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Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3)

Page 6

by May Gordon

  I look out of the small motel window where I’ve been holed up since yesterday. I didn’t know what to do at first, so I came home to Minnesota. I’m hoping Novak remembers the story I told him about the time our house was infested with bed bugs and lived here for three days.

  I parked my car almost three blocks away in a tree covered area and walked here and haven’t left since. I’m not taking any chances, especially not after what I just found out. I close the shades then shut off the lights and head to the table where the positive pregnancy test is. I’d been feeling sick, figuring it was stress until I remembered I should’ve started my period this week, and hadn’t experienced any of the usual symptoms leading up to it.

  What a mess this all is. I can't imagine Cleo and Molly going through something similar. I managed to pick up some clothes when I stopped for the pregnancy test, so at least I'm not stuck in my pajamas. I haven't slept much over the last four days, and am utterly exhausted.

  I lay down, hoping to get some rest, but the sound of jiggling on the front door has me instantly awake again. I grab the solid metal candlestick from the dresser and walk to it quietly. When it finally opens, I’m standing on the other side, so it covers me.

  Davis. I can't believe he’s chased me all this way. His quest for revenge against Novak is strong. I see him pull a gun and aim into the room. Once he’s inside, I don’t hesitate to act. I’m on my own which means I need to protect myself and the baby. I strike him in the head hard and he yells before falling to the ground, the gun just out of his reach now. I kick him in his side, making him growl in anger, as I make a move for the gun. He grabs my ankle, and I tumble down. He climbs on top, trying to restrain me, but I fight, thrashing and scratching. I manage to knee him in the crotch which halts his efforts.

  “You bitch!” He screams in agony.

  I turn and scramble for the gun again, managing to get it before he’s on me once more, and soon we’re wrestling for it.

  “Let go!” I yell in his face.

  “You're dead!” He shouts then hits me in the face, disorienting me.

  I struggle to regain my thoughts but know I’m too late when I feel the gun against my head.

  “I’m going to kill you then leave you here so he can find your dead body,” he growls out.

  I surprise him when I hit his hand to push it away just as he fires. The bullet hits the wall behind me and soon we’re struggling for control again. This time when it fires I still at the sudden pain in my chest and the feeling of warm liquid pouring out.

  I hear Davis laugh above me, sounding pleased with himself. “You stupid bitch. You'll die as planned, but now it’ll be slowly.” Then I hear a shot seconds before Davis' head seems to explode and his lifeless body slumps on me, the weight causing me more pain. At that point, it’s completely unbearable and everything goes black.

  Chapter 15


  I stand in the doorway, just having blown a hole through the fucker’s head then immediately run to Willow, calling her name

  Foster rips Davis’ body off her, tossing it to the side.

  “Fuck, she’s hit,” I panic, putting pressure on her wound. “Willow, baby, wake up.” I plead, feeling my heart break at the fact me and my past did this to her. How she will ever forgive me?

  Foster goes into the bathroom and grabs some towels which I use in place of my hands. Then he goes to the makeshift kitchen and brings back coffee grounds.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “They’ll slow down the bleeding until an ambulance can get here. She’ll make it, but hurry.”

  I make the call as I watch him work on Willow, having no idea how the fuck he knows this stuff.

  “Keep pressure on it,” he orders after I end the call and he’s done. “She’s going to make it, man.” I nod, trying to keep the tears at bay. “This will be a fucking mess to clean up,” he says as we hear the sirens.

  “We’ll deal with it later. Right now, we just need to focus on Willow,” I tell him as I count her breath and feel her pulse, needing to focus on her still being alive.

  Foster stands and takes the gun from the floor then wipes it down. “Fuck,” I hear him curse.

  “What?” I ask, not even looking at him.

  “Novak,” he calls out. I finally glance up and see him holding a pregnancy test, and it’s positive.

  And my fear is suddenly tenfold. Not only could I lose the love of my life, but our child too.

