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An Earl In Time

Page 18

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “Marry? Just because I’m sitting on your lap?”

  “Yes. This is highly inappropriate. It’s to your benefit no one in the Ton is here to see this.”

  “Will the Ton assume I ran off here to have a sordid love affair with you like the servants do?”

  “The Ton doesn’t know you exist, so no. As long as we’re here, there’s nothing we have to worry about. The servants have no influence in London. It doesn’t matter what they think.”

  She thought she felt something move up her leg, so she glanced down and saw that he had successfully managed to bring the hem of her gown halfway up to her knees without her realizing it. “I am shocked at you, Julian.” She pushed the gown back down. “If you think me sitting on your lap is scandalous, then the fact that you’re trying to expose my legs is worse.”

  “I’m merely curious about shorts.”

  She chuckled as he made another attempt to lift the hem of her gown. She reached out and grabbed his hand to stop him. “I can’t believe you think it’s wrong for me to wear jeans when I ride a horse but being groped like this while sitting on your lap is perfectly fine.”

  “If you wore jeans while riding a horse, you’d be straddling the animal like I do.”


  “Maybe you have to be a gentleman to understand,” he began as he put his hand on her thigh. “All I can say is that if you rode a horse like I do, it would be highly suggestive of something you ought to only do when you’re alone with me. I can’t have others seeing you in that position. They have no right.”

  “But you have a right to caress my thigh even though we aren’t married yet?” she asked as he ran his hand along her leg.

  “Oh, you noticed that?”

  She was sure a lady in her time would be appalled by all of this, but she found it funny. She nudged him in the shoulder and giggled. “Yes, I noticed it. You’re terrible, Julian. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Really, up until this morning, you didn’t do any of this.”

  “You said you’d marry me. I’m a little excited about what this means for what we can do.”

  “A little excited?”

  “I’ve been pretty much alone for two hundred years. I’ve had no one to share my life with. I haven’t been with a lady before. You can’t really blame me for being excited, can you?”

  She felt her resolve weaken. She had this image of what proper ladies were like in this time, and she figured not a single one would allow a gentleman to do more than kiss her. She should aspire to be like them since she was going to stay here. But a part of her felt sorry for him. As he’d said, they would be married by the end of the day. She supposed there really wasn’t any harm in showing him the same thing she’d shown other people in her past when she’d worn those shorts.

  “All right,” she said.

  She brought the hem of her gown and the pantalets up to her mid-thigh so he could get a clear view of her legs, though, to be fair, she was wearing stockings, so it wasn’t like she was completely bare.

  “I’m not going further than this until we’re married,” she added. “After we’re married, you can see everything you want.”

  “What I’m seeing right now is exquisite,” he said, his voice soft as he inspected her legs. He placed his hand near her ankle and slowly brought it up her leg.

  Even if they had been in her time when wearing shorts was perfectly acceptable, she suspected the way he was touching her would have still been considered inappropriate. His touch was gentle, but it was also surprisingly arousing. She had no idea this part of her body was so sensitive. No wonder ladies in this time wore long gowns.

  He leaned toward her and kissed the side of her neck. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. This was nice.

  Nice? This went beyond nice. This was the most exciting thing she’d ever experienced. And to think he wasn’t even touching her in more private places.

  She turned her head and brought her mouth to his. He let out a low moan and held her more firmly against him. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue, and when she parted her lips, he slid his tongue into her mouth. Heat swept over her entire body. She could get used to this. She had no idea kissing could be this thrilling. It made all the ones she’d had with past dates pale in comparison.

  It seemed strange to think that before she was even born, she was fated to be with him, but that’s exactly how it felt. Up until meeting him, she hadn’t been complete. With him, she was whole. He was her soulmate, the only man she could ever love. And, she suspected that she was the only lady he could ever love.

  She was aware that he had let his hand slide under her pantalets, but at the moment, she wasn’t interested in restraints. All she wanted to do was get lost in this moment with him. It was a foretaste of what was to come, and she wanted to get the most out of it.

  She lost track of time as they continued kissing. The rest of the world fell away, and all that existed was the two of them. She was aware that he continued exploring her entire leg. She was aware that her fingers wound their way through the soft strands of his hair. She was aware of how her nipples hardened in anticipation of being touched. She was even aware of the ache between her legs that made her want to do far more than sit on his lap. But she wasn’t the least bit aware of the time or the rest of the world around them.

  A knock at the door managed to stir her from the dreamlike state she had descended into.

  “We’ll be in the dining room in a few moments,” Julian called out.

  She hurried to get off of his lap and smoothed out her gown so that the hem was back at her ankles. “How do you know that was the butler telling us it’s time to eat?”

  “Because it’s eight.”

  It was? She turned to the fireplace mantle and saw the clock. Had they really been making out for almost an hour?

  “He always tells me it’s time to eat at eight,” Julian said. “It’s been that way for two centuries. Even without the same day repeating itself, he likes to be punctual.”

