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Deadly Surrender

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by Reus, Katie

  Deadly Surrender

  Sin City Series (the Serafina)

  Katie Reus

  Getting too close could end their friendship…

  Good old-fashioned heartbreak sent Grace running to Las Vegas for a new start. There, she has the support of a college buddy and her social group, which includes Logan…funny, sexy, protective Logan MacNeil. They’ve become close friends, but that’s all Grace is willing to offer. Logan’s a known player, and Grace has been hurt enough for one lifetime, thanks. Getting left at the altar will do that to a woman.

  Being apart could end their lives…

  Logan’s reputation is more than a little exaggerated, and he’s never cared. Until Grace. She’s worth risking his heart again, if he can convince the brave, independent woman he’s not the playboy he seems. Right now she needs a friend…and a protector. Someone has already targeted them both—twice. Logan suspects he gained an enemy for his part in his boss’s recent failed business deal. But until he’s sure, he’s keeping Grace close. Achingly, torturously close… And when things turn deadly, he’ll lay everything on the line to make her his.

  Deadly Surrender

  Copyright © 2020 Katie Reus

  ISBN 9781635561388

  Cover art by Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs

  Editor: Julia Ganis

  Digital Formatting by Author E.M.S.

  * * *

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

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  Table of Contents


  About the Book



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Thank you for Reading!


  About the Author

  Complete Booklist


  For every reader who asked for Logan’s story.

  Chapter 1

  Grace’s heels clicked against the marble floor of the Serafina Casino and Hotel. A huge, glittering chandelier hung high above the lobby, the crystal reflecting prettily over the lush setting. The lights cast a soft glow, making the place feel almost magical. Likely smart staging so that people would want to come here to spend their time and money.

  She would be doing exactly that, but she wouldn’t be gambling. Tonight she was meeting up with a group of her friends and she’d dressed to the nines. As a guidance counselor, she normally wore comfy shoes, pants and cute tops. She was busy at school, and when working with kids, comfort was key.

  In general, everything about her was “cute.” She was never going to be voted most beautiful or be the kind of woman that men did double takes for. But tonight she actually felt kind of stunning. And after the year she’d had, she needed the ego boost.

  Since this was Thanksgiving week she had the whole week off and she was taking complete advantage of it. Nights out with friends, a couple art classes, maybe she’d even catch a movie.

  And if she was lucky she would get to spend time with her friend Logan MacNeil, who got her all sorts of hot and bothered. Of course they were just friends, and that wouldn’t be changing anytime soon—or ever. But a girl could still fantasize.

  Which she did. A lot.


  Her daydreams of what Logan might taste like turned to ice at the sound of a very familiar, very unwelcome male voice beside her. Noooooooo. This could not be happening. She’d left her past behind. Far, far behind and run all the way from California to Vegas to start over. So what the hell was he doing here? Maybe this was some weird waking nightmare?

  Pasting on a fake-ass smile, she turned to her right to see Kevin, her ex-fiancé and also the man who had left her at the altar, standing there with his arm wrapped around his new wife, Sabrina. Pretty, blonde, tanned, toned Sabrina with the sculpted arms. She wasn’t even the woman he’d been cheating on her with. No, she was someone new.

  Grace wasn’t sure how she kept her smile in place, but somehow she did. Looking her best tonight sure helped. Her dress was a sparkly, wild thing completely out of character for her, but it made her feel good. “Kevin? What are you doing here?” Okay, she could be civil-ish, but she wasn’t going to say it was good to see him. Because she simply couldn’t give that much of a bald-faced lie without choking on it.

  “We’re taking a vacation since it’s Thanksgiving week. Figured we’d hit up the casinos and have a good time.” God, had he always looked so freaking smarmy? Kevin was good-looking for sure, his dark hair always styled just so, and he was a runner so he was in good shape. But he was also obsessive about his looks, and as she stared up at him now, she realized…she did not miss him. She didn’t miss feeling as if she’d never measure up to his bizarre standards, as if she was never put-together enough to please him.

  Okay, then. She really didn’t want to stand here having this conversation, especially when his gaze dipped to the V of her sparkly little dress. Seriously? He had the balls to check her out after what he’d done—and while he was standing there with his new wife? It was a dick move and now she was fantasizing about punching him in his balls. Or his throat.

  “Well it’s a fun city,” she said neutrally. There, that was polite enough.

  “Yeah, I thought I’d heard that you moved to Vegas. What are you doing here tonight?”

