The Ruling Elite
Page 88
1832International Conference on Military Trials : London, 1945, Executive Order by President Truman, May 2, 1945,; viewed 3/28/2013
1833John Q. Barrett, Christoph Safferling and Eckart Conze, ed., Raphael Lemkin and ‘Genocide’ at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, The Genocide Convention Sixty Years after Its Adoption, (T·M·C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands), 35-39;, viewed 4/12/2014
1834Ibid. 35-39
1835Bernard D. Meltzer, War Crimes: The Nuremberg Trial and the Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the Seegers Lecture, (Valparaiso University Law Review, Volume 30, April 11, 1996), 896-897
1836John Q. Barrett, Christoph Safferling and Eckart Conze, ed., Raphael Lemkin and ‘Genocide’ at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, The Genocide Convention Sixty Years after Its Adoption, (T·M·C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands), 39-40
1837Ibid. 39-40
1838Ibid. 40-41
1840James J. Martin, The Man Who Invented Genocide, the Public Career and Consequences of Raphael Lemkin, (Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, California, 1984), 79-85
1841Sheldon Glueck, Papers, 1916-1972: Finding Aid, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1973, viewed 1/29/2013
1842Major Bart R. Kessler, Bush’s New World Order: The Meaning Behind The Words, March 1997, 7-9
1843Herbert W. Titus, Senior Legal Advisor, The Liberty Committee, American Sovereignty Restoration Act, H.R. 1146, Analysis, http://www.thelibertycommittee.orgis.htm
1844Allen Weinstein, Alexander Vassiliev, The Haunted Wood, Soviet Espionage in America—the Stalin Era, (The Modern Library, New York, 2000), 48-49
1845Major Bart R. Kessler, Bush’s New World Order: The Meaning Behind The Words, March 1997, 7-9
1846June Grem, The Money Manipulators, (Enterprise Publications, Inc. Oak Park, Illinois, 1971), 110-111
1847State Law Overruled by United Nations Charter, Remarks by Representative Lawrence H. Smith, the House of Representatives, May 2, 1950
1848London Charter of the International Military Tribunal,; viewed 4/10/2013
1849Kevin Jon Heller, The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law, (Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2011), 9-10
1850Moskauer Deklaration 1943 und die alliierte Nachkriegsplanung,, viewed 8/22/2013
1851Bradley R. Smith, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, (Amazon Digital Services, Inc., Kindle, 2013), 203
1852The Avalon Project, Charter of the International Military Tribunal,; viewed 4/2/2013
1855Joachim Hoffmann, Stalin’s War of Extermination, 1941-1945, Planning, Realization and Documentation, Theses & Dissertations Press, Capshaw, Alabama, 2001, 207-211
1856John Q. Barrett, Christoph Safferling and Eckart Conze, ed., Raphael Lemkin and ‘Genocide’ at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, The Genocide Convention Sixty Years after Its Adoption, (T·M·C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands), 41-43
1857Ibid. 41-44
1858Jonathan A. Bush, Benjamin Kaplan obituary, US lawyer at the centre of preparations for the Nuremberg trials, The Guardian, Tuesday, October 26, 2010
1860Kaplan Obituary, August 24, 2010, The New York Times,, viewed 4/14/2014
1861Jonathan A. Bush, Benjamin Kaplan obituary, US lawyer at the centre of preparations for the Nuremberg trials, The Guardian, Tuesday, October 26, 2010
1862John Q. Barrett, Christoph Safferling and Eckart Conze, ed., Raphael Lemkin and ‘Genocide’ at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, The Genocide Convention Sixty Years after Its Adoption, (T·M·C. Asser Press, The Hague, The Netherlands), 41-44
1863Report to the President, President’s Commission on the Holocaust September 27, 1979,, viewed 4/12/2014
1864Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Paris, December 9, 1948, , viewed 4/12/2014
1865Reagan Signs Bill Ratifying U.N. Genocide Pact, The New York Times, November 5, 1988,
1866Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 27
1867Jorge Costa Oliveira, Jorge Oliveira, Paulo Cardinal (ed.), One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders: Perspectives of Evolution: Essays on Macau’s Legal Status after the Resumption of Sovereignty by China, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009), 291
