The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 5

by Alex Dafney

  My cheeks brighten as Ryan steps up beside us, carrying his briefcase in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other.

  They shake hands as I take a step back, allowing Ryan to move between us into the classroom.

  Lifting the pastry box in front of me, I give Jet a small smile. “Thank you. You really shouldn’t have.”

  He shrugs one shoulder as he leans toward me, my heart beating quickly as his face inches toward mine. His lips meet my cheek in a small sweet kiss again, then he’s pulling away, walking backward toward the staircase.

  “Call me after class. Maybe you can sit in on mine instead of going to the witches.” He spins, jogging up the stairs.

  “But I don’t have your number!”

  He pauses on the steps, glancing at me over his shoulder with a killer smile. “Yeah. You do.” He turns, moving up the stairs as my brows draw together I confusion.

  Shaking my head, I walk into the classroom, straight for the lone table that sits in the middle of the room. Setting the pastry box and my coffee cup down, I swing my bag from my shoulder, dropping it slowly in one of the chairs before sliding into the seat next to it.

  “Have your breakfast, and then we’ll get started. I know the beginning of the year bonfire was last night, so I’m sure you're not firing on all cylinders.”

  I look up to Ryan as he begins writing on the chalkboard, thankful for his willingness to let me eat before starting.

  Pulling the simple twine ribbon on the box, I flip the lid open. The smell of cinnamon and coffee wafting toward me. A smile crests my lips as I pull the top open wider, finding a phone number scrawled in large print. I lift the pastry, taking a bite, and immediately moaning my appreciation.

  “Those are amazing, right?”

  I nod at Ryan, who looks up to me from behind his desk.

  “You must be someone special to him if he was willing to wake up before sunrise to be able to snag one of those.”

  I draw my brows together tightly, swallowing hard. “What do you mean?”

  He points to the box that rests on the table. “Brenda’s Bakery. It’s a mom and pop place in the city. A short drive from here, but they only make a limited number of those a day, so customers line the sidewalk to get their hands on one.”

  I stare down at the pastry in my hand, my cheeks brightening at the thought of Jet standing in line just to bring me a treat.

  Quickly, I finish the pastry and my coffee, pushing both empty containers to the edge of the table before dragging my notebook from my bag. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Ryan looks up, giving me a nod before rising and facing the chalkboard.

  An hour later, I’m striding out of my first class toward the staircase, staring down at my phone in my hand as I pull Jet’s contact information up. Hitting the green button to call, I lift the phone to my ear, holding it between my head and my shoulder as I hold onto the railing.

  “Hey. Are you out of class?”

  I nod as if he can see me. “I just walked out. What class do you have next?”

  He gives a hmmm noise over the line. “I don’t know if I want you in my class. I enjoy being the star student.”

  I roll my eyes as he chuckles, pausing at the next floor. “I can always go back to my room until Mr. Allen’s class.”

  His laughter dies down instantly. “No way. I’m going to Psychology next, you should join me.”

  I think about it for a split second before agreeing. “Where is the class?”

  “Seventh floor. I’ll meet you at the stairs.”

  I pull my phone from my ear as I hear the call end, shoving it in my bag and moving upward. As the seventh floor comes into view around the spiral staircase, I find Jet propped against the wall, his arms folded over his broad chest with a boyish grin on his face.

  “You better not outdo me in class.”

  I roll my eyes as I take the last step, falling in step with him down the hallway.

  “I’m only sitting in. I’m not going to outshine you in something I won't be getting credit for.”

  He turns his head toward me, giving me a puzzled look. “You will get credit for being in this class. I told you last night. Your schedule is merely a suggestion. You can go to those classes, or any other you find along the way. As long as you pass the final exam of said class, you get credit.”

  I stop abruptly, looking up to him with an eyebrow raised. “So, you’re telling me, all I have to do is show up on the last day of the semester and take the exam.”

  He nods slowly. “Yeah. Attendance has never been required.”