  Before she could respond, Logan strode across the lobby looking good enough to eat in dark slacks, a button-down white shirt, and a black jacket that did nothing to hide his muscular form. Yep, there were the fantasies again. How many times had she dreamed about running her fingers over his broad shoulders as if she had every right? This was a man worth fantasizing about.

  She shut that thought down as he approached and gave him a real smile. Even though she hated that he was going to meet her ex, she loved that he was here. Was relieved, even. “Logan!”

  He approached the three of them, his eyes slightly narrowing on the couple as he wrapped a muscular arm around Grace’s shoulders, pulling her close.

  Grace was too stunned by the shockingly possessive display to step back, but why would she? She liked having his arm wrapped around her. She leaned into his hold, wrapping her arm around his waist. Oh yeah, she could easily give in to the fantasy now, pretend they were a couple.
She’d imagined it often enough.

  “I’m Logan,” he said in a cool tone, holding out a hand for both of them.

  Grace had a perverse sort of satisfaction when Sabrina’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of him.

  It wasn’t like Grace could blame her. The man was walking, talking sex appeal. With reddish-brown hair, a killer Hollywood smile and adorable dimples, not to mention that edgy, lethal aura that just seemed to surround him, he drew female gazes wherever he went. Hell, male gazes as well. His body was pure, rock-hard perfection and she just knew he had to be incredible in bed.

  “Kevin?” Logan said after they’d introduced themselves, a hard-to-read glint in his eyes.

  Oh no… One night Grace had drunk just a teeny bit too much and told Logan about Kevin so he definitely recognized the name. She tensed slightly, embarrassed that Logan was meeting this loser at all.

  “I owe you, man,” Logan said, surprising Grace and apparently Kevin as well, because her ex-fiancé frowned even as Logan continued. “If you hadn’t been such a dumbass, I never would have scooped up this gorgeous, smart woman and convinced her to marry me. See you guys later.” Without waiting for a response, he practically dragged Grace in the direction of Cloud 9 restaurant. Or “the Cloud,” as everyone who worked there called the place.

  “I can’t believe…you just did that,” Grace whispered as they stepped into the noisy restaurant. Logan just waved the hostess away as he continued steering Grace, who was basically on autopilot right now as she digested what he’d just done.

  “I saw your expression when you were talking to him. You looked like you were in pain.”

  Her gaze snapped up to his. Dang it, she thought she’d covered her disgust well. “Really?”

  He shrugged, winking at her, his playful grin in place. And that grin? No sane woman could resist. Her panties had probably just combusted. “No. I just recognized that asshole’s face.”

  She blinked, ignoring the rush of people and noise around them. “Wait, how do you even know what he looks like?”

  Instead of responding, Logan shrugged again, giving her a smile with more than a hint of wicked in it. Good God, no wonder women threw themselves at this man. She wanted to count herself among them.

  “Why did you do that?” she continued.

  “I wanted him to think you were taken. And let’s face it, I’m awesome. Of course he’s going to be jealous now that he thinks you’re with me.” His voice was as teasing as his expression, though there was a glint of…something else she couldn’t even begin to define.

  She burst out laughing as they reached the bar where a few of their friends were already waiting. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “True. But still awesome.” His grip around her tightened as he continued maneuvering his way through the place, avoiding tables, people and waiters.

  She loved that people just seemed to move out of the way for them when she was with him.

  Her friend Taylor, who was married to Logan’s twin Roman, jumped off a barstool and threw her arms around Grace. Grace was taller by a good four inches, so she leaned down and hugged Taylor back tight.

  “What are you two laughing about?” Taylor asked.

  “You wouldn’t believe it, but my ex-fiancé was in the lobby and Logan told him we were engaged. You should have seen the look on Kevin’s face as Logan dragged me away after thanking him for being a dumbass and letting me go.” She laughed again, amusement filling her as she thought of Kevin’s expression. She hadn’t felt even a twinge of…anything when she’d seen him. Well, anything other than disgust and annoyance that he’d somehow encroached on what she thought of as her turf. Which she knew was ridiculous. Vegas was a huge city. Still, he should be banned forever. How was that for a fantasy? One where she never had to see her ex’s stupid face again.

  Taylor snickered. “That’s crazy. And a very Logan thing to do.”

  “No kidding.” She glanced over to see Logan ordering drinks, the female bartender giving him a wide smile as she took the order. Grace couldn’t help but wish she was his for real. That there had been no acting tonight on his part.

