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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

Page 7

by Alex Dafney

  Her eyes widen with surprise as she stumbles, quickly turning to a scowl as she rights herself, shoving me back. “I’d rather be a bitch than a whore!”

  I catch myself, lifting my hands and pushing her again. “You’re the one casually sleeping with him, not me! Slut!”

  She rushes at me, grabbing a handful of my blond hair and yanking hard. “Whore!”

  I reach for her hair, fisting a handful of her dark hair and pulling as hard as I can in return. “Slut!”

  “What the hell is going on?”

  We both continue yelling insults at each other as we’re jerked apart, Jet standing between us with outstretched hands, holding both of us away from each other.

  “Don’t you say a word, whore.”

  I shake my head quickly, my face red with anger. Opening my mouth to retort, I’m interrupted as Jet spins his face to her, his brows drawing together. “Angie! What the hell has gotten into you?”

  She doesn’t move her eyes from mine, keeping a steady glare on me. “Stay off this hall, or I’ll have you banned by the Administrator.”

  I move around Jet, who holds Angie back, briskly making my way to the stairwell. “Don’t worry. I won’t be back.”

  As I jog down the stairs, my eyes begin to fill with tears. I’ve never been in a physical altercation with anyone. Hell, I’m the nice girl that everyone likes!

  I lift my hand, brushing a tear from my cheek as I rush downward, still able to hear Angie and Jet’s raised voices as I make it to the next floor. Keeping my downward trek, I hit the last level, jogging toward my dorm room. I place the key in the door lock with shaky hands, slamming my shoulder into the door to open it. As I step inside, I swing the door closed behind me, only for it to bounce back open.

  I growl as I slam the door again, pushing until it closes tight, then spinning and hurrying into the bathroom. Staring at myself in the broken mirror, I can hardly believe what just transpired. “He’s not worth it,” I whisper as I wipe tears from my blotchy cheeks.

  Glancing over at the shower, I decide to skip it, moving back into my room and quickly throwing on a pair of athletic leggings and a tank top, then slipping into my worn tennis shoes.

  I snatch my earbuds from the corner of the rickety table, then make a beeline out the door. Just as I step onto the first stair to go to the main level, I hear a door opening behind me.

  “Hey, Briar!”

  I glance over my shoulder to find Colton walking toward me, a bag on his shoulder, and an eager smile. His smile starts to fade as he nears me. “Are you okay?”

  I face forward, starting up the stairs as I nod. “Fine.”

  As I reach halfway, I stop as his hand grips my elbow.

  “You don’t look fine.”

  I hang my head, willing the fresh tears that sting the backs of my eyes to go away. “I’m going for a run. I’ll be alright after that.”

  His grip slackens slightly. “Let me go change, and I’ll join you. I can always start classes tomorrow.”

  I turn to him, looking down as he stands on a lower stair, my brows drawing together in question. “You’re going to class?”

  He gives me a grin as he nods, lifting his hand and running it through his hair, letting out a chuckle. “Yeah. I thought about what you said last night, and you’re right.” Lifting his eyes, he finds mine, giving me a shy smile. “I’m going to get my GPA up so I can help in the Academy Bowl.”

  I give him a genuine smile. “That’s awesome.”

  Hiking my thumb over my shoulder, I take a step up. “I want to finish this, but I’ve got to get out of here for a while. Can we talk later?”

  He nods lightly, me spinning and jogging up the staircase. I rush across the main entryway, hitting the button to make the doors open, impatiently tapping my foot on the floor as they begin to swing inward.

  As soon as there’s enough room for me to squeeze through, I do just that, rushing down the steps and breaking into a brisk jog as I place my earbuds in, selecting a playlist of music on my phone. I start running faster than I usually would, but right now, I need the steady rhythm and burn of my muscles to center me.

  Passing the corner of the building, I continue down the road that leads to the Academy from the neighboring town.