  One day later

  I wait at her bedside, feeling utterly helpless. It’s been hours since her surgery, and thankfully, the baby is fine. But I’m getting concerned because Willow hasn’t woken up yet.

  I feel a nudge on my shoulder, and see Foster holding a cup of coffee for me.

  “Thanks,” I grunt, taking it from him.

  “She’ll wake up. I know it’s pointless to tell you not to worry, so I’ll remind you not to give up hope,” he says as he sits on the other side of Willow.

  I slowly nod, then ask, “Did you talk to Lawson and Quinn?”

  “Yeah, they’re helping Luke take care of everything at home,” he tells me.

  “How’s Ted?” I can’t believe I forgot to ask, I’ve just been so worried about Willow.

  “He’ll be fine after a few months rest,” Foster assures me.

  “And the shipments?” Foster and I recently made an alliance with three other crime kings across the country.

  “I talked to Porter, Duke, and Griffin and explained the situation. They understand the delay and offered to help with anything we needed. I told them it’s settling down now though.”

  “I'm glad they’re reasonable men,” I murmur.

  “I think this’ll benefit all of us in the end.”

  ”What do Lawson and Quinn think of the new partnership?” Foster asks, probably to try and get my mind off Willow.

  “They encouraged the idea, and said you’ll be handling point.”

  “I’m glad. I’ll be needing all the help I can get sooner rather than later.”

  My ears perk up at his comment. “Something we need to talk about?”

  He shakes his head and says, “Not right now, but I’ll ask when I need everyone’s help. I have plans to head to Mexico.”

  “Make sure you do, man. You know we’re here for you,” I tell him.

  I look at Willow, so fragile and soft laying in the hospital bed. I know she’s not meant for this life, but I'm not letting her go.

  Foster and I sleep by her side, both exhausted from traveling non-stop as we tracked Willow. When I finally wake up I notice Foster gone then check on Willow and see her looking right back at me.

  “Willow!” I jump from my chair, and I sit on her bed. I gently stroke her face, hair, and neck, wanting to touch every inch of her to make sure she’s all right.

  “I’m okay, Novak,” she says, her voice full of pain.

  I lean in and gently kiss her lips as I demand, “Don’t ever fucking get shot again. I can't handle it.” She giggles a little then gasps as her hand moves to her wound. “Just relax and recover,” I plead with another kiss. “God, I love you so much,” I whisper against her mouth.

  “I love you too Novak.” She slowly scoots over and I get in next to her and place my hand on her belly. I don’t feel a difference but knowing she has my baby in there fills me with so much love and passion.

  “You're pregnant,” I state.

  “Yes,” I hear the smile in her voice

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through all this. If it weren’t for me, you would’ve never been in this mess,” I tell her as she rests her head on my chest.

  “It’s not your fault, Novak. Kent and Davis Booth are responsible. Now they’re both dead and can't hurt us anymore,” she says as she hugs me tightly.

  I know she’s right, in this business you always have enemies, but nothing I can't handle. For the remainder of our lives, I’ll do everything in my power to protect her and our family.

We hear a knock and see Foster standing in the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt,” he smiles then comes in and takes my empty chair. “I talked to the doctor and arranged a transfer for you. Also, I’ve talked to Luke, Lawson, and Quinn. They have the doc and a team setting up the equipment at home for Willow. Plus, the private jet will land in an hour. She can be moved once she’s cleared to go.”

  “Thank you, Foster, for everything,” Willow says with a smile. “I’ll have to repay you somehow.” I can hear her cheekiness coming through, so I know she's apparently feeling better.

  “Fuck no. You’re not setting me up.” He starts shaking his head and with a playful wink offers, “Paint me something instead.”

  “How are Ted, Ken, the other guards?” She asks.

  “Ted will be okay. He was beaten and shot but will recover.” Then my expression turns sad, my voice grim as I tell her, “Unfortunately, Ken and the others were all killed.”

  I see tears well in her eyes. “Oh god.”

  “Shhhh, baby,” I say as I give her a hug. “Their families will be well compensated, not that it could ever replace their loss.”

