The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 6

by Alex Dafney

He nods robotically as I keep scowling.

  “You have two years to prove to the PEA that you could be an asset. Two years!”

  His face suddenly pales as he stares at me. “Can, can I, uh, sit down for a minute?”

  I fling my hand behind me toward the uneven table where my laptop rests, a simple straight-back chair sitting in front of it.

  Colton slowly walks into my room, dropping heavily in the chair and dropping his elbows to his knees, staring ahead as if he just has realized this isn’t a game.

  I leave my door open, moving over to my bed and sitting on the edge.

  “Oh, my God. What am I going to do? I’ve assed around for two years.”

  My scowl begins to fade as I listen to the concern in his voice. “Firstly, we need to make the PEA look at this school.”

  He lifts his eyes to mine, worry consuming his features.

  I reach my hand forward, resting it on his knee. “I want the Academy of Underachievers to compete at the Academy Bowl this year.”

  He draws his brows together, sitting back in the chair. “Why? We’ve never competed in the Bowl before.”

  I shrug my shoulder upward, a smile working its way onto my lips. “We’ve never had students that were willing to participate. We need athletes and scholars alike.”

  He folds his arms over his chest, nodding his head slowly as he sits back in the chair. “I can convince the guys on the football team to join.”

  I tilt my head to the side, giving him a small smile. “It’s going to take more than that. Everyone involved has to have at least a 3.0 GPA to qualify to participate. That means you and the team will have to start going to class, studying, and passing classes to make this work. We have to prove to the agency we’re worth looking at.”

  He gives a small nod, rising from the chair. “Alright. I’m in. I’ll talk to the guys on the team tonight.”

  I hop up from the corner of the bed, an excited smile on my face as I clasp my hands in front of me. “Great! If we all work together, I think we can make this happen.”

  He chuckles lightly, lifting his hand and raking it through his sandy blonde hair. “No one has ever spoken to me like that before.”

  I shrug one shoulder, giving him a playful eye-roll, causing him to laugh.

  He steps toward me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me to his chest.

  At first, I stiffen, then relax slowly as his hands stay around my shoulders, not venturing anywhere else.

  “Thank you, Briar. I’ll do whatever I can to get us to the Bowl.”

  I lift my hands, wrapping them around his middle and hugging him back, thankful that I have someone on my side for this adventure.


  We both look over to the open doorway, finding Jet standing in the middle, a scowl on his face and his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes, instead lifting my gaze to Colton as we pull away from each other. “Let me know how it goes with the team.”

  He gives me a nod before strolling toward the open door, which is blocked by a clearly upset Jet.

  Jet steps to the side, allowing him to exit, glaring at him the whole time.

  I roll my eyes with annoyance, dropping back to the corner of my bed, and folding my arms over my chest.

  As Colton leaves, Jet steps inside. “Why was he in your room?”

  I give him an annoyed glare, followed by a scoff. “The operative word in that sentence is my room.”

  He huffs, stepping further inside and swinging the door closed behind him. Unbeknownst to him, the door doesn’t merely close, so as it hits the doorframe, it bounces back, slamming into him.

  I fight the urge to giggle as he growls, gripping the door and forcing it closed.

  He turns back to me, a scowl marring his face. “Why was he here?”

  I shrug one shoulder in nonchalance, lifting my hand and studying my manicured fingernails while childishly avoiding his gaze. “I recruited him for the Bowl.” I look over to him when he doesn’t reply, seeing the hurt in his eyes and having to force down the feeling of guilt.

  I rise from the bed, dropping a hand to my hip and forcing as much sass into my stance as possible. “Did you need something? I need to be studying.”

  He tilts his head, giving me a puzzled look. “I thought we were going to discuss the Academy Bowl.”

  I shrug as I roll my eyes, focusing on something behind him. “I’ll handle it on my own. I’m not going to be a notch in the bedpost for the king of the campus just to get there.”

  I see his mouth drop open, but keep my eyes averted from his.

