Book Read Free

Tag Forever Mine

Page 6

by Catherine Charles

  “I’m right here beautiful. What happened?”

  “I just keep thinking about what would have happened had Trey not shown up when he did. He touched me Robert. He played with my hair and I froze. I couldn’t move. He said he could ruin you and I froze. I’m so sorry.”

  I pull out of her and quickly pull her back onto my lap, my arms encasing her in a cocoon of safety as I rock her back and forth. He’s a fucking dead man. No questions asked. I’ll fucking kill him.

  “Shhh. You’re safe Presley. It’s over. He’s gone.” I repeat the words for what seems like hours, partially for her comfort, but then selfishly to keep myself from storming out of here, catching a flight to Ontario and finishing the bastard tonight.

  Eventually her tears subside, and her voice is once again strong. “Robert?”


  “Thank you.”

  “For what, princess?”

  “That was really good.” She giggles and buries her head into my neck. I laugh at how seemingly easy she can move forward.

  “I’m almost positive our guests heard you, you vocal little thing.”

  “I know. I tried to be quiet.”

  “Presley, I love how you don’t hold back. You are a goddess and I wouldn’t want you any other way.”

  She nestles against me and I ease us down and under the covers. “We don’t have to go back out there, do we?”

  “I think they’ll understand if we stay in tonight.” I kiss her hairline and make my way into the bathroom. By the time I’ve come back with a warm wash rag for her she is already asleep. Crawling into bed behind her, I wrap my spent body around hers, I vowing to always protect her. Never again will she feel as if my life were more important than hers.

  Chapter Seven

  I wake to the sun shining on my face as its rays stream in through the windows. Last night I realized just how serious Robert was about me. Willing to throw his career and his future away for me in a matter of seconds. He’s hotheaded for sure, but also incredibly protective.

  I hear muffled voices coming from the other room; Liv and Trey must be up. I look over at the antique desk clock Gram gave me before I left, ten thirty. I hear a groan beside me, Robert’s still deep asleep; it’s easy to see how these last few weeks have affected him physically. He’s gained several pounds of muscle and is usually in bed by ten o’clock, dead to the world and all its inhabitants.

  “Robert. Baby! Wake up. You’re late for practice.” I shake him hard in an attempt to wake the sleeping giant.

  He grunts and rolls over, pulling the covers off of me in an attempt to wrap himself in a cocoon of down feathers.

  I grunt and pull the comforter away from him, leaving him naked and exposed to the chilly air-conditioned air. I slap his muscular ass; his eyes fly open and a deep growl sends me a warning. “You’re gonna be late Robert, and we can't afford the fine.”

  His eyes squint into almond shapes as he focuses intently on me. “Martinez gave me the day off, woman. Come back to bed and let me do dirty things to you. I giggle as his hand slowly makes its way up my thigh before he pushes me back down and throws the blanket over our heads, settling in between my thighs, teasing my slit with his head.

  “Robert!” I whisper scream in a fit of laughter, squirming under his deliberate touch, “will you stop; I’m sure Liv and Trey don’t want to hear a repeat of last night.”

  He halts his advances and throws the cover off of our heads. “You’re torturing me P. You know that, right?”

  I feel myself start to blush, “I know and I’m sorry.”

  “How long are they here for?”

  “Just till tomorrow, then they head to Colorado, I think.”

  He shifts his body off of mine; I guess nothing kills the mood like talking about friends and where they plan on going to school.

  “Has Liv decided where she’s going yet?”

  “Actually I think she’s coming to U of A with me and Trey.”

  He nods his head. “Next time they come up here, they’re getting a hotel room.” He gives me a pouty face and rolls over, his back to me.

  “Oh stop. It’s not that bad. Now come on and get up. You’re off today, our friends are here, let’s go have some fun. I think we all deserve it.”

  “You know we could have fun in bed all day.” He turns to face me, eyebrows waggling, as his hand once again finds its way in between my legs.

  “Up. Now.” He sighs and rolls his eyes in defeat. “I overheard a family the other day talking about the Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium, it’s not too far from here; we should go.”

  “Whatever you want babe.”

  I lean into him to give him a thank you kiss when there’s a knock on the door.

  “I hear voices in there.”

  Robert arches his brow and whispers, “I can't deal with her this early in the morning.”

  Playfully I push against his chest. “Stop it,” I scold.

  “Cover up, I’m coming in. I’ve got to pee.”

  Robert rolls his eyes and pulls the covers over his head. “Come in Liv.”

  “Oh thank God. I was worried you were going to sleep all day!” She rushes into the bathroom, and quickly closes the door behind her. “Next apartment make sure you can get to the bathroom without having to go through the bedroom please.”

  “Next time y’all are getting a hotel.”

  I look at Robert and mouth the words, “Be. Nice.”

  “What?” I love the stupid boyish grin currently plastered on his face.

  Moments later Liv comes out and sits down on the foot of the bed, Robert looks stunned.

  “Umm. Hello.”

  “Good morning to you to, Robert. Or I guess after last night I should say a very good morning to both of you.” The woman has no couth.

  Immediately I turn beet red, the temperature in the room no doubtedly raised a million degrees as I look at Liv. “Really?” I screech.