  I replay the scene of Angie and I fighting in the hallway over and over in my mind as I push forward. I begin to slow as I see the gates at the bottom of the hill, not knowing the code to make it open. When mom and dad had dropped me off, the gates were open wide as everyone drove through, now they are sealed shut.

  I glance over at the keypad that sits along the side of the drive, then back to the massive gates, knowing the only way I’m getting out of here is going over. Placing my hands on the wrought iron bars, I pull myself upward, climbing to the top and swinging my leg over. I slowly lower myself toward the ground, hopping to the pavement once I’m close enough and starting back into my full sprint.

  I know the drive up to the school is at least five miles, but I keep moving forward, needing to clear my mind of the morning's events. Shaking my head lightly, I let out a humorless laugh. I’ve never been called a whore in all my life. Simply because I’m not.

  Sure, I had a boyfriend in high school. We even lost our virginity to each other, and when he left for college when I was to be a Junior, it was devastating for us both when we amicably split. But, I’ve never been the casual hook up girl, nor will I ever be.

  My brows draw together as I think of the way Angie spoke to me. How dare she! Jet and I are nothing more than friends. I shake my head at myself. Were friends. I don’t need that kind of drama if I’m going to get enough people to join me in the Academy Bowl, and I sure as hell won’t be one of his playmates. I glance over as a classic car passes by, narrowing my brows together as it pulls into the grass along the road and stopping.

  I continue running as the driver’s door swings open, Jet stepping out and slamming it closed. Keeping my eyes forward, I pretend as if I don’t see him, only for him to step right into my path, holding his arms out to block me.

  Coming to a stop, I snatch my earbuds out, scowling at him as I breathe at a fast pace. “What do you want?” Dropping my hands to my hips, I inhale through my nose, exhaling through my mouth to steady my breathing.

  He moves toward me, but I hold one hand up, palm facing him as I drop my eyes to the ground, shaking my head.

  “What the fuck were you and Angie fighting about?”

  I lift my eyes to his, giving him my best bitch face for his annoyed tone with me. He has zero reason to be angry. It’s not like he was the one that was berated first thing this morning.

  “Go ask your girlfriend.” I give him the same tone, trying to step around him, but he moves to block me from leaving, staring down at me with a scowl.

  “I don’t have a girlfriend. I already told you.”

  I lift my head, dropping it between my shoulder blades and staring up at the clear blue sky. “Girlfriend, fuck buddy, I really don’t give a shit right now.” I drop my head, staring at him with annoyance. “Let me by. I need to run.”

  He shakes his head adamantly, giving me a glare of his own. “What are you talking about? Angie’s just a friend of mine.”

  I scoff, rolling my eyes as I lift my arms, folding them over my chest and rocking back on one leg, jutting my hip out. ”Lie if you must. I don’t fucking care how many girls you’re sleeping with.”

  He drops his hands beside him, shaking his head as he works the muscle in his jaw. Clearly agitated. “You know what, Briar? Screw this. You have this clear cut idea of who you think I am, and there’s obviously nothing I can do to change that.”

  He spins away from me, stalking back toward his car. I lift my hands, placing my earbuds in as he gets inside, slamming the door closed behind him.

  I blink rapidly as my eyes try to fill with tears as he spins the muscle car around, heading back toward the school. Starting again at a quick pace, I push forward, my heart pounding in my chest, and I�
��m not sure if it’s from Jet’s hurt look, or the taxing run.

  I slow to a brisk walk as I reach the end of the drive, not knowing whether I should continue or turn back.

  Glancing over my shoulder to the way I came, I know I don’t want to go back just yet. Facing forward, I turn to the right, jogging along the sidewalk as I listen to the music in my ears, trying not to think about Jet.

  I slow as I see a bakery along the sidewalk, coming to a stop and dropping my hands to my knees as I try to steady my breaths. As my pulse slows, I glance up to the canopy above the door, noticing it’s the same place the cinnamon espresso pastry came from that Jet had given me just yesterday morning. Rising, I move toward the door, pulling it open and stepping inside the air-conditioned lobby.

