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Tag Forever Mine

Page 18

by Catherine Charles

  “Get in.”

  “There’s no way in hell I’m getting in that, princess.”

  Princess. My heart once again flutters at the term of endearment. Come on Pres, get your shit together.

  “Suit yourself. You have twenty-four hours to be in Montana.”

  Without another word I back out of the parking spot and turn on to the main road taking note of the time; it’s ten in the morning.

  * * *

  I step off the plane a few minutes after four, grab my suitcase from gate check and make my way out to the passenger pick up zone where Gramps is waiting for me in Ole Blue, the beautifully restored navy 1957 Chevy.

  “Hey there peanut. How was the flight?”

  I rest my head against the head rest and close my eyes. “Quiet.”

  “I thought you were bringing a client home.”

  “He didn’t like my car.”

  Gramps laughs, “So where is he?”

  “Beats the shit out of me. Speaking of shit, you have plenty of it lying around?”

  “I haven’t cleaned the old pen in weeks. The old barn could use a cleaning too. Been saving it for you.”


  “This one giving you trouble?”

  “They never give me trouble Gramps, you know that. I just dish out what they deserve. They bring shit shoveling on themselves.”

  “So what’s this one’s name?”

  I sit there in silence waiting for just the right moment. A cluster of Ponderosa Pine trees on the right come closer and closer. I close my eyes and brace for impact. “It’s Robert.”

  The truck swerves and the breaks screech, the scent of burnt rubber immediately fills the small cab, but there is no impact.

  “Jesus Christ peanut! Why didn’t you tell me to pull over?”

  “Because I was hoping you’d hit those trees and I could end it all now.” I look over at him and offer a small apologetic smile. He’s not smiling back. In fact he’s wearing the same scowl I saw the night he confined Robert to the front porch after I convinced myself he was sleeping with Heather.

  “What happened to not taking him on?”

  “Liv tricked me, and Trey talked me into keeping him. He’s a huge payout.”

  “Does anyone else know?”

  I shake my head no.

  “We’ll I’m stopping at the corner store to get some popcorn. This shit show is gonna be good.”

  I can't help but laugh, “Let’s go old man.”

  “So how long y’all here for?”

  “You know that’s always up to them Gramps. I’ve got six months to get him where he needs to be. Maybe a month; two max.”

  “We’ll it’s good to have you back. You know I don’t mind helpin’ ya, but I’m nowhere as good as you are.”

  “I know and I appreciate it.”

  “We’ll let’s get you home. I know your momma can’t wait to see you and Gram baked an apple pie for dessert.”

  * * *

  Robert is an hour and a half late; tardiness seems to be his MO. I’m sitting at the table sipping coffee with mom and Diane when I hear his truck roar up the driveway, kicking rocks this way and that. The door screeches open as only older cars do and is soon slammed shut. He barges in the house, all two hundred seventy pounds of muscle, his boots stomping across the floor like a cave man. I Robert. Me mad. She bitch. I hide my smile behind my “I don’t have time for your shit” coffee mug, a parting gift from another player I worked with early on.

  “Where the hell is she?”

  He storms into the kitchen as I sit back in my chair. Mom and Diane look at each other before Diane gets up to hug Robert.

  “Oh my word! My baby’s home!”

  He doesn’t say anything to her. He just stares at me as I sip my coffee. Our eyes locked on one another. I made sure the wording on my coffee mug was facing out.

  “Say hello to your mother, Robert.” I put my coffee down and slowly stand up from my chair, never breaking eye contact. He may be bigger than me, and he was definitely stronger than me, but I was bound and determined he would know his place with me. He was beneath me in every way. I owned him and I was intent on making damn sure he knew it.

  “Hello.” He gives her a side hug and she kisses his cheek, his eyes still locked on me.

  “You’re late,” I say calmly.

  “It’s an eighteen-hour drive!”

  “Which leaves you six hours for stops and rest.”

  “I got pulled over three times! Are you paying for those tickets because I sure as hell don’t have the money for them?”

  “I never said you had to drive.”

  I hear mom clear her throat, “Um, Diane, why don’t we leave these two alone.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  With the banging of the screen door our mothers go out back. I know they still have a perfect view through the living room window and I’m willing to bet this month’s per diem on them eavesdropping.

  “You could have taken a plane, a train, hell even an Uber for all I care, but you didn’t. I had a first-class ticket waiting for you at the airport. All you had to do was show up. You chose to drive, you chose to speed, and now you get to pay for your tickets. I’m failing to see why you’re so upset with me. I did nothing wrong.

  “Now go apologize to your momma for being a dick and change out of those clothes. You fucking stink.” I brush past him, knocking his shoulder into the fridge, and head towards my bedroom, Kringle looking back and forth between the two of us.

  * * *

  Tina and I make our way out to the back porch. I’m beyond excited my son is home, but that man in there is not the man I raised. That man is the spitting image of his father. Evil has taken over him and I fear for Presley.

  “Tina, let’s sit here. I want to watch this.”

  “So who’s gonna crack first?”

