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Forever Theirs

Page 12

by Katee Robert

  Slowly, oh so slowly, she obeyed.

  Theo guided his cock into her another inch, and then another, slowly and surely filling her completely. He shifted her hair to the side and pressed an open-mouth kiss to her neck that had her shifting restlessly against him—against Galen’s clever fingers. “Let me tell you a secret, princess.”

  “What?” she gasped.

  “We’ve never shared a woman like this—like we’re about to.”

  She went still, as if the implications had just settled over her. “Never?”

  “Never,” Galen confirmed.

  Theo slid his free hand beneath her hips and rolled them. He ended up on his back, with Meg sprawled against his chest, his cock still buried in her ass. Theo carefully hooked his legs under hers and spread her wide. Galen moved to kneel in the space he’d created. He ran his hands up Meg’s thighs and then down again, repeating the move with Theo’s thighs.

  A wicked grin pulled at his lips and he cupped Theo’s balls, rolling them over his palm. “She’s tight, isn’t she? Clenched around your cock, trusting you to treat her gently and not fuck her ass like you want to.” One final squeeze and he released Theo, which was just as well. He was hanging on by a fucking thread.

  Galen looked at them both, and Theo knew him well enough to see beyond the mask, to recognize the possessiveness beneath. Galen might as well have growled, mine. He ran his hand up Meg’s body to bracket her throat. “He’s nice. I’m not. When I take your ass, and I will, I’m going to ride you hard, baby. Theo can have your pussy that time, or maybe your mouth.” He dragged his thumb over her bottom lip. “Play nice and we’ll even let you choose.”

  She shivered over Theo like a live wire. “Galen, I—”

  “Not tonight.” His hand disappeared down her body and Theo didn’t have to see to know he was playing with her pussy again. Galen frowned. “Are you on birth control?”


  “Yes,” she murmured.

  Galen, what are you doing?

  Galen didn’t look at Theo, blatantly refusing to answer his unspoken question. He just kept working Meg with his fingers. “We’re clean. We haven’t fucked anyone but each other, and we were tested less than six months ago.”

  Fuck, Galen. Theo held his breath. The audacity to broach this conversation now, in their current position… “Galen—”

  “I’m clean.” Meg gave another shiver, clenching around his cock. “I… I got tested after we were together.”

  Galen didn’t look away from her face. “Do you want me to get a condom?”

  Theo started to sit up, but froze when Meg moaned. He soothed a hand down her body and glared at his best friend. “You can’t just—”

  “You didn’t put on a condom, Theo.”

  He cursed. Fuck, but Galen was right. “I’m clean.”

  “I know that. Now she does, too.” Galen leaned down over them both and pressed a soft kiss to Meg’s mouth. “Do you want me to get a condom, Meg?” he repeated.

  “No.” She reached one hand behind her head to hook around Theo’s neck, and the other around Galen’s. “No, it’s okay. I trust you. Both of you.”

  Theo had to close his eyes to smother the guilt her words brought. She shouldn’t trust them. In this, yes. Always. He would never put her in a position where she would be harmed by fucking them. But it was his selfishness that had put her in literal danger, and he didn’t fucking deserve her trust as a result.

  Galen stared at her for another long moment, as if gauging her sincerity, and then he reached between them. “Remember to breathe.”

  “I—” Whatever Meg had been about to say disappeared in a whimper as Galen started working his cock into her. She was already full of Theo, and Galen wasn’t small by any definition of the word. She gripped his hair, holding him close even as she writhed between them.

  “Breathe,” Theo murmured in her ear. He pressed a hand flat against her stomach, holding her still as Galen thrust deeper, wedging himself inside her until he was sheathed to the hilt. His dark eyes held a storm of desire and a ruthlessness she was growing to appreciate even as she dreaded it. His gaze flicked up to Theo’s and he dipped down to take Theo’s mouth even as he began moving in her.

  She’d half expected the rough fucking he’d promised her, but Galen went slowly. It was still almost too much. She couldn’t move, could barely breathe through the fullness. Being pinned between them, her legs spread wide, her body filled in a way she never could have dreamed.