  A middle-aged woman glances over the glass case to me, giving me a kind smile as she pulls a two-tiered cake from beneath, placing it next to the register. “Welcome, honey! What can I get for you today?”

  I step over to the counter, admiring the assortment of sweets, my lip instantly turning down at the corner as I realize I don’t have my purse. Standing back right, I give her a small smile. “I’ll have to come back another day. I didn’t grab any money before going on a run.”

  Shrugging one shoulder, I start to turn, slowing as she waves a hand toward me.

  “No, bother. I can spare a dessert for a first time customer.”

  I open my mouth to protest as she gestures her hand to the case. “What will it be? I’d suggest the cinnamon espresso danish, but those get sold pretty early.”

  A small smile tugs at the corner of my lip. “Those are amazing. I had one yesterday at school.”

  Her brows draw together as she squints at me with question. “The only one I sold to go was to a very handsome young man who wanted to impress a girl.”

  I glance down to the floor as heat sweeps up my neck, a blush coming to my cheeks.

  “Do you go to the Academy with Jet?”

  I lift my eyes, finding her gazing at me with an unknowing look as I give her a simple nod.

  “Did he impress you?”

  I open my mouth, then close it, unsure of how to answer the question.

  She ducks into the glass, grabbing some sort of danish and thrusting it over the counter toward me. Gingerly, I take it, giving her a small thanks.

  “You must be the envy of all the girls in school to have Jet on your arm.”

  I shake my head quickly. “Oh, no. Jet and I are just friends.” Dropping my gaze to the floor, I let out a small sigh. “Well, we're friends.”

  I look over the counter to where she turns to a coffee machine, places two cups in front of her, and pours coffee into each. When she turns to me, both cups in hand, she nods her head to a small table nestled in the corner of the room. I take the drink she extends to me, walking over and sitting at the table, her sliding in across from me.

  “So, tell me what has happened to this friendship. Jet was so excited when I saw him yesterday.”

  I stare across at her for a moment, debating on telling this stranger my problems. She holds her eyes on mine, giving me a small, kind smile as she waits. Something in her eyes tells me to confide in her.

  Lifting my cup, I take a small sip of the warm drink before diving into the last few days, giving her every detail I can. I lift my eyes to hers as I finish, noticing her brows drawn together.

  “I hope you slapped that girl for talking to you like that.”

  I chuckle lowly as I shake my head. “No. We did get into a bit of a spat this morning, but nothing more than hair-pulling and pushing.” I let out a sigh as I sit back in the chair, lifting my hands and covering my face. “I should probably be thanking her for warning me about him before I got myself in over my head with Jet’s charming ways.”

  I drop my hands as I hear her scoff, looking over to find her giving an exaggerated eye roll.

  “Honey. You got some very misleading information, from a very jealous and petty girl.”

  I knit my brows together, tilting my head to the side slightly as she continues.

  “Angie has been following Jet around like a lost puppy for years. He’s never been more than friendly to her, but she can’t take the hint.”

  I open my mouth, but she raises her hand, holding up one finger for me to stop.

  “Jet is a charmer, but he’s also genuine. If he is trying to charm you, I can assure you it’s because he wants to know you, not get you in his bed.”

  My cheeks heat with embarrassment, but I continue to listen to her.

  “I’ve known him most of his life, and while I’m not a student at the Academy, I do tend to hear the gossip of who is going with who.” She arches one brow upward, giving me a knowing smile. “And Jet has never been one of those I’ve heard about. I haven’t known him to go on a single date since he’s been up there at that big building on the hill, even if he is the most sought after amongst the female students.”

  She lifts her coffee, taking the last drink, and placing the empty cup back to the table. “Now, are you going to believe a jealous girl who has had a crush on Jet for years, or are you going to take the advice from a woman who’s been around the world and seen a few things.”

  She lifts her hand, pointing to herself with exaggeration as I giggle, nodding my head.

  “What advice is that?”

  Pushing up from the table, she moves toward a garbage can that sits in front of the counter, tossing her empty cup as I follow suit.

