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The Boy Aviators in Nicaragua; or, In League with the Insurgents

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by John Henry Goldfrap


  By Captain Wilbur Lawton

  Absolutely Modern Stories for Boys

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  The Boy Aviators Treasure Quest Or, The Golden Galleon

  Everybody is a boy once more when it comes to the question of hiddentreasure. In this book, Captain Lawton has set forth a hunt for goldthat is concealed neither under the sea nor beneath the earth, but iswell hidden for all that. A garrulous old sailor, who holds the key tothe mystery of the Golden Galleon, plays a large part in the developmentof the plot of this fascinating narrative of treasure hunting in theregion of the Gulf Stream and the Sargasso Sea. An aeroplane fitted withefficient pontoons—enabling her to skim the water successfully—has longbeen a dream of aviators. The Chester Boys seem to have solved theproblem. The Sargasso, that strange drifting ocean within an ocean,holding ships of a dozen nations and a score of ages, in its relentlessgrip, has been the subject of many books of adventure and mystery, butin none has the secret of the ever shifting mass of treacherous currentsbeen penetrated as it has in the BOY AVIATORS’ TREASURE QUEST. LutherBarr, whom it seemed the boys had shaken off, is still on their trail,in this absorbing book and with a dirigible balloon, essays to beat themout in their search for the Golden Galleon. Every boy, every man—andwoman and girl—who has ever felt the stirring summons of adventure intheir souls, had better get hold of this book. Once obtained, it will beread and re-read till it falls to rags.

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  HURST & CO. Publishers NEW YORK



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