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Holiday Hookup

Page 2

by Misty Dawn

  Slowly and carefully, I navigated to the front of the mall, where Missy stood, her jacket tugged firmly over her slender body, purse clutched to her chest. As I approached, her brown eyes peered up through the fur on her jacket, meeting my own. My lips curled into a smile as I beckoned her into the car.

  She scurried in, scrambling for the handle, eager to get out of the weather. She plopped down on the seat next to me, everything from her hood to her shoes soaked in snow. As she let her hood fall back, I saw her flushed cheeks, sprinkled with freckles, the tip of her nose a bright pink. She looked at me with wide eyes.

  "Leo, thank you…" she began.

  I waved her off. "No need to thank me," I answered. "Honestly, I'm happy to do it."

  She looked at me in disbelief, before grabbing the seatbelt. "I can't believe how bad it's gotten in just a few hours. It wasn't even snowing when I came in."

  I shifted into drive and headed towards the exit. "Yeah," I answered. "Sometimes these storms can sneak up on us. But this is the worst I've seen it in a while."

  "Well, we never got much snow down in North Carolina," she answered, looking out the window. It was nearly impossible to see, and according to the speedometer we were going a whopping fifteen miles per hour. This was going to take ages.

  "When did you move up here?" I asked her, tightening my grip on the steering wheel as we slid to a stop at one of the stop signs.

  "About a year ago. The snow wasn't this bad last year."

  "No big storms last year," I said. "But it can get pretty bad up here. Which is why you should go home when the property manager tells you to." I turned to grin at her, and she smiled sheepishly in return. Her smile was wider this time, somehow more genuine, but a little shy. I turned before she met my gaze again. Better to concentrate so we didn't end up in a ditch somewhere.

  "Where do you live?" I asked her. I could feel the ice beneath the tires of my car as I turned towards the mall exit excruciatingly slow.

  "Seven miles north on Route 202," she said. "Rosedale exit, right off Rosedale Road."

  "Okay. So, that should only take us eight hours."

  "Oh Leo, I'm so--"

  "Don't apologize," I said, interrupting. "I promise, it's fine."

  I was forced to eat my own words as we approached the exit. A police car with flashing lights blocked the middle of the highway, north bound. Slowly, I navigated over to see what was happening.

  The highway was eerily desolate. It seemed that nobody dared to be out in this weather, especially as night approached. I didn't blame them. Behind the police car, another vehicle was submerged in a shallow ditch, the tail end sticking straight up, blinking hazards already covered in snow. An officer emerged from the car and waved at us.

  I rolled my window down as we came to a stop again. The cold rushed in, chilling me through my already damp jacket and shirt. "Hi Officer," I greeted the man with a nod. "What's going on?"

  "What the hell are you still doing on the road?" he asked, looking past me to take in Missy behind me. "This storm is the worst one in years. It's a State of Emergency. Blizzard warnings. You better get somewhere where you can bunker down until it passes."

  "Just trying to get up to Rosedale Road," Missy said behind me, her voice shaking with uncertainty.

  The office shook his head. "No way," he answered. "Plows haven't been down that way yet. There's no way you'll get even this big truck down that road. That's why I'm stopped here. Can't get through."

  "What about Alexander Ave?" I asked the officer, a note of panic in my chest.

  "South bound, you'll be fine," he said, pointing behind me. "Plows went through about an hour ago. But head straight there. This weather ain't stopping any time soon. Plows won't be able to keep up."

  With that, he patted the side of window, and pulling his hood in closer to his face, retreated into his car. I rolled up the window and looked at Missy who was flushed red and staring out the window.

  "I can walk," she said determinedly, with some finality in her voice.

  "Walk where?" I asked, shifting my truck into reverse.

  "Home," she told me. "It'll be fine."

  I hit the brakes and looked at her incredulously. "You're going to walk home seven miles home in heels?"

  "You heard the man!" she cried, pointing at the police man. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears and I bit my lip to keep myself from saying something smart. "I mean I suppose I could just stay at the mall." Her voice quivered as she said it, and I started to feel bad.