  We spend the next few hours getting her ready to travel, and once we’re on the plane and heading home, I start to relax, but only a little. If I'm honest I don’t think I can fully until she’s entirely mine. And that means making her Mrs. Willow Norwood.

  Chapter 16

  Willow - Three weeks later

  “What about this?” I ask, holding up a onesie.

  “Bloody hell that’s cute,” Molly smiles. “I’m getting one too,” she says, putting it in her cart.

  “I think it’ll look cute on him. Blue is definitely his color,” Cleo grins while holding Devin.

  We’re in one of the baby boutiques on the L.A. strip. Cleo gave birth to Devin a few days after our return from Minnesota. Molly is due in five months, while I have seven to go. It makes me happy our kids will be so close in age, though I'm sad we don’t all live in the same state. Thankfully, we see each other a lot regardless. It helps that the guys share a private jet.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake, would you look at that,” Molly grumbles as she gestures outside.

  She's talking about the army of men, all Novak’s, strategically placed in front of the shop.

  “What do you expect? We’ve all either been kidnapped, hurt, or almost killed. And we do have precious cargo with us,” she says, kissing the top of Devin’s head before looking at our bellies.

  I know the guys are cautious, even more so now, but it does seem a little excessive. We finish then head back home and set up in the living room to go through our spoils.

  “Hello dear. Done shopping already?” Ted asks as he walks in.

  “Already? We were gone four hours,” I remind him with a laugh.

  He joins in and picks up a little onesie, looking confused as he reads it, “I love my grandpa.”

  “You like it?” I smile, going to stand beside him.

  “It’s cute, but both your parents and Novak’s have passed,” he says, stating the obvious.

  “Yes, but you're still alive.”

  He looks shocked for a second then I see his eyes tear up. “You want me to be grandpa?”

  “Of course. You’re family.” He suddenly pulls me into a hug which I return. Since leaving the hospital, we’ve became a lot closer, especially as we both recovered here.

  “I’m going to check in with Luke,” he says before leaving quickly, probably to cover his tears.

  “That was bloody cute,” Molly says.

  “He’s such a nice man and your baby is lucky to have him,” Cleo adds.

  I sit on the couch and laugh as I realize, “This kid will have an army at their side.”

  “Not that they need it. You’ll scare the fuck out of anyone who crosses your kids.” Foster’s deep voice says as he walks in.

  We all turn to look at him with big smiles.

  “Foster!” Cleo shouts and rises to give him a hug while holding Devin.

  “Let me look at this guy.” He peers down at him and says, “Man, this kid keeps growing.” Molly hugs him next and he earns a slap when he tells her, “Irish, you’re fatter than the last time I saw you.” When it’s my turn, he asks, “How you feeling?”

  “Better, thanks.” Over the last few weeks, Foster has spent most of his time working here with Novak. He’s visited Lawson and Quinn a few times as well, but the two of us have grown close. “You’ve been traveling a lot lately,” I comment.

  “Yeah, the way of this life, I guess. I’m heading to Mexico soon.”

  “You need to settle down,” Molly informs him as bold as ever.

  “I know some great girls that are hot and feisty,” Cleo offers.

  “Are you crazy? He needs a shy, quiet girl,” Molly argues.

  “You’re both wrong,” I cut in. “He needs one with a heart of gold, who can love him unconditionally.”

  We all look toward Foster, thinking he’ll finally cave and tell us what type he prefers, but all he does is roll his eyes and let out a deep breath.

  “Hey, the ladies are back,” Novak says as he, Quinn, and Lawson appear behind Foster.

  “Oh, thank god,” Foster mumbles. “These women are vultures.”

  “Hey!” We yell at Foster making them all laugh.

  Novak comes over and gives me a kiss. “Tired from shopping?”

  I shrug then answer, “Not really. Why?”

  “Because you're going out with the girls again.”

  “I am?”

  “You are,” he confirms.

  I see Lawson take Devin from Cleo and give her a kiss. “I’ll see you later.”

