Betrothed To Jack Frost Box Set
Page 31
“You wish to spend time with me.” Jack nodded. “We might as well spend our time getting you to perform better than a newborn kitten in a fight.”
“When I offered the idea of spending time together, it was more along the lines of coffee, lunch, going to the movies…not something that involved sharp objects!” said Elle, her stomach rolling into knots while holding the heavy sword in her hands.
Jack suddenly looked surprised as if he finally understood what it was Elle was implying. His pale mouth popped into a small o of realization. “Oh…you wish to be courted.”
“N-no. I only want to get to know you better before we’re forced to marry each other.”
Jack was bemused. “So again, you wish to be courted?”
“You say it like it’s revolting,” muttered Elle, picking up the sword only for the blade to slump into the sand. It was heavy. Picking it up with a stronger grip, Elle wiggled the diamond-encrusted sword as she caused Jack to smirk. “I’ve already been practicing an hour a day in sparring classes; why do I have to do this?”
“Drop the sword.”
“Drop it,” said Jack adamantly. “You have been trained to fight with every weapon. Swords, bows, staves, knives… But what would you say is your best weapon of choice?”
Elle thought about it for a moment as she dropped the sword into the hot sand. “A sword, I guess.”
“Wrong,” said Jack in a bored voice. He plucked the weapon from the ground before easily tossing the twenty-pound blade over his shoulder. “Guess again.”
“Er, knife?”
“Bow, stick thing?”
“No again.” Seeing that Elle was not grasping what he was trying to teach, Jack grabbed a hold of her hand. This was not a simple touch of hands; Jack grasped her with a hand made of solid ice. It was only when Elle’s hand ignited in flames did she realize what Jack was saying.
“To think I felt this answer to be obvious.” Jack laughed at Elle’s dirty look. “You possess something that no person in my father’s kingdom does: the ability to burn or melt the frozen.”
“Apparently not, you’re not melting,” noted Elle, grinning as Jack glanced down at their still-entwined hands.
“Of course not. Your immortal fiancé is the almighty Jack Frost.” He grinned devilishly as he repeated her earlier line. Jack gently rubbed the pad of his thumb across Elle’s knuckles, extinguishing the flames. He pulled away once Elle smiled at him. “You’ve been taught to run, block, fight, but you’ve been neglected to be taught how to use the one true defense you have that could take down any opponent you desire.”
Elle realized what he was saying. “So you’re going to teach me how to fight with fire?”
“No,” said Jack, using a frozen hand to cause Elle’s own hand to light up in flames once more. “I’m going to teach you how to win with it.”
Chapter 15
Hours went by without Elle realizing it. Jack first worked with her on how to cause the flames to start. They would start when Jack touched her with a frozen hand. Jack explained this was her demigoddess abilities reacting to the power of another around her. It was a defense mechanism. The other time Elle’s fiery abilities would flare up was when Jack was so incredibly close, Elle could breathe in his strange scent of leather and pine needles. It was her nerves from being close to him.
“Again,” said Jack lazily, watching the target at which Elle was attempting to throw balls of fire. This was a useless attempt that had provided pathetic results. Unlike Jack, Elle did not know how to work her abilities. She couldn’t transform flames into a ball or any other shape. All she had accomplished thus far was making bizarre flame lines that fell apart as soon as Elle tried launching them. They looked more like the wick of a candle dying than anything else.
“You’re not concentrating,” scolded Jack. Elle was fiddling around with flames, trying and failing to form them into a circular object. As another flame fell to the sandy floor pathetically, Jack grinned. “That was a worthless flame.”
“And what experience do you have throwing fire?” snapped Elle in agitation. “You make snow for a living!”
“I have centuries of fighting experience and watching others throw it, Letter. Fire handling seems something so simple that a small child could grasp it,” said Jack with a lazy roll of his eyes.
It was Elle dropping a handful of flames onto the floor that caused him to sigh. Jack expertly tossed a snowball in the direction of the fire, putting out the flames immediately. They sizzled as they simmered down.