  I shifted the car into drive and began to take the exit to turn around on the highway. "Missy," I chuckled. "You'll do none of those things. We'll just have to hang at my house until it passes." I looked over, and she stared at me, her eyes as big as saucers. "It'll be fine," I said, teasing her.

  She paused, pursing her lips as the car very slowly made its way up the ramp. "Are you sure?" she asked uncertainly.

  My eyes traveled back over to where she sat, over her slender legs, delicate hands, adorable pink nose, wide brown eyes, and her lusciously plump lips. Her gaze hit my gut, speeding up the beat of my heart. I swallowed nervously. Was I sure this wasn't a terrible idea? No. Rescuing a damsel in distress would have been right up my alley, especially one as gorgeous as Missy. But an employee in one of the buildings I owned and operated was an awful idea. Unfortunately, we had no other options.

  "Of course," I answered with certainty, returning my attention to the road. "Now let's get moving."



  I was on my way to Leo Bradley's house, the Leo Bradley who owned and operated the building I worked in. This would only happen to me. I kept mentally scolding myself for staying too long after he'd advised to close down the stores. I hadn't anticipated the weather and that had been incredibly stupid. Now, somehow, I was going to have to endure a few excruciating hours with a stranger who had complete control over my current employment.


  It didn't help that he was painfully handsome and slightly intimidating. I tried my best not to get wrapped up in staring at his chiseled jawline, or pink, full lips, so I focused on the insane snow we struggled to drive through instead.

  I was afraid to speak as Leo concentrated on navigating us through the storm. Once or twice the truck slipped on an ice patch, but finally, after what felt like hours, we turned down a side road. I felt the vehicle struggle to roll through the clumps of snow, but finally we reached a wide driveway. Carefully, Leo pressed on the gas and we rolled up the slight incline.

  At first, the house was hidden by wide, heavy trees and falling snow, but as we came closer, I was able to see it in all its glory. The handsome Tudor seemed entirely too big for a single person, and found myself searching his left hand for a ring. To my relief, I found none, but reminded myself that didn't mean he didn't have a girlfriend or fiancé waiting for him inside.

  Mortified, I then reminded myself that he was the property owner and operations manager at my job. The only job that was currently paying my measly rent, so it didn't matter if he had a lover or a wife, or seven children. He was off limits. Completely.

  "Wow," I said stupidly, as he pulled the car into park. We sat in front of a two-car garage, which he opened with a remote.

  He looked at me and blinked. "What?"

  "Your house is…beautiful."

  "Oh," he said, sounding bored. "Thanks."

  I sat back in my seat, trying to figure out what to do with my hands as he pulled the car smoothly into the garage. Instantly, the weather was behind us, and I realized how loud the wind had been. The only sound now was the running engine and gentle melody of "O Holy Night" on the radio. Leo switched the car off, and opened his door.

  "Come on," he said. "Let's get inside."

  I managed to squelch my way out of the car, feeling messy, wet, and cold. The snow had done a number on me. My black heels were completely ruined and my pants and jacket were soaked through. If I had been home, I would have stripped
and gotten into a warm shower, but I would just have to suck it up while I was here. I reminded myself to be grateful that I was somewhere safe and not stranded in the mall like a fool.

  To the left of the Mercedes truck was a flight of stairs leading up to a door. Leo was halfway up before he turned to look back at me. I was completely self-conscious of how I looked, probably like a wet dog, pathetically waiting to be let inside after a rainstorm.

  Even so, he smiled at me, gesturing for me to follow him. I followed, obediently even though apprehension fed on me from every angle. I was terrified and awkward. A handsome stranger in an unfamiliar house made my nerves explode. Plus, what he must think of me for getting caught in such a reckless situation. By the time we reached his mud room, I was convinced he thought I was a total ass.