  She patted her hair to make sure everything was in place, but as she glanced at Julian, who was marking the page he’d been reading in his grandfather’s journal, she realized he was the one who needed to comb his hair. He also needed to adjust the cravat. “You can’t leave the library like this,” she told him. “You’re all disheveled.” She searched for a mirror, but she couldn’t find anything.

  He went to the window and checked his reflection. It wasn’t as good as a mirror, but she supposed it worked. She hurried over to him and helped him brush his hair with her fingers.

  He chuckled. “You don’t need to look so scared. They already think we’re doing this kind of thing.”

  “Just because they think it, it doesn’t mean they need evidence.”

  “For someone who lived in an era where ladies sat on gentlemen’s laps and wore shorts, you sure do panic a lot.”

  “When I was in my time, I didn’t sit on anyone’s lap, and I didn’t let someone touch my legs the way you just did.”

  He stopped fixing his cravat and gave her a questioning look. “But you let someone kiss you the way we were just kissing?”

  “No. I kissed a couple of gentlemen, but they were more like the kisses we shared last night. I never made out with someone for almost an hour.”

  “Good. I rather like the idea that I was your first and only.”

  He went back to adjusting his cravat.

  She stared expectantly at him. When he didn’t say more, she asked, “And what about you? How much have you done with another lady?”

  “If I had done anything, I wouldn’t have been so interested in seeing your legs.” He brought her into his arms and gave her a long kiss that threatened to convince her to get right back on his lap. Thankfully, he released her before the temptation got the best of her. “I’ve been celibate all of my life, and quite frankly, after all these centuries, I don’t have the patience for a long courtship. That’s why we’re getting married today.” He paused.
“I just hope there are people beyond the bridge.”

  She sensed the uncertainty in his tone and couldn’t blame him for being apprehensive. She wasn’t sure what to expect, either, especially since the coachman had yet to return.

  Sounding more optimistic than she felt, she said, “I’m sure everything is normal out there. The fact that time is moving forward for you has to mean we’re lined up with the rest of the world.”

  He clasped her hands in his. “Even if it isn’t, I’m glad you’re the one who walked through the time portal in the hallway. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”

  She smiled. “I feel the same way.”

  “Good. And before I forget to say it, you are so very beautiful.”

  Her smile widened at the compliment.

  He kissed both of her hands then escorted her out of the room.

  Chapter Twenty

  After they ate, Julian and Willow went to change into their riding outfits. Julian was the first to get ready, but instead of going to the library, he decided to wait in the hallway near her bedchamber. And, while waiting, he stood at a window. It overlooked the front of the property, so he had a clear view of the bridge.

  He had watched the footman leave that morning. The footman had crossed the bridge without any difficulty, and he had taken the carriage down the path lined with the young trees. Julian had watched him until he was no more than a dot on the dirt road.

  As far as he could see, the world still existed beyond the property. Even now, he could see the valley and the hills. He could only hope that his eyes weren’t deceiving him.

  He would know either way before nightfall. If the footman didn’t return with the vicar, then he had to assume there wasn’t anything beyond this property. That road, the valley, and the hills in the distance were only a mirage.

  The coachman he had sent to London hadn’t returned yet, but London was a good distance from here. He really had to give the coachman another couple of days to return before he assumed the worst. Travel on horse was faster than travel by carriage, but it still required time and patience. The vicar, however, didn’t live that far away. If Julian recalled right, the parish was only half a day from here.

  He took a deep breath. If those servants didn’t return, then what would it mean for them? Had he unwittingly sent them to some kind of doom? Or would they pass through some portal that would take them to the real world? Was it possible that this place was still in limbo even with Willow here?

  He heard footsteps behind him, so he turned and saw Willow heading in his direction with a powder-blue gown with short sleeves in her hands.

  “I thought I’d wear this for our wedding,” she said. “It’s perfect for a bridal gown, except for the color. It’s not all white.”

  Curious, he asked, “What does the color of the gown have to do with anything?”

  “White is the color brides wear.”

  “I’ve heard of brides wearing other colors.”

  “Maybe that’s what they did in this time, but in my time, and in my country, brides wear white on their wedding day.”


  She thought for a moment then said, “I don’t know. It’s just something they do.”

  “Do the gentlemen wear white suits?”

  “No. They can wear any color they want.”

  “The way people do things in your time makes little sense to me,” he admitted. “Sometimes you wear breeches like a gentleman, and at other times you wear shorts that barely cover anything. Sitting on someone’s lap isn’t scandalous. You defy a lot of rules meant for polite society, and yet you’re worried about wearing a white gown on your wedding day?”

  She gave him a pointed look. “You’re not exactly pure in all you do, Julian. You were the one who urged me onto your lap and asked to see my legs.”

  “That’s different.”

  “How so?”

  “Because we are to be married before the day is over. As it is, we’re practically husband and wife already. Besides, you didn’t seem all that opposed to it when we were in the library.”