“I just can’t do it,” Elle complained sourly.
“I once thought the same thing when I came into my abilities,” mused Jack, cautiously walking around Elle. “I can still remember how utterly powerless I felt being surrounded by gods with millennia of experience over me.” Jack raised a brow to watch. “I would have traded anything to have someone who could teach me what I now know.”
Elle scowled. “So I should be thanking you for gracing me with your snide comments?”
Elle snorted. “Shouldn’t you want me to fail in a fight?” she said in a grumble. “The thought of me dying should make you happy—”
“Never jest about such a thing again,” said Jack in a growl. Elle turned to look at him, surprised by his outburst. Jack quickly looked away from her. His expression was pained. “I’m not working with you on your power because I find your inability to try and fail entertaining, Elle.” Jack narrowed his eyes as he turned to look at her. “The only reason I’m doing it because I dislike the idea of you being in harm’s way.” He admitted this so quietly Elle nearly thought she hadn’t heard him. She sucked in a breath, nodding slowly. This was hard for him to admit. Instead of pushing him on it, Elle decided to stay on track. “So…concentration, huh. What else?”
“Getting a hand on your ability is very similar to trying to see in the dark. Your mind needs to be clear and your thought process is on trying to adjust your eyes to the darkness. So close your eyes.”
Elle did as he requested even though she thought this was absurd. She could not see, but she could hear Jack directly beside her. “Think of nothing but the flames,” said Jack, using a single finger to touch her arm. “Think of the way fire engulfs everything it touches, how it singes and burns.” The colder Elle’s arm became from Jack’s touch the easier it was to think of warmth. The thought was deliciously satisfying as she thought about warm weather. Elle opened her eyes to see her arm and hand were on fire. “Now, concentrate on your target,” said Jack, nodding his head toward the target body he set up ten feet away. “Think of defending yourself; think of simply throwing your hand as if you held an actual ball in your hand.”
The two of them practiced for hours. By the time they were finally finished, Jack had taught Elle to launch a small stream of flames a few feet away. It was not what Jack was attempting to teach her by any means, but it was progress. It was better than anything she knew about her abilities just the night before. By the time the two of them were back in Winter’s Kingdom, it was dinner time. Jack sat across the table from Elle, but he did not speak other than to greet his father. Occasionally, he would send Elle a glance. A subtle look. When she would look at him in return, he was no longer paying her attention. “According to sources, you are neglecting your duties, my son,” said Boreas.
The king sat on the far side of the table, his voice echoing throughout the large room. Every member of the royal family sat at the long table, and every member spared Jack a glance once Boreas spoke. Based upon the surprised looks, this was not normal of Jack.
“I will not be leaving my betrothed until we are married and she is immortal,” said Jack at once, his tone matching his father’s.
Elle looked to him with surprise. She knew their relationship was no longer the same as it once was, but this declaration was not something she was expecting.
will do as I say, my youngest child,” said Boreas in a rather bored voice. “Until your coronation day, I am your king, and you are nothing but my heir still in line.”
“I will not work even another day if it means having to leave her here with the likes of your family,” said Jack through gritted teeth.
Boreas chuckled. “Always a challenging fellow, are you not?”
“I would not have to be challenging had you not married a viper and produced sons just as venomous,” said Jack coolly. “My previous threat remains the same, my king. If any member of this family lays a hand on my betrothed, I shall kill them.”
Queen Oritya’s expression was so frozen with hatred that Elle half entertained the idea it could very well freeze that way.
Boreas nodded almost thoughtfully. “I understand; I apologize for my outburst, my son,” said Boreas now quietly, breaking his gaze with Jack. “Please return to your duties; the young lady is in no immediate danger residing at our dinner table. That, I assure you.”
“WHAT? THAT is your response to such disrespect?” Queen Oritya near screeched, causing multiple castle keepers to shrink away in fear. The one that was feeding Oritya quickly set down her spoon to move away.