  He starts to close the few feet between us, my eyes moving to his as I keep the scowl on my face.

  Stopping a few feet from me, his brows pinch together. “What are you talking about? Where the hell is this coming from?”

  I feel my cheeks begin to heat with anger as I look into his eyes. “I’m not going to sleep with you.”

  He takes a significant step back, lifting both of his hands, palms facing me as his eyes widen. “Briar, I never…”

  I cut him off before he can finish. “I get it. You thought I would be an easy conquest — naïve freshmen. Well, you thought wrong. I’m not easy, nor naïve.”

  He stares at me with shock written all over his face, keeping his hands raised.

  I take a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “I want you to go.” We stare at each other for a long moment, neither of us moving. “I said…”

  He closes the distance between us quickly, placing his hands on my forearms. “What the hell happened since this morning? I never said anything about trying to sleep with you, and if I gave you that impression, I’m sorry.”

  I keep my eyes from his, staring at the floor between us.

  “Briar. Please look at me.”

  I hesitantly lift my eyes to his, instantly seeing the hurt from my words in his charcoal-colored eyes. My eyes begin to swim with tears, regret for assuming the worst about him, and regret for allowing Angie’s words to poison my mind.

  I duck my head, pinching my eyes closed.

  As he gingerly pulls me toward him, I don’t resist, merely resting my cheek against his chest as I blink back my tears. He wraps his arms around me, slowly stroking my back as I try to calm my unsteady breaths.

  “Briar, I never said you were easy or naïve. Nor do I think that. I only invited you to my room to talk about the Academy Bowl, with no other expectations.”

  The lack of sleep seems to catch up to me as tears stream down my face. I lift my arms, circling his waist as I quietly cry. We stay like this for what seems like forever before he urges me back, looking down at me with concern. “You need sleep.”

  A half scoff, half sigh escapes me as I shake my head, dropping my eyes down to the floor.

  He removes one hand from my arm, placing his finger under my chin and urging it upward in the signature way he has before. My eyes meet his, and I see nothing but sincerity.

  His lip lifts slightly to one side. “Do you want to take my room?”

  I shake my head quickly. “No. I’ll be fine.”

  He gives me a concerned look, but thankfully drops the conversation as he removes his finger, letting his hand move down to his side. “I’d still like to talk with you about the Academy Bowl.”

  I give a nod as I lift my hand, covering my mouth as a yawn escapes me.

  He chuckles lightly, leaning toward me and placing a quick kiss to my forehead. “Goodnight, Briar.” Spinning toward the door, he quickly exits, giving me a small smile over his shoulder as he pulls the door closed behind him.

  After locking the door, I make quick work of my nightly routine before climbing into the uncomfortable twin mattress and settling in for the night. I reach for my phone, placing my earbuds in and turning the volume up as I select a soothing playlist, hoping to drown out the noise and get a halfway decent night's sleep.

  Just as I begin to drift to sleep, my eyes bolt open wide a
s loud knocking sounds on my window. I sit up, glancing at the curtains that are pulled closed, my brows drawing together as I rip my earbuds from my ears.

  Swinging my legs to the floor, I rise, moving over to the window and thrusting the curtain back to find nothing on the other side. I let out a sigh as I drop the faded material, letting it fall back to place. No sooner has my head hit the pillow does the banging begin again.

  Lifting my hands, I rake them over my face before rolling to my side and covering my head with the pillow. The constant banging soon turns to a loud scratching that makes my skin crawl.

  I reach for my phone blindly, patting along the bed next to me as I keep my head tucked under the pillow. Grabbing it, I slide it under the pillow, squinting at the bright screen in the dark.

  I push the button for my recent texts, pulling up my conversation with Jet and typing quickly.

  Do you still have that tent you used to sleep in?

  The side of my lip quirks up as I watch the bubbles dance across my screen, letting me know he’s responding.

  Hell, no! I chunked that thing as soon as I could. Can’t sleep?