  She glanced around as if she was afraid one of the servants had overheard him.

  “I’m discreet,” he assured her. “Your lady’s maid left as you were telling me what people wear on their wedding day. For all she knows, we’re having a senseless argument.”

  “We’re not arguing. We were just talking about how things are different in this time and the one I came from.”

  He had suspected that slipping in the word argument might take her mind off of his behavior in the library, and he was relieved the trick had worked. The truth was he had been a cad when he encouraged her to do things they really shouldn’t be doing before they married.

  “I can’t even imagine what you’d think if you were to step into my time,” Willow said. “On hot summer days, men go outside without their shirts on, and they often wear shorts, too. I mean, from your perspective, everyone would probably look like they were in their undergarments.”

  “You’ve seen gentlemen without their shirts on, and you’ve seen their bare legs?” he asked in shock.

  “Yes, but no one thinks anything of it because we’re used to it.”

  “But-but they do this out in the open? Right where anyone can see them?”

  “Well, yes, but it’s perfectly acceptable and everyone does it. There’s nothing going on that would be wrong. Those gentlemen are usually mowing a lawn or swimming in a pool.” She paused, her eyes wide. “Oh dear. I don’t think I should explain what people wear at swimming pools and beaches.”

  He didn’t like any of this. “People in the future have no sense of modesty. It’s to your benefit that you’re here with me. A lady doesn’t need to be ambushed by such nakedness. Your sensibilities are important. They ought to be protected.”

  “They will be protected since I’m here with you. I’d much rather be with you than back there anyway. I don’t miss my past. You’re my present and my future. That’s all that matters to me.” She kissed his cheek. “Are you upset with me?”

  Though he didn’t like the idea of her having seen gentlemen in a state of undress, she couldn’t be blamed for it. Not if all of society was doing this in her time. He was just glad she’d no longer be subjected to such indecency.

  He slipped his arm around her waist and drew her closer to him. “I’m not upset with you. How could I be upset when this is what your world was like?”

  “Thankfully, you won’t be asked to go to my time. I’m very happy here with you. I have no desire to go back to that world. This is the one I want to be in.”

  He was relieved to hear that. If he had to go to her time in order to be with her, he would, but the very idea of being in that time made him uneasy. There were many things she’d mentioned that he didn’t understand, and he would rather not see a lot of people prancing about in so little clothing. Yes, he was very much relieved that she was happy to stay in this time.

  “Even if I was surrounded by all the ladies in London, I would want no other but you,” he said. “You are the only one for me.”

  “I want no one else, either. I’m glad that time portal brought us together.”

  “I am, too. We have much to be thankful for.” He kissed her. “So you chose that gown because it’s the closest you could get to a white one?”

  “That was part of it, but I also fell in love with it. This is the most beautiful gown I’ve ever seen. I thought something like this would be appropriate for a ball or some elaborate occasion. It doesn’t seem like something you wear just to eat or read a book. Something important must be done when wearing it.”

  “I can think of few things as important as marriage.”

  “I agree. I know this gown belonged to your mother, but it almost seems like it was made for me.” She laughed. “I know how silly that sounds.”

  “It might not be all that silly. I can’t recall ever seeing my mother in it.”

  “Really? She never wore something this

  He shrugged. “If she did, I was too young to remember. Did the maid already adjust it so it’ll be ready for this evening?”

  “Yes. All of the clothes have been mended to fit me. She’s now working on my slippers. I’ll return this to my bedchamber. I’ll be right back.” She gave him a quick kiss then went to her room.

  He smiled as he watched her. After a moment, he turned his attention back to the window. He didn’t want doubts to cloud this day, but he sure did hope the footman would be here later this day with the vicar so he could be assured the world as he knew it still existed.


  Willow and Julian arrived at the gazebo an hour later. He pulled out the pieces of parchment from his pocket and showed them to her. “All three pieces are here. I don’t know if they’re enough, but we might as well see what happens.”

  Willow nodded and accepted his hand before he led her up the steps of the gazebo. Again, the sensation of electricity passed through her, and the red and gold colors swirled around them. The cage was still on the wooden bench, and the fairy was still in the center of it.

  The fairy turned her gaze to them.

  Willow and Julian knelt in front of the cage.

  “I was stuck in the same day for two centuries,” Julian said. “The day before I was trapped in time, I received a missive. Unfortunately, I didn’t save it. I put it in the fire. All that’s left are these pieces of the parchment.” He showed her the pieces that were in the palm of his hand. “I was wondering if you can use these fragments to put the missive back together. Willow and I think there might be something in it that can help us break the curse we’re all under.”

  The fairy’s gaze went to the contents in his hand. She closed her eyes and said a few words that Willow couldn’t understand. Green mist began to form around her for several long moments. It grew brighter and brighter until it was so bright that Willow had to squint to keep looking at it. In the next moment, the light struck the pieces of paper.


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