  Leo took off his jacket, scarf, and hat, and hung them on a pair of hooks nailed to the wall in the small room. His house smelled woodsy, and a little damp from all the snow we'd tracked in. Without his coat and jacket I could finally get a good look at him, dressed to perfection in a pair of slim blue jeans, a red sweater over a white collared shirt, and a blue tie. I could tell, even with the layers, he had a wide chest, strong arms, and I'm sure, somewhere under there, a collection of magnificent abs.

  I looked down at my shoes, realizing I could barely feel my toes. I kicked my heels off, stepping in a puddle my jacket had created, but not caring. My hands found my feet, rubbing my frozen flesh to give it back some life. Sensation came back in the form of painful pins and needles and I bit my tongue to stop myself from moaning in pain.

  "So," Leo said slowly, "I have some spare clothes that probably won't fit you. But you're welcome to them."

  I looked up at him gratefully, my eyes locking with his. I felt a jolt in my belly as I studied his kind face, turning the offer over in my mind. His thick eyebrows raised, as if in question, and I swallowed before realizing I was hunched over like an old woman. I straightened, a flush immediately rising to my cheeks.

  "That'd be great," I said, my voice cracking. "I appreciate it."

  "Of course," he said. "You can hang your coat over there," he said pointing to the hooks. "Follow me."

  I followed his instructions, feeling somewhat like Belle in Beauty and the Beast, walking into the castle for the first time. The door from the mud room led into a massive kitchen, unlike anything I had ever seen before.

  The wall to my right was made completely of gray and red stone, which carried through the rest of the room. In the center was a massive island with high-backed stools pushed in to meet the counter. On the opposite side, a stainless steel stove vent hung down to meet the built-in stove. Dark brown countertops covered every inch of wall, with matching cabinets above. On the far left wall there were three large windows, looking out onto the storm.

  Leo walked through the kitchen, oblivious to my amazement, leading me through to a sitting room with a massive fireplace, a large sectional, and a gorgeous oak coffee table, all situated over a very expensive looking Oriental rug. This room had a vaulted ceiling, with floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto the blizzard. Even though I was soaked through all of my clothes, I felt like I was in a story book.

  We turned, and Leo pointed to a door in another hallway. "There's a bathroom in there. Shower, towels, if you need it. Let me grab the clothes." He turned and disappeared into another room, and apprehensively, I turned bathroom door handle.

  The bathroom was made of Calcutta marble, with a long countertop and matching mirror, a glass shower and a frosted window. The toilet was hidden behind another door. I stood in the doorway, marveling at it. I wondered how rich this guy actually was.

  I rushed towards the mirror, eager and mortified to see my own face. My makeup had washed off completely in the snow, and I was left with very unattractive raccoon eyes. I tried to smudge away what was left of my mascara before Leo came back.

  "Here you go." Leo returned at the door, a bundle of clothes in his arms. Too late. "Sorry they're not really ideal. I don't usually have guests." He stopped talking, almost stunned by his own proclamation. I saw his own ears turn pink, before he placed the clothes on the counter.

  "Thank you," I said as genuinely as possible, trying to catch his eye. He found my gaze in the large mirror, before nodding, and closing the door on his way out. I stared at myself and sighed.

  Time to try and make myself somewhat presentable.



  I walked to the front of the house, up the staircase, into my bedroom and leaned back against the door. Why the hell did I tell Missy I didn't have guests in the house? What a strange thing to say to someone I didn't even know. I shook my head, trying not to think too much of it. She seemed just as startled at our predicament as I did, and I'm sure she wasn't thinking anything of it.

  Slowly, I unbuttoned my shirt, eager to get the damp garment off. I slid off my pants, and went to my own bathroom, a wide room with entirely too much space for one man. The owner of this house before me clearly liked a shower big enough for an entire football team, and a tub that might as well have been a swimming pool. I rarely used the tub, but I did enjoy the shower.

  I got the water running, steaming up the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. The cold was finally wearing off, some color returning to my face. I rubbed my hand across my trimmed beard, surprised that my fingers were still cold. A shower would warm me right up, and hopefully bring me down from the craziness of today.