  Meg shifted, but once again, Theo’s hand on her stomach stopped her. This time, when he spoke, his strain was evident in his tone. “We’re hanging on by a thread, princess. Don’t want to hurt you.” He skated his hand down to stroke her clit, timing the small circles with each of Galen’s thrusts.

  Each muscle flexed on Galen’s body as he buried himself to the hilt. “Hang on.” He moved them onto their sides and hitched Meg’s leg high on his hip. The new position made her whimper. Galen hesitated. “Okay?”

  “Don’t you dare stop.” She reached behind her to tangle her fingers in Theo’s hair. “You’re both just… so deep.”

  “Mmmm.” He held her clenched to him and kissed her, his tongue conquering her mouth even as his cock had conquered her body. Or maybe it wasn’t a war. She didn’t know anything anymore, except that she might die right here in this bed from the pleasure they dealt her, and Meg couldn’t bring herself to care. She was so busy tangling with Galen’s mouth that it took her precious seconds to realize Theo had begun to move behind her.

  He held her hips perfectly still and dragged his cock nearly all the way out of her before starting an equally slow thrust back into her. She shivered like a live wire, her body sending her conflicting messages. Too much. Not enough. Stop stop ohmygod stop. Don’t stop. Oh fuck, don’t you dare stop.

  Through it all, Theo never ceased his tantalizing circling of her clit with his clever fingers. And Galen never stopped kissing her. Meg arched back toward Theo and broke away from Galen’s mouth for half a second. “More. I want more.”

  Theo froze. “You’re sure.”


  Galen laughed harshly. “Give the lady what she wants, Theo.” He lifted her leg up and out, opening her completely for them.

  They’d been careful before. Too careful.

  They weren’t now.

  They began fucking her in earnest. Each stroke timed to perfection. They thrust and withdrew as one man, leaving her alternately achingly empty and almost too full. All the while, Theo played with her clit as if he had all the time in the world to coax her to orgasm.

  Meg couldn’t move. Couldn’t do more than take what they gave her, pleasure with a hint of pain, their bigger bodies overwhelming her smaller one. She felt used, dirty in the best way possible. They took their pleasure from her body, and through it all one truth vibrated through her.

  I’m the first.

  The thought tipped her over the edge. Meg’s body went tight, white exploding across her vision as her orgasm sucked her under. They didn’t stop, didn’t slow down, just kept fucking her as her orgasm went on and on, her toes curling so hard they hurt.

  Theo’s strokes broke. He cursed and Galen hooked the back of his neck and kissed him as Theo pulled out and came on her back in searing streams of cum. Galen pushed him, and then Meg was half tossed face-down onto Theo’s chest as Galen moved between her legs. He urged her hips up squeezed her ass, parting her cheeks just like Theo had done earlier. “Soon, baby. Soon.” He spoke so low, he might have been talking to himself.

  And then he guided his cock into her pussy with enough force that she slid several inches up Theo’s chest. Theo was there, tangling his fingers in her hair and claiming her mouth even as Galen braced one arm over her shoulder to keep her in place and fucked her in short, brutal thrusts. She felt him swell inside her. He cursed and pulled out, shooting across her back, mixing his cum with Theo’s. She melted onto Theo’s chest, boneless.

  Meg blinked
slowly, staring at the tastefully colored wall on the other side of the bed. “I think I found religion.”

  Galen huffed a laugh and dropped down next to them. He kissed Meg and then Theo, and then rolled onto his back and stretched like a giant cat. “That so?”

  “Mmhmm.” She had to clear her throat. “There was a second in there where baby angels sang and I’m pretty sure I saw the face of god.” Meg reached out with a shaking hand and dragged her finger over the scar that ran perpendicular to Galen’s collarbone. “I think we’re going to have to do this again, though. Just to be sure.”

  Theo’s laugh filled the room. “Not tonight, princess. The only thing left on the agenda tonight is another shower and a long soak.”