  “Beats me. They’re both so stubborn.”

  “But did you see the control Presley had over him?”

  “I did. I couldn’t stay in there any longer.”

  “I know. The tension between those two—”

  Gramps rounds the corner, “What’s going on?”

  “Take a seat dad. The Presley and Robert show is just getting started.”

  “Damn it. I had popcorn inside.”


  “What? I stopped on my way through town when she told me who her client was. My money’s on Presley.”

  “Both of you two hush. We can figure out bets later. Presley just left.”

  “Quick, act natural. Here comes Robert.”

  * * *

  I run my hands through my hair and down across my face before looking at Kringle; he’s gotten big.

  “What just happened boy?” He cocks his head and lets off a whimpered whine. I squat down and he presses his head against my chest as I rustle his fur and stroke his long body. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around much these last few years. Your momma’s pretty pissed at me.”

  He lets out a low bark. I shake my head and laugh. The damn dog is too smart for his own good. “I guess I should go see your grandma. I’ll be back later, okay?”

  He lets out a resounding bark as I stand up and walk away.

  When I step outside, Mrs. D, mom, and Gramps are all looking at me. “Hi Momma. I’m sorry about earlier. It’s good to see you.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head.

  “You crazy man; I’m glad you’re home. I’ve missed you.” She steps back from my hug and pulls my face down to her, kissing both my cheeks before patting them hard. “Robert Lucas West. You do what that girl tells you to do. I will not have you turning into your father.”

  I’m taken back by her words. My father? Was I really that far gone?


  “Don’t you mom me. You ain’t got nothin’ to hide from these people. They’re family whether or not you and Presley are together.”

  I nod my head. “I think I’m gonna go home and get ch
anged. Mrs. D, I’ll be back later if that’s okay?”

  I notice the three of them shifting their weights, eyeing each other, before Gramps speaks up, “Son, you’re stayin’ here. All players stay at the ranch.”

  I feel as if I’ve been gut checked. She’s brought other guys home? Were they all strictly players or was anyone more than that? Did they stay in the main house with her, or in one of the guest houses? Did they see her in pajamas and bedhead, or was she always professional? Once again I’m overcome with jealousy as images of her and other men run rampant through my mind.

  “Oh. Okay,” I give a slight nod.

  “Follow me boy. I’ll show you to your room.”

  I say goodbye to Mom and follow Gramps inside and down the opposite hallway, away from Presley.

  “Get washed up boy. You will have today to do what you need to do. Dinner is at six fifteen and chores start tomorrow morning at five. I suggest getting to bed early tonight.”

  “Yes sir.”

  I push open the door to a cold and dark bedroom. A queen size bed sits unmade, sheets are folded on the corner. There is an alarm clock on the nightstand, and a closet full of empty hangers. There is nothing of any warmth in here. Such a contrast to the rest of the house.

  On the desk in the corner there’s a small binder with menus in it from a few places in town, along with the address to the laundromat, church and grocery store. A small refrigerator is plugged in next to the desk and a coffee maker sits on top of it. I begin to realize that just because I’m here, does not mean that I am automatically allowed to interact with this family. I am a guest in this house. A player like all the rest. History or not, she’s made sure that I know I’m only a job to her, nothing more.

  * * *

  I watch as Gramps leads my boy inside. A little worried about what he is about to go through, but anxious to see the man he will become under her. Presley has a way of breaking men and transforming them into better versions of themselves.

  Tina and I sit on the porch swing, mugs of coffee have been replaced with glasses of wine and I can already tell it’s going to be one of those days.

  “I love my son, but your girl is gonna turn him to putty.”

  “I just hope she knows what she’s doing.”

  * * *

  I sit on my bed staring at my bedroom door, willing myself to stay put and let Gramps handle the rest of the day. I’m grateful that he took over this portion of rehabilitation early on. I’ve never actually stayed in the house while a client was here, and I limited my time in Montana in general. A knock on my door startles me, sending my heart racing. It isn’t until Gram sticks her head in that I’m able to calm down.

  “Just me sweetheart.”

  I smile at her and wave her in.

  “Your gramps has got Robert set up in the usual room. Chores start at five.”

  I force a smile and she sits down on the edge of the bed.

  “Wanna tell me what’s on your mind?”

  I look at her, my eyes glassed over. “What if I can't do this?”

  Her laughter tickles the air. “Presley my dear, you are stronger than you think you are. Your gramps says he can tell he’s already starting to give.”

  “But what if I fall for him again?”

  “Oh peanut. It isn’t a question of if, but when. I hate to break it to you, but you never stopped loving that boy. It’s why you still wear his ring and why you have this business. You knew all along he was gonna be your biggest project. You’re ready for this.”

  Chapter Twenty

  My alarm goes off at four thirty. The moon still hangs high in the sky, and the earth lays in a silent slumber. Today is Robert’s first day of chores; a day usually devoted to seeing just how far I can push a player before they break. Usually it happens before noon, but I know the stubbornness Robert possess. Today he pays for the hell he has put me through. I’ve never pushed a player into more than they can handle, I’m usually fair and reasonable, but today I plan on having fun.