“Lower your voice, Oritya. I can hear you quite well without the volume,” said Boreas, not providing his wife eye contact. Oritya was furious but didn’t speak against her husband. She didn’t seem used to such words being spoken to her; the queen of winter simply fumed in her seat.
Jack did not budge from his spot. He did not breathe as his eyes remained locked onto his father. Elle felt he looked confused.
“You have my word,” said Boreas gravely. “Any member of this family who harms Evangeline Darrow shall be punished for such treachery.”
Silence passed. For the longest of moments, Jack watched Boreas with a frown. Still, he said nothing. Thoughts seemed to be running through his head as he simply watched his father. “You should go,” said Elle suddenly, causing Jack to shoot her a glance. She fiddled in place as she nodded at Boreas. “He won’t let anything happen to me while you’re gone.”
“Indeed not,” said Boreas, nodding his crowned head. Jack looked strangely afraid to believe such a thing. Still, with one last long glance to Elle’s direction, Jack vanished. “Now,” said Boreas, not addressing Jack’s exit or anything else that had been said. “A toast shall be made. It is with great glee that I can address my youngest child’s passion for his bride-to-be.” Boreas smiled, raising his icicle-covered goblet.
Queen Oritya did the same while shooting a dirty look at Elle in the process. Calais, Zetes, and Khione all raised their goblets on Boreas’ command, and all took a sip. Every wife and concubine took a sip as well. Boreas nodded his head toward Elle’s own goblet, obviously signaling what it was he wanted her to do. Elle did not like wine, but she also did not want to be rude toward Boreas. Taking a timid sip, Elle immediately noticed the deep grape scent of the wine tasted strange as she swallowed it. A very tingly and fruity sensation of gummi bears passed her lips. It savored on her tongue. By the time more wine filled her mouth, Elle spat it out. It was sudden impulse based upon what Eros’ son, Angel, had once said; if it tasted too good to be true, it probably was.
Elle was not a wine expert, but she knew her wine should not taste like candy. Spray droplets dribbled from her mouth and splattered the table. The effects of swallowing the small sip of the wine was instantaneous. Elle’s throat felt as though it were locking up.
It was difficult to take in deep breaths as she fell from her chair and onto the floor. Loud yells were made by shocked individuals. The very sick part of Elle falling over was that nobody close by made a move to help her. None of Zetes’ wives or concubines moved to assist her, and no concubines of Boreas made to help. Castle keepers merely stood still as if they did not wish to disrespect Oritya by attempting to help the fallen Elle. Even as she writhed about in pain on the ground, not one soul came to assist her. Khione started to cry as she rushed over, but her brother Calais was quicker in assisting.
Jack’s second oldest brother was over Elle immediately, removing a necklace from his own neck to place it over Elle’s head. After that he took a small golden bottle from his back pocket. Using a large pale hand, Calais held open Elle’s mouth with one hand while dumping the contents of the bottle into her awaiting mouth. Elle coughed and spluttered. It seemed that whatever Calais had given her was similar to drain cleaner. What was blocking her throat of air was cleared the second the liquid was poured into her mouth. She gurgled and choked it down, spluttering into coughs afterwards.
Suddenly, Elle could breathe again. She took in large gulps of fresh air as her hands weakly clutched the floor. The immortal above her seemed to relax once Elle started breathing normally. “Feel better, mortal?” said Calais, checking her pulse. His expression was surprisingly worried.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN, FEEL BETTER?” Khione shrieked. “SHE FELL DOWN INTO A SEIZURE! THAT IS NOT FINE, BROTHER!” The goddess shrieked, constantly using a pale hand to wipe Elle’s forehead in a motherly way. Tears leaked down her pretty face as she started to blubber.
“W-what happened?” spluttered Elle, trembling with fear. Although even she knew her question was dumb as she said it. She obviously had a very bad reaction to whatever it was that was in her wine goblet. However, it was not an allergic reaction. There were no hives, and her tongue was not swelling. It was obvious that Elle was poisoned.