  “What? We’re all adults here. But word of advice Pres, if you can't learn to keep quiet, do us all a favor and use the shower when you have company over.”

  Robert is beside himself with laughter as I glare at him. “You said you liked hearing me. Am I really that bad?”

  He pulls me close to his side, wrapping me in his arms and kissing the crown of my head. “You’re perfect Pres. Please don’t change anything about you.”

  I stick my tongue out at Liv and she looks at us with lovey puppy dog eyes, “Aww, I love mommy and daddy.” She smiles, her eyes darting back and forth between Robert and me. “Now what are we doing today?”

  “I was just telling Robert about the wildlife park not too far from here. We can do that during the day and then go out to dinner tonight.

  “Sounds like fun. Trey and I can be ready in thirty minutes.”

  “Great. We’ll take the truck.”

  * * *

  Today has actually been a great day. Presley and I were able to step away from the stress of the field and everything that’s been going on the last few weeks. I hadn’t been to a zoo since before mom and I ran away. I remember there being a field trip in the fifth grade I desperately wanted to go on. We had just moved, and mom couldn’t take time off to act as a chaperon. Instead, I spent the entire day in the library working on a paper about African animals and their ranking on the food chain. But today, spending the afternoon with our friends definitely ranked in the top ten best days of my life.

  I had no idea the amount of pressure I would put on myself, making sure Presley was safe and happy, trying to stand on my own in the league, establishing myself so it wouldn’t matter what guys like Carter Hail said, or how hard they pushed against me, I didn’t want to feel expendable.

  Liv and Presley fed the giraffes and Trey and I were called up during a penguin presentation no thanks to Liv. As we make our way through the zoo, I notice Presley isn’t with us anymore and I panic. Behind me, about hundred feet away, I see her stopped, arms wrapped around her center staring off into one of the
exhibits. I call out to Trey and motion back to Presley, “We’ll catch up with you in a little bit.” Trey nods and I make my way back to her.

  “Hey, you scared me. I thought something happened to you.”

  She stares off into the cheetah exhibit, not saying anything but looking worlds away.

  “Do you ever think they know they are destined for great things? Do you think they can feel the power they possess?” She sounds utterly defeated. “Like there’s this undeniable urge, something inside of them telling them to run and hunt. To be the natural born predators they are.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Robert, I don’t know if I can give up my dreams just to watch you pursue yours.”

  “Where’s this coming from P? I would never ask you to do that. If anything I should be thanking you for being so flexible. You were willing to come to Ole Miss and then without hesitation you put in your acceptance to The University of Arizona.”

  “It’s just, Laura mentioned how most baseball wives, well, their focus moves from career to their players and kids. How the team, in a sense becomes more important than them, and I can't stop thinking about that.”

  “I mean, yea, that’s true, and when and if we ever get there then we’ll discuss it together. Just know I will never expect you to put your life on hold for me.”

  “The other women will judge me. Hell they’re already judging me.”

  “Well fuck them P. You have supported me a hundred and fifty percent and I want to be able to do the same for you. This isn’t one person’s dream or the other. It’s our lives, our dreams, and if you want to become some high-power executive then I’ll support that too, especially if it means getting to see you in sexy executive outfits.”

  She gives me a side-eyed glance before swatting at my chest with the back of her hand. I chuckle as she tries to act offended. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her crown while she rests against my chest.

  “You promise?”

  “Always Pres. This isn’t just about me, and I want you to quit thinking it is. This is about us. Don’t ever think you need to do something just because of the affect it will have on me. Your happiness matters more than mine.”

  She squeezes me tighter and lifts her chin to me as I gently peck at her lips until she let out a tiny satisfied whimper.

  “Come on. Let’s go find the other two and go home.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Her hand in mine and her head rests against my shoulder, we make our way to the exit.

  “If you’re up for it, I could honestly just enjoy going to the stadium and watching a game tonight, stadium food and everything.”

  “Really?” Her voice seems to perk up.

  “Yeah. I know you're there a lot already, so we don’t have to go if you don’t want too.”

  She giggles, “Actually I was going to suggest that, but I didn’t know if you would want to go on your day off. I mean I’ve never been to a baseball game with my boyfriend before.”

  I pick her up and swing her around in a fit of laughter, people look strangely at us, but I could care less. “God you’re perfect, you know that?”

  A radiant smile spreads across her face, “I’ve been told a few times.”

  The rest of the night is laid back. I give Trey and Liv a tour of the stadium and then we find our seats, watching the Kansas City minors team; the two teams share a stadium so there is a baseball game playing almost every night.

  The next morning we say our goodbyes and it’s just Presley and me once again. “I hate to leave you, but I’ve got a game tonight and volunteer hours to get in this afternoon. See you at the field?” I say in between pecking kisses.

  “Actually, would you mind if I sat this one out? I’m just exhausted.” She closes her eyes and rests her forehead on my chest as I stroke her hair.

  “Babe, you don’t need to ask me. Stay home and rest. If you want to watch the game, it’s on Channel 3.”

