me of Gram.

  My leg bounces in anticipation as I look around.

  “They’re ready for you in the conference room.”

  I nod and stand up, following her halfway down the hall and into a long conference room. A tall Hispanic man stands up, wearing jeans and a button-down black shirt. Dark brown, mop style curly hair tucked behind his ears, his skin shows the wear of years out in the sun and elements; he moves from the table and claps me on the back, I can only guess this is my new coach.

  “Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to our new pitcher, Robert West.” He grips the top of my shoulder and pushes me further into the room.

  “It’s nice to meet all of you,” I say with a small wave. “And I’m honored to be a part of the league.” I shake hands with just about everyone there as I struggle to remember the names and titles associated with each individual.

  Talking low, Martinez faces me and whispers close to my ear, “Don’t worry about remembering names and faces. You’ll probably never seen any of these men again.” He turns around and addresses the room once again. “Robert has an 80% strikeout average and a 102 miles per hour fast ball. He’s our new secret weapon. It’s a shame he won't be here long, but at least he’ll be in the franchise.”

  A couple of chuckles go around the room and then a younger guy slowly makes his way over to me. Clean cut and freshly shaven, something about him alerts my senses. Maybe it’s the psychopathic grin or the way it looks like his momma dressed him this morning, but I want nothing to do with him.

  “Impressive stats man. Welcome to the league.”

  I nod my appreciation.

  “Robert, this is Carter Hail. He’s one of the Rangers’ scouts and the one person that would enjoy watching you fail.”

  “Come on Martinez. Why would you introduce me that way?” He chuckles and playfully slaps at Martinez’s chest.

  “Robert, you took Carter’s recruit’s place.”

  And just like that, the giant target Martinez had mentioned to me on the phone, was now perfectly clear, neon lights encircled it with large flashing arrows pointed to my back.

  “How old are you?” Carter asks.

  I look over at Martinez who gives me a nod. “Just turned nineteen.”

  Carter makes a clicking sound behind his teeth as he looks me up and down, opening his mouth to say something but then quickly closes it.

  “Leave him alone, Hail. The decision’s been made.”

  “What Martinez? I’m just curious why my recruit was passed up and this seemingly nobody went through.”

  “Because this one was better than yours.”

  Carter turns to leave but stops short of the door. “I’ll be watching you, West, waiting on you to fail. I know it’s only a matter of time before you slip up.”

  “Don’t hold your breath.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Tell Presley I say hello. She
’s a cute little thing. Extremely talkative.”

  A demonstrative smile curls his lips while rage fuels through my veins; how the hell does he know Presley, and why didn’t she mention him this morning? “You stay the fuck away from her,” I grit out between my teeth.

  “I bet she’s something else in the—”

  I lunge for Carter, ready to beat him to a liquid pulp but Martinez steps in my way, pressing firmly against my chest. “Enough! Both of you. Hail, get the hell out of here.” Carter saunters away seemingly pleased with himself, whistling on his way out of the conference room.

  Martinez looks at me, hands hooked on his hips seemingly perplexed. “Mind telling me what the hell just happened?”

  “You heard him! Heard what he said about Presley! What the hell was I supposed to do? Just let him say whatever the hell he wants about her?”

  “No. You let me deal with Hail. He’s a fuckin’ prick, but those executives you just met, worship the ground he stands on. He’s been with the franchise for ten years and has never brought them a disappointment. I fought hard to have you here because you were better than his recruit both on and off paper. Decent grades throughout school, no one really could speak poorly of you, you had a good head on your shoulders. Hail’s option had just gotten a seventeen-year old pregnant and the parents of the girl were considering pressing charges.

  “Hail will be your biggest enemy if you let him. He has a reason to want you gone. If you’re gonna make it here you need to keep a level head. Blowing up will only get you benched and laying a hand on anyone will get you dismissed immediately.”

  I nod my understanding, pissed I let some piece of shit jeopardize my career before it even had a chance to get started, that would have been a fantastic conversation to have with my mom and Presley. A failure right out of the gate.

  Following Martinez through a maze of hallways, I’m shown the weight room and locker room before ending my tour in his office, where I’m given my number, parking permit, and access code to the stadium; thankfully I’ll have twenty-four-seven access, a blessing once Presley’s in school. I’m fitted for my uniform and given my schedule for the next month. I attempt to focus on everything he’s gone over with me, but my mind is half a mile away in apartment C17.


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