1868Mohammed El Zeidy, The Principle of Complementarity in International Criminal Law: Origin, Development, and Practice, (Koninklijke Brill, The Netherlands, 2008), 37
1869David Irving, Nuremberg, the Last Battle, (Focal Point Publications, London, 1996), 16-17
1870James J. Martin, The Man Who Invented Genocide, the Public Career and Consequences of Raphael Lemkin, (Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, California, 1984), 89-91
1871Ibid. 79-85
1872Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 482
1873Kevin Jon Heller, The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law, (Oxford University Press, Kindle, 2012), 2822-2823
1874Robert H. Jackson, Opening Statement before the International Military Tribunal,; viewed 3/28/2013
1880David Irving, Nuremberg, the Last Battle, (Focal Point Publications, London, 1996), 140-143
1881Ibid. 140-143
1882The Alfred Rosenberg Diary,; viewed 9/3/2013
1883A Cover-Up at the USHMM, August 23, 2013,’ viewed 9/3/2013
1884Long-lost Nazi diary recovered after HSI investigation, June 13, 2013,; viewed 9/2/2013
1885A Cover-Up at the USHMM, August 23, 2013,’ viewed 9/3/2013
1886Long-lost Nazi diary surfaces, offers details on Hitler, looting of Jewish art, Fox News June 10, 2013,, viewed 12/29/2013
1888Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Long-lost Nazi diary recovered after HSI investigation, June 13, 2013, Wilmington, Delaware,, viewed 12/29/2013
1892Martin K. Sorge, The Other Price of Hitler’s War: German Military and Civilian Losses Resulting from World War II, (Greenwood Press, New York, 1986
), 146-148
1893Ibid. 149
1894James Weingartner, War against Subhumans: Comparisons between the German War against the Soviet Union and the American War against Japan, 1941-1945, (The Historian, Volume: 58. Issue: 3, 1996), 557
1895Louis Marschalko, The World Conquerors, the Real War Criminals, (Trans. from Hungarian by A. Suranyi, Joseph Sueli Publications, London, 1958), 115
1896Freda Utley, The High Cost of Vengeance, (Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1949), 14
1897Louis Marschalko, The World Conquerors, the Real War Criminals, (Trans. from Hungarian by A. Suranyi, Joseph Sueli Publications, London, 1958), 133-135
1898Mark Weber, New Official Changes in the Auschwitz Story, (The Journal of Historical Review, May/August, 2002), 24-26
1899Mark Turley, From Nuremberg to Nineveh, (Vandal Publications, London, 2008), 33
1900Mark Weber, New Official Changes in the Auschwitz Story, (The Journal of Historical Review, May/August, 2002), 24-26
1901Louis Marschalko, The World Conquerors, the Real War Criminals, (Trans. from Hungarian by A. Suranyi, Joseph Sueli Publications, London, 1958), 136-138
1902John Beaty, The Iron Curtain Over America, (Chestnut Mountain Book, Barboursville, Virginia, 1968), 138-139
1903Austin J. App, A Straight Look at the Third Reich,
1904Was Ike Responsible for the Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of German POW’s? Pro and Con,
1905John V. Denson, A Century of War: Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt, (Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, 2006), 12
1906James J. Martin, The Man Who Invented Genocide, the Public Career and Consequences of Raphael Lemkin, (Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, California, 1984), 66-72
1907Ibid. 91-94
1908David Irving, Nuremberg, the Last Battle, Focal Point Publications, UK, 1999, 144
1909Udo Walendy, The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Fever 1933, Historical Facts #26, Verlag für Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, The Barnes Review, 1987)
1910Joachim Hoffmann, Stalin’s War of Extermination, 1941-1945, Planning, Realization and Documentation, (Theses & Dissertations Press, Capshaw, Alabama, 2001), 22
1911H. K. Thompson, Jr., Henry Strutz, co-ed., Doenitz at Nuremberg: a Reappraisal, War Crimes and the Military Professional, (Amber Publishing Corp., New York City, 1976), XVIII-XIX
1912Ibid. XX-XXI
1913Hal Foust, Interview of Charles F. Wennerstrum, Chicago Daily Tribune, February 23, 1948