  I flip the pillow off my head, glaring over at the window as the banging starts back up. Rolling to my back, I hold my phone out in front of me, typing a reply.

  Something, or someone, thinks the normal noise level in my room isn’t enough and has decided to raise the ante by banging on the window.

  I pinch my eyes shut as the scraping starts again, sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

  I just started a movie. Join me?

  I pull my bottom lip in my mouth, unsure of how I should respond as I stare at the screen. After a brief few seconds, I watch the dots dance along the screen as he types.

  No ulterior motives. No expectations. Just watching a movie together.

  I glance down at the tank top and plaid pajama bottoms I wear.

  Can’t. I’m already in my pajamas, and I refuse to get dressed.

  I let out a groan as the banging on the window takes over the noise of the machinery and pipes in my room.

  There’s no dress code in 303.

  My lip quirks up in a smile as I read his text, quickly responding.

  Is there popcorn? It’s a deal-breaker if there’s no popcorn.

  I fling the cover off me, sitting up and swinging my legs to the floor, already knowing I’ll be going to his room to watch whatever movie to get away from the noise for a brief while.

  Popcorn just finished. Do I need to save you a seat?

  I chuckle as I rise from the bed, moving across the room and turning the overhead light on. As I swipe my dorm room key from the rickety desk, I type out a response one-handed.

  Are you sure about the dress code? I don’t want to be the only pajama-clad member at the party.

  Stepping out of my room, I yank the door closed behind me, placing the key in the lock and turning.

  I take it back, room 303 has a dress code for movie night, and it requires pajamas for admittance.

  I roll my eyes at his cheesy words, making my way toward the spiral staircase. As I reach the main floor, I glance over, seeing the massive wooden doors swing open to the front of the building.

  Angie strolls inside with a smirk on her face, walking straight for the elevators. I take a few steps back, hiding in the dark as I watch her through the spindles on the staircase.

  “That should do it.” She says to herself as she boards the elevator.

  Come on, Briar. Come up and watch a movie. Enjoy some peace for a few minutes.

  I ignore the text, pondering over Angie’s words as I move up the stairs toward the third floor. She didn’t go to the bar next to campus, because that crowd won’t make it in until late, or early morning. And there aren’t any school activities going on tonight that I know of. Where could she have been, and what was she talking to herself about?

  I shake my head slightly as I step onto the third floor, erasing the thought from my mind as I move down the hallway. Stopping in front of 303, nerves suddenly course through me, sending butterflies flitting around my stomach. Letting out a breath, I lift my hand, tapping my knuckles against the door lightly. After a brief wait, I hear the click of the lock, the door slowly pulling open.

  Jet peeks his head around the door, a smile pulling onto his lips as he opens it wider. My eyes inadvertently drop down, running along his bare chest, lowering to the V that dips below his flannel pajama pants. My cheeks burn with a blush as I lift my eyes to his, noticing the sideways smirk he wears.

  “I wasn’t sure if I should save you a seat.”

  I roll my eyes as I move inside, ducking under his arm that holds the door open. My eyes widen as I scan the room. He has a king-sized bed, a massive entertainment center, a desk that seems to be in perfect condition, and a small sitting area with a couch, chair, and a coffee table.

  I turn to him as I hear the door close, my eyes still wide. “How did you manage to get a room like this?”

  He chuckles as he moves by me, grabbing a bowl of popcorn from the desk and turning to face me as he walks backward. “I moved in before the semester started. I spent the summer remodeling this room, and I’ll be damned if someone was going to take it from me.”

  My lips pull up as I watch him fall to the bed, lifting the bowl of popcorn over his head to keep from spilling it.

  He moves up, placing his back against the headboard as he pats his hand on the comforter, passively asking me to join. I look over to the desk, tossing my key next to his own as I make my way to his enormous bed, climbing in beside him.

  Scooting up, I place my back against the headboard in the same fashion, looking to the TV that hangs on the wall before us.

  “What movie do you want to watch?”