Calais looked Elle over, a large hand checking her vitals. “You’ll live,” he noted, satisfied that the strange necklace that Elle wore seemed to be glowing. “Helps counteract poison quicker than ambrosia,” said Calais, frowning. “And to think my family scolded my decision to study healing. Ha!”
“I’m glad you pursued it anyway,” coughed Elle once more before shuddering.
“I imagine you are, mortal,” said Calais, grinning before frowning. As castle keepers now attempted to assist the situation, Elle found she did not want anyone near her at this time. It was quite obvious what had happened at this dinner table upon Elle’s drinking from the goblet. Someone had just made an assassination attempt.
Chapter 16
After a check-up in the infirmary, Elle refused to move herself from the cot she was placed on. After it was shown she was in good health, Elle wanted nothing to do with anyone around her. “Princess, ’tis time to travel back to your chambers—”
“I’m not going with any of you!” seethed Elle vehemently. The young elf who spoke to her was among many who did not move to assist her when she sipped from the poison. According to the head healer, Elle was very lucky to have only taken a timid sip and then had fast reaction from Calais. Had she drank any more than the one tiny sip, she would most likely have died.
“Princess, be reasonable—”
“I believe she is being plenty reasonable when an assassination attempt is made on her at the dinner table,” said Calais as he entered the room. The three other healers in the room bowed at the entrance of the prince, but Elle only had a nasty look reserved for him. Calais quirked his brows. “Do you always glare at your saviors?” he pondered. “Because that’s not very polite.”
“I find it very convenient you happened to be carrying a magical anti-poison necklace along with a vial of ambrosia on you,” said Elle, her glare unwavering as she ignored his sarcasm.
“I also carry bandages.” Calais smirked. “Is there an accusation you are trying to make?”
A horribly loud banging suddenly commenced from the next room. What sounded similar to glass and chairs shattering rang through the corridors and into the infirmary. Objects were being whipped at incredible speeds, and the room suddenly became very, very cold. Elle could see her breath when she released one. It was now cold enough that she shivered. Ice started to come out from underneath the infirmary door that led out into the hallway. “Jack is back,” said Calais with a nod. By the time Jack was inside the infirmary with his frozen fists tightly clenched into balls, Calais wa
s gone.
Elle noted how Jack didn’t breathe until his eyes were locked on her. Once he saw that she was fine and well, he released a deep breath of air. He came over to inspect her, using a pale finger to tilt her chin upwards. Jack’s cold hands soon held Elle’s shoulders gently. He seemed to want to give her a hug without actually committing the action. Elle stood up and gently wrapped her arms around his torso to commit to the action. Jack returned the embrace, soon speaking quickly and quietly into her ear.
“Khione called,” said Jack in a little over a whisper. “Not less than twenty seconds after my father promises you shall come to no harm, you’re poisoned.”
“Should I count you as a suspect?” joked Elle, earning a harsh glare from him. “I was only kidding.” Jack’s cool hands gently skimmed up her arms before settling on the sides of her neck. He looked upset.
“When I heard what happened, I felt as if my heart stopped beating.” Jack gently took a hold of one of Elle’s hands to lay over the spot where his heart resided. “I swear, it’s only beating now that I know you’re safe and sound.”
Elle smiled gently as she hugged him once more. “Are you really flirting at a time like this?”
Jack snorted. “Oh, of course. You did request to be courted, if I recall. I’m simply doing what I can to contribute.” This small moment between them was ruined simply by the observation of where they were hugging. “Someone tried to kill you…again.”
“Yeah, I’m really not feeling the love here,” noted Elle, earning another scowl from Jack.
“Could you please remain serious and not joke during a critical time such as this?”
“Sorry. But it’s obviously Oritya who did it,” Elle said, shivering at the memory of the Queen smiling during her seizure.
“Or Zetes, Calais, Khione, wives and concubines…” Jack trailed off, looking pained. “It could even be a castle keeper acting on Oritya’s orders or even someone from your own family. Poison would be the cleanest way to get rid of you, I’m afraid, so who really knows?”