1915H. K. Thompson, Jr., Henry Strutz, co-ed., Doenitz at Nuremberg: a Reappraisal, War Crimes and the Military Professional, (Amber Publishing Corp., New York City, 1976), XII-XIII
1916Ibid. XIII-IX
1917Ibid. XVIII-XIX
1918Hal Foust, Interview of Charles F. Wennerstrum, Chicago Daily Tribune, February 23, 1948
1919H. K. Thompson, Jr., Henry Strutz, co-ed., Doenitz at Nuremberg: a Reappraisal, War Crimes and the Military Professional, (Amber Publishing Corp., New York City, 1976), X-XI
1920Jew of the Day,
1921Kirsten Fermaglich, American Dreams and Nazi Nightmares: Early Holocaust Consciousness and Liberal America, 1957-1965, (Brandeis University Press, Lebanon, NH, 2006), 100
1922Philip Meyer, If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger would You? Esquire, February 1970
1923William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, a History of Nazi Germany, (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1960), 5
1924Ibid. 749
1925Ibid. 970
1926Joseph Dimow, Resisting Authority: A Personal Account of the Milgram Obedience Experiments, Jewish Currents, January 2004
1927Thomas Blass, The Roots of Stanley Milgram’s Obedience Experiments and Their Relevance to the Holocaust, 46-47
1928James Waller, Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing, (Oxford University Press, New York, 2002), 103
1929Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: an Experimental View, (Harper & Row and Tavistock Publications, 1974), 1
1930Thomas Blass, The Roots of Stanley Milgram’s Obedience Experiments and Their Relevance to the Holocaust, 46-47
1931Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: an Experimental View, (Harper & Row and Tavistock Publications, 1974), 3-6, 16
1932Ibid. 3-6, 16
1933James Waller, Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing, (Oxford University Press, New York, 2002), 108-109
1934Ibid. 105
1935Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: an Experimental View, (Harper & Row and Tavistock Publications, 1974), 10
1936Ibid. 7-8
1937Harold Thomas, The Myth of the Innocent Civilian, (Edmonds, Washington, 2002), p 36
1938Ibid. p 36
1939Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest, the Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany, (Institute of American Economics, Chicago, Illinois, 1947), 18-19
1940Ibid. 18
1941Henry Morgenthau, Germany is our Problem, (Harper and Brothers, New York, 1945), 2-4
1942Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest, the Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany, (Institute of American Economics, Chicago, Illinois, 1947), 27-28
1943Ibid. 53-54
1944Ibid. 18
1945Ibid. 18-19
1946Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich: the Brutal History of the Allied Occupation, (Basic Books, New York, 2007), 393-394
1947James Bacque, Other Losses, an Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans After World War II, (Stoddart Publishing, Toronto, Canada, 1989), 50
1948Freda Utley, The High Cost of Vengeance, (Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1949), 14-15
1949James Bacque, Other Losses, an Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans After World War II, (Stoddart Publishing, Toronto, Canada, 1989), 51-52
1950Ibid. 16
1951Freda Utley, The High Cost of Vengeance, (Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1949), 14-15
1952Jüri Lina, Architects of Deception, (Referent Publishing, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004), 332-333
1953Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest, the Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany, (Institute of American Economics, Chicago, Illinois, 1947), 26-27
1954Ibid. 24-25
1955Ibid. 23-24
1956Ibid. 21
1957Ibid. 23
1958T. Stokes, Alfred Hitchcock’s Part in WWII,, viewed 5/26/2013
1961Ian Cobain, How Britain tortured Nazi POWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war, October 27, 2012,; viewed 5/30/2013
1966Lewis H. Carlson, We Were Each Other’s Prisoners: An Oral Hist
ory of World War II American and German Prisoners of War, (Basic Books, New York, 1997), 30-31
1967Ian Cobain, The secrets of the London Cage, 2005,, viewed 5/30/2013
1968Richard E. Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die? Truth at Last—Exposed, (AAARGH Editions on the Internet, originally published in 1974), 35-37