  I tug my bottom lip into my mouth, a plan forming in my mind. “Okay. If I decided to take every class in one semester, as long as I took and passed all the exams, that would put me being a Sophomore by the end of this term?”

  He nods slowly, a grin pulling onto his lips. “It would, although it’s never been done in this Academy with the lack of motivation within the student body.”

  We fall back into motion, moving toward the classroom.

  Stepping inside room 718, I glance around the room quickly. The place is dim due to the blinds being pulled over the windows, and the lights overhead are turned off. The only light in the room comes from the few burning candelabras along the walls.

  “Welcome, welcome, welcome! Buahahahaha.”

  I freeze in place at the feminine voice that I can’t find in the dimly lit room. I jump as a hand lands on my back, turning to scowl at Jet, who snickers.

  “Madam Zen finds it funny to use her Dracula voice when new students enter.” He shrugs a shoulder as I glare at him before spinning my back to him, squinting in the dark to find a few desks sitting before us.

  Stepping over to the first one, I slide in the seat. Jet takes the one next to me, inching it closer to my own. I look toward the ceiling as movement catches my eyes, my heart nearly stopping as I find a bat circling above us.

  I slide out of my seat, hunkering under the desk as I pinch my eyes closed. Hearing the bat screech above sends a shiver down my spine as I silently pray for it not to attack me. I jolt as I feel something touching my shoulder, opening my eyes to find Jet crouched under my desk as well.

  “Shit, Briar. I forgot about the bird thing. That’s Madam Zen. She’ll change forms briefly.”

  I glance over as a cloud of smoke pops around the bat. As it thins, a slender woman in a long, black cape stands where the bat had been only seconds ago.

  “Why do you cower under the desk?”

  Jet gives my arm a quick rub before ducking his head out and rising, offering me his hand to help me up. I place my hand in his, pulling myself to standing as my cheeks flame bright red. “I’m sorry, Madam Zen. I have a phobia of birds.”

  She gives a drawn-out laugh as Jet and I resume our seats.

  “Then you have nothing to be scared of. Bats are mammals, such as you and…” She starts to point to herself, then gives another laugh, instead pointing between Jet and I. “Such as you and you.”

  I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lip. She seems like she might be a fun teacher after all.

  Stalking over to my desk, she pulls her hand from under the long cape, offering it to me. “I’m Madam Zen, and you are?”

  I take her hand in my own, giving her a dainty shake. “Briar Knotwood.”

  She tilts her head to the side, her eyes moving over to Jet, who sits next to me. “I assume this is the same Briar you have spoken of? The one with the intriguing want of knowledge.”

  I look over to Jet from the corner of my eye, finding his cheeks to be tinted with a blush as he gives a small nod.

  Madam Zen pulls her hand away from mine, giving me a small smile. “Welcome to Psychology of the Vampire.” She pulls her cape around her, spinning and moving back to the front of the room, diving into the lesson for the day.

  Jet leans out of his chair toward me as she scribbles a marker along the whiteboard, me leaning toward him. “Sorry for not warning you about her being a bat.”

nbsp; I shake my head lightly, turning to give him a small smile. “Don’t worry about it,” I whisper to him as I pull back, focusing on the lecture.

  What seems like a short time later, we’re both packing our books into our bags at the end of the lecture.

  “What’s your plans after class?” I ask as I slide from my seat, standing to face Jet.

  He gives me a shrug as he hoists his backpack onto one shoulder. “A few of the upperclassmen are going over to the bar that’s close to campus. I could give you a ride if you want to join.”

  I scrunch my nose up as I shake my head quickly. “No, thanks. I’m underage.”Even though I do have a fake ID in my room, going out to a bar has never been my scene.

  I start for the door, needing to get to my next class as he falls in step beside me.

  “Why did you ask? Did you have something else in mind?”

  I keep moving toward the stairs, keeping my eyes trained ahead of me. “Not really. Just, whenever you have the time, I’d like to speak with you about the Academy Bowl.”