  Grace looked back at Taylor and realized she’d missed what her friend had just said. “What?”

  “I’m glad you’re off this week. We’re going to take full advantage, starting with tonight!” She lifted her own glass of champagne even as Logan slid a glass into Grace’s hand.

  Surprising her, he kissed the top of her head and didn’t move away, though he continued talking to his brother about something work related.

  She couldn’t help but notice how close he was standing beside her as he basically caged her in to the bar area. He was standing in the same protective stance as Roman had taken behind Taylor, and Logan smelled absolutely delicious. All male spice and sexiness and she wanted to turn her face right into him and simply inhale. Which she knew was crazy pants but she didn’t care. He was this warm, wonderful presence.

  Even if it meant nothing, Grace ate up his closeness right now. Heck, she could appreciate everything about the man—even if she could never have him.

  * * *

  “Thank you again for earlier,” Grace said, raising her voice above the music.

  Logan leaned in a little more than he needed to, but he would use any excuse to get close to her. Even in the crowded club he could smell her subtle perfume. It had faint vanilla undertones, but there was something that was all Grace. Something addicting that went straight to his head—and his cock.

  “No problem.” He wouldn’t mind being her fake fiancé for as long as she let him, though he wanted more than fake with her. He wanted everything.

  “Are you going to tell me how you knew who he was?” she asked, looking up at him with pretty brown eyes he often lost himself in.

  Yeah, he hadn’t thought she would let that go. Instead of answering, he simply grinned and tugged her away from the round high-top where the rest of their friends were hanging out for the moment. A whole crew of them had come out tonight. Many of them were off work, including himself. He’d just gotten off a job, and since Grace was a guidance counselor, she had the week off too. Normally she pulled her long dark hair back, but tonight she’d left it down in soft waves he wanted to run his fingers through.

  “You’re really not going to answer?” Her grin was infectious, her dark eyes sparkling, and he wondered if she’d had one too many drinks. She didn’t drink much as a rule and he didn’t think she had been tonight. And he hoped that smile was all for him. All because of him.

  Because he couldn’t help but smile around her too. She was smart, sweet, fiercely independent and, okay, gorgeous. And someone he found himself fantasizing about every damn day. He’d woken up with his fist around his cock because of her more times than he wanted to think about. Ever since she’d walked into his orbit, he’d had one focus. Grace. The first time he’d met her, her bright smile had nearly knocked him on his ass. When he looked at her, he wanted to smile too. Hell, it was impossible not to.

  “I’ve gotta have some secrets.” He pulled her close as they reached the dance floor.

  She was five foot seven and fit perfectly against his six foot two frame. Tonight she had on some sparkly, multicolored dress he’d never seen her in before but it hugged all her curves, dipping low in front and flaring out with every step she took. It definitely fit in with the Vegas club scene. Every time she moved, a rainbow of colors shimmered across her body. Normally she wore jeans and flowy tops, but this? Oh, he liked this so much.

  “Fine, be that way.” She mock pouted as she started swaying her hips to the music.

  He wasn’t a big dancer, mainly because he didn’t have much rhythm—but no way was he letting her out on the dance floor without him. He was claiming her for everyone to see even though she clearly had no idea how he felt about her. And she was pretty much the only one who didn’t realize how into her he was.

  He understood though. She’d gotten burned so bad before she’d moved here, s
o he was simply biding his time until she was ready for him. And if she decided she never wanted to take a shot with him, well, at least they were friends. Though that was something he didn’t want to think about. Because he would always want more, and he couldn’t even pretend to himself that he was okay with that. So he shut the thought down hard.

  When some guy started creeping up behind her and getting a little too close, he gave the man a look that immediately made him back off.

  It made Grace laugh and dance even closer to him. Good God, the way she moved was pure erotic fantasy. And her laugh? He wanted to drown in that too. To just soak up everything that was her.

  “Heads-up, your ex is here,” he murmured as he leaned down closer. He didn’t want to hurt her with the knowledge, but he wanted her aware that the loser had just stepped onto the dance floor. “Want to put on a show?”

  Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. And he noticed that she didn’t look around to see if he was telling the truth. No searching looks for that loser who’d left her on their wedding day. Maybe she didn’t care about her ex anymore. She never talked about him. Maybe…she was ready to move on?

  “What do you have in mind?” She raised her voice again, still moving in tune with the music.

  He leaned down, making his intentions clear. Things were about to change between them, even if this was just for show. Because he knew once he got a real taste of her there was no going back.


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