  Looking over to me, she gives me that kind smile that made me trust her to begin with. “Give Jet a chance. He’s a good boy. Ignore anything that comes out of Angie’s mouth because it’s likely a lie.”

  I nod slowly, wringing my hands in front of me with nervousness. If I were Jet, I wouldn’t want to speak to me again after the accusations I threw at him.

  Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I lift my eyes to find this woman giving my arm a gentle squeeze as she smiles at me.

  “He’ll forgive you. Just talk to him.”

  I step toward her, wrapping my arms around her tiny frame and hugging her for her kind words. Pulling back, I give her a small smile. “I didn’t even catch your name, and here you’ve taken up your morning talking with me.”

  She waves a hand toward me in nonchalance. “I’m Brenda, the owner here, and you didn’t take up my day. I’ve enjoyed chatting with you, Briar.”

  I pinch my brows, confused as to how she knows my name.

  She chuckles as she moves back behind the counter, resting her elbows on the top next to the register. “Jet may have told me a few things about the new girl in school who has caught his attention.”

  Chapter Seven

  It’s been two weeks since I’ve spoken to Jet.

  After leaving the bakery, I had jogged back to school, went straight to my dorm room, and tried to call him. I tried every day for a week, even going as far as conjuring up the nerves to knock on his door late one night, only for him to ignore all my attempts.

  I let out a sigh as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

  I miss having him around in class and simply having a friend in this place.

  Glancing over to the door at the sound of a knock, I move that way, yanking it open to find Colton with a bright smile on his face.

  “Ready for class?”

  Giving him a nod, I swipe my bag from the desk without looking over to it.

  My eyes widen with surprise as I hear a loud crash, turning to see the leg has managed to give way, the desk crashing to the floor.

  Looking up to the ceiling, I pinch my eyes shut as a long sigh escapes me. This dorm room will surely be the death of me with everything breaking.

  I drop my head as Colton bumps my shoulder with his own, giving me a crooked smile. “Is there anything in here that you haven’t broken?”

  I scoff as I lift my hand, smacking him in the arm as he laughs while moving toward the hallway. Yanking the door closed, I walk beside him down the hall toward the staircase.<
br />
  “Are you excited about tonight?”

  I shake my head as I place my hand on the railing, moving upward toward our first class. “Not at all. I don’t know that I’ve ever been so nervous.”

  He swings his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. “You’re going to do great. I bet you’ll be able to convince everyone to work hard so we can attend the Academy Bowl.”

  I gently slide from beneath his arm. Even though I try to make it clear, he seems to want our relationship to be more romantic than I’m interested in.

  “I just hope I can convince enough people for us to qualify.” I shrug one shoulder as we end on the second floor, moving toward Ryan’s introductory class.

  “It helps that you had the bakery supply snacks for tonight.”

  My lip pulls up to one corner. Brenda, the bakery owner, has become a quick friend since our first encounter. When I told her about the meeting I was having about the Academy Bowl, she wouldn’t take no for an answer when she came up with the idea to provide treats. “You can catch more flies with cinnamon espresso danishes than you can empty-handed.” I had laughed, but she was serious, and true to her word, will be providing refreshments for the assembly that will be held after classes today.

  Colton and I have spent the last two weeks handing out fliers to every student we’ve come into contact with, getting a lot of eye rolls, watching them crumple the paper in front of us, or getting a few curious glances.

  We step into the classroom, finding Ryan already seated behind his desk.

  He glances up from the book in his hand, rising from his chair as we make our way to the table before him. “Today’s the big day.”

  I give him a nervous smile as I slip my notebook from my bag, placing it on the tabletop.

  “Before we begin, I want to say I’m proud of you for even attempting to get the Underachievers to the Bowl. Just,” he trails off, his brows pulling together before giving a hesitant half-smirk. “Don’t get your hopes up. It’s not going to be easy, and it will take a lot of convincing, so don’t think tomorrow morning this room will be packed with eager students.”


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