  As I start to move down the stairs, he flings his hand in front of me, blocking me from going down. I look up to the confused look on his face.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I let out a small sigh, dropping my eyes to the floor between us. “I was up all night last night, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.” I force myself to lift my eyes to meet his. “What if we were able to compete in the Bowl this year? What if we found enough students willing to participate, and put the Academy of Underachievers on the map?” I shrug one shoulder as I finish.

  His lip tugs upward with a sideways grin, shaking his head ever so slowly as he looks down at me. “You are crazy, Briar Knotwood.”

  My cheeks tint as I drop my eyes to the floor.

  He reaches between us, placing his finger under my chin and urging my head upward to meet his gaze. His eyes sparkle with excitement, and a small smile crests his lips as he shakes his head at me. “So crazy, that I can’t wait to hear your ideas. Meet me at my room after class.”

  He leans toward me, placing a quick kiss to my temple before pulling back and grinning at me broadly. “We better get to class if we have any chance at the Bowl.”

  A wide smile pulls onto my lips as I nod in agreement, scurrying down the stairs toward my next class.

  “Room 303.”

  I wave a hand over my shoulder without looking back to him.

  Stepping into Mr. Allen’s room, I find him in the same position as yesterday. His head bowed over his arms resting on his desk. Without worry, I move toward the table, sliding into a seat as I remove my textbook and notebook from my bag.

  I glance out of the corner of my eye to Angie, who already is seated at her place, scanning over the information. I close my eyes, shaking my head quickly before I follow through with my next move.

  Opening my eyes, I turn to her, placing a bright smile on my face. “Were you able to read the chapters last night after the bonfire?” I whisper between us as to not wake our slumbering teacher.

  She slowly turns her head, giving me, by far, the best resting bitch face I’ve seen to date. “Worry about yourself, freshman.” She gives me an exaggerated eye-roll before looking back to the textbook before her.

  I roll my own eyes at her blatant hostility toward me, but begin to reread the chapters as I wait for our teacher to wake up.

  “Don’t think I’m going to bail you out while you spend your evenings quivering beneath Jet. We’ve all been there.”

  My cheeks burn as I turn to Angie, drawing my brows together as I shake my head. “He only walked me home last night. Nothing more.”

  She lets out a scoff, looking over to me and rolling her eyes. “Like I said, we’ve all been there. Just don’t be idiotic enough to believe you’re the only one he’s playing.”

  My mouth parts as she gives me a snarky smile, turning her eyes back to her book.

  I snap my mouth closed, my brows pulling together as I look to my textbook, skimming the lines I read and reread last night as I mill over her words.

  “Oh, is it time for class?”

  I lift my eyes to where Mr. Allen slowly rises from his chair, placing his hands behind his back and stepping to the front of his desk.

  “Did everyone read the chapters?”

  I nod, glancing over to Angie as she clears her throat loudly.

  “I did, Mr. Allen, but it seems my fellow student decided to attend the opening class bonfire and take a boy back to her room instead of studying.”

  My mouth falls open at her audacity, my cheeks flaming with a blush of embarrassment. Placing my hands on the table, I push myself to standing, beginning to recite the highlights of the first chapter aloud as I glare at Angie. As I pause between the first chapter, ready to delve into the second, Mr. Allen interrupts me.

  “Sit down. This isn’t an oral exam.”

  I sink back to my chair, my cheeks hot with anger and embarrassment. I zone out as Mr. Allen begins to speak about the first chapter in the history book, stewing over Angie’s words about Jet.

  Chapter Five

  Mr. Allen announces the dismissal of class, and I hastily toss my book and notebook into my bag, hoping to get out of the room without hearing another word from Angie. Swinging my bag on my shoulder, I hurry toward the exit.

  “You better run before Jet replaces you with one of his other playthings.”

  I turn swiftly, watching Angie as she stalks toward me, a condescending smile on her face. “What is your problem with me?”