  I quickly throw on a pair of cutoff jean shorts with a button-down gray, distressed work shirt; bleach stains and holes speckle the front. I make sure to apply my makeup just right, giving myself a dark smoky eye like Robert liked, and pull my hair up in a loose ponytail, a few wispy tendrils frame my face, giving off a sweet and innocent look. I slide into my grey and red boots with a small heal, the ones that make my legs look even longer and toner. My thigh muscles are perfectly on display as I stand in front of the floor length mirror admiring my “just thrown together” outfit.

  The time on my nightstand clock reads four fifty-five. I take a deep breath before leaving the safety of my room and quietly cross the darkened living room to the hallway leading down to his room; my heart racing as I stand in front of his door listening for any sound that he might be awake. Nothing but the sound my breathing and the thumping of my heart can be heard. The blood pulsing through my heart can be heard in my ears as I toe the edge of losing courage and taking control. My hand reaches for the doorknob and I turn it slightly; the fool didn’t even lock it. I smile a sinister smile and push the door open.

  Robert lays spread wide across the queen size bed. The white cotton sheets covering him from his waist down. He still sleeps on his stomach with both hands tucked under his pillow. The moon’s light bounces off of his powerful shoulders, semi-flexed triceps, and down his toned, tapered back where not an ounce of fat resides. A strand of hair drapes across his forehead and I have to force myself not to push it away as I wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped in the safety of his arms again; to be pressed against the smooth plains of his chest and breathe in his masculine scent. He must have showered before bed, hints of lemon and sage still linger in the air along with a slightly higher amount of humidity. I bet if I were to check the shower there would still be water droplets on the floor, possibly the glass as well.

  He’s just like any other player. No favors Presley. You can do this. I take another deep breath to steel my nerves and grip the hem of his sheet, ripping it from the bed in one fluid motion, letting it drop to a puddle on the other side of the room. “Wake up buttercup.”

  My eyes quickly take in his appearance. An ass that you could easily bounce a quarter off of, and as he quickly rolls over, I notice the perfectly taut muscles over his hips that dive down into that perfect V shape. I wasn’t expecting to see him in his birthday suit splendor, but an intense fire surges through me as I force myself to stand firm and look him in the eye. Do not let it bother you. Do not blush. Do not blush. Think of Gramps.

  “Get the hell out!” He yells angrily as he rolls over, grasping for a pillow to cover his nether region. I’ve no doubt awoken him from some pleasurable dream.

  “Get the hell up! You have five minutes to get your ass in the barn. The cattle don’t give a shit who you are,” I challenge back.

  “Do you treat everyone this way?” Now sitting on the edge of his bed, I can make out his perfect washboard abs and thigh muscles that should be illegal. His hair perfectly mussed as he grasps my sudden intrusion.

  I stalk towards him as his eyes slowly widen, my legs finding their place between the openness of his, my hand cups his neck before I lean forward, bringing my lips millimeters away from his ear. I allow my breath to dance upon his skin, pulling goosebumps from him before I whisper a soft good morning, “Just the ones I hate.”

  His spin goes ridged as I pull back from him, a dark smile pulls at the corners of my mouth as I turn around to leave.

  “Like what you see, princess?”

  A small sinister laugh bubbles from me as I stop at the doorway and give him a once over. Pillow fully removed as he rests back on locked arms, legs splayed wide, his morning cock on full exhibition and a new cockiness surrounding him. I take in his appearance, my eyes examining every inch of him in a long slow decent, “Trust me…I’ve seen bigger.” I tap the door frame and make my exit. I can hear his shuffled footsteps behind me as he calls out to me.

ey! Wait.”

  Just like a bull I see nothing but red. I spin around and take two forceful steps towards him, clenching his balls tightly in my fist and squeeze hard. “You do not get to call me that! Do I make myself clear?” My tone tough as gravel. There is no mistaking my anger and hatred for him as I squeeze tighter. I want to castrate him with my bare hands, making him useless to any woman that would dare to look at him.

  He swallows forcefully, his breath trapped, he nods his head and a pained whimper squeeze through his pursed lips.

  “Oh Robert. Don’t you know…you should always use your words.” I release him and he swallows hard, cupping himself in defense as my hand lingers dangerously close to his manhood. “Now put some fucking clothes on and get your ass in the barn. You’re late.”

  With that I make my exit. Down the hallway and towards the front door, rolling my hips as I strut away from him. Smiling at the torture I know he is currently in, I push open the screen door only to find Gramps waiting for me on the porch with a cup of coffee and the proudest smile I’ve ever seen on the man.

  “Remind me to never piss you off peanut. I think my boys ran for cover after watching that not so little display of dominance. I think you just made my year.”

  I giggle while inhaling the rich aroma of hazelnut and smile as I take my first sip.

  “That’s not going to be a routine experience here, is it? I don’t know how I feel about grabbing another man’s dick.”

  I laugh and nearly choke on my coffee, “No old man. I don’t expect to ever do that again.”


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