  “You're not too tired either, are you?” Quinn asks Molly, giving her belly a rub.

  “Oh please, I’m perfectly fine.”

  “Okay, ladies you know the plan.” Novak directs his statement to Cleo and Molly, confusing me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Nothing for you to worry about. Just go out and enjoy yourselves,” he tells me with a grin. He’s definitely up to something.

  I was right, he was. We got our fingernails, toes, makeup, and hair done. I have on a flowing white sundress with lace, my red polish standing out against it, while Cleo and Molly have on red. I have no idea where we’re going, but it's obviously something special. We park near the road at the bottom of our property where there’s a trail that leads to the beach.

  “Come on,” Cleo pulls my hand as Molly follows us.

  I stop in my tracks when I see an archway full of red and white roses set up, and Novak and the guys standing near it. Quinn, Lawson, Foster, Ted and Luke, all have on suits with bare feet.

  “What is happening?” I ask the girls.

  They smile and link arms, taking me to Novak. I smile, still slightly confused when I reach him.

  “Willow, you look breathtaking. I’m the luckiest man alive.” I blush at his compliment.

  “Novak what’s going on?” I ask.

  “We’re getting married,” he states simply.

  “We are?” I ask, raising a brow.

  “Yes.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a white gold princess cut ring with a big ruby. It’s beautiful and very me. He slips it on my finger and it fits perfectly.

  “Traditionally doesn’t the man ask?” I smirk.

  “I’m not. We are getting married,” he grins.

  “Okay, but only because I love you so much.” I giggle and leap into his arms, giving him a kiss.

  “Hey now, we aren’t at that part yet,” Ted scolds and I can’t help but laugh.

  “You're marrying us?” I ask.

  “I am, and it’s an honor to do so,” he smiles at me. “Now let's get started.”

  Our friends form a horseshoe shape around us with Ted at the top officiating. The ceremony goes by way too fast for my liking. Later a photographer comes and we take pictures, then head to the house and have a lavish dinner. We laugh, share stories, and have a gr
eat time. I’ll always remember this day. Not because of the ring he gave me, the dress, or the wedding on the beach, but this. Our friends who’ve become our family, celebrating our love that we’ll share every day for the rest of our lives, and pass to our children.

  Epilogue One

  Novak - Five years later

  “How’s preschool? Preparing them for kindergarten?” Anna asks from the other side of the counter. She and Foster are visiting with their kids.

  “God no,” I laugh. “The twins are holy terrors.” Yep, you heard it, we had twin boys. Nolan and Waylon, and they’re exactly like their father, but with a whole lot more attitude.

  “Aww, those sweet boys?” Anna asks sarcastically as she smiles into her cup of coffee.

  I roll my eyes and finish cleaning before sitting next to her. “Did you see what Molly and Cleo sent in the group chat?” I ask.

  She laughs as she answers, “Yeah. Molly, Quinn, and the boys look like they’re enjoying Ireland. While Lawson, Cleo, and theirs are having a great time in Hawaii.”

  “When they get back, I vote we have a girls’ weekend in Vegas,” I tell her with a grin.

  “Yes, please,” Ana sighs.

  “Woooooooohoooooo!” Nolan yells from the front door.

  “Waaaaaaiiiittttt for meeeeeee,” Waylon screams behind him as he races into the kitchen.

  “Me too!!!” Axel, Foster and Anna’s oldest, shouts too.

  “Oh god, they’re home,” I playfully moan, making Anna giggle.

  Waylon, Nolan, and Axel blow past me and head to the backyard. “Hold it!” I yell and they stop instantly, turning to give us a smile.

  “How was your day?” Anna asks them.

  All three-start talking at the same time, full of excitement and enthusiasm. We hear something about a car and Uncle Luke, and a lot of other stuff we don’t understand.

  “Are my boys back?” I hear Ted call from Novak's office before he appears a second later.

  “Grandpa!” The twins run and give him a hug. You’d think it’s been weeks since they saw each other instead of a day and a half.


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