  She shifted experimentally. Her whole body ached as if she’d run a marathon—or ridden two sexy as fuck men to completion—and she was decidedly…sticky. “That sounds doable.”

  “So glad you approve.”

  Galen huffed out another of his chuckles and rolled to his feet. “I’ll get the shower going.”

  Meg smiled against Theo’s chest as she listened to him stalk into the bathroom. Several long moments passed before her body formed back into muscles and bones and let her lift her head. Instead of a goofy smile on his face, Theo’s dark brows were drawn together in a frown. She frowned back at him. “What?”

  “I don’t want you to have regrets.”

  She started to make a pithy answer, but stopped and shook her head. “I thought things couldn’t get better after that first night with you two. I was wrong. This was so much better.”

  He smoothed her hair back from her face. “All the same, a conversation about being tested and whether or not to use condoms shouldn’t be done in the middle of fucking. It skews the outcome.”


  Meg took a slow breath, trying to get her sluggish thoughts into an order that made sense. “Do you have regrets?”

  “When it comes to you and Galen? No. Never.”

  She had a feeling he wasn’t solely talking about the condom conversation, but she let that go. “I meant what I said. I trust you two. I have an IUD. I’m not getting pregnant without someone yanking that thing out, or I wouldn’t have agreed to go bare.” When he just stared at her, waiting, she huffed out a breath. “No, Theo, I don’t have regrets. Did the fact it felt a little wrong get me off all the harder? Fuck yes, it did. But I still wouldn’t have said yes unless I was willing to do it.”

  He searched her face as if debating whether she was going to change her mind and yell at them for coercing her later. Meg could have told him it wasn’t even in the realm of possibilities. She owned her choices, for better or worse.

  At least she did when she made them with eyes wide open.

  Finally, Theo nodded. “If you change your mind, no one will hold it against you.”

  “I know.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Come on. Galen’s getting lonely in that big shower all by himself.”


  “They took her to Germany.”

  Phillip Fitzcharles pinched the bridge of his nose. He should have killed that bastard nephew of his months ago, a quiet accident that was very tragic and convenient. It would have saved him the epic headache the boy had become. If he was in Germany, he was searching for evidence that Phillip’s claims about Mary were lies. As if he could fake something of that proportion without the paperwork to back it up.

  He had, but that was beside the point.

  Theodore couldn’t know. It was impossible.

  Phillip turned to face Dorian. Such a small-minded man, mean and ambitious. There was nothing wrong with ambition, but Dorian always reached too high, too fast, and he failed because of it. It was his ambition that resulted in his exile nearly twenty years ago—an order reversed by the current Crown Prince.

  He checked his watch. The Crown Prince who would be there shortly. “They’re in Mary’s old house?”

  “Yes. It’s owned by one of the many Mortimore sisters, but Theo is there with Galen and the girl.”

  Dorian might be a monumental pain in his ass, but the man’s contacts were without parallel. Phillip paced to one side of the room and back. “You burned the clinic.”

  “I saw to it personally. The records no longer exist.”

  It wasn’t enough. Despite heavy bribes, the information was scattered and unreliable. There could be other copies of the records filed elsewhere. Dorian had his men do a cursory search, but just because they hadn’t found something didn’t mean it didn’t exist.

  And if it existed, then Theodore would find it. He was too desperate not to.

  Phillip glanced at the doorway Edward would be coming through at any moment. They had to wrap this up quickly. The boy was already suspicious, and the only way Phillip had placated him was to promise that Theodore and Galen could come home after he was crowned—stripped of their respective titles, of course.

  He couldn’t let it happen.

  As long as Theodore was in Thalania, he was a threat to the crown. The people loved him, and he’d been raised to rule. He couldn’t stand next to the throne without overshadowing it.

  Without overshadowing Phillip’s influence.

  He moved closer to Dorian. “This can’t go on any longer. Do you understand me?”

  Dorian’s brows drew together. “My son might still be useful.”