  I shrug a shoulder as he places the bowl of popcorn between us, reaching for it and grabbing a piece. “Whatever you want to watch is fine by me.”

  I feel him looking at me, turning my head slightly and glancing at him from the corner of my eye as I pop the piece of popcorn in my mouth.

  “How about a scary movie?”

  I shrug in disregard, even though scary movies are my least favorite.

  I keep my eyes on the TV, watching as he scrolls through numerous horror shows, settling on one about a haunted doll. Steadily shoving popcorn in my mouth, I try to seem unfazed by his selection, even though dolls totally creep me out. Much less dolls that have been possessed by the Devil himself.

  A yawn escapes me within the first ten minutes of the movie.

  Jet moves the bowl of popcorn from between us, placing it on the table next to the bed and swinging his arm behind me. I settle against his side, my eyelids becoming increasingly heavy.

  Chapter Six

  My eyes flutter open slowly at the sound of an unfamiliar alarm. As something moves under me, my eye bolt open, sitting up quickly to find my head has been resting on Jet’s chest. He groans as he swings his arm over to the bedside table, slapping his hand at the alarm until it ceases.

  I lift my hand, wiping the drool from my lip as I run my other through my hair to tame what I’m sure is less than appealing.

  Jet opens one eye, locking on me, then moving over to the TV on the wall that remained on after we fell asleep. He pushes himself up, propping back against the headboard as he rakes his hand through his disheveled hair. “Sorry. I guess I fell asleep. I meant to go down to your room for the night.”

  I give him a quizzical look. “Why?”

  He shrugs one shoulder, giving me a shy grin. “I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression about me.”

  I drop my eyes from his, instantly feeling bad over my accusations of him last night. “I’m sorry about last night, Jet. It was foolish of me to think you’d be interested in being anything other than my friend.” My cheeks tint pink with self-consciousness. Of course, the handsome upperclassman wouldn’t be interested in me. I look up through my lashes as the bed shifts.

  “We need to get ready for class.”

/>   I move to the edge of the large bed, swinging my legs to the floor and moving over to his desk for my room key.

  “What class are you going to today?”

  I glance over to him, giving a small shrug. “I have Ryan’s first, then I’ll be going back to Madam Zen’s, and Mr. Allen after.” I suppress the urge to roll my eyes at the thought of sitting next to Angie during my last class.

  Jet gives me a wide grin as he pulls open a drawer on his dresser, grabbing a t-shirt from inside. “Great. I’ll see you in class today.”

  I give a small nod, spinning from him and making my way toward the door. Stepping out into the hallway, I let out a huge sigh as I move toward the stairs. I can not believe I spent the night in his dorm room.

  As I round the corner for the stairwell, I come to an abrupt halt as Angie and I almost barrel into each other.

  She steps back, folding her arms over her chest as a snarky smile pulls onto her lips. “The boys will be glad to know we have a resident call girl in the building.”

  My mouth drops open as my eyes widen. I’ve never had someone so blatantly insult me before. “It’s not like that. Jet and I are friends.”

  She scoffs loudly, rolling her eyes. “Jet has a lot of friends. Me included.” She arches one brow, a smirk pulling onto her lips. “Enjoy your time with him. He’ll grow tired of you soon and be back in my bedroom.”

  She steps right up to me, lifting her hand and shoving her finger into my chest as she scowls at me. “Don’t get comfortable, freshman. Jet is mine and always has been. Once he graduates next year, things will be different, so don’t get any ideas in your stupid little head about him.”

  I lift my hand, slapping hers away from me as I take a step back from her. “Jet and I are friends. I don’t know what the two of you have going on, but I can assure you, I’m not your competition.”

  She rocks back to one hip, placing her hands on her hips and looking me up and down with disdain. “I never said you were competition. You’re just some whore that kept his bed warm last night.”

  Before I think better of it, I lift my hands, shoving them into her shoulders and knocking her back. “Why are you such a bitch to me?!”


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