  In seconds the bathroom was steamy, and I got into the large glass enclosure. The hot water was just how I liked it, scalding enough to leave marks on my back. I closed my eyes and leaned back into the water.

  My mind wandered, first to what happened today, the commotion the stupid snow caused, the chaos that ensued in closing down early. I took it upon myself to make sure all of the stores were closed and that all of the employees had gone home. Almost got caught there my damn self.

  Clearly I had missed one. Missy.

  The careless girl couldn't follow simple directions to get her ass home, and now she was in my house, likely naked in my shower. My eyes shot open at the thought. No, Leo. The only thing Missy and I would be doing tonight was talking. Having some food. Getting some rest so we could wake up to plowed roads this evening or tomorrow morning.

  I nodded, as if to solidify this thought, grabbing my soap to lather up. As soon as my eyes closed though, there she was, with that damn red hair, pink little nose, and legs for days. Those brown eyes were endless, gorgeous, and shy. I could fall into them, lose myself in them for days.

  Mindlessly my soapy hand approached my belly. The familiar tingle of arousal snaked its way from the base of my spine, and I felt myself fill slowly. It was inevitable, no matter how hard I'd try to fight it. Missy was beautiful, and she was in my house, and god damn it, she was naked in my shower downstairs. A little daydream wouldn't hurt.

  My fingers were slick, finding the base of my cock effortlessly, gently allowing myself to embrace my own touch. It was instantaneous, and I knew the reason was the woman downstairs. I was rock hard and past the point of return. At least rubbing one out all over the shower floor would get rid of this relentless attraction I'd found towards Missy.

  I allowed myself to tighten my grip around my cock, pumping into my fist in lazy strokes, with the tightness and the touch only I knew for myself. Lazily, I leaned against the slick shower wall, humping my hand, imagining it was Missy, and despising myself all the while. I fucked my hand hard, harder than usual, so desperately wishing it was the tight, warm, enclosure of Missy's pussy.

  I imagined her spread wide for me, just like this, soaked from the shower, just like she'd been soaked from the snow. Warm, wet, pink, and inviting. Just waiting for my cock to fuck her into oblivion. I brought myself back, slamming into my fist, tightening my fingers, feeling that familiar sensation of pleasure build. It was uncontrollable, that ecstasy I knew was coming. I wanted it so badly, I wanted to scratch this itch, to cum, to make a
mess of Missy.

  Rationally, I knew this was all pretend, but it didn't stop it from being fucking hot. Once I pass that threshold, there's a point of no return. A few more strokes into my fist and I came, harder than I expected, spurting all over my chest, fist, wall, and floor of the shower. With a moan of mixed pleasure and surprise, I realized I desperately needed that release. I throbbed from the orgasm, leaning in against the shower tile, shoulder keeping me steady.

  I stayed like that for some time, letting the warm water drip over the back of my neck, staring down at the mess I'd made until finally, I released myself. Licking my lips, I turned to wash the cum from my body, and to grab some shampoo to wash my hair.

  I sighed, rubbing my hand to the back of my neck, still coming down from my orgasm. That release was needed, I'd been building it up ever since Missy stepped foot into my car. Having her so close, in my house, was dangerous, but as long as I kept my distance tonight, it should be fine.





  I dried my hair with a gray towel and used my other hand to wipe a space on the mirror free from the steam it had collected. The shower had done wonders for me, removing my old makeup, and warming me up from the inside. I could feel all of my limbs again, which was great progress, and I didn't feel like such a mess anymore.

  I picked up the clothes Leo had gotten me. They smelled like fresh laundry detergent, with a hint of that woodsy smell I'd picked up when I came into the house. A pair of men's pajama pants, an oversized black t-shirt, and a warm pair of socks. I stared at my heap of clothes on the ground. Everything was soaked, including my underwear. I considered my dilemma. Go commando, or sit in a pair of wet panties. I didn't give it much thought. Leo would never know, and I could take the clothes home later and wash them to return to him at work.


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