  “Thank you. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  * * *

  I don’t know what it is, but ever since we had dinner with coach and the whole ordeal with Carter, I have felt emotionally and mentally drained. I try to put on a happy face in front of Robert, but even smiling is becoming exhausting.

  What if I can’t be who he needs me to be? What if there’s another guy like Carter that pushes Robert’s buttons in just the right way and the league lets him go? What if he resents me for going to school and not being here for him?

  I sit down on the couch and pick up my phone, calling the one person I’ve always turned to. “Momma.”

  “There’s my baby girl. How are things? Your daddy and I were just getting things together to bring down to you. We can't wait to see you.”

  I start to cry, and mom's voice immediately turns worried, “Oh honey, what’s wrong?”

  “Momma, I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Did you two have a fight?”

  “No,” I say through a sniffle and fill her in on everything that has happened since leaving home.

  “Now you listen to me. Robert doesn’t need a mother; he already has one of those. His happiness is not dependent on you. You are his partner, his helper, his friend; and that is where your role stops. He is a grown man, and I can guarantee if he knew the kind of pressure you were putting on yourself he would tell you to stop it.”

  “I just feel like I’m letting him down by leaving.”

  “You’re not dear. Have you talked to him about how you’re feeling?


  “We’ll be there in a few days. You need to talk to him, and no more what-ifs. That my dear is a dangerous game to play. You are a strong and confident young woman, and this is all just a part of growing up, granted most kids your age are worried about how they’ll decorate their dorm room and if they’ll like their roommates. You and Robert just got thrown into adulthood a little sooner, but it doesn’t mean you’re not prepared for it any less.”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, allowing her words to settle within me, “Thank you, Momma.”

  “Now, is your apartment all decorated or did you leave part of it for me to help you with?”

  I look around the still barren stark white walls of the living, dinning, and kitchen, nothing more than what the league originally put in for us. “There’s still plenty to do Momma.”

  “Good. Don’t worry, we’ll get it all done when we come to town.”

  “I love you, Momma. Tell Daddy I can't wait to see him.”

  “Will do. I love you too. See you in a couple of days.”

  I hang up the phone and clean up from the past weekend. By the time I sit down again to watch the game I’m only able to catch the last couple of innings. Robert’s pitching and the score is fifteen to fourteen, one more out and that’s game. He throws the ball and it’s a perfect strike, but what makes me even happier than the strike is seeing his signal to me.

  Chapter Eight

  By the time Robert gets home I’m curled in bed reading Pride and Prejudice, one of my favorite romance books. “There’s my sexy pitcher.”

  His lips curl up slightly, “Did you watch the game?”

  I nod and he takes a seat on the end of the bed, his back towards me, “The end of it. I called Mom today. They were getting stuff ready to bring down here. She said they’re looking forward to seeing us.”

  “So when do you leave?” There is a deep sadness in his tone.

  I hadn’t considered what it would mean when our parents came to visit. The plan was always for them to come down to help with the apartment and then help me move into my dorm, getting me settled before classes start, but hearing Robert say those words just made it feel real. For the last two months we were in our own little bubble and soon that bubble would break.

  My voice turns somber to match his own, “I guess just a few days later.”

  He hangs his head, his fingers gripping tightly to the back of his neck.
“I don’t want you to go, Presley.” My eyes instantly burn and a tightening lump in my throat threatens to cut off oxygen. “I know it’s selfish of me, but I need you.”

  I crawl over to him and wrap my arms around his body, laying my head against the hard plains of his back, a traitorous tear slowly rolling down my cheek. I know my mom said I needed to talk to him about how I was feeling, but right now I just doesn’t seem like the right time.

  “The team’s gonna be on the road for the next three weeks. I didn’t think I would go since I’m pitcher number eight, but Martinez bumped me up to fifth today.”

  “Babe!” I say excitedly. “That’s great news” And then his words sink in, “But wait, you said you didn’t think you would go.”

  “I leave tomorrow.” His words cut like a knife and I begin to feel like the selfish one. I know this is his career, this is what he’s been preparing for, but now that it’s here, I don’t want him to leave.

  “But that’s so soon.”

  “That’s the way it works, Presley.”

  “So I won't see you before I leave?”

  He turns and looks entirely defeated. “I wanted to take you down to school, Pres. I wanted to help you get moved in. I’d even looked at bus schedules so we could drive your car down together, and I’d just bus back here, but—I’m so sorry Presley.”

  Tears threaten to spill from both our eyes. My heart shattering at the idea of taking this next step without him by my side. I didn’t want to have this conversation tonight, but it looks like we have no other choice at this point.

  “Robert,” I say as I scoot back from him, “I need to talk to you.”

  “Can this wait Presley? I don’t know how much more I can take tonight.”

  I cast my eyes downward and shake my head. “I’m sorry Robert, but we need to talk before I leave—”

  “And since I’m leaving tomorrow—”

  “I just want to make sure you’re gonna be okay here without me. I feel so guilty for leaving you and going off to school, but I know if I don’t do something for me then I’ll eventually resent you. I feel like I’m letting you down and not giving you the support you need. But I guess I never understood the emotional stress that would come with being in this position. Being torn between being with you and wanting a life outside of you.”


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