  The only person who could successfully harness Galen was Theodore, but telling the man that accomplished nothing. Dorian’s ambition lay in convincing his only son to wed Camilla Fitzcharles. Despite the offer, it would never happen—something Phillip knew when he proposed it—but it kept Dorian from getting any untoward ideas. “That’s fine. If you can find a way to separate them, do it. But my nephew and the girl need to be dealt with, Dorian.” If she was sleeping with Theo, there might be a chance she was pregnant and that was a nightmare Phillip had no intention of dealing with.

  “Consider it done.”

  “Good.” The door opened and Phillip turned with a practiced smile as Edward Fitzcharles walked into the room. “Good morning, Edward.” The boy took more after his mother than his father, lean and pale with a face that hadn’t quite lost the softness of childhood. Theodore had radiated personality from a very young age, sure of his place in the world, but his younger brother didn’t have quite the same presence.

  The difference served Phillip well.

  “Good afternoon, Uncle.” Edward dropped into the chair across from him. “What’s on the agenda today?”


  Phillip kept his smile in place as Dorian slipped from the room. If things went well, in a few days his little problem with Theodore and his woman would be nothing more than a tragic news story.

  Galen woke as Meg climbed out of bed. He kept his eyes closed and his breathing even, curious about what she intended. Last night had been intense, to say the least, and most women would need some space after it. Or that’s what he told himself as he listened to her pad to the doorway and down the hallway.

  It sure as fuck wasn’t rejection.

  He rolled over and laced his fingers behind his head. It was early—barely five—but he’d get dressed and go for a run soon. As intense as the fucking was last night, Galen needed to burn off some energy. They hadn’t dodged any bullets by coming here. Theo took precautions to cover their trail, but ultimately, he was the exiled prince of Thalania. People paid attention to him, especially in Europe.

  If he thought for a second it would have worked, Galen would have tossed both Theo and Meg on a plane and sent them somewhere safe while he hunted down these leads. It shouldn’t have been this difficult to get the evidence they needed, especially in this age of technology where everything was on the internet.

  But try as they might, they couldn’t get concrete answers about Theo’s mother—about who she’d been before marrying his father.

  About her first marriage.

  It should have been as easy as a Google search and, failing that, contacting her
family to obtain records. But both her parents were long dead and while one of her legion of sisters had maintained control of the family property in Germany, the rest of them had scattered to the four corners of the earth. It didn’t make sense, and their caginess when it came to talking about Mary set Galen’s teeth on edge.

  There was a secret there—a big one.

  And he didn’t think for a second it was the same one Phillip had used to oust Theo—that Mary was still married to her first husband when she ran off with Theodore Fitzcharles II, got married, and got pregnant. Not necessarily in that order. Phillip might have the paperwork to prove it, but something wasn’t quite right.

  Galen and Theo fully intended to find out the full story.

  It would have been a whole lot easier to do if any of Mary’s sisters were actually interested in talking to their nephew.

  Footsteps in the hallway brought him back to the present. Meg slipped through the door and froze when she met his gaze. “You’re awake.”

  “So are you.” He glanced at the thing she held in her hand. A book. “Bored?”

  She tilted her head to the side and made a show of raking her eyes over him and then Theo where he still slept on the other side of the mattress. “I have two gorgeous men in bed. How could I possibly be bored?” When he gave her a look, she sighed. “Yes, I’m bored. We dodged jet lag for the most part, but I’m usually up and moving by this time.”

  “Me, too.” He patted the mattress. “Show me your book.”

  Still, she hesitated. “I should probably just read in my own room. I don’t know why I even came back in here.”

  Galen didn’t navigate bullshit easily. It wasted everyone’s time to spin comfortable lies when the truth was right there glaring in a person’s face. Meg came back in here because she wasn’t ready to leave last night behind, because she craved intimacy to go with the fucking. She might not be willing to admit it to herself, but he knew it for fact.

  He should send her to her room. A sharp comment would be all it took to get her back up. She was too prickly and prideful to stand and take it if he spelled out her vulnerability in the space between them.


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