  She scoffs lightly, walking around me without hesitating. “I have no problem with you, freshman. Just remember, if you’re going to be dumb, you better be tough. And you’ll damn sure need to be tough to be a notch in Jet’s bedpost.”

  I step out into the hallway, watching her move toward the staircase, making her way down the stairs.

  I wait for a few minutes before stalking toward the stairs, not wanting to come into contact with her anymore in this day. I skip right by the third floor where Jet’s dorm room is located, making my way down the next flights of stairs until I come to the bottom level, turning and striding toward my dorm room.

  What started as such a promising day, has quickly been ruined.

  Ramming my shoulder into my door, I thrust it open, slamming it closed behind me once I step inside. Lifting my hands, I cover my face, letting out a growl that not even I can hear over the buzz of machinery and water pipes.

  How stupid was I to think that the big man on campus could actually be interested in me? I rake my hands down my face as my phone vibrates in my back pocket.

  Pulling the phone out, I scowl down at it in my hands.

  I’m in my room. 303 if you forgot. Come by whenever. I’ll be staying in for the night to hear about your big plans!

  I roll my eyes as I toss it to my bed without responding. I’m sure he is staying in tonight. Waiting for me to come to his room and be just another casual fling. “Ugh.”

  Stomping to the dresser, I jerk the second drawer out, it sliding too far and falling to the ground in front of me, all the contents spilling out. Pinching my eyes shut, I lift my hands, placing my fingers to my temples and rubbing gently. I’ve got to get a grip of myself.

  I glance over my shoulder as I hear a loud knock at the door, my brows drawing together. Walking over to the door, I yank it open.

  “Uh, hi. Is now a bad time?”

  I arch one eyebrow up as Colton fidgets in front of me, not replying.

  He lifts his eyes to mine, keeping his head bowed slightly. “I wanted to apologize about last night, but if I need to, I can come back later.”

  I rock back on one hip, folding my arms over my chest and giving him an annoyed look.

  He lets out a long sigh, dropping his eyes to the floor. “I’m really sorry about the way I treated you last night. I had far too much to drink, and I know it doesn’t matter, but I’m normally not that forward with women.”

  I keep t
he same stance as he lifts his eyes to mine, giving me a small smile. “I’m really sorry, Briar. I think you’re pretty and I wanted to spend some time alone with you. I’m sorry that my actions were so forward.”

  I relax my stance, letting my hands fall to my sides, but still glaring at him. “Thank you.”

  He nods his head once, taking a step back from my doorway. “I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing. I just, I needed you to know I’m not a bad guy.”

  That’s yet to be determined; I think to myself as I place my hand on the door, starting to push it closed.

  He lifts his hand, stopping the door. “Uh, I’m going over to the bar next to campus tonight. If you need a ride, you can come with me.”

  I shake my head quickly. “No, thanks. I need to study.”

  He arches a brow up in confusion. “Study? Why?”

  I let out a sigh as I roll my eyes. “That’s what normal students do. You go to class, study for exams, make good grades, and go on to be successful agents.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head slowly. “Not around here. We sleep until noon, party every night, and live our best lives.”

  I thrust the door open, dropping my hands to my hips as I scowl at him. “And then what?”

  He gives me a confused look as I continue. “What happens after your four years runs out? What kind of job do you hope to land with a bogus degree from a bogus Academy? Do you honestly think you can make it in life by sleeping until noon every day and living your best life?” I mock him as I finish my rant, rolling my eyes, then scoffing loudly.

  He stands in the doorway, a stunned look on his face with his mouth slightly parted. “Uhhh, I guess I’ve never really thought about it.”

  I fling my hands up at my side in exasperation, letting out a growl. “How have you never thought about it!? This is your one shot at Academy! Your one shot at life!”

  He stands in the doorway, unmoving, and not saying a word.

  I arch one eyebrow upward, dropping one hand to my hip. “You’